The Handbook of Conflict Resolution (3rd ed)

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The Handbook of Conflict Resolution (3rd ed) Page 1

by Peter T Coleman

  Table of Contents


  More Praise for the Handbook of Conflict Resolution





  Part One: Interpersonal and Intergroup Processes Chapter One: Cooperation, Competition, and Conflict A Theory of Cooperation and Competition

  The Effects of Cooperation and Competition

  Constructive and Destructive Competition

  Pathologies of Cooperation

  Initiating Cooperation and Competition

  Summary of the Theory of Conflict Resolution

  Implications of the Theory for Understanding Conflict

  Implications for Managing Conflict

  Implications for Training


  Chapter Two: Justice and Conflict The Forms that Injustice Takes

  Implications for Understanding Conflict

  Implications for Training


  *Chapter Three: A Delicate and Deliberate Journey toward Justice Theorizing Justice Frameworks: Denaturalizing Inequality and Privilege

  Rooting Solidarity in (Our) Nature

  Under What Conditions Do Persons of Privilege Challenge Unjust Social Arrangements?

  Challenging Inequality, Confronting Privilege


  Chapter Four: Constructive Controversy What is Constructive Controversy?

  Constructive Controversy Theory

  Processes of Interaction

  Structuring Constructive Controversies

  Constructive Controversy and Democracy


  Chapter Five: Trust, Trust Development, and Trust Repair What is Trust?

  A Definition of Trust

  Why Trust is Critical to Relationships

  Managing Trust and Distrust in Conflict Situations


  Chapter Six: Power and Conflict A Discussion of Power

  Components of Power

  A Situated Model of Power and Conflict

  Implications for Training in Conflict Resolution


  Chapter Seven: Communication and Conflict Four Communication Paradigms

  Form Versus Substance: Both Matter


  Chapter Eight: Language, Peace, and Conflict Resolution Concepts of Language, Peace, and Conflict Resolution

  Implications for An Applied Peace Linguistics

  Implications for Education for Peaceful Language Use

  Language in Peace-Building Teacher Education


  Appendix: On Languages

  Chapter Nine: The PSDM Model A Simple Model

  Problem Solving

  Decision Making

  Understanding Problem Solving and Decision Making in Conflict Situations

  Implications for Training and Practice


  Chapter Ten: Intergroup Conflict Intergroup Conflict: Sources and Dynamics

  Implications for Understanding and Practice

  Implications for Training


  Part Two: Intrapsychic and Intragroup Processes Chapter Eleven: Judgmental Biases in Conflict Resolution and How to Overcome Them BIAS: A Definition

  Implications of Negotiator BIAS

  Remedying BIAS in Negotiation


  Chapter Twelve: Emotion and Conflict The Nature of Emotions

  The Interaction Between Emotion and Conflict

  How to Intervene in Conflict, Control Negative Emotions, and Foster Positive Emotions


  Chapter Thirteen: Self-Regulation in the Service of Conflict Resolution Understanding “Willpower”

  From Hot to Cool: Enabling Willpower

  Interpersonal Conflict

  Self-Regulatory Plans and Implementation Strategies

  Modeling, Role Play, or Rehearsal


  *Chapter Fourteen: Group Decision Making in Conflict Groupthink and Polythink

  The IRAQ War—From Groupthink to Polythink

  Conclusion and Policy Implications

  Part Three: Personal Differences *Chapter Fifteen: Natural-Born Peacemakers? Resolving Conflicts

  Negotiating Contracts

  Negotiating Boundaries

  Questions not Yet Answered

  Implications and Applications


  Chapter Sixteen: Resolving Intractable Intergroup Conflicts Direct Social Psychological Approaches to Conflict Resolution

  Indirect Social Psychological Approaches to Conflict Resolution

  Incremental Beliefs, Negative Trait Judgments About the Out-Group, and Conciliatory Political Action Tendencies: The Judgment Dimension

  Incremental Beliefs, Extreme Intergroup Emotions, and Conciliatory Political Action Tendencies: The Emotional Dimension

  Implications and Future Directions

  Chapter Seventeen: Personality and Conflict Representative Models of Personality

  Trait Approaches


  Chapter Eighteen: The Development of Conflict Resolution Skills The Importance of Social-Emotional Learning and Conflict Management

  Stage Theories of Early Childhood Development

  The Function of Conflict in Early Childhood Development

  Middle Childhood




  Part Four: Creativity and Change Chapter Nineteen: Creativity and Conflict Resolution Evolving Systems Approach

  The Shadow Box Experiments

  The Importance of Point of View

  Chapter Twenty: Some Guidelines for Developing a Creative Approach to Conflict Creativity Resulting from Conflict

  Novel Point of View

  Time and Conflict Resolution

  Play and Creativity

  Individual Work and Collaboration

  Techniques for Stimulating Novel Ideas


  Chapter Twenty-One: Creativity in the Outcomes of Conflict Overview: Person, Process, and Product

  Integrative Agreement as Creativity

  Creative Products: The Structure of Integrative Agreements

  Creative Products from Creative Persons in a Creative Process


  Chapter Twenty-Two: Change and Conflict Theoretical Conceptions of the Change Process

  Psychological Factors Affecting the Change Process

  Some Implications for Training


  Chapter Twenty-Three: Changing Minds An Overview of Persuasion Theory and Research

  Persuasion in the Context of Conflict Resolution

  Promoting Open-Minded Processing


  Chapter Twenty-Four: Learning through Reflection on Experience The Roots of The Framework in Adult Learning Theory

  Our Framework of Learning Through Reflection on Experience

  Why Coaches and Facilitators Can be Catalysts for Learning Through Reflection

  Encouraging Dialogue and New Ideas in Our Learning Through Reflection on Experience Framework


  Part Five: Culture and Conflict *Chapter Twenty-Five: The Alchemy of Change Defining Culture

  Cultural Fluency: What is its Importance, and How Does it Work?

  Building Cultural Fluency

  Neuroscience as Conflict Resolution Resource

  Arts-Based Approaches to Conflict Resolution

  Implications for Pedagogy
/>   Implications for Theory and Practice

  *Chapter Twenty-Six: Indigenous Lessons for Conflict Resolution Indigenous Knowledge and Practice

  Harnessing of Collective Wisdom for Global Conflict Resolution, Justice, and Peace

  Applications and Conclusions

  *Chapter Twenty-Seven: Multiculturalism and Conflict Multiculturalism as a Social Movement

  Applications of Multiculturalism

  A Theoretical Approach to Managing Multicultural Conflict: The Integration-Adaptation Model

  Case Study: Multiculturalism and the Boy Scouts of America


  Chapter Twenty-Eight: Cooperative and Competitive Conflict in China Should the Theory of Cooperation and Competition be Applied in China?

  Research Methods in China

  East Asian Tests of The Theory

  Cross-Cultural Studies

  Chinese Values for Conflict Management in China

  Leadership in a Hierarchical Society

  Developing the Theory Through Research in China

  Summary and Conclusion

  Part Six: Difficult Conflicts Chapter Twenty-Nine: Aggression and Violence Defining Aggression and Violence

  Theories of Aggression and Violence

  Addressing Aggression and Violence: Implications for Practice


  Chapter Thirty: Intractable Conflict Defining Intractable Conflict

  Approaches to Addressing Intractable Conflict: Five Paradigms

  Components of Intractable Conflicts

  A Dynamical Systems Model of Intractable Conflict

  Ten Guidelines for Altering the Attractor Landscapes of Intractable Conflicts

  Implications for Training


  *Chapter Thirty-One: The Pragmatics of Peace with Justice Inherent Tensions

  Exploring the Practice

  Challenges to Synergy

  Latest Developments

  Moving Forward: Operationalizing Peace with Justice

  *Chapter Thirty-Two: Terrorism The Terrorists

  Terrorist Profiles: The Political, the Religious, the Criminal

  Terrorists in Action

  Strategic Options for Engaging Terrorists

  Knowing the Culture, Psychology, Values and Goals of The Terrorist Group

  Negotiating with Terrorists

  Rogue States

  Trust and Historical Gestures

  The Victims

  Media and Public Opinion

  Negotiation Effectiveness


  Part Seven: Models of Practice *Chapter Thirty-Three: Negotiation Theoretical and Empirical Roots of Integrative Negotiation

  Why Our Emphasis on Integrative Negotiation?

  How to do Integrative Negotiation Well in Typical Conflicts

  How to do Integrative Negotiation Well in Difficult to Resolve Conflicts


  Chapter Thirty-Four: The Mediation of Conflict Theory and Research

  Implications for Understanding and Managing Conflict

  Implications for Training


  Chapter Thirty-Five: Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills in a Workshop Insights from Practice

  Overview of The Coleman Raider Workshop Design

  Workshop Objectives and Pedagogy

  Seven Workshop Modules



  *Chapter Thirty-Six: Creating Constructive Communication through Dialogue Dialogic Approach to Communication

  Dialogue Processes

  Problems in Communication During Conflict

  Preventing and Overcoming Problems in Communication

  Creating New Social Worlds Made from Dialogic Communication

  *Chapter Thirty-Seven: An Empirically Based Approach to Couples’ Conflict Stage 1: The Discovery of Reliable Patterns of Interaction

  Stage 2: Prediction and the Replication of the Prediction

  Stage 3: Theory Building, Understanding, and Prevention and Intervention

  Summary Of Effectiveness Evidence for Intervention and Prevention

  Chapter Thirty-Eight: Managing Conflict through Large Group Methods What are Large Group Intervention Methods?

  Three Types of Large Group Methods

  New Frontiers: Applications to Peace Building and Legislative Processes


  *Chapter Thirty-Nine: Group Relations and Conflict Resolution Group Dynamics and Group Relations: A Brief History

  Conflict in Groups: A Diagnostic Framework

  Case Study: The Case of Pink Power

  Toward Conflict Resolution: A Group Relations Model of Intervention


  *Chapter Forty: Reconciliation between Groups The Origins of Violence and Basic Psychological Needs

  Security and Reconciliation

  The Principles and Practices of Reconciliation

  Justice Processes

  Moving Toward Forgiveness

  The Multiple Processes in Reconciliation


  *Chapter Forty-One: Social Networks, Social Media, and Conflict Resolution Traditional Social Network Analysis

  Social Network Research on Conflict

  Social Media

  Dynamic Network Theory

  Conflict Resolution Strategies in Social Networks

  Network Conflict Worksheet

  International Linkages

  Online Dispute Resolution


  *Chapter Forty-Two: Using Research Findings in Practice Doing Research on Conflict Management and Resolution

  Communicating Research Findings

  Applying Research Findings

  Learning Gains


  *Chapter Forty-Three: Nonviolent Struggle Examples of Nonviolent Struggle

  Definition of Nonviolent Struggle

  Importance of Nonviolent Struggle

  Media Coverage of Nonviolent Struggle

  The Future of Nonviolent Action



  Part Eight: Looking to the Future Chapter Forty-Four: A Framework for Thinking about Research on Conflict Resolution Initiatives Types of Research

  Audiences for Research

  Research Strategies

  Research Evaluating Conflict Resolution Initiatives


  Chapter Forty-Five: Some Research Frontiers in the Study of Conflict and Its Resolution Origins and Impact of Conflict

  Strategic Choice

  Escalation and Intractability

  Readiness for Conflict Resolution




  Concluding Overview

  About the Editors

  About the Contributors

  More from Wiley

  Name Index

  Subject Index

  End User License Agreement

  List of Tables

  Chapter Four: Constructive Controversy Table 4.1 Process of Controversy and Concurrence Seeking

  Table 4.2 Meta-Analysis of Academic Controversy Studies: Weighted Effect Sizes

  Chapter Five: Trust, Trust Development, and Trust Repair Table 5.1 Sixteen Relationship Types Based on Dominant Trust and Distrust Elements

  Chapter Seventeen: Personality and Conflict Table 17.1 Normal Frustrations, Typical Defense Mechanisms, Developmental Crises, Psychopathology, and Adult Character Traits with Several Early Stages of Psychosexual Development

  Chapter Eighteen: The Development of Conflict Resolution Skills Table 18.1 Piaget’s Social Cognitive Approach to Children’s Development

  Table 18.2 Comparison of Social Cognitive Approaches to Development

  Table 18.3 Kegan’s Cognitive Orders of Consciousness

  Table 18.4 Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages in Development

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Learning through Reflection on Experience Table 24.1 Action Science Map ar
ound Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Multiculturalism and Conflict Table 27.1 I-AM-Inducing Strategies and Interventions at the Individual and Organizational Levels

  Chapter Thirty-One: The Pragmatics of Peace with Justice Table 31.1 Key Differences between Human Rights and Mediation

  Chapter Thirty-Five: Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills in a Workshop Table 35.1 Coleman Raider AEIOU Coding Sheet (Abridged)

  Chapter Forty: Reconciliation between Groups Table 40.1 Reconciliation and the Prevention of New Violence

  Chapter Forty-Two: Using Research Findings in Practice Table 42.1 xamples of Methodologies in Four Research Traditions

  List of Illustrations

  Chapter Four: Constructive Controversy Figure 4.1 Theory of Controversy

  Chapter Six: Power and Conflict Figure 6.1 The Situated Model of Power and Conflict

  Figure 6.2 Psychological Orientations in the Basic Conflict Stimulus Field

  Chapter Nine: The PSDM Model Figure 9.1 An Integrated Model of Problem Solving and Decision Making in Conflict Resolution


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