Hidden Worlds

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Hidden Worlds Page 481

by Kristie Cook

  Frustration bubbled to the surface. “I didn’t imagine everything that happened to me at that park. The Dahl girl kicked me in the chest and broke my ribs. I remember the pain, not being able to breathe. I thought I was dying just before I blacked out. When I regained consciousness, the pain was gone. I don’t care how much you deny it. You healed me, Torin. So, uh, thank you.”

  He frowned as though he didn’t like my explanation or my gratitude. I couldn’t tell which. “Do you know how insane you sound?”

  “Insane is what I thought you were yesterday when you said you could use magic to fix the Peterson’s mailbox, yet you did, and my car and now my ribs. How did you do it?” A slight narrowing of his gorgeous eyes was the response I got. I swallowed and bit my lower lip. “Are you like them?”

  He straightened his body and shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. “Like who?”

  “Andris and the Dahl sisters. You move like her, the one who kicked me. Last night I noticed how fast you moved from your bedroom to the front door after you signaled Eirik, which reminds me. How did you know that signal?”


  Now he was staring at me as though I was a lunatic, which I wasn’t. I knew what I saw last night, and the pain I’d felt at the park had been real. He was stubborn, but so was I.

  “Okay. Forget about the signal for now, but you can’t deny that you’re different. That you can do things normal people can’t.”

  No response.

  Getting frustrated, I added, “I swear, I won’t tell anyone.”

  Another stretch of silence followed. I could hear the wheels turning in his head as though he was deciding how much to tell me. I’d almost given up hope that he’d respond when he shrugged.

  “Is that the best response you can give me? A shrug?”

  A smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “Are you always this pushy?”

  “Answering a question with a question won’t work with me, and no, I’m not pushy. I’m the most easygoing person I know.”

  He snorted with derision. “Who told you that? Seville?”

  I ignored the dig. “Listen, I’m trying really hard not to freak out about this. Put yourself in my shoes and imagine how I feel. Please, just tell me how you did it and I’ll leave you alone.”

  He rolled his eyes as though to say he didn’t believe me. “It’s just magic, Freckles. Nothing special.”

  “What kind of magic?”

  “The good kind.”

  “Do you use tattoos, too?”

  He frowned. “Tattoos?”

  “They appeared on Andris.”

  Torin blinked. “You saw them?”

  “Yes. They were all over his body. They looked kind of, I don’t know, cool.”

  He swore under his breath.

  “What? Wasn’t I supposed to see them?”

  “No. They’re not tattoos. They’re runes, and Mortals aren’t supposed to see them.” He grimaced as though he’d revealed too much. He glanced at his watch. “Don’t you have a birthday party to go to?”


  Torin’s blue eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

  “You said Mortals aren’t supposed to see them.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Yes, you did. What does that make you? Immortal?”

  “Is that true?” He pointed at my T-shirt.

  I looked down, and a wave of embarrassment washed over me. I still wore the T-shirt with Seventeen and Never Been Kissed written in Latin. I crossed my arms, blocking the words even though he’d read them. I lifted my chin, hating the fact that I was once again blushing. “No, it’s not true. About the Mortal and Immortal—”

  “Never been kissed? Really?” A wicked twinkle entered Torin’s eyes. “What’s wrong with Seville?”

  I bristled. “This is just a T-shirt I found at the bottom of my closet, and there’s nothing wrong with Eirik. We kiss all the time.”

  His grin turned into a chuckle. “Sure you do. Tell him to act quickly before someone snatches you from right under his nose.”

  I was beyond embarrassed now. Defending my relationship with Eirik wasn’t going to do me any good since Torin already saw through my lies. Bet his magical abilities had something to do with that.

  “You’re only using my T-shirt to get out of answering my questions.”

  His gaze moved to my lips. “I’m starting to see why Seville’s never kissed you. You talk too much.”

  I growled. “Ugh, you’re so annoying. Believe whatever you want.” I walked around him and hurried down the steps. How had our conversation moved from him to me?

  “Happy seventeenth birthday, Freckles.”

  I kept going, needing to put some distance between us. Whatever he was couldn’t be good if he had to hide, which meant no more talking to him or going to his house or letting him get under my skin.

  Inside my bedroom, I peeked out the window. He was back upstairs, seated on the window seat. Eirik’s old window seat. He blew me a kiss and grinned. Magical powers or not, he was still the most aggravating guy I’d ever met.

  I yanked the curtains, something I’d never done during the day, then removed the offending T-shirt and shoved it in the garbage. A shower didn’t make me feel any better. I needed to live a little, starting tonight.

  Being seventeen and never been kissed sucked.


  “Ready to see the result?” Cora asked me hours later.

  I nodded, turned, and studied my reflection. She’d blow-dried and curled my hair, and guilted me into wearing one of her outfits—a white and sea-green organza dress with double spaghetti straps and asymmetrical hem. It appeared to move when I moved. On my ears and wrist were green earrings and a bracelet, birthday presents she’d bought for me earlier at the mall. My makeup was flawless. For once, my eyes had more green than brown.

  “Well?” Cora asked.

  “I love it, though I feel like I’m looking at a total stranger.” I stepped into medium-high heeled sandals, the only footwear I had that weren’t ballet flats or boots, and went back to studying my reflection in the full-length mirror. “You sure this is not too much?”

  Cora sighed. “You look amazing, but you don’t have to take my word for it. You need a second opinion? You’ll get it. Let’s go.”

  Panic washed over me. I wasn’t ready to see anyone. Eirik had dropped off Cora and left. That left Torin, and I’d never ask his opinion on anything. Cora, on the other hand, was bold enough to brave it. Excitement skidded under my skin.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “To see your mom. She’s in her room waiting to see the results.”

  Torin indeed. I was becoming too fixated on that guy. Making a face, I tucked a wavy strand behind my ear and left the room. Cora knocked on Mom’s door and pushed it open when Mom told her to come in.

  “We’re done, Mrs. C,” she said.

  “Oh, sweetheart. Look at you.” Mom walked toward me, her hands clasped in front of her chest. “Turn around.”

  I did and chewed on my lower lip as I waited for her verdict.

  “My baby grew up when I wasn’t looking,” she mumbled, her eyes overly bright.

  I sighed. “Mom, it’s just the dress, and it’s not even mine. I borrowed it from Cora.”

  Mom chuckled, cupped my face, and kissed my forehead. “It’s perfect on you. You did an amazing job, Cora. You should be a stylist. You know what flatters a person.”

  Cora blushed. “Thank you, Mrs. C. She just needs to wear green more often. It enhances the color of her eyes.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” Mom grinned.

  “Uh, thanks for talking about me like I’m not here,” I mumbled.

  Mom fluffed my hair, grabbed a tissue from her dresser, and dabbed at some of the lip-gloss. “You look beautiful. Not that you don’t always. It’s just that you never care about styling your hair or wearing makeup.”

  “We have to go, Mrs. C,” Cora said.

I sighed with relief when Cora spoke before Mom could expand on how I downplayed my looks. It was a recurring lecture.

  “Of course. I already spoke with the guys, so they know I will hold them accountable if anything happens to the two of you. No drinking.”

  Cora giggled. “It’s teen night on Fridays, Mrs. C. No alcohol.”

  Mom nodded. “Good. Are you spending the night here, Cora?”

  “Oh yes. We’ll have plenty to gossip about later tonight.”

  While Mom and Cora continued their exchange, I wondered which ‘guys’ Mom was holding accountable. Who was downstairs? I hadn’t realized Eirik had come back. Obviously he wasn’t alone. Who was with him? My heart kicked up a notch.

  Mom kissed my cheek, whispering, “I added more money on your card, so take it.” Then she added louder, “Have fun. Be back by eleven.”

  I went to get my cell phone, wallet, and jacket, and followed Cora downstairs. Eirik was in the kitchen wolfing down pizza, until he saw me. He dropped the slice and got up, his gaze admiring, his usual wisecracks missing. I guessed that meant he liked my outfit. He looked gorgeous in casual wear, but I couldn’t see the person behind him, except for an elbow on the counter. Eirik wiped his hands on a napkin as he closed the gap between us.

  Finally, I got a clear view of the guy behind him and disappointment coursed through me. Keith rose from the stool. I hadn’t known he’d be coming with us.

  I waved. “Hey, Keith.”

  “Hey. You look amazing.”

  “Thanks.” I focused on Eirik. “Still not going to saying anything?”

  “He will,” Cora said, punching his arm as she and Keith walked past us, “after he picks up his tongue from the floor.”

  Eirik’s gaze didn’t leave mine as the door closed behind Keith and Cora. Finally, he glanced over my shoulder to the top of stairs. “Bye, Mrs. C.”

  “Take care of my baby, Eirik.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I can take care of myself, Mom.”

  “I will, ma’am,” Eirik said as though I hadn’t spoken and offered me his arm.

  Outside, Keith and Cora were already inside Keith’s Mustang. Eirik closed the door after I settled in the front passenger seat of the Jeep. Then he did something he’d never done before. He touched my lower lip.

  “I should have taken you up on that offer last night,” he murmured in a husky voice.

  I grinned, instinctively knowing he meant the kiss. From his words, he sounded like it wasn’t going to happen now. A bit disappointed, I asked, “Does that mean you don’t want to anymore?”

  “I don’t want to mess your makeup.”

  “You’re silly.”

  He crossed his arms along the Jeep’s open window and studied me. “You are beautiful, make up and fancy hairstyle or not.”

  “Really?” He’d never told me I was beautiful.

  He chuckled. “Of course you are, but I don’t know if this new Raine would raid the fridge in the middle of the night to feed me or stay up all night and take care of me when I’m sick.”

  I giggled. “Of course I would. You’re my best friend, and I’d do anything for you.”

  “Hey, let’s go,” Cora yelled through the window of the Mustang.

  Eirik hesitated as though he wanted to kiss me despite his words, then he looked at his watch and raced around the hood to the driver’s side. In minutes, we were heading west on Orchard Road. Eirik had the top of the Jeep up and warm air cranked.

  We drove past Walkersville University, the local Christian college whose pool we used for swim meets, then turned left on Fox Street. The club, L.A. Connection, was at the corner of Main Street and North Bonnet. The parking lot was already packed, but the larger one behind the building was nearly empty. It didn’t look like a busy night. On the other hand, it was only eight, too early for clubbers. In fact, whenever Cora went dancing, she never left until ten.

  “Just a second.” Eirik grabbed his camera from the backseat. “Don’t put on your coat yet.”

  “It’s cold,” I complained, but didn’t wear the coat and posed.

  “You look amazing,” he said, pressing the button.

  “Thank you. Take one of me and Cora.” She and Keith were walking toward us arm-in-arm.

  “Later.” Eirik took my hand.

  The bouncer at the door stamped the back of our hands and waved us through without asking for our I.D.s or asking us to pay. Eirik must have taken care of everything. He was that kind of guy. His next birthday would be my treat.

  The foyer was empty, which was surprising considering the cars in the parking lot. To our right were restrooms, and to the left, a broad doorway led to a lounge. A few couples lost in their private worlds sat around the room. Eirik didn’t claim a table for us. Instead he headed toward the flashing lights farther ahead, where a long shimmering curtain separated the lounge from the dance floor.

  Two young men, one with a punk haircut and electric blue side bangs and the other with a Mohawk with blond highlights, blocked our path.

  “Password?” Mohawk asked.

  Cora and Keith glanced at each other with bewildered expressions. I looked at Eirik, who shrugged and said, “Lorraine Cooper?”

  Punk exchanged a grin with Mohawk, and they stepped aside, yelling, “The birthday girl is here.”

  Screams of “Happy birthday, Raine,” greeted us as we entered the dance floor. The Beatles’ rendition of “Happy Birthday” filled the room. Balloons and streamers rained down from the ceiling on us and the students already on the dance floor. Despite the flashing neon lights, I recognized swimmers from the park, my band mates, and Keith’s lacrosse teammates and their girlfriends.

  I tried not to cry as people sang and waved or hugged me. Eirik leaned close until our foreheads touched. “Happy birthday, Raine.”

  Then he pressed his lips to mine.

  Maybe it was the moment, the music, the flashing lights and the crowd, but the kiss was perfect. Sweet. I put my arms around his neck and held him close. He grabbed my hand and somehow managed to lead me across the crowd to a set of stairs leading to a VIP lounge.

  It had birthday banners and streamers. Marjorie ‘Marj’ LeBlanc, Catie Vivanco, and Jeannette Wilkes gave me hugs. They were juniors like me. The three of them moved to Kayville a year ago and bonded when they joined the swim team. Marj and Catie also played in the band while Jeannette and Eirik were editors at the Trojan Gazette, Kayville High’s newspaper.

  “Were you surprised?” Marj asked, speaking louder to be heard above the music.

  I nodded and rubbed my arms, feeling chilly despite my jacket. “I still don’t know how they pulled it off.”

  She pointed at Eirik, who was staring at the dancers below and laughing with Catie and Jeannette. “He asked us a week ago to help with the decorations, said it was a surprise for you. You have no idea how hard it was not to say anything this afternoon at the park. Have fun.” She hugged me again and went to get her friends. They disappeared downstairs.

  “How could you keep this a secret?” I asked. “You suck at secret keeping.”

  He gave me another peck then draped an arm around me and pulled me closer. “Magic.”

  “Don’t joke.” That was one word I didn’t want to hear tonight.

  “We started planning a month ago, reserved the place, and this morning worked with the club’s party organizers to get everything ready. We have the place until ten, so let’s go dance.”

  “What if I’d said no this morning or my mother had refused?” I asked as we headed toward the stairs.

  “We would have sneaked you out, blind-folded you, and brought you here against your will.” Eirik pulled me to the dance floor.

  The Beatles were replaced by modern artists, and the crowd went wild. Bodies rocked, arms flailed, and hips swayed to the rhythmic music pounding through the room. Having an amazing dancer for a partner helped, too. Keith hated to dance, so Cora and I shared Eirik.

  It was a while before I noticed them—Andr
is and the evil sisters. Panic flashed through me. Who had invited them? I gripped Eirik’s arm, leaned in, and said, “Let’s take a break.”

  “Okay. I’ll get us drinks,” he said.

  “I’ll go upstairs and rest my feet.” I wanted to observe Andris and the Dahl sisters from above, not run into them. They were still by the curtains.

  Eirik insisted on escorting me upstairs, where a few people were already seated. Some were making out, while others stared at the dancers below and sipped their drinks. Darrel Portman, the lacrosse player Cora planned to feature on her vlog next week, and his new girlfriend were all over each other. He changed girlfriends often. He paused long enough to eye me curiously as though seeing me for the first time. I’d gotten a lot of that look tonight. Maybe Mom was right about wearing makeup and styling my hair. Or maybe the fact that Eirik and I finally kissed was the cause. I’d never been happier.

  Eirik left me near the table reserved just for me and disappeared downstairs. I searched for Andris and the two sisters among the dancers. I couldn’t see them until the strobe replaced the colored disco lights.

  One Dahl girl wore a one-shoulder, red sheath, mini dress that left little to the imagination, while the other’s flowing white dress made her look other worldly. I couldn’t see Andris. Even though he was dressed in black and probably blended better than the two blondes, his silver hair would stand out.

  “So this is where the birthday girl is hiding,” he said from behind me, and I stiffened. Before I could move, he’d gripped the rail on either side of me, neatly boxing me in, his body too close for comfort.

  Heart pounding, my first instinct was to push him away, but something told me he’d expect me to react that way. Taking a deep breath, I faked an indifference I didn’t feel. “What do you want, Andris?”

  “You,” he breathed in my ear. “Join me, Raine.”

  I cringed. His hot breath on my ear gave me the creeps, but I wasn’t ready to turn and face him yet. “I just left the dance floor,” I said, deliberately misunderstanding him.

  “I don’t mean dancing. I’m talking about my team.”


  “Me, Ingrid, and Maliina.”


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