Hidden Worlds

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Hidden Worlds Page 318

by Kristie Cook

  “Are you going to wake her up?” Owen asked.

  “No. I’ll let her sleep.” I ran a hand down her arm. She was so sweet all curled up that way against me. “Get me the extra quilt in my closet and you can take my room tonight, Hailey.”

  She stood up. “Where are you going to sleep?”

  “Right here.”

  Owen laughed. “You’ve got it bad.”

  “She’s comfortable, and besides, I don’t want her to wake up confused about where she is.”

  “Sure. Tell yourself whatever it takes.” Owen started toward his room. “Night, guys.”

  Hailey tossed the quilt down on the ottoman. “Be good, Levi. I like her.”

  “Yeah, so do I. Considering I’m giving up my room, I wouldn’t worry.”

  “That’s what worries me …”

  I laughed. “Get out of here.”

  As Hailey disappeared down the hall, I kicked off my shoes and repositioned us so we were lying down together. I gave her body a long look before covering us both up with the quilt.

  I cuddled her in my arms, trying to tune out the sounds of Jared and Jess down the hall. Normally, I’d be jealous he was getting some when I wasn’t, but I wouldn’t have traded places for anything. I’d never just lay down with a girl like that before, but I liked it. Her breathing was even, and the pattern of it relaxed me. I closed my eyes, leaning back into a throw pillow. I thought about our kiss, the taste of her, and how perfectly her body felt pressed against mine. The thought started to get me hard in the wrong place, so I tried to push it out of my head. There was no reason to get excited. Tonight wasn’t the night, but it would happen.

  Another image flashed through my mind. Another night, a fireplace and a skylight open to the stars. I forced my eyes open. I couldn’t go there. That was a thought that could only hurt me. Still, there was something about this girl that got to me, and I knew it wasn’t just about sex. If it was, I wouldn’t have been so satisfied just holding her. I stayed awake for hours listening to her breathe. I relaxed completely, and I felt strangely comfortable considering the cramped space. Finally, my body protested to the late hour, and I kissed her cheek before drifting off to sleep.


  My body was stiff, but I’d never woken up in such a good mood before. Allie was snuggled up flush against me, and her hair and hands were sprawled across my chest. I imagined how much better the morning would be if we weren’t wearing clothes, but somehow I was okay with the current situation.

  She stirred, quietly at first, before doing this adorable stretch with her arms. She seemed to notice the cramped space and opened her eyes.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She clutched the blanket against her. “Oh god.”

  “Sleep well?”

  She blinked a few times and looked around. “What are you doing here?”

  “You’re in my apartment, or did you forget?” I liked saying that.

  “I mean why are you sleeping on the couch with me? Why aren’t you in your room?”

  “Oh, I gave my bed to Hailey.”

  “But I thought you’d never …”

  “I was just messing with her. Besides, I thought we could use the privacy.” I couldn’t resist egging her on.

  “Was I really so zonked out I missed all of this?”

  “You fell asleep in the middle of a conversation and were leaning against me. You looked too comfortable to disturb, so I just moved us a bit.” I left out asking Hailey for a blanket. She didn’t need to know I’d actually put thought into the arrangement.

  “I see. Well, at least we’re on the couch and not your bed.”

  “Don’t sound so relieved about it.” I tried to sound playful, but would it have been so bad if we’d spent the night in my room?

  “Hmm, yeah, because it would have felt great to wake up in bed with a guy I don’t know.”

  “You do know me, Allison.” Her name felt like velvet on my tongue. I knew she didn’t like it, but I liked the way it riled her up. Besides, I was serious about not calling her what everyone else did.

  “That again?” She shifted around. I knew she was trying to get up, but I wasn’t quite ready to let go yet.

  “You are really cute when you get angry.”

  “Just shut up and let go of me so I can get the heck out of here.”

  “Wow, calm down. Aren’t you going to let me make you breakfast? It’s the least I can do for the girl I just spent the night with.”

  “I did not spend the night with you. We were on the couch.” She blinked again. I’d have to make sure she brought a case for her contacts next time she spent the night at my place. The next time. That thought got me excited.

  “You spent the night in my arms, sweetheart. Sex or no sex, you can’t argue that.”

  She groaned just as Owen walked into the room. He always had impeccable timing. I moved my arm so Allie could sit up. She smoothed out her dress and stood.

  “Good morning. Did you enjoy the wonderful accommodations of our living room?”

  “Where’s Jess? Please tell me she’s here somewhere.” Allie’s voice was a mix of worry and embarrassment. She didn’t need to feel either. Jared wouldn’t have hurt Jess, and she’d slept with me on the couch. What was embarrassing about that?

  “She’s in with Jared,” Owen and I answered at the same time.

  “Um, could one of you please get her for me?” She picked up her purse off the ground and put back on her flip-flops. Was she really just going to leave like that?

  I couldn’t get upset about it. I had no reason to. I’d just take her out again and end the night in my bed next time. But maybe I could stall her awhile longer. “There’s no way I’m taking the chance of seeing Jared naked.” I stretched in an exaggerated way to let her know I wasn’t in any hurry.

  She scrunched up her face. “Gross. Fine. Which room is his?”


  “Yes, seriously. We have to be at work in like twenty minutes.”

  Again about work? Maybe her dad was as much of a hard ass as mine. Even so, I still had to try to get her to stay awhile. “Well, if you are already going to be late, you might as well stay for breakfast.”

  “Which room is his?” She repeated.

  Owen pointed and she marched down the hall. A few minutes later, she opened the front door with Jess chasing after her. She was busy fidgeting with her sandals as Allie stepped outside. “You could have at least let me get dressed!”

  Allie didn’t respond. She only threw her an annoyed look. Even her annoyed look was cute. I was losing it.

  “Thanks for an amazing night, Allison!” I laughed, enjoying her reaction to everything. She was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. And the hottest.

  The girls were still arguing as they stepped into a cab.

  Jared walked out of his room in just a pair of pajama pants. “Lovely morning, isn’t it?”

  I ignored him and started to make a pot of coffee.

  “What’s gotten into him?” Jared hopped up on the island counter.

  “He spent the night on the couch.” Owen took a bite out of an apple.

  “Wait? You gave up your room to the girl and didn’t join her?” The huge smirk on Jared’s face said it all.

  “No. He spent the night on the couch with her.”

  “With clothes on?” Jared raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” I was tired of letting Owen answer for me.

  Jared cracked up. “Seriously? You slept with the girl on the couch?”

  “Her name’s Allie.” I may have called her Allison to her face, but I didn’t want Jared calling her that too.

  “Well, I definitely didn’t just sleep on the couch with her friend.”

  “Yeah. We heard.” Hailey walked into the kitchen.

  “Too much for your innocent ears?” Jared smirked.

  “Do you even remember her name?”

  He laughed dryly. “It’s Jess. Give me some credit.”

bsp; “And do you know anything about her?” Hailey was really pushing her luck.

  “Why do you care?” Jared hopped off the counter.

  “Because you’re better than that.”

  “Because I’m better than that?” He pointed to his chest. “What about her?”

  “She can do whatever she wants. I’m worried about you. You’re going to be heading for a lonely life if you don’t stop this.”

  “Glad you’re worried about me, but I’d be more worried about Levi here. I think he’s lost his touch.”

  “Shut up,” I snapped at him. I was frustrated enough already, although not about the lack of sex. Strangely, that didn’t bother me. But she didn’t stay. I refused to believe she wasn’t interested, but she was definitely making it hard.

  “I’m proud of you,” Hailey patted me on the shoulder.

  “Great. Just what I always wanted.”

  “And I’m rooting for you. I like Allie and want her to stick around.”

  I poured myself a cup of black coffee. “She will be. Don’t worry about that.”

  “What’s your plan, Cassanova?” Owen reached around me to get a mug down from the cabinet.

  “I’m taking her out for lunch.”

  “Funny. I didn’t hear you guys making plans.” Owen took a seat on a stool.

  “We’re going out to lunch.” I made my exit. I was in no mood to listen to any more crap from my friends.

  Chapter Seven

  I wasn’t positive what her job was at the hotel, but I knew someone who would undoubtedly know. I walked into the lobby and headed right over to the desk. Luck was with me, and the manager was standing behind one of the computers.

  “Good afternoon, Natalie.”

  The blonde woman glanced up and her posture changed immediately. She stood up straight and plastered on a smile. “Good afternoon, Levi. What a pleasant surprise.”

  I smiled back. “I’m actually here to see Allie. We have lunch plans.”

  “Oh.” A look of surprise crossed her face. “I didn’t know you two were friendly.”

  I put a hand down on the counter between us. “We’re more than friendly.” I don’t know why I added that part. I didn’t have to. Natalie was going to tell me where Allie was no matter how well I knew her.

  Natalie looked torn for a second. “She’s in the back.”

  “Thanks for the assistance.” I nodded before heading back around behind the desk.

  Natalie nodded. “Of course.”

  I walked down the narrow corridor, peeking into each cubicle and office until I saw her. She was standing by the copy machine, sorting through a pile of papers.

  I quietly made my way over to her. “Ready for lunch?”

  Allie’s mouth fell open. “What are you doing back here, Levi?”

  “Oh, Natalie told me I could come back.”

  “Oh, did she?” Her face scrunched up the way it seemed to always do when she was getting heated.

  “Yeah. You ready?”

  “I’m not having lunch with you.” She lowered her voice.

  I wasn’t going to do the same. I raised mine. “Well, you left without letting me make you breakfast this morning, so I thought I could at least take you to lunch.”

  The stares of everyone around us did the trick. She took hold of my arm, and we walked down the hall.

  She stopped when we were out of view and earshot of everyone else. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I’m not having it.”

  “What game? It’s just lunch.” I stood right next to her, fighting the urge to pull her into my arms.

  “So, you just like humiliating me in front of the people I work with?”

  “That humiliated you?” I’d been going for humor not embarrassment. And, well, I also wanted to make sure any male in the vicinity knew she was completely off limits.

  “Of course it did!” she hissed. “Now they think I slept with you.”

  “And that’s a problem because …” I let a small smile slip.

  “Because this is my dad’s hotel. Okay, Levi? My dad’s. I don’t need my dad hearing about this and thinking his daughter is some sort of slut.”

  “Being slutty would imply spending the night with lots of guys, not just one. Heck, you can even tell him I’m your boyfriend if it makes you feel better.”

  “My what?”

  “Your boyfriend.” Isn’t that what girls wanted? They wanted people to think they were in a committed relationship. I didn’t care what term she used as long as I got to see her again.

  “Do you even know what that word means? Have you ever had a relationship that lasted more than a few days?”

  “There is a first time for everything. Most girls would want to tame me.” I was pushing it, but the expression of horror on her face was worth it. Allie’s reactions were too much.

  “Tame you? Oh my god, leave. Just leave, okay?”

  “Not until you agree to go out with me.”

  She wrung her hands at her sides. “You have to be kidding me.”

  “Not at all. I have no place to be. I’m staying here until you agree.”

  “Why? What angle are you playing?”

  “First you accuse me of playing games and now angles. You aren’t very trusting, Allison.” She was going to break. She wanted to give in, and she would.

  “It’s Allie! And you haven’t given me a reason to trust you!”

  “Let me.” I ignored a few employees who were watching us while trying to act like they were doing something else.


  Okay? Nice. “Dinner tonight? I’d say lunch but I’d rather give you time to cool down.”

  “Don’t you ever give up?”

  “Never. I’m not leaving until you say yes.” I needed to see her again. I needed another chance.

  She sighed. “Fine. Coffee Friday night. Then you leave me alone.”

  “I’ll pick you up at 8:00 then.”

  “Sure, whatever. Now leave.”

  “I’ll miss you too.” I grinned. Mission accomplished.


  “I think I should tell her.” I sipped my beer, feeling old as we sat at the unofficial Tulane bar, The Boot. We didn’t go in there much anymore, but I’d had business to discuss with one of the bouncers so we decided to stay for a while.

  “Tell her?” Owen looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “I hope you’re kidding.”

  “Why not tell her? Why wait?”

  “And lose her before you even get a chance?”

  “Don’t be so overdramatic, man. Not every guy makes girls run from him.” Jared took a jab at Owen’s weak spot.

  Owen moved his empty beer bottle around on the table. “Most girls would run from what we are. Why would Allie be any different?”

  “I have a good feeling about her.” I finished off my beer. “I think she’s the one.”

  “You’ve only been out with her a few times. How would you even know?” Owen eyed me warily.

  “Wait. As in the one?” Jared stopped checking out the girls at the next table long enough to comment.

  “I don’t know for sure, but there’s only one way to find out.”

  “How could you possibly know that from sleeping on the couch with her? You’re being crazy.” Jared finished his beer and pushed the empty bottle away from him.

  “Just make sure you know what you’re doing.” Owen watched me with concern. I understood. He’d met a girl freshman year and was ready to marry her after a few months. We all told him he was crazy, but he didn’t listen. He let her in on the secret that we weren’t human, and she went as far as transferring schools and changing her number to get away from him. He hadn’t dated anyone since.

  Owen wasn’t me, and Allie wasn’t that stupid girl. “This is different. This is real.”

  “Real?” Jared snorted. “It’s because she’s playing hard to get. Once you bag her, the feeling will pass.”

  “Shut up.” I pounded my hand into the tab
le, splitting the wood. “Okay. We need to go.”

  I nodded an apology at the bartender as I headed for the door. He knew we’d pick up the tab later.

  “This is why you have to stay away from her.” Jared caught up with me outside. “She’s already screwing with your brain and you haven’t even fucked her.”

  I felt my body tense, it wanted to transform. “Use a word like bagged or fuck in reference to Allie again and I’ll rip you in two.”

  He held up his hands in front of him. “Chill out. Just think about it. Why are you getting so bent out of shape over her? She’s just a girl.”

  “Maybe he actually likes her. Crazy concept, I know.” Owen walked ahead of us.

  “Just don’t lose your head over a piece of ass. It’s never worth it.”

  I resisted the urge to punch Jared. Piece of ass? Maybe when I first met her, but she was more than that now. Jared was right about one thing, she was screwing with my brain. But that didn’t mean I was going to stay away from her. It meant I was going to do the opposite.

  Chapter Eight

  Natalie was quick to fill me in on Allie’s room number when she never showed up in the lobby. I waited around for fifteen minutes before deciding to take matters into my own hands. Allie didn’t seem like the type to stand someone up.

  I listened outside her door for a minute, trying to determine whether she was alone. I didn’t hear anything but a loud deep sigh. I was right that something was up with her. I knocked on the door.

  She swung the door open quickly like she was expecting someone. Maybe she wanted me to come up and get her. We hadn’t actually discussed where I was picking her up. She wore tight gym pants and a tank top without a bra. She looked hot, but she didn’t look ready for a date.

  “What are you doing here?”

  She was blocking the doorway, so I walked around her. There was no reason to wait out in the hall. “Did you forget we had plans?”

  “Plans? Oh, yeah, coffee, I forgot.” She took a seat on the couch and pulled her knees up to her chest.

  I knelt down in front of her and made complete eye contact. I felt a pang in my chest as I thought about someone hurting her. “Hey, what’s going on, Allie?”

  “You’re calling me Allie?”


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