The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4)

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The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4) Page 3

by Kay, Amanda

  ‘Hey doll. Sorry I had to rush out.’ Kai might not be a romantic, but he was affecting her in ways she would never be able to explain.

  ‘It’s okay, I know you’re busy. I have to work later anyways,’ she replied.

  ‘Come to me after your shift is over.’ She smiled at the phone.

  ‘Okay I know where you live,’ she replied. She had driven by The Lukas house a lot since moving to Aishan. At first, she just admired the house and then she admired the man she saw leaving all the time, Kai Lukas.

  ‘Good come to the back of the house, tap on my window. It’ll be the only room with the light on.’ She wanted to ask why she was going to be coming through a window, but thought better of it. She didn’t want him angry with her question. She didn’t want him changing his mind. Secretly, this thrilled her.

  She didn’t want to wash Kai Lukas off of her, but she had no choice. She had to go to work in a couple hours. The shower was warm and soothing. Kai Lukas was definitely not gentle in bed, that didn’t bother her in the least, but maybe she could ask him to take it a little easy tonight.

  “Gloria, I hope you know what you are getting in to?” she asked herself as the water ran down her body. She wasn’t sure if she truly did or not, but if it meant time with Kai she would take it.

  She had been trying to get into Raiden’s bed for over a year, but only because he seemed to show interest in the girls that approached him. Kai was different. He turned women away, yet always gave them that seductive smile while doing it. She took Raiden, but she always wanted Kai.


  He wasn’t surprised to find his father waiting for him as he arrived home. “Her name is Tai.” Kai said walking past his dad.

  “And...?” His father called after him. Kai didn’t answer he just went to his room. He hated the control his father had over him, but reminded himself this was for redemption. He would never forget that conversation that changed everything...

  ‘Kai walked into the house on cloud nine. While his relationship with Raiden had strained, Bethany remained loyal to both of them. Kai wanted his longtime friend and tonight he had gotten just that. “Dad, Elder Roy, what’s going on?” Elder Roy had been playing sides since Kai was five and now, well now...Kai wasn’t sure what was going on.

  “You have a meeting tomorrow,” Elder Roy stated. Kai nodded in return.

  “Can’t wait. You’ve convinced me Dark Night is the only way.”

  “No!” Both his father and Roy shouted.

  “Son, we need you...” His father began.

  “For what?” Kai questioned.

  “You know Raiden better than anyone.” Kai nodded still unsure about where this was heading.

  Roy placed his hands on Kai’s shoulders, “Don’t worry, Kai, I can make it right. We just need your help now.” For years they had been drumming in him that Dark Nights were the only true vampires. That it was the only way to live. That wiping out humans and half-breeds and any support for them would build a stronger community. Kai wasn’t keen on that part, but he bought into the Dark Night vampire’s lifestyle.

  “So tomorrow, I stay?” He questioned making sure he had the plan correct. They both just nodded at him and Kai resigned to their wishes. “Okay, I can do that. May I be excused? Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.”

  “Sure, son.” His dad waved him away and Kai walked down the hall to his room. The Lukas family didn’t have a two-story house like the Wyrick’s or the Donald’s but what they had was posh for sure. Kai entered his room and dropped to his bed. Was he really going to not go Dark Night tomorrow? Yes, of course he was, it was requested. Roy and father said they would make things right. Kai had to trust that.

  His thoughts went to Bethany, “I’m sorry, Beth. One day you’ll understand. One day we’ll both know if we were right or wrong.” He spoke to his ceiling before allowing sleep to claim him.’

  Kai cursed at the memory of that night. He had been doing his father’s bidding and Roy’s for years now with nothing to show for it. “Must not let Raiden have happiness,” he muttered to himself. He glanced at his phone. Gloria would be at work for at least five hours. Maybe a nap would help clear his thoughts.


  She bounced through work in a joyous mood. “You’re perky.” A female voice sneered behind her.

  “If you must know, Miss Donald I have date tonight, something you know nothing about,” Gloria hissed.

  “Right? A date? Is that what they call it now when they fuck you and toss you out on your ass?” Bethany snapped.

  “Bite me!” Gloria chided before walking out towards her tables. She wouldn’t let Bethany Donald get to her. The girl who wanted what she had two nights ago, for Raiden to look in her direction. Ha! She couldn’t handle Raiden and she sure as hell couldn’t handle Kai Lukas. Gloria laughed as she moved towards her one table with their plates.

  “Can I get you anything else?” She smiled sweetly.

  “No, thank you,” they replied. Gloria turned on her heels and headed towards the back for her break.


  He woke up to find it was dark. Looking at his phone he realized Gloria would probably be arriving within the hour. He needed to make a call first; it would be what was expected of him. “What can I do for you, Kai Lukas?” Lee’s voice came through the phone.

  “Tai sure is pretty, Lee,” Kai sneered.

  “So she is.” Lee replied before hanging up on him. Kai chuckled, Lee was successfully riled up. Raiden would have to tell Tai the truth soon and she’d probably run for the hills when that happened.

  His phone buzzed. ‘On my way Lukas.’ He smiled.

  ‘Good looking forward to seeing you.’ The honesty in the text surprised him, but he decided not to worry about that for now.


  She stared at his text message. ‘Good looking forward to seeing you.’ Her heart soared. She checked herself in the mirror before backing out of the parking space. She was a train wreck. Five hours at the diner had her a fright. She called Kai...

  “Lukas, I’m a mess I’m going...”

  “No.” He cut her off firmly. “No, doll, you’re beautiful,” he whispered. She sighed and nodded even though he couldn’t see before hanging up. She knew their deal was a no-strings attached relationship, yet she wanted more, she was hoping for more. She slowed as she arrived close to his house and slowly moved towards the back, per his instructions. She smiled when she saw the light shining.

  Her heart raced as she tapped on the window, she felt like she was his dirty little secret but that oddly didn’t affect her in the way it should. She was thrilled to be sneaking into his room.

  “Hey, doll,” he said as he opened the window and helped her in.

  “Hey yourself, Lukas,” she purred, moving in for a kiss, but he pulled away leaving her standing there confused. “Kai?”


  Her tone caused him to take a step back. He wanted her, yes, but he had to keep this about sex. “Gloria, you know this is just sex, right?” he questioned wanting her to say no, wanting her to fight for him and more. He wanted the bitch to come out.

  “I understand, Lukas,” she said on a swallow.

  “Just so we’re clear, doll.” He sauntered over to her. “I need you now,” he whispered in her ear. She reached down as his mouth went to her neck and tugged on the button of his jeans. Kai went hard.

  “Hmmm....” she began. “Someone is in deep need.” The words fell off her lips as she slipped her hand into his boxers.

  “What are you going to do about that, doll?” He panted as her hand continued a slow tortuous assault.

  “Take off your clothes and find out, Lukas,” she said into his ear.

  Kai grabbed her wrist and pulled it from his cock. He liked where this was going and he was going to obey. “Gladly, doll,” he said licking his lips and pulling off his clothes.

  She said nothing, instead she dropped to her knees. She grabbed him hard tugging him forward c
ausing him to grunt. Her mouth pushed down on him, taking him deep. She gagged only for a second. “Damn, doll.” He whistled. She didn’t stop she just kept her rhythm, sending him higher than a kite. Kai was a player although a lot quieter in his escapades than Raiden, but never had it been this good. In fact, the only time that even came close was when he was twenty-one.

  “Doll, I would...” He started but was abruptly stopped by his body giving way to her mouth. He hadn’t wanted that to happen he looked down at her and she licked her lips.

  “Yum.” She purred causing Kai to chuckle as he pulled her to her feet.

  “Doll, that deserves a reward. Clothes, now,” he demanded.


  She woke up in Kai’s bed to an annoying sound. “What the fuck is that, Lukas?” She groaned rolling in his arms to face him.

  His eyes remained closed but he smiled. “My alarm. I know it’s early, but you need to go.” His eyes opened as he finished his statement.

  She just nodded and got up, quickly dressing. “Bye.” She whispered unsure of what was going on.

  “Hey,” he said, jumping up. “This is for your safety.” She just nodded again. “Come back tonight same time.” He pleaded causing her to feel at ease.

  “Okay, Lukas. I’ll see you later.” She smiled kissing his cheek before he helped her out the window. It was really early. In fact, it was still a bit dark. She thought about checking her phone, but decided she better not test him. He wanted her to leave, said it was for her safety and since they had a no questions asked clause she didn’t want to think about what that meant.


  He watched her leave safely and then he shut his window before heading to the shower. If she was ever caught there she’d be as good as dead. Hell, he would too probably. Kai liked the danger of it, but he surely wasn’t going to put her at risk.

  “Good morning, son.” His father spoke as he entered the kitchen. Kai hated him, hated the control. He just kept reminding himself that when this was over, they’d all get redemption and they could go their separate ways. His thoughts drifted to Gloria, redemption meant leaving her behind. ‘Quit, Kai, redemption is the goal.’ He admonished his thoughts.

  “So, the human girl… got me a name, Tai.” His dad nodded.

  “You said that last night.”

  “I called Lee. I wanted him to know I knew her name. Raiden is going to have to reveal his secrets soon. The girl looks fragile. I think she’d run the other direction,” Kai continued.

  “I hope you are doing what you can to assure that happens?” his father questioned.

  “Of course, sir.” he replied before heading towards the front door.


  She wasn’t sure what was really going on with Kai and she was glad she had the day to process it. She had just stepped inside her apartment when her mom called. “Hello, mother,” she answered. This was the one person she didn’t want to deal with.

  “ are you?” The question confused Gloria, her mother didn’t give a damn.

  “Fine.” She answered hoping to get to the bottom of why she was calling.

  “So, I was in Aishan last night.” Gloria scrubbed her face, oh great. “Saw you driving to the Lukas house.” Fucking hell.

  “Must have been someone else.” Gloria hoped her mother would drop this.

  “Oh Gloria, ever my little slut,” she cackled before hanging up. Gloria dropped to the couch. She knew she had to tell Kai, but she was scared.

  ‘Got a problem Lukas.’ She texted.

  ‘I’ll fix all the problems tonight.’ Hot damn, sex was the only thing on his mind. She laughed a little and shook her head.

  ‘My mom saw me drive up to your house.’ She texted. She waited five minutes and got no response. ‘Lukas?’ She sent.

  ‘We’ll talk later.’ He finally responded. His answer both worried her and relieved her. At least he wasn’t canceling their arrangement, but still she knew this wasn’t good.


  “Fuck!” he roared thankful he was alone in his car. This was the last thing he needed. They had to have a serious talk later, but now he had more issues. Things he didn’t want to deal with on top of dealing with the Raiden situation.

  He looked to the gate that surrounded Raiden’s house. Lucky for Kai and thanks to Roy, he knew the code. 5-4-7-9-0 he punched. “Play your hand and deal with Gloria’s shit-storm later,” he said trying to focus on why he had come to Raiden’s house.

  He strolled up to the door with his cocky grin in place as he knocked. “Good morning, Wyrick,” he sneered.

  “Kai, get the fuck off my property,” Raiden roared.

  Kai loved getting a rise out of him even when they were friends Kai knew what buttons to push to rile him up. “Just checking out what will be mine soon,” he replied smugly.

  “You’re fucking delusional if you think I’m letting that happen.” Raiden’s voice boomed and Kai hoped his new girl was around to hear it.

  “Yeah, I know you got yourself a sweet piece, but I doubt you’ll be able to get her to agree to a marriage proposal in six months.” He didn’t know what brought her to Aishan yet, but he had a gut feeling it was heartbreak. Raiden’s nostrils flared then his eyes shifted. Kai followed his gaze and found Tai standing there in utter shock. There was no doubt now she heard the conversation.

  “Fuck!” Raiden shouted causing Tai to jump. Mission accomplished...

  Kai turned and left without another word and Raiden had taken off for Tai. He typed a quick message to his dad, ‘She didn’t seem too keen on having to say yes to a marriage proposal in six months.’


  She was getting ready for tonight when her phone buzzed. ‘There is a car downstairs. The keys are in it, doll.’ He sent her a car so she wouldn’t have to drive her own. She was still worried. What would she say to him? She didn’t even realize that her mother knew of the Lukas family or that she was in Aishan. It gave Gloria an eerie feeling. She headed downstairs and found the car quickly jumping in and heading to Kai’s.

  “Hello, doll,” he greeted, pulling her into his room through the window.

  “Hello, Lukas. Thanks for the car.” She smiled.

  “Any clue on your mom?” he asked, but she didn’t have an answer so she shook her head. “Dammit! I don’t fucking need this,” he cursed.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered turning back towards the window.

  He grabbed her arm and spun her back around pulling her really close to him. “Where are you going, doll?” he breathed.

  “You don’t need this shit.” She spoke softly.

  He didn’t speak again instead he pressed his mouth to hers and did what Kai Lukas did best.


  He didn’t want her leaving. They would talk and figure out about her mother. For now, all that mattered was the fact that she was in his arms. “Whatcha thinking about, Lukas?”

  “What happened to no questions asked?” He laughed lightly facing her.

  “Thought that only applied to what was going on with Raiden and Tai.” She answered raising her eyebrows.

  “It does. Tell me about your mom,” he requested.

  She shrugged, “Not much to tell, Lukas. We never got along once I hit the age of fifteen. I left the Capitol as soon as I had the means and came to the quieter Aishan.” He nodded.

  “What about your dad?” he asked and he oddly was truly concerned.

  “Never met him, she never talked about him, I have no clue who he is. Always wanted to know, though.” She whispered the last part, but Kai heard it. He kissed the top of her head tucking her closer to him. “And I thought the great Kai Lukas wasn’t a romantic,” she said into his chest; it caused him to smile. He wasn’t, but maybe things could change.


  She had spent the last three weeks in Kai Lukas’ bed. Tonight, he told her he would come to her after she got off work. He had business to take care of, so therefore Gloria didn’t ask. She was falling in lov
e and over the last few weeks, she saw glimpses from Kai that gave her hope for the future.

  ‘Hey I’ll be at your apartment before you get home. Leave the door unlocked.’ She smiled at his text.

  ‘Okay Lukas, done,’ she replied. He hadn’t asked much of her since the confrontation with Raiden and Tai at the park so whatever Kai was doing he was doing on his own. She knew he would ask more of her and she vowed to just go along with it, no questions asked.

  “God, Gloria, you are a slut.” She laughed. Her mom was right. Kai was clearly trying to rip apart Raiden and Tai and Gloria was just going right along with things. She didn’t have any ill will towards Raiden.


  Coretti. That was her last name Tai Coretti. He had found it and found out why she was here. Her mother had an affair with her fiancé. That was a bummer for sure, but it would work to Kai’s advantage.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hello, is this Meredith Coretti?” he responded in his most charming way.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “I have news on your daughter, Ms. Coretti.”

  “Is Tai alright?” Kai could feel the fear.

  “Well, I’m not sure. See, she has been seeing a man by the name of Raiden, and well, there are things she just doesn’t know.” He paused waited for her to press him.

  “What kind of things.” She almost whispered.

  “Well, Raiden isn’t human, you see. He’s ummm....he’s a vampire.” He told her and she gasped at his words.

  “Where is she? I’ll send Jordan right away!” She panicked.

  Kai smiled to himself. “Aishan, you’ll have to travel to the Capitol city of Hokena.”

  “Thank you, sir. Thank you so very much,” she said, clearly overcome with a lot of emotion.


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