eyond Desire Collection

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eyond Desire Collection Page 21

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  “I wish you would keep the money I put in your bank account and not argue about the security.” Feeling a little guilty that he was using his gift against her, he frowned.

  She gave him a look that his mother used to give him as a child. It was the dreaded “I’m-so-disappointed-in-you” look. Fuck! That hurt.

  She folded her arms in front of her. “That wish interferes with my morals and values. Plus, that’s two wishes. Not fair.”

  “Compromise?” he breathed softly, not liking the disgruntled look on her face.

  Her face softened. “I’m open.”

  “Keep the money in your account. Use it if you need to. I’m not saying you have to keep it forever. Just keep it for now. Until you graduate and get a job. We can renegotiate later.” Of course, he’d refuse to take it back later. But this was now, and he wanted her to be safe if anything ever happened to him.

  “Wish granted.” She let her arms slide down her body and planted them on her hips. “Security?”

  “Let me leave the security in place, but I’ll make them back off. You’ll barely know that they’re there. But let me keep security on you.” Holding his breath, he watched her expression. “For my peace of mind, Kara. For me.”

  “I’ll do it for you provided they back off and quit scaring my classmates. Wish granted.” She snatched the paper heart from his hand and tore it up.

  He dropped to the floor, searching frantically for the other heart-wishes. “How many were there?” He’d found two. Seeing another one lying under the table, he crawled forward, totally oblivious of the carpet burns on his knees. He wanted every one of those bad-boys in his hot little hand. They were definitely made of solid gold.

  “Five,” she choked out with a laugh.

  He heaved a sigh of relief as he snagged the last one from the carpet. As he stood, she had her hand out and an expectant look on her face. “What?” No way was she getting another one to tear up.

  “You made two wishes. You owe me one of those.”

  “I compromised,” he said heatedly. Compromise should count for something. It wasn’t like he did it every day, or for just anybody.

  “Gimme,” she answered, wriggling her fingers.

  Oh, hell. He had gotten his way. Mostly. Pulling one of the small hearts from his palm reluctantly, he handed it over with a grunt. “Can I have these every holiday?”

  “We’ll see,” she muttered vaguely, a secret smile on her lips, as she tore up the paper.

  “What did you mean when you said you’d never gotten flowers? You had a long-term boyfriend.”

  She sighed heavily. “He didn’t do gifts. Thought they were a waste of money. Especially flowers, because they eventually die.”

  “No offense, sweetheart, but why in the hell did you stay with him for so long?” His jaw clenched, wishing he could beat the hell out of her ex.

  “I honestly don’t know. It probably had something to do with the death of my parents. I missed them. I felt so alone after they died. I guess I was pretty young, vulnerable, and stupid.” Her voice was forlorn.

  Simon hated the bastard even more. She had been young and alone, stunned after losing her parents. He wished he could have been there for her then.

  But he was here now. He pulled her unresisting body into his arms, vowing to protect her from this moment on. “Never again, baby. You’ll always have me. I’ll never let you be lonely.”

  Neither one of us will ever be lonely again.

  He took the clip from her hair and dropped it on the floor. As he ran a soothing hand over the silky strands, he realized that he had been lonely his entire life. He’d just never really recognized it. “I’ve been waiting for you forever,” he whispered to her in a husky voice. Somehow, he had known her from the moment he saw her. Not with his eyes, but with his heart.

  And God, how he needed her.

  She pulled away from him slightly to see his face. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t need to. He could see her love, her heart glittering in her eyes. He traced her lips with his fingers, moving slowly to her cheeks and down her neck, savoring the softness beneath his fingertips. He drew invisible initials on her exposed cleavage, left bare by his too-big robe. His initials, tracing over them again and again, needing to stake his claim on this woman who drove him to ecstasy and to the edge of sanity.

  “Simon.” She whimpered his name, pulling his head down to her lips.

  He groaned into her embrace as her hands stroked over his shoulders, loving the feel of her fingers on his heated flesh, a touch so exquisite that his heart was thundering against the wall of his chest.

  Needing to make her his, claim her, he thrust his tongue into her mouth with desperation, his need so intense that it was almost painful. The possessive beast in him sighed as she opened for him, letting him in, asking for more. He plundered until they were both breathless, panting. Pulling back, he sucked in a deep breath, nibbling at her lower lip, unable to separate himself from her, but also needing to have her naked.

  He moved back, cupping one of her silk-clad breasts, running a finger around the prominent nipple. “Do you remember what I told you about this robe,” he rumbled against her lips, tracing them with the tip of his tongue.

  “Every word,” she answered in a low, sexy voice. “I have very fond memories of this robe.”

  “Me too,” he replied hotly, reluctantly releasing her and pulling one more tiny heart from his other hand. “But right now I wish you would get naked.”

  With a graceful move, she swept the heart from his fingers and tore it up. Slowly, she opened the front tie of the garment, letting the silk glide effortlessly off her shoulders. He swallowed hard as her perfect breasts appeared and the garment caught at her elbows for a heart-stopping moment, before it slid to the floor in a pool of shimmering black.

  He had to force himself to breathe, make the air move in and out of his lungs. She was so fucking beautiful. So very his.


  “I love these fucking hearts,” he rasped, his hand clenched tightly around the remaining two.

  Her gorgeous blue eyes danced, but they were also hot with desire. “You wasted that one. I would have done it for nothing. I need you.”

  I need you.

  His soul echoed her desire, his body clamoring, clawing to possess what belonged to him. His cock was as hard as marble, ready to be buried in her wet, hot pussy. At this point, he was afraid he was going to explode the moment he buried himself inside her. He tucked the tiny hearts beneath a placemat on the table for safekeeping.

  She took a step forward, bringing her silken skin against his, making him shudder. Her hand fluttered gently against the material of his boxers, stroking his ready-to-explode cock like it was a treasured pet.

  He moved her hand and swept her up into his arms, unable to wait a moment longer. “Time for bed.”

  “About time,” she murmured against his shoulder, obviously impatient.

  Immediately, his mind shifted from his cock to the wanting woman in his arms. His woman. She needed him, wanted him to pleasure her, sate her needs. He’d get his satisfaction, but she came first. She would always come first. Literally.

  Chapter Seven

  Simon dropped her gently on the bed. She rolled and popped open the drawer on the bedside table, jerking out his restraints and handing them to him. “Tie me. I don’t mind.”

  Please. Tie me and fuck me before I die of longing.

  She was panting, both her mind and body out of control. If she didn’t have his muscular, hot body possessing hers within moments, she was going to scream.

  He looked at her with confusion. “You want me to tie you up?”

  “I want you. Tie me up. Tie me down. Whatever you want. It’s hot. You’re hot. I just want you to fuck me. However you’re comfortable with it.”

  Oh God, I’m babbling. He’s making me crazy.

  “Sweetheart, the possessive caveman in me would love nothing more than to have you at my mercy and make you
come until you scream, but I don’t need to tie you up.” He took the restraints from her hands and dumped them beside the bed. “But now that I know it makes you hot, I’ll do it another time. Right now, I just need to watch you come, make love to you until neither of us can move.”

  Every light was on. They hadn’t shut them off earlier. The expression on his face was fierce, tender, and strangely peaceful. She took a deep breath, her whole body quivering, her pussy saturated, ready for him. She became intoxicated as he stretched himself over her, the silk of his new boxers sliding along the tender folds between her thighs. She opened for him, moaning as his rock-hard erection pressed firmly against her mound, stimulating her already-sensitive clit.

  She clutched him to her, almost afraid that he would escape, needing some sort of reassurance that he was real, that he was hers. She had never, ever been a possessive or obsessive woman, but Simon was so incredible, so completely amazing, that it seemed almost impossible that he really existed, that he was truly hers. Sometimes he almost seemed like a dream, a lovely dream that took her existence from ordinary to extraordinary.

  “Relax, baby,” Simon whispered in her ear, his warm breath making her shiver.

  Relaxing her arms, she wrapped them around his neck, trying to control her feral instinct to bind him to her, protect herself from ever having to live without him. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m feeling desperate.” She hadn’t meant to say it; it sounded pathetic, but it was true. Her emotions were on overload and her body was clamoring for more.

  He trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses up the side of her neck. “No more desperate than I am. Every time I hear your voice, see you, talk to you, I want to get closer. Hell, all I have to do is think about you.” Lightly, his tongue licked her lips, tracing the contours of her mouth. “I want inside of you. I want us to be fused so tightly that you can never get away.”

  Yes. Yes. That’s how she felt.

  His mouth came down on hers-no more teasing, no more seduction. He invaded, pillaged, ravished with his lips and tongue, and she opened to him like a flower to the sun. She moaned as he sated a small portion of her desire for cohesion, her hips automatically lifting, wanting other body parts to merge, needing some relief from her hyper-aroused state.

  He pulled his mouth from hers, his breathing ragged. “Fuck! You’re sweet. So sweet and so damn hot!” Pulling her arms from around his neck, he gripped her wrists and imprisoned them at her side, sliding slowly down her body.

  She squirmed, pulling at her wrists that were held tightly, one on each side of her waist. He licked and kissed his way down her chest until he reached her breasts, making her want to scream with frustrated desire.

  He wasn’t gentle, and she didn’t want him to be. His teeth abraded a sensitive nipple, pulling the tip into his scorching mouth, using both his teeth and his tongue.

  Pleasure and pain.

  “Simon. Oh, God. Please.” Her head thrashed as he switched to the other nipple, torturing her, arousing her until she could barely draw breath.

  He kept up his erotic assault on her breasts, laving, gently biting, switching from one to the other while he kept her hands clamped firmly at her side. The feeling of being at his tender mercy was maddening, intoxicating, breathtaking.

  His mouth dipped lower, moving in circles over her belly, leaving a trail of heat in its wake.

  Finally, he let go of her wrists, using his hands to spread her legs wide as he moved between her thighs. “You smell so sweet. Like aroused woman. My woman. Mine to satisfy. My honey to lick up.” He growled, taking deep breaths, the hot exhalations caressing the tender folds of her pussy.

  Her body nearly exploded just from his possessive, completely aroused, masculine snarl. “Yes, Simon. Please. I need you. I need to come.”

  “I need to make you come. Satisfy my woman.”

  He pushed her legs up, bending her knees, opening her for his hungry mouth.

  His attack was immediate and totally carnal. Mouth devouring, tongue penetrating, he claimed her pussy with an intensity that made her cry out his name as her body quivered.

  He breached the tender folds, delving deep, licking up her cream with a sensual abandon that left her breathless and whimpering. His tongue found and attacked her swollen clit with mindless focus.

  Kara speared her hands into his hair, oblivious of anything other than the total ecstasy her body was experiencing from his primal, animalistic mission. He was going to make her climax. Hard.

  He laved the tiny bud over and over. Faster and faster. Again and again.

  Her body shaking, she fisted his hair, pulling his mouth tightly against the pulsating flesh of her pussy.

  Her body wound tightly, her nerve endings sizzling with heat, she detonated with a force so powerful that her back arched and she tried to pull away from his relentless mouth, the pleasure too sharp, too vehement.

  Gripping her hips, he held her tightly, making her ride the waves of the volatile pleasure as she screamed his name. He didn’t stop until the last spasm subsided, leaving her as limp as a wet dishrag.

  Still gasping for breath as he crawled up her body and lay at her side, she rolled into his body and threw her arm over his massive chest, burying her head against his shoulder.

  “Feel better?” his voice was raspy, but laced with amusement.

  She batted his shoulder weakly. “Were you trying to kill me?”

  “Only with pleasure, baby,” he whispered, his voice heated.

  “Well, then you were successful.” She ran her hand down his chest, tracing his scars, wondering why a man as wonderful as this one had suffered such pain. Sometimes life just wasn’t fair.

  Her hand trailed down his abdomen, tracing every toned muscle. He was sculpted like a Greek statue. And had a cock much bigger than those depicted in any of those marble nudes. “You’re so gorgeous,” she whispered in awe as she followed the silky trail of hair from his navel downward.

  “I’m starting to think we need to take you to an eye doctor,” he rumbled, his voice graveled, but adoring.

  “My eyesight is perfect and so is my perception. You’re so strong. Handsome.” Her fingers curled around his engorged cock. “And big.”

  He sucked in an audible breath as she dipped her hand into his boxers and swiped her fingertip over the head of his cock, spreading the moisture of a drop of pre-cum over the silken tip, rubbing it gently, slowly.

  “Fuck! I love feeling your hands on me. It’s the best damn feeling in the world.”

  Gripping his shaft a little tighter, she started to move it sensually, provocatively. This was something that Simon had always missed because he couldn’t let a woman have her hands free during sex. Until now. Simon would never be tame, but the fact that he felt comfortable with her touch, that he actually wanted it, humbled her. After all he had been through, he trusted her.

  He groaned, a tortured sound between pleasure and torment. His larger hand covered hers. “Ride me, sweetheart. Fuck me senseless.” He stripped his new, already much-loved favorite underwear off, letting them drop to the floor.

  Her head jerked up to look at his face as his arms came around her, lifted her over him. “Are you sure?” She wanted nothing more at that moment than to take that mammoth cock into her body and watch him take his pleasure under her. But she was trembling at the thought, terrified of making him live through another bad memory.

  “Yeah. I want to watch you ride me. I want to watch your face as you come from riding my cock,” he answered, his expression dark and desperate.

  Straddling his hips, she hesitated, her heart racing. Could he do this? He didn’t have to. “You don’t need to prove anything to me. We don’t have to do this.”

  “Take me inside you, sweetheart. I need you,” he grunted, his voice husky with desire.

  I need you.

  Those three little words had her lifting up, grasping his engorged cock and placing the head at the opening of her slick channel. Need surged through her, an elemental, pur
e desire to feel him fill her, have him moving inside her, as deeply as she could take him. Her hands on his chest, she maneuvered up and down, taking him slowly, getting used to the angle. She lowered again, taking most of the shaft as his hips lunged up, trying to go deeper.

  Big, strong hands gripped her hips, pulling her down to meet him as he surged up, their skin slapping together sharply as she finally had him deeply imbedded inside her, filling her completely. He stretched her, opened her, held her hips tightly as they completely joined, his cock buried to the root.

  “Christ! You feel so good. So tight and hot.” His voice was wild, feral.

  She watched his face, looking for any sign that the position was troubling for him. There was nothing but pleasure. His liquid chocolate eyes met and held hers fast. His hands guided her strokes, his hips moving up with powerful thrusts.

  Their eyes stayed locked and a tear trickled down her cheek as she saw no sign of fear in him, no doubt of who he was fucking.

  “Only you, Kara. It’s only ever been you,” he told her, his chest heaving. “You look so beautiful. Let go. Ride me. Come for me.”

  She let her eyes flutter closed as he pummeled her, holding her hips in his strong hands. Her head fell back as she let herself be consumed by the pounding strokes of his cock, the friction of his furious thrusts, the feel of him owning her again and again.

  Her breasts bounced with his powerful entries. She lifted her hands and cupped them, pinching them lightly.

  “Yeah. Take what you want, sweetheart. Whatever you need.” He panted heavily as his strokes became deeper, harder.

  Her fingers plucked at her nipples as his grip on her hips got tighter, more demanding. She rode him hard, grinding, taking him so deep that she shuddered.

  Throwing her head back, she imploded. The muscles in the walls of her channel clenched and released, repeatedly squeezing the cock invading her. As her body quivered, she felt his body tense beneath hers.

  She watched, their eyes meeting, as he came.

  He was hot and wild, masculine and perfect. The low, reverberating sound that ripped from his throat was the most beautiful sound she had ever imagined.


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