Prisoners of Halfmoon Key

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Prisoners of Halfmoon Key Page 4

by Matthew Lee

  “That bottle is big enough to put them all to sleep,” I whispered.

  We waited forever. The noises from the storm mixed with the noises from our uninvited guests so leaving our hiding place never felt safe.

  “I wonder what’s happening?” Emma said.

  “Me too. Should I go spy?”

  She chewed a lip but then nodded.

  “You wait here this time?”

  She nodded again. I don’t know what had changed but now she was okay with the idea. I slipped out and replaced the rack and then moved through the kitchen. Through the crack I saw the prisoners had moved everyone to the end of the den I couldn’t see, but I heard their muffled voices.

  I remembered the locked drawer with all our cell phones. Reception was terrible but if I sent a text the system would keep trying to get it through. Andrew’s office was down the hallway in the other direction, away from the den and the bad guys. I felt it worth the risk. I returned to Emma and told her my idea.

  “Can’t we just wait it out?”

  “Sure, but what guarantee do you have these guys will keep their word? Did you see Debbie? Who knows what they were making her do. These are bad people and now they have booze too. If I get caught they’ll add me to everyone in the den.”

  “But then I’ll be alone.”

  “And safe. You want to wait? If I get caught, you stay hidden and wait.”

  She hated the idea but understood these punks were unpredictable.

  “Alright. Please be careful.”

  “I promise, Baby.”

  I took my sandals off. We hugged and kissed and I moved for the kitchen door again. The hallway was clear so I hooked a left and padded down to Andrew’s office. The door was open.

  I’d not been in this room since we first arrived and I crossed the thick carpet to his huge oak desk. The drawer was still locked but I grabbed a poker from the large fireplace and pried it open as quietly as possible. There was my phone. I hit the button and dialed 9-1-1 just in case but as expected the call did not go through. I considered which of my friends back home would be the right guy to help and sent Tommy a text telling him this was not a joke and to send help to Andrew’s place on Halfmoon Key. I hit send and the little hourglass started turning but I did not need to wait. I silenced my phone and dimmed it and slipped into my pocket.

  On a hunch, I searched the rest of Andrew’s desk and in the bottom drawer I found a loaded thirty-eight revolver in a leather holster and a small box of bullets. That made me feel better. I took everything. Beneath the gun was a polished wooden box. I opened it too, thinking I’d find more ammunition. Instead I found photographs of Andrew’s cock in Debbie’s mouth.

  Sumbitch. She wore the hair style she had last year so I knew they were at least that old. Under them were pictures of other women sucking his dick. I recognized a few as women who worked or used to work at the company. This motherfucker had his own harem.

  “It’s good to be king,” I muttered.

  Then it hit me. The background on all the photos was his bedroom and now he had pictures of Emma sucking his dick too. She’d joined the ranks of the seduced. I put the box back.

  My search revealed nothing else useful so I tidied up and headed for the door. As I reached for the knob, I heard commotion down the hall. I risked a quick look.

  Oscar had Erin by the hair and was practically dragging her down the hall towards the kitchen. What the hell? I had to listen to them for a minute before I caught what Erin kept repeating, her voice a high-pitched whine: “I don’t know where she is! I don’t know where she is!”

  “But you saw her head into the kitchen?”

  “Yes, but that was a long time ago.”

  “What’s she look like, bitch?”

  “Pretty, long brown hair and hazel eyes. OW! Let me go! I just wondered where she was. I didn’t say I knew where she was.”

  “You idiot!” Oscar growled. “You knew someone was missing from your group and said nothing.”

  Fucking hell. Stupid Erin had noticed Emma absent and commented on it. What a dumb shit. I wondered if I could shoot the man before he opened that door but I worried about hitting Erin and what the other convicts would do. Even if I took Oscar out, I still faced multiple guns. I shoot Oscar, what do they do to my friends?

  Fuck! Goddamn it, Erin!

  They disappeared through the kitchen door. I heard banging and clanging as Oscar shoved things around looking for Emma. I held my breath. Erin yelped once and then everything got quiet. I waited. The door opened and now he had Emma with him. He pulled Erin along by her arm but Emma walked stiff and proud, refusing to let him terrify her. Good girl! He marched them to the den and I wondered what kind of special idiot Erin had to be to mention Emma but not me. I realized she’d honestly forgotten about me. The three of them disappeared into the den and Oscar roared: “Who else?”

  “That’s it,” Andrew calmly replied. “You have everyone now.”

  I looked down the hall away from the den. There was a door to the outside at the end of it. I’d be exposed for about ten seconds if I made a run for it, and I had no idea if more convicts waited in the yard around the house or in the bungalows. My gut told me Oscar would not take Andrew’s word and a search of the house from top to bottom was about to commence. If I was going to go, I had to go now.

  I’ve never sprinted so fast in my life. I ran on my toes to stay silent and the spot between my shoulder blades tingled like a motherfucker the whole time. I expected a bullet to slam me any second. I rounded the corner and twisted the knob and I was outside and breathing hard, quietly closing the door behind me.

  It was night and the storm was giving us it’s last dying kick before breaking up. By late tomorrow morning it would be gone. I ducked behind some shrubs and put my back against the house and waited, listening intently to see if I’d been discovered. When I was sure I hadn’t, I wove a path through shrubs and trees until I came to the bungalow Emma and I shared. I listened and then slipped inside.

  Of course, I left the lights off. I traded my white T-shirt for a black long sleeved and my shorts for jeans. I put on my Nikes and laced them up tight. I had no plan, I just wanted to be ready if my brain produced a plan. At the last second I got an idea and moved to the bathroom. Emma’s make-up sat by the sink and I crisscrossed my face with black lines, then smeared them around. I felt foolish at the same time I felt excited. I made myself focus.

  I had a question that needed answering before I took another step; could I actually shoot someone? I had no doubt about a heat-of-the-moment shot, but the question I needed to answer was a cold, calculated shot. Since the four of them had hostages most likely it would never come to that but I felt I needed to confront myself before I left this cabana.

  I lifted the gun from the bed and attached it to my belt. I hunted as a young man but that was rifles and animals. I drew the pistol. It was heavier than I expected. I sighted down the barrel.

  Yup. They had Emma. Fuck them. I wouldn’t put the others at risk but if opportunity presented itself, I’d shoot. I filed my decision away and tried to think of a plan. First, I had to know more; how many were there? I knew of four. Were they all in the den? Was anyone hurt? I wished I’d paid more attention to north, south, east, and west. As it was I had no idea where this key was in relation to the others, so going for help was out of the question. I left the bungalow and headed for the big house, hiding as I went, working my way towards the windows that looked into the den.

  What I saw wasn’t good. Three orange coveralls sat with my colleagues and all the staff. I’d guess about twenty-five people. Emma leaned against the wall with Oscar next to her, talking. I worried that she’d drawn his direct attention until I saw her smile. He smiled too and I knew she was working her charm on him. The one missing orange coverall had to be Dylan, who I still had not seen, but it took me a minute to figure out which guest was missing; Debbie. I instantly checked on Paul and he looked concerned but not insane with rage and fear.
Erin kept her eyes down and Jared wouldn’t even look at her. Andrew was seated in the same chair but no longer tied. My heart sank when I saw every escapee had a gun. I had to assume Dylan did too.

  I circled around the house towards Andrew’s bedroom. As I suspected, Dylan had Debbie on the bed with her legs over his shoulders. He pounded her like a man that’s gone years without sex. He was a big guy, mid-twenties, muscular, with tattoos across his chest and around his shoulders. He had black hair which hung in his eyes. I expected to see Debbie crying or fighting but she wasn’t. At all. She had her fingers laced behind his neck and gazed into his eyes as he fucked her like a bull. Even through the glass and over the wind I heard his grunts and her cries of pleasure, which meant everyone in the den heard them too. I began to suspect there was more to Paul and Debbie and Andrew than I understood.

  My timing was good because after a few minutes at the window Dylan slid an arm under her hips and really laid into her. The piercing cry of her orgasm almost rattled the glass. Dylan came shortly after and then held himself up, breathing hard and grinning. Debbie touched his face affectionately. He pulled out of her and fell onto his back.

  I needed to see Paul. I crawled through the shrubs again until I peered into the den. Andrew’s face was stone but Paul looked like he was about to grin! How could that be? I kept watching as he regained control of his face and then Dylan and Debbie entered the room, dressed again. Messy Blonde prisoner gave Dylan a fist-bump.

  Debbie wandered over and Paul quickly stood to give her his seat and then stood behind her. She looked dazed but had a faint smile.

  Emma spoke to Oscar and he grinned broadly and took her hand.

  My brain almost exploded! He led her through the seated gathering, turned back to give some instructions at the archway, and then left with my wife.

  No. No, no, no, no.

  My first few steps around the corner were at a run until I remembered I needed to remain hidden. I crouched as I darted through the shrubs back to Andrew’s window. Oscar was just locking the bedroom door.

  Emma stepped back and began unbuttoning her shirt as Oscar set his gun on a high shelf out of her reach. Emma opened her top just as he faced her. I had no idea she’d skipped a bra but her round tits just tumbled free. Oscar’s eyes got big and Emma reached out to him.

  In the back of my mind I wondered if this was all a ploy and any second she’d kick his balls and grab the gun, but no. Instead she held his face and pulled his mouth down to her nipple. My hands curled into fists. His big hands came up and squeezed both tits and Emma’s head fell back. I watched her left hand slide down the front of his body until it gripped his large bulge.

  That was all Oscar needed. He stepped back from her, excitement on his face, and practically ripped his overalls off. His boxers hit the floor and a large and achingly erect penis bounced up. He reached out for Emma but she swatted his hand away and dropped to her knees. Almost reverently, she guided his big erection into her steaming mouth. Oscar melted. How long had it been for him? His cock had a strong upward curve and Emma struggled to take more into her mouth. The thing would not bend. He impatiently held her head and started thrusting his hips and Emma just held on to his thick thighs. He looked like a dock-worker from the thirties.

  I considered shooting him right through the window.

  Emma wrapped both hands around his shaft yet an inch or two and the head remained uncovered. I saw her shiver but from revulsion or delight I could not tell. She started jerking him aggressively and sucking hard on the tip and he put both hands on his head in disbelief, looking down at this wild suburban housewife and mother.

  Emma attacked his cock. I stared, stunned. After a minute, she said something I could not hear and stood. She rapidly unbuttoned her pants and pushed them down to her knees. She turned away from him and bent at the waist and aimed her sweet pussy right at his face. I saw her clearly for the first time and she wanted him, desperately, lustfully. This was no ploy. It may have started that way. If she used sex on Andrew why wouldn’t she use it on Oscar? But no more. Any plan she had was replaced by a raw desire for his outlaw dick. She pushed her ass back at him. Her face was contorted with want.

  Oscar stepped forward and aimed his cock with one hand while spreading her pussy with the other. Emma bounced her butt with impatience. He leaned forward and her face told me the moment of penetration. Her eyebrows went way up, her mouth dropped open and her jaw went slack. Her fingers dug into Andrew’s comforter and her back arched. Even through the glass I heard her say: “Oh, my, fucking, God!”

  He put his hands on her hips and began to stroke, slowly at first, wetting his dick, then faster. He was fucking a woman, and a pretty one at that, for the first time in a very long time. Her big tits bounced and swayed.

  My mouth was stone dry. My heart had stopped beating long ago. I’d seen her suck cock but this was infinitely more powerful than that. A bomb detonated in my brain when I realized he was inside her bare. This man felt my wife’s tight pussy wrapped around his turgid cock like a snug blanket of wet enveloping flesh. He was enclosed, surrounded by a hot gripping prison. His face showed a kind of pain as he savored her insides. If not for what happened next, rage would have taken me over.

  Emma shocked us both. One minute she’s meeting his thrusts with backward shoves of her pussy and then without warning she’s arching her back and twisting her spine as a powerful orgasm slams her. An orgasm! Her hips rotated and her head seemed ready to come loose as waves of pleasure tied her in knots. It was a climax like I’d never seen her have before. Her upper body hit the mattress as Oscar fucked her hard through the whole thing. She cried into the bed, beat the duvet with her fist.

  This was all too much for Oscar. Like someone touched him with fifty-thousand volts, his body began jerking and convulsing. I knew he was pumping Emma full of sperm but I was frozen in place by how much she seemed to relish it. She urged him on, slamming her pussy back at him.

  When his balls were empty at last he fell forward, crushing her body beneath his. He kissed her neck and shoulders and she took it all in a post-coital fog. Her calves came up, still trapped in her jeans and panties. Her face looked blissful.

  After a long time, he lifted and pulled his long shank from her guts. I expected his cock to flop down, spent, but not Oscar. Softer than it had been, his dick still stuck out from his body an inch above horizontal. Emma rolled onto her back to look at him and when she saw he was still mostly hard, her face lit up. She must have said something about getting her shoes and pants off because she stuck her feet in his face and he quickly removed her shoes and threw her pants and panties in a corner. She reached behind each knee and pushed her legs up to her tits. She spread her thighs and Oscar’s gaze, like any man, fell to her swollen pussy. I wondered if he saw his cum leaking from her. I heard nothing but her lips were easy to read: fuck me.

  He stepped up to the bed and stroked his cock, aiming it for her flooded hole. Her back arched again at penetration. He moved over her, covering her body with his, kissing her mouth as her legs coiled around his waist.

  Finally, at long last, I had to look away.

  I sat in the dirt with my back against the house.

  What a fucking vacation.

  I imagined confronting her when all this was over.

  I saw you, I’d say.

  You mean you watched me, she would throw back. And did nothing. You had a gun. You watched me with Oscar just like you watched me with Andrew.


  My boycott lasted less than five minutes. I peeked through the window again and saw Emma now rode him as he mauled her big tits. His expression was a little boy on Christmas morning. Emma put her hands on his chest just like she does with me and started grinding her pussy down on his dick.

  What nature stole from me in the penis department it returned to me in brains. I’m intelligent, but not so big.

  I know she felt a tremendous difference between his cock and mine. Proof of that came momen
ts later when another monster orgasm rocked her body and made her swoon. Oscar kept her upright until she collapsed on him, breathing hard and sweating.

  He rolled her onto her back and crossed her legs on his stomach. They’d rotated enough her pussy faced the window and I now saw her penetration. I gasped. His cock was so big her poor cunt lips were stretched thin around him. Each time he withdrew her labia clung to him forming a volcano of skin, like she hated for him to leave. He pressed down on her body to hold her firmly in place and fucked her until his big cock once again started spitting a gallon of semen into her fertile womb. I bit my bottom lip. His muscles writhed beneath the skin. Emma tugged her nipples and moaned like she’d been shot. Her nails raked his thighs as she tried to pull him deeper.

  When he finished, he unfolded her legs and let them hit the bed but he stayed buried inside her. My wife was smiling! He leaned over her, supporting his weight on his bulky arms, and they kissed softly several times. He started to lift off her but her quick hands grabbed his butt and pulled him back in.

  Maybe she did not need rescuing.

  I sat in the dirt again and although this was not the right time and this was not the right place, I took a hard look at myself. I’d just allowed my wife to fuck a man. Why? True, I felt constrained by the situation. I worried breaking in to stop him would lead to those in the den being hurt. But what would most men have done? The fact that I was so rational in the face of her seduction bothered me. Most men would have become enraged. Most men would have shattered the window and blasted away at him as soon as he took his clothes off, their reasoning minds overcome by fear, hate, and rage. Not me. I watched. I watched twice. I shook my head. I needed some deep soul-searching when all this was over. I also needed a long and honest conversation with Emma.

  I rolled over onto my knees and peered through the glass again. I expected they’d left the room to rejoin the others but they had not. Oscar sat with his back against the headboard and Emma curled up on his stomach. His penis was finally soft, mostly, and she lovingly licked it clean, even swabbing his big balls. He gently stroked her long hair.


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