The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972

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The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972 Page 198

by William Manchester


  (pages 263–287)

  General source for WWII in the Pacific: William Manchester “Our War in the Pacific” Holiday November 1960 pp 110–11, 152–67. 263 lost a war: NYT 11/29/45. the sky then: T 1/12/42. 264 offensive at once: NYT 1/2/42. coastal waters: NYT 1/2/42, 1/17/42, 1/15/42, 1/20/42, 3/4/42. 265 and San Francisco: NYT 2/3/43, 4/29/42; Life 8/10/42; Time editors 43; Burns Soldier 212. Malaya: NYT 12/15/41. couldn’t be turned: NYT 12/8/41, 1/28/42, 1/3/42. “gives a damn”: NYT 12/11/41, 3/18/42; T 3/30/42; Rovere and Schlesinger 56. 266 to their fate: NYT 9/27/42, 2/22/42. Abandon Ship: NYT 3/14/42, 3/15/42. the New Hebrides: NYT 9/30/42. 267 lovely flame trees: NYT 11/2/43. 268 unearthly splendor: Newsweek 3/30/42. actually drowned: Life 3/22/43; NYT 1/30/43. 269 “come, the better”: T 7/9/45. “time to die”: NYT 5/7/42. planes and killed him: Newsweek 2/1/43; NYT 5/21/43. 270 after he was dead: Current Biography 1942; NYT 5/21/43. sealing off China: NYT 2/16/42. “States Marines hiding?”: NYT 2/16/42, 2/2/41. and troop movements: NYT 5/6/42, 12/18/42. 271 “men, still unafraid”: NYT 1/15/42, 5/6/42. time for Midway: NYT 5/8/42, 6/13/42, 7/15/42, 9/17/42. “Seattle by air”: NYT 7/18/42, 9/17/43, 6/5/42; T 6/15/42. 272 patched-up Yorktowns NYT 6/5/42; Life 11/16/42. sipping rice broth: NYT 6/5/42; T 6/22/42, 6/7/43. 273 hospitalized by October: NYT 8/9/42, 11/22/42; WM/Dr. Louis Lasagna 8/4/70. hundred one night: Soldier 284. could win all: Fab V 75; NYT 10/31/42. 274 U-boat challenge: Soldier 183. off to combat: NYT 8/11/42, 11/5/43, 8/11/42. 275 “work to do”: Fab V 198; T 6/22/42, 2/22/43. as Los Alamos: Jungk 133. 276 “of October 3”: T 5/4/42, 6/22/42; NYT 10/4/42. couldn’t remember it: Mazo 36. 277 “him to bed”: NYT 11/22/42. ready to move: NYT 7/10/42, 9/27/42; T 11/9/42. operation was Torch: Walter Johnson 173. “a cruel initiative”: Scholastic Magazine 1/11/43; T 11/16/42; NYT 11/9/42; T 11/16/42; Soldier 291. 278 “are striking back”: Soldier 291. through Kasserine Pass: Saturday Evening Post 5/29/43; NYT 2/22/43. just 18,500 casualties: Collier’s 11/9/43. 279 Italians and Sicilians: NYT 5/9/43, 6/12/43. of Axis troops: NYT 8/18/43; Soldier 394; NYT 7/26/43; T 9/20/43. “another Dunkerque”: NYT 9/16/43, 7/18/43, 7/21/46. toward Naples: NYT 9/11/43. 280 pitiless as ever: NYT 10/2/43, 2/16/44. winters in memory: NYT 2/18/44, 1/19/44. 281 water, and time: NYT 1/3/43. 282 warmth of socks: Mauldin Front 36. gasoline called napalm: ibid 93; Soldier 344. 283 “deadpan face” NYT 11/21/48; Walter Johnson 156. “a little superfluous”: Front 32. over to Hitler: NYT 10/2/43. and David Niven: T 6/7/43; NYT 2/21/42. 284 Hopkins’s youngest boy: NYT 1/10/42, 11/17/43, 12/25/44, 11/13/44, 4/12/44, 8/19/44, 8/15/44, 2/13/44; John Brooks Leap 286. 285 “killed same”: Soldier 271. 286 to GI prurience: NYT 12/31/43. “einst Lilli Marlene”: NYT 10/17/43.


  (pages 289–327)

  289 “boy on Bataan”: T 3/23/42. the same again: Sevareid Dream 215. 290 those of 1929: Bums Soldier 460; Jack Goodman 19. “so do comforts”: NYT 5/3/45, 4/28/65; Walter Johnson 157; Fab V 148. “in the black”: T 3/15/43; Brogan 164. 291 “a hothouse growth”: NYT 12/14/60; Allen Change 188–90. dismissed as “eggheads”: NYT 4/13/38; Soldier 461. 292 an overstatement: NYT 3/23/44. “Win-the-War”: NYT 12/29/43, 12/8/41. permitted to vote: NYT 12/29/43, 12/8/41. One World: NYT 11/4/42; Soldier 280; Walter Johnson 165; Soldier 337; T 2/7/44, 3/6/44; NYT 2/25/44, 6/16/43, 4/8/43. 293 to the Army: NYT 2/28/43; T 6/26/44. knew, but still: T 4/13/42. “sergeant over there”: NYT 2/6/44. 294 (brands as Fleetwoods): T 7/3/44. by 22 percent: T 7/17/44; NYT 2/7/42. 295 on the West Coast: NYT 4/28/44; T 12/21/42; Jack Goodman 50. admirals wanted them: Liddell Hart 384. loss of quality: NYT 2/20/41; Soldier 244; Time editors 45. 296 of the profits: NYT 8/1/42, 8/24/42; T 8/31/42. and overwhelming them: Sulzberger 418. 44,000,000,000: Fab V 150. 297 country was fighting: NYT 6/20/43; Soldier 213 and passim. “the alien Japanese”: Walter Johnson 156; NYT 2/1/42, 10/6/53. 298 next three weeks: Fab V 201. “welcome in Kansas”: ibid 204. “American or not”: ibid 201, 206. 299 it to Washington: NYT 4/23/41. “elder statesman”: NYT 11/3/43. “or all persons”: NYT 6/19/42, 3/19/42, 2/21/42; Fab V 201. 300 in horse stalls: T 4/6/42; Fab V 204. 1,862 funerals: NYT 11/4/42;. Fab V 206. 301 could go hang: Soldier 216. were “disloyal”: NYT 12/19/44, 12/20/44. more than sing: Fab V 205. 302 “rates were appalling”: NYT 10/14/43; Fab V 206. overt outrages subsided: Mauldin Home 168. said a word: ibid 170. 303 victory gardens: NYT 1/23/42. 304 asylum and tranquillity: NYT 1/2/42, 2/6/42, 5/1/42, 5/10/42, 5/3/42, 9/7/44, 9/6/42, 10/18/42, 11/22/45, 12/3/45, 11/27/42, 11/1/42; Jack Goodman 467. in Broadway alleys: NYT 7/1/42, 5/2/44, 1/28/45; T 1/15/45. they sold well: NYT 7/23/42, 3/21/42, 9/13/42, 1/21/43, 4/8/43, 10/28/43, 11/21/44, 2/29/44. 305 “frustrated women”: Jack Goodman 418. pajamas at night: Rovere Years 8; Fab V 256. Walter Annenberg’s Seventeen: Jack Goodman 594. 306 called bobby-soxers: Fab V 27. quietly died: NYT 11/12/44. 307 were at peace: T 8/21/44; Fab V 46–49. “they’re nice kids”: T 7/5/43. her feet, shrieking: NYT 12/10/43. 308 twenty squad cars: NYT 10/13/44. later, Mia Farrow: NYT 10/31/51, 11/8/51. “My lifetime?”: Jack Goodman 379. 309 “Sinatra is baffling”: Reader’s Digest January 1945. bobby-soxer rite: NYT 3/6/45; Fab V 47. “like the Paramount”: NYT 6/22/45, 6/11/45; Fab V 48. 310 Allies with nothing: Jungk 131; Soldier 249. the three tons: Laurence 68–69. 311 might reach 1.07: ibid 70. liquid at it: ibid 76–77. technological problem: ibid 74; NYT 8/7/45. 312 “realistic traditions”: Soldier 550. “to the project”: NYT 11/4/44. 313 whole-souled Communist: NYT 6/16/50, 5/24/50, 6/17/50, 2/4/50. 314 just been formed: NYT 7/18/50; West 217–21. in fact killed: NYT 8/19/50. history greatly altered: NYT 5/25/46. 315 was Klaus Fuchs: Jungk 193; NYT 6/29/46. desert remains obscure: NYT 8/7/45. criminal investigation: NYT 12/7/45. 316 and Winston Churchill: NYT 1/8/43; Soldier 316. great battles ahead: Soldier 389. “triumphant success”: ibid 17, 298, 300, 546. 317 their prewar dreams: ibid 302, 489. “was once white!”: ibid 498; NYT 7/27/43. 318 three heart attacks: NYT 10/2/43, 10/8/44; T 4/17/44; Soldier 274, 511. “the United States”: Soldier 453; NYT 7/12/44; Walter Johnson 166. 319 “to the convention”: Gunther 360; NYT 7/19/44. would be Truman: NYT 7/19/44, 7/20/44; Phillips Truman 37–40. “Senator from Missouri”: NYT 7/22/44; T 7/31/44. 320 “about my dog”: NYT 11/8/44; Soldier 168. value was doubtful: Soldier 525. 321 “‘the Chicago Tribune’”: NYT 10/29/44. “an old man”: T 10/23/44, 5/22/44. “they are not true”: NYT 10/13/44; T 10/23/44. 322 utterly wretched: NYT 10/22/44. image of vitality: Soldier 525. been forever laid: NYT 11/8/44, 11/10/44, 11/12/44; T 11/13/44; Gunther 92. with no scars: Soldier 530. 323 seemed so robust: NYT 11/20/44. battery of specialists: T 10/23/44; NYT 4/5/44. 324 a frequent visitor: Soldier 448; NYT 4/11/44. “killed himself trying”: NYT 4/27/44, 2/25/44; Gunther 340. 325 deliver a speech: Soldier 507. “goddamned ghouls”: ibid 509. 326 “close to nonsense”: ibid 508–509; Acheson 102; Gunther 38. been “a sellout”: NYT 2/8/44. his first inaugural: Soldier 594.


  (pages 329–362)

  329 “was beyond us”: NYT 1/23/44, 1/31/44. 330 act of war: NYT 4/17/45, 2/14/44. “the Fifth Army”: NYT 5/13/44, 6/5/44. D-Day in Normandy: NYT 6/6/44, 6/7/44. “is mine alone”: NYT 6/6/44. 331 “up and consolidated”: NYT 7/10/44. stubborn defenders: Burns Soldier 475. 332 “O.K. We’ll go”: NYT 7/11/43; Soldier 475. “our united crusade”: Soldier 475; NYT 6/6/44. sunk off Arromanches: NYT 6/27/44. 333 “men at arms”: NYT 7/10/44, 7/19/44, 8/8/44; T 7/3/44. “working for Vichy”: NYT 8/26/44, 8/24/44; T 10/16/44. 334 “Fatherland and Führer!”: NYT 9/7/44, 9/12/44, 10/21/44; T 10/25/44. “American soldier myself”: NYT 12/28/44; T 1/15/45. to celebrate it: NYT 3/9/45, 4/2/45, 4/12/45. U.S.-RUSS JUNCTURE: NYT 4/12/45; Soldier 599. 335 Lucy’s daughter: Soldier 599. “cause for alarm”: ibid 595. 336 atom armaments race; Jungk 179. this was done: NYT 8/13/45, 9/28/45, 10/1/66. 337 sharply changed: Speer 227. with the enemy. Jungk 163. uranium research: ibid. “an atom bomb”: ibid 164, 166. 338 a textile mill: NYT 9/28/45; Jungk 167. “going to use it”: NYT 8/13/45, 9/28/45; Jungk 171. 339 “politics or physics?”:
Jungk 174. or be annihilated: NYT 11/28/45. 340 “agreed to that”: NYT 4/9/46; Jungk 175. began a counteroffensive: NYT 7/23/42. 341 no military significance: NYT 1/3/43, 1/10/43, 1/20/43. range of Rabaul: NYT 7/2/43, 8/29/43. unloaded overhead: NYT 12/28/43. 342 anticipated a Tarawa: NYT 12/4/44. 75 percent casualties: NYT 11/25/43, 2/22/44. 343 approaching Tarawa’s: NYT 4/25/44, 5/28/44. were cut off: NYT 6/21/44, 8/11/44. 344 “God protect you”: NYT 7/26/44; Soldier 489. was to come: NYT 10/20/44. of all time: NYT 10/21/44. 345 Banzai: NYT 10/26/44. moments of daylight: NYT 10/28/44. power was finished: NYT 10/26/44. early March, Manila: NYT 12/16/44. 346 Taps on Iwo: NYT 12/25/44. bee in the face: NYT 3/10/45. GIs at leisure: NYT 3/30/45, 4/2/45, 4/13/45. 347 absolutely secure: Soldier 599. “laundry to dry”: ibid 600; NYT 4/16/45. state documents: Asbell 33. 348 “expert in explosives”: NYT 2/13/45. Outer Mongolia: T 2/26/45. 349 “fifteen minutes more”: NYT 4/16/45. filling in colors: T 6/4/45. “beautiful woman”: Asbell 36. 1:15 P.M.: NYT 4/13/45; Soldier 600. 350 on the couch: NYT 4/13/45. anguished snores: Asbell 41. “3:35 o’clock”: ibid 44. 351 reach Eleanor Roosevelt: ibid 46. “concert is finished”: NYT 4/13/45; Soldier 602. Truman at once: NYT 4/13/45; Asbell 53. “was talking about”: Truman I 6. 352 “when you can” ibid. “in trouble now”: T 4/23/45; Asbell 63. “WARM SPRINGS, GA.”: Asbell 78. 353 “man at Warm Springs”: ibid 81. with her hands: ibid 84, 91, 99. “So long—out”: ibid 93, 150. 354 “most clearly”: ibid xi. “lost a friend”: ibid 94, 117. “the great man” ibid 94. 355 “the White House”: T 4/23/45. “for us all!”: NYT 4/13/45; Asbell 87. the man’s cheek: Asbell 91. 356 “the next curve”: Gunther 144. “Hi, Dad”… to be vacated: Asbell 105–106. 357 Early drew up: ibid 124. chief improviser: ibid 113. to view it: ibid 128, 134; NYT 4/14/45. 358 clasped hands: Asbell 156. “Lincoln home again”: ibid 158, 160. passed overhead: NYT 4/15/45. 359 “be any man’s”: Asbell 170. President’s widow: NYT 4/14/45. Executive Mansion: Asbell 178. 360 sealed forever: NYT 4/15/45; Asbell 183. 360–61 said his son… “remember it”: New Yorker 4/21/45. 362 “Thy servant sleeping”: Margaret Truman 90; Asbell 194. “is over”: T 4/30/45.


  (pages 364–391)

  364 “single moment”: Phillips Truman 62; Asbell 136. return to obscurity: T 4/23/45; Truman 62–63. in history: NYT 11/7/34, 9/15/40. 365 “the President”: Asbell 136–37. “for me now”: ibid 137. “have ever done”: NYT 4/14/45; Asbell 111. 366 “son and bro”: NYT 4/13/45; Truman 65. 367 “through her teeth”: NYT 4/21/45; Margaret Truman 91, 95, 96; Truman 62, 144; Asbell 166. “supporter below”: T 12/18/50. with greater dignity: ibid. 368 “be game, too”: Truman 140; T 9/24/45, 9/18/50. “what they meant”: Truman 63, 71, 169, 79; T 6/4/45; NYT 4/19/45. “the new President”: Truman 80. 369 “not Henry Wallace”: Acheson 104; NYT 7/1/45. “he died?”… “it just now”: NYT 4/18/45; Asbell 168. 370 of the question: NYT 5/2/45, 5/3/45, 5/5/45, 5/8/45, 5/9/45, 5/10/45; T 5/14/45. larger than Newark: NYT 8/9/45, 7/27/45, 12/16/45. 371 a hand grenade?: Manchester “Our War in the Pacific”; NYT 5/4/45. on Allied losses: NYT 1/28/47; Stimson “The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb.” 372 been even greater: NYT 6/2/45, 6/8/44; Truman I 332; NYT 6/6/45, 7/23/45. “the gadget”: NYT 6/6/45; Burns Soldier 459, 251; Jungk 175. “do something different”: Jungk 178. 373 “have come in”: NYT 12/7/45. “winning the war”: Laurence 201. 374 stadium in Chicago: Jungk 192. 375 of a second: Laurence 168–70. as yet undetermined: NYT 8/1/45; Soldier 558. same conclusions: NYT 4/26/45; Truman 53. 376 “The Fat Man”: Jungk 180. greatest war criminals: Reader’s Digest March 1947; NYT 1/28/47; Harper’s February 1947; Compton “If the Atomic Bomb Had Not Been Used.” 377 no one said much: Jungk 198 and passim. perfecting the mesh: Current Biography 1947. 377–78 right microsecond… “there be light”: NYT 8/7/45; Laurence 10. 378 their windowpanes: Laurence 12. blown away: ibid 195. instant peace: Jungk 197, 202. 379 “the Japanese”: Truman I 416. “Japanese home islands”: ibid 417. “utter destruction”: NYT 7/28/45; Truman 58. 380 had been passed: Truman 59; T 8/13/45. intelligence officer: NYT 8/8/45; Laurence 196, 202–206. 380–81 “of TNT”… any of them: Laurence 208–11. “from the Empire”: NYT 8/18/45; Laurence 220. “long now, folks”: Laurence 221; NYT 11/22/45. 382 “do with it”: T 8/13/45, 8/20/45. 383 “I don’t”: T 10/22/45; NYT 8/9/45; Laurence 225, 228. “devised by man”: NYT 7/28/45; Truman 68; Laurence 242. 384 turning somersaults: Jungk 211. “such devastation”: ibid 213; NYT 11/24/45. of his doing: NYT 8/9/45. 386 countermanded the order: Harper’s February 1947. formalities of capitulation: NYT 8/15/45; T 8/20/45. followed his example: NYT 8/15/45. 387 “very fragile arch”: Morison Two-Ocean 572. the United States: NYT 9/2/45. 388 war against Japan: T 7/30/45. General Henry Taylor: NYT 8/19/45; T 8/27/45. 388–91 Reuther portrait: Holiday November and December 1959; NYT 3/28/46, 5/10/70; Hartford Courant 5/16/70.


  (pages 392–416)

  392 in trusting them: NYT 5/13/45; Phillips Truman 132, 156. 393 “his own death”: NYT 4/23/61, 4/4/61. U.N. General Assembly: NYT 2/20/45. 394 the other leg: NYT 3/17/46; Rovere McCarthy 95–98. their way there: NYT 11/6/46; Fab V 221. 395 “Richard M. Nixon”: NYT 11/7/46; Mazo 41. “police the world”: NYT 7/18/46. and Child Care: NYT 9/22/46. from the hills: T 9/9/46. political war chests: NYT 8/15/45. 396 “little fellow there”: T 9/3/45; Goldman Decade 16. 397 rapid extinction: Decade 7; NYT 2/9/40, 9/26/45, 8/14/46; Bird 255; Jungk 341. the black market: Truman 101; NYT 8/22/45; Decade 251; NYT 1/7/46. “about inflation?”… Truman called back: T 9/24/45. 398 postwar inflation Decade 14. in his refrigerator: T 5/6/46; Decade 27. 399 “campaign of 1946”: NYT 9/6/45; Truman 103–104. had ruined them: NYT 1/15/46. “below the belt”: NYT 3/11/46. 400 dipped in the polls: NYT 7/26/46; Truman I 487ff; NYT 1/22/46, 11/10/46. collars than blue: NYT 7/22/44. was intolerable: NYT 9/2/46. 401 of his Presidency: Commonweal 2/8/46; T 10/8/45. their heads stubbornly: NYT 1/12/46, 4/26/46; WA 1946. “of the government”: T 6/3/46. was deplorable: NYT 5/18/46, 5/24/46. 402 “sons of bitches”: Decade 23. “do the job!”: Truman 114ff. to General Hershey: U.S. News & World Report 5/3/46. 403 “has been settled”: NYT 5/26/46. “coal with bayonets”: Decade 25. burned coal: T 6/28/43. 404 and Wagner Acts: NYT 5/22/46; U.S. News & World Report 10/11/46. was 3,510,000: NYT 11/22/46, 12/4/46. 405 work at once: NYT 12/6/46. “his balls clank”: NYT 12/8/46; Truman 124. a heavy blow: NYT 1/8/46. 406 out of uniform: T 6/18/45. stars could, too: NYT 9/18/45, 4/11/51; Acheson 127. 407 point freeze: NYT 7/4/46. TO SPEED SAILINGS: NYT 1/7/46. 408 “wanna go home”: NYT 1/12/46. “the nation accepted”: NYT 1/10/46. 409 and other instigators: NYT 1/9/46, 1/8/46. “Manila and Le Havre”: NYT 9/13/45. departments to himself: NYT 6/16/46. “out of Army”: NYT 6/6/46; T 10/22/45; Newsweek 1/28/46. 410 “some other country”: NYT 11/2/46. in the Ruhr: Acheson 86; Mowry 163. 411 “my way home”: NYT 7/10/45; Truman I 334, 337, 411, 412. “not be I”: NYT 7/27/45; Truman 92, 98. “a great pity”: NYT 7/25/46, 11/15/45; Acheson 130, 634. 412 would warn them: Walter Johnson 163. and his President: ibid 226; NYT 9/21/46, 2/14/46. to his speech: NYT 3/6/46, 9/11/46; Truman 150. 413 “of his administration”: ibid 151; NYT 9/13/46. “my resignation immediately”: T 9/23/46. 414 “exactly in line”: ibid; Acheson 192. “this subject again”: Acheson 191; NYT 9/22/46. “I’m right”: Truman I 560. 415 sometime in 1946: Life 11/26/45. “Had enough?”: NYT 1/11/47; Mazo 47; Truman 128; Decade 45. “a Republican country”: NYT 11/4/48. 416 returned to them: Walter Johnson 228.


  (pages 418–432)

  418 “come to responsibility”: Schlesinger Thousand 287. 419 bowed your head: NYT 6/11/50; Business Week 1/22/49, 2/21/49. 420 as a Red: NYT 12/31/49. teachers looked on: NYT 5/20/56. bipartisan support: NYT 12/23/41; Burns Soldier 184, 515; T 2/28/44, 6/28/43, 7/23/45; NYT 5/26/44, 1/22/44, 8/7/45, 12/11/46. 421 “requires it”: T 12/10/45; NYT 1/11/45; Eisinger 487. serious uprising: NYT 10/2/45. 422 started to go: NYT 1/3/42. (expensive) New Look: Gold 1940–41 31; Fab V 248. 42
3 on the roads: Fab V 251, 253. he didn’t know: Life 3/1/48. 424 Stalin had become: NYT 1/27/45, 4/24/45, 12/22/45. the absolute limit: Allen Change 263; Fab V 221, 260. 426 presidential campaign: NYT 6/23/46, 9/30/47; Kendrick 40. ran one headline: Fab V 210. 426–27 “after the war?”… “most astonishing”: O’Neill 3–4. 427 all-time high: O’Neill 4; NYT 10/18/45, 6/17/43, 6/16/45, 4/22/45, 1/1/48, 11/10/46; Fab V 212; WA 1946. 428 game was security: T 6/18/45. 429 was blushing: Friedan 174; Bird 259; Kinsey 194. their enthusiasm: O’Neill 13. Spock had begun: NYT 7/14/46; Gold 1940–41 31. 430 finding a home: NYT 11/2/47, 6/15/45; Mauldin Home 48. “understand our problems”: Mauldin Home 65; T 12/24/45. 431 “pla-ace to stay”: T 1/15/45. well under $10,000: Newsweek 10/6/69; O’Neill 38ff. 432 standard specifications: O’Neill 41; T 7/3/60. “think big”… much choice: Kimball “Dream Town.”


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