Royal Disgrace (Cake Love Book 5)

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Royal Disgrace (Cake Love Book 5) Page 3

by Elizabeth Lynx

  “But, Cali, I’m not a fan of bananas.”

  “When in Rome, Nico. This was your idea.”

  The two bickered, and it was like watching a tennis match—exciting and curious, and everyone around you had an air of sophistication about them.

  “What do you recommend?” Nico turned his stunning smile up to me once more.

  I lowered my gaze in time. Stepping forward, I pointed to several things on the menu he held in front of himself like a shield. That was a mistake. His sweet scent assaulted my nostrils, reminding me of one of the fancy soaps I used when Alex took me to an expensive restaurant after we first met. The fragrance was spice mixed with limes. I asked the waiter about the soap and he laughed it off as if he thought I was joking.

  “Soap,” I said.

  “Excuse me.” His accent was the sexiest thing I had ever heard. It was so hot, even the porn I watched on the odd occasion I was horny was not as clit twitching as what came out of Nico’s mouth.

  His accent was as unrecognizable as his sister’s but on him, it seemed sexier. He sounded British but with a hint of German and maybe some French. I knew very little about languages, but his was nothing I had ever heard before.

  “I’m sorry that slipped out. Uh, what I recommend is the Breakfast Club if you’re looking for a good sandwich. A local farmer just outside of Chicago makes the bacon for that. If you want more of a typical diner breakfast, you can get the Golden Girls Special. It’s four blueberry pancakes, four sausage, and a side of hash.”

  “All of that. Yum,” Cali said.

  “Sir, what—” the other man who sat next to Cali said before being cut off by Nico.

  “Tiber.” Nico glared at the man.

  “I, uh, mean Nico, what would you prefer to eat?”

  Nico held up the menu and said, “Surprise me.”

  “All right.” I absently plucked the menu from his fingers, unable to look away.

  I was trapped.

  Nico’s eyes, well, if I was honest, his whole face was addictive. I wanted to sit and watch him like some crazy stalker. My stomach rumbled and I realized why I was acting so weird with this guy—low blood sugar. I needed to eat.

  I turned and was about to leave when I heard Tiber. “I haven’t given you my order yet.”

  Turning back, I nodded. “Right. Sorry. We’re short staffed and normally I don’t wait tables, but everyone’s pitching in right now.”

  Why did I just admit that to these strangers? If I didn’t eat soon, I might end up pulling up a chair and giving them my whole life story.

  “You need help? I’d be happy to help,” Nico said.

  That pulled me out of whatever hunger-filled fog I was in. If the guy could wait tables that would solve one problem. I’d prefer two people, one waiter and one janitor, but a waiter would be a big help for now.

  “You have waiting experience?”

  “Yes, lots. I’ve waited so many times.”

  “Sir, uh . . . Nico, what are you doing?”

  He turned his gaze to Tiber and said, “Getting a job.”



  Coming To America

  “A job? But you have a—” Tiber’s voice was growing in volume before I cut him off.

  I turned to our beautiful waitress. “Just surprise him with his meal, too.”

  Her coal-black hair hung just past her shoulders and despite the ridiculous pink headband that pulled it back, I had the strong desire to curl my fingers through her soft locks. I wanted to see if it felt as soft as it looked.

  What I wanted was more. To see if she’d whimper and gnaw on her juicy bottom lip the way she nibbled on the tip of her pen when I tugged at her hair.

  It had been a while since I was with a woman. She seemed like the perfect distraction while I stayed in the Windy City.

  She surprised me when she took the menu from my hand with gusto and when she leaned across the table to grab Tiber’s menu, I couldn’t help but notice her firm ass tucked perfectly inside her jeans.

  The woman was cute and sexy, and I had a feeling she had no idea. But the way she looked at me and especially when she gasped, I feared my day of leisure would soon be ruined with paparazzi. If the waitress knew who I was, she’d contact the media or worse, post it on social media.

  “Be back with your milkshakes,” she said before turning to leave.

  I watched her sashay her way toward the back before she slipped through the black double doors.

  “Sir, might I remind you that you have a job. It’s as Duke of Iornlea and soon-to-be Prince of Cambria.”

  Why couldn’t I be both? Why couldn’t I live the average but thrilling life as a waiter and still be the duke? The more our waitress spoke, the more compelled I felt to help her.

  And why not try out a normal life? Just for a while. Just until the press found out. If she had recognized me, I wouldn’t get past today anyway.

  At least I could have a few hours of fun.

  “Maybe that’s not what I want,” I said as I turned my gaze back to him.

  Even my sister couldn’t hold back her surprise.

  “Nico, I said we’d figure something out, but I didn’t mean for you to run away. Hide out in this diner working in servitude.”

  “I wouldn’t be an indentured servant. This isn’t the eighteen hundreds, Cali. Stop being dramatic. I just want to be a waiter, just for a little while. I’d hardly be missed.”

  “Missed?” Tiber’s voice climbed even higher than before. “Your Highness, you must understand. Not only would Cambria notice, but the entire world would be aware that the next in line to the Cambrian throne was missing.”

  “Not if I’m sick . . .” I pointed to my head.

  My sister didn’t hesitate to add her observation, “Yes, I would agree. You are quite sick in the head.”

  “Hilarious. We’re in Chicago. I hear improv is big here, perhaps this is your chance, Cali.” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She smirked. “I was thinking stand-up. My whole routine could be about you. My act would kill.”

  “Sir, Duchess, if you two could stop bickering, we need to get back on track. I did as you requested, Your Highness. I put in a break in your tour schedule to allow for a private outing in the city. I was never a fan of the idea but being that you will soon be the prince, I thought the experience might be helpful. But once we finish our meal, we must return to the residence and you will continue with your duties.”

  I shook my head. “My mind is made up. There’s nothing you or even my father could say to make me change my mind.”

  I had a strong desire to leave ever since my father said he was abdicating come the new year. Just walk out the door and never come back.

  All my life the idea of being prince seemed so far away. I felt I had time to live without all eyes upon me. But now, in a matter of a few months, I would be the grand prince. I had barely been a good son, how could I snap my fingers and transform into a prince?

  Tiber looked like he was about to be sick. “Sir, please. Let’s head back to the residence and discuss this.”

  The residence. Some opulent townhome that my family rented for the three weeks we were visiting Chicago. It’s where all foreign dignitaries and royalty stayed when in town.

  It had that stately elegance that wasn’t me. But this diner . . . with its quirky, 80s decor and funny menu items . . . now that was me. At least, I think it was. I was starting to realize that I had no idea who I was outside of being the future Prince of Cambria.

  Staring at the shocked faces of my sister and secretary, I was struck that as much as I complained about my parents never understanding the real me, I hadn’t a clue what I truly wanted in life, either.

  The waitress came back with two milkshakes in her hand. Her golden-brown eyes flickered from me to the floor more times than I could count. It was adorable. I wondered if the pink of her cheeks were from racing around placing orders or from me.

  My thighs tightened. I wondered
if this waiter adventure was more about discovering myself or learning about her?

  “Here are your shakes. Your order will be up soon. Do you need anything else?”

  A kiss.

  This freedom idea was going straight to my cock.

  “Actually, I’d like to hear more about the waitstaff position.”

  “Oh, you were serious.” She glanced around the table. “Okay, actually, Alex is in the back. I can take you back there now if you want to answer a few questions?”

  I hopped out of the booth like my life depended on it. Knowing I would be met with disapproving gazes, I refused to look back.

  This was thrilling. Not only would I walk amongst the people unnoticed, but I’d also live as they did. No protocol. No luncheons with the Potted Plants Society or Wild Reserve Foundation. No background checks for every person who became my friend.

  I’d work with this woman. Joke with her. Maybe share a meal on our break. Experience the things ninety-nine percent of the human population did. I’d live like no one was watching.

  “I’d love that. Lead the way.” I waved my hand but before we could leave, someone at our table cleared his throat.

  Almost instantly I regretted my decision to turn around. I found Tiber holding up his finger. He wasn’t going to ruin this for me. The man was a stickler for the rules. It was as if he wanted to be my father’s favorite and he wasn’t even related.

  Tiber was a good friend but a tremendous downer.

  “You know what? I think Tiber also has waiting experience. Did you want a chance at the job too, Tiber?” I arched my brow, daring him to challenge me.

  He paled. I had never seen him turn that color before. It’s as if his skin became translucent.

  “Uh, well, you see, sir . . . I mean, Nico, I was going to say—”

  “Perfect. It’s settled. You can interview after me. Or should we both go together? I have known him since childhood, so I can vouch for his impeccable manners and reputation.”

  Our waitress narrowed her eyes and gazed at the both of us.

  “Is this a joke? Did Alex set you up to do this to me?”

  “I would never lie about something as important as serving people sustenance.” I wondered if it was my clothes. Cali swore I’d blend in wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and the black leather jacket. The jacket was a bit tight on my arms, but we found it in a thrift store. I had never worn second-hand clothing before and never had been in an establishment that sold such items. It wasn’t easy finding something decent, but I did enjoy the wide selection of styles.

  “All right. Then come with me. I’ll be back for him.” She pointed to Tiber.

  I followed the short woman toward the double doors she had disappeared behind earlier. When we walked through, I noticed the decor changed. The vintage theme had disappeared, replaced with plain white walls and brown wooden doors. The kitchen doorway was open, and I glanced inside to see someone hovering over a large stove.

  We went farther back to the end of the hallway. Coming to the last door, she knocked.

  “Come in,” a deep male voice rumbled from the other side.

  When the door swung open, I blinked. There was a large man in the rather small room. And when he stood, he appeared ominous with the black hoodie he wore.

  “Alex,” she said and he smiled at her. More than a smile, it was as if his whole face lit up.

  “Grace, is there a problem?” As wide as his grin was for Grace, he frowned just as deeply for me.

  “No. Actually an answer to our problems. This guy . . .” she turned to me, “I’m sorry, I never got your full name.”

  “It’s Nico, uh, Aster. Yeah, Nico Aster.”

  I couldn’t risk using the Chillingham family name. I might be recognized.

  “Great, I’m Grace Jensen.”

  Alex cleared his throat.

  She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I meant, I’m Grace Jensen-Hawthorne. Sorry, still getting used to the name.”

  Alex smiled and seemed to puff out his chest.

  “Nico here wants to apply for the waiter position. I said you could give him a quick interview.”

  His cool gray eyes slid over me and I got the distinct impression he wasn’t sizing me up for the job.

  “Sure, anything for my Grace.”

  She held out her hand and I grasped it. I don’t know if it was the dryness of the air, but I felt electricity shoot up my arm as our fingers touched. The look of surprise on her face, along with the rise of pink to her cheeks once again added to the warmth I felt from her touch.

  Was it wrong to have the hots for my future coworker?

  “Good luck, Nico.” She added a wink before she bounced away and I stood there like a fool unable to move.

  “If you do wish to work here, Nico . . .” Alex said, placing his fists on the tiny desk which suddenly appeared smaller by his gargantuan presence. He leaned toward me and sharpened his gaze. “Then keep your head down and do your work.”

  I faced him and nodded. “Of course.”

  “And under no circumstances do you even think that for one second you have a chance with Grace.”

  Irritation slid down my spine and I straightened, turning toward him. “Do you have any idea who you are addressing?”

  A muscle convulsed in his jaw. “Yeah. I know exactly who I’m talking to.”

  It was that moment I realized I screwed up. I let my ego get the best of me. Desperately, I scrambled to think of something to appease the overgrown man in front of me.

  “I’m speaking to the guy who won’t be a waiter in this place, no matter how much my sister likes him or that she’s the owner. Now get out.” He pointed a meaty finger at the door.

  With one sentence I angered the owner’s brother and my one chance for a taste at freedom.




  “He won’t leave. He’s like a stalker but for diners,” Alex said as he stood in the doorway.

  “Is he ordering food at least?”

  The guy from yesterday, Nico, showed up this morning and hasn’t left since. His friend, Tiber, also interviewed for the job but Alex told me later he turned it down. We were back where we started—no waiter. I thought at least they’d be qualified for the janitor position and could work their way up to a waiter.

  It’s three o’clock in the afternoon and I had no idea if I should call the police or just leave it alone. He wasn’t bothering anyone.

  “It’s worse. He’s pretending he works here. Nico is out there right now directing people to their seats.”

  This man was unbelievable. He came across so earnest, but my brother swore he was no good. The way he acted at the table when he was only a customer yesterday was a little odd but nothing bad. If anything, it was good. Like he had been taught proper manners.

  I thought he must have waited tables at a high-end restaurant. But if my brother didn’t like him, then he must have lied. My brother knew I hated liars, which had to do with growing up with a few foster families who didn’t always tell the truth to the officials. And then there was our mother, who turned out to be the type of liar who got people killed.

  While I was disappointed my waiter problem wasn’t solved and I wouldn’t get a chance to see his gorgeous smile again, I respected my brother’s decision. He liked most people, so that guy must have done something to get on Alex’s bad side.

  “Did you tell him to leave?” I stood and went to the office door, squeezing by Alex.

  “Of course. But he swears he’s doing his duty, whatever that means. Did you say something to him yesterday after I spoke to him?”

  I didn’t want to admit that after I served the food to their table, I hid in the changing room and shoveled down a burger. My hunger got the best of me. I hadn’t realized Nico and his friends had left until I emerged with grease smeared on my apron.

  “No. I had no idea he left.”

  I strolled down the hall to the double doors. Slightly pushing one door, I pee
ked out. There he was, dressed in a suit, helping an elderly couple to their table. He took the walker away from the woman after she sat. They kept pointing to it and he appeared to be pulling in the handles. After a moment, he was shaking the thing. The couple was shaking their heads and frowning.

  Shit. He was about to lose me customers.

  I pushed the doors and they swung open with a loud bang as they hit the wall. Nico glanced up and smiled. It felt as if my heart stopped, so I paused and leaned against the counter.

  Damn, that man had an amazing grin.

  Despite my momentary lapse of life, my heart picked back up and I moved toward him.

  “Excuse me, but what do you think you’re doing?” I plastered on the sweetest smile full of concern.

  “Helping fold up this device. This charming woman explained that it could be tucked away behind the booth. But I can’t seem to . . .” Nico’s jaw tightened as he wrestled with the red-painted metal walker once more.

  I held out my hand. “May I?”

  A bead of sweat meandered down his brow as he stood. For the first time, I saw everything he was wearing. It was a suit but not just any suit. It looked as if the light gray wool fabric was molded to his body. He even wore a vest. The thing was perfectly cut and tailored to his body.

  While I had a lady-boner for suits, it wasn’t the suit itself that caused me to start drooling. It was how the clothing accentuated all that was good about his body. From his broad shoulders and thick upper arms to his narrow waist. I bet if he turned around and picked up a pen I dropped, I’d get a chance to see how that suit fit his ass.

  The only thing stopping me from following through with my instant fantasy was the fact that I didn’t have a pen on me. Though I was eyeing the fork on the edge of the couple’s table.

  “Please, I’m trying to figure out how it folds and—How did you do that?” His eyes widened in that way where men can’t believe a woman figured something out that they couldn’t.

  While he was talking, I grabbed the walker and pulled up the padded seat in the middle. The two sides instantly came together, and the walker was ready to be stored away.


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