The Handbook of Conflict Resolution (3rd ed)

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The Handbook of Conflict Resolution (3rd ed) Page 171

by Peter T Coleman

  Dialogic paradigm of communication: on focusing on establishing conditions for communication; overview of

  Dialogue: additional uses of; approaching communication through; Buberian; consideration as relationship, event, or context; creating new social worlds made from; different meanings of; having a dialogue form of; I-It relationships expressed in; I-Thou relationships expressed in; preventing and overcoming problems in communication during; problems in communication during conflict; as techniques used to create space for co-inquiry. See also Communication; Information processing

  Dialogue processes: Public Conversations Project (PCP); sustained dialogue; world Café

  Dictionary of Conflict Resolution (Yarn)

  Dictionary of Power and Struggle (Sharp)

  Difficult personality parties


  Dirty Harry (film)

  Dirty tricks

  Disadvantage group deprivation

  Displacement: description of; pain of

  Disposition (personality)

  Distributive injustice: definition of; training to recognize

  Distributive justice: definition of; equity, equality, and need principles of; theory of relative deprivation on

  Distrust: calculus-based distrust (CBD); fundamental difference between trust and; identification-based distrust (IBD); relationships as containing elements of both trust and

  Diversity: Brooklyn Friends School (BFS) use of psychoeducation to promote; human security by increasing cultural; unity-in-diversity identity

  Divide-and-choose approach

  Divorce: “four horsemen of the apocalypse” predictors of; mediation for; ratio of positive to negative SPAFF codes predictor of; summary of effectiveness evidence for prevention of. See also Domestic violence; Marriage

  Domain theory

  Domestic chastisement

  Domestic violence: Gottman lab work on; how emotions interaction with; as largely underreported. See also Divorce; Violence

  Domestic violence-emotions interaction: fear of humiliation in; role of anger in; role of fear in; role of guilt in; scenarios tracing the

  Dominance legacy

  Dominator model of society

  Double-swing model

  Dream Act

  Dreams-within-conflict blueprint

  Dual concern models

  Dynamic network theory

  Dynamical Systems Theory (DST): guidelines for altering the attractor landscapes of intractable conflicts; implications for conflict resolution training; overview of the

  Dynamic network intelligence (DNI)


  Economic Community of West African States

  Economic justice: framework for implementing; reconciliation and role of

  Economic justice framework: description of; politics of deserving

  ECSEL (Peaceful Kids Educating Communities in Social-Emotional Learning) Program

  Effective actions

  Efficacy: competencies required for; social learning theory on


  Egg drop exercise

  Egoistical deprivation

  Elias Castro School of Excellence

  Emic conflict resolution research: methodologies used in; single case studies on qualitative; time series analysis: quantitative/qualitative

  Emotional management: broaden-and-build model on positive; cosmopolitan communication virtuosity for; importance of learning; task-oriented learning-mastery orientation of. See also Social-emotional learning

  “Emotion-Coaching” (Gottman lab)

  Emotions: anger and hatred; Colman Raider workshop on dealing with anger and other; communication problems related to conflict and; confidence and warmth; dynamic network theory on social network spread of; fear; guilt; hot to intervene in conflict and manage; humiliation; interaction between conflict and; intractable conflict processes and; mirror neurons and; nature of; reflection role on affect and; three functions of; trust built from; understanding the power of

  Empathic listening

  Empathy: conflict role in childhood development of; gender differences in; listening with; training to increase

  Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)

  Employees: organizational transformation for inclusion of; Praxis Consulting Group addressing inequality of; restaurant

  Encoding-decoding paradigm of communication

  Enga of Papua New Guinea


  Environmental power: culture; deep structure; description of; hierarchy; inequitable opportunity structures; legitimizing myths; roles

  Epistemic curiosity

  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  Equality principle

  Equality Trust: description of the; promoting policies designed to reduce inequality gaps

  Equity distribution principle

  Equity principle

  Erikson’s psychosocial stages in development

  Escalation: bilateral sequences of; as control and defense mechanism; description of; intergroup conflict and; interpersonal conflict; sequences of unilateral

  ETA (Spain)

  Ethical dilemmas (conflict resolution)

  Etic conflict resolution research: case analysis: quantitative; methodologies used in; structured focused comparison (SFC) qualitative

  Evaluating conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs): action evaluation research initiative for; Comprehensive Peer Mediation Evaluation Project (CPMEP); framework for comparative case analysis; Negotiation Evaluation Survey (NES) for; process evaluation of intergroup encounter interventions; research on

  Exclusion: intractable conflict and role of; moral

  Expanding the pie solution

  Experience: coaches and facilitators as catalysts for reflection on; Dewey’s learning from; informal and incidental learning model for reflection on; Mezirow’s “habits of mind” and critical reflection on

  Experience surveys

  Experiential learning, theorists of

  Experimental research

  Extraversion personality dimension



  Facial affect coding system (FACS)

  Facilitators. See Mediators

  Fairness: cultural differences on how to perceive; egocentrism and allocation bias of; group decision making and interpretations of. See also Justice

  Fall prevention negotiation

  Fallibility: definition of; as underlying constructive conflict resolution value

  “False conflict”

  FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Columbia) [Colombia]

  Fear: of future humiliation; interactions between conflict and

  Feedback: Murray’s need theory of personality on need for; negotiation bias remedy through

  Feedback mapping: Mozambique conflict and peace process; useful for understanding social systems

  Female genital cutting

  First Nations (British Columbia)

  Fishbowl theory on hostage negotiation

  501(c)(3) organizations

  Five-factor model (FFM): on adult personality; examining conflict resolution using the; personality facet scales of the

  Fixed-pie perception

  Flexible attention deployment

  Flexible thinking

  Forgiveness: acknowledgment of suffering as part of; commitment to relationship impact on; many meanings of; power of private; as providing relief to those with PTSD; psychological spiritual healing through; reconciliation process moving toward; training to facilitate reconciliation and; treatment of PTSD role in. See also Victims/survivors

  Four Fs (firm, fair, flexible, and friendly)

  “Four horsemen of the apocalypse” divorce predictors

  Framing: as cognitive bias; communication problems related to; cooperation-competition theory on constructive conflict resolution; dialogic communication preparation of cultural; how to improve women’s negotiation outcomes through; Iraq War decision making; moral behavior and role of

rnal deprivation

  Free press rights

  Freudian stages of development theory

  Frustration: aggression and violence as consequence of; comparing injustice to; description of; as sense of deprivation and injustice

  Funding agencies

  Future Search


  Gacaca (community justice process)

  Gamaa al Islamiyya

  Gays. See LGBTQ community

  Gender: choosing a conflict resolution strategy and influence of; definition of. See also Sex

  Gender differences: conflict resolution and; in empathy; evaluating and adapting conflict resolution style; negotiating boundaries and; negotiating contracts and; negotiation implications and applications; network access and; questions on negotiation not yet answered; self-construal and social role expectations and; social dominance orientation (SDO) and; strategies to improve outcomes for women. See also Men; women

  Gender roles: conflict resolution style and; self-construal and expectations of

  Gender wage gap: negotiating contracts; persistence of the

  General Accounting Office (US)

  General Electric

  The General Strike (Crooks)

  General System Theory (von Bertalannfy)

  Geneva Conventions

  Genocide: Holocaust; Rwandan (1994); Serbian ethnic cleansing. See also War

  Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy

  Getting to Yes (Fisher and Ury)

  Gewaltfrier Aufstand (Ebert)

  Global conflict resolution: global justice burden of; lessons from indigenous societies for

  Global cooperative interdependence


  Goal interdependence: Chinese cultural studies on responsiveness to; positive or negative; situational model of power and conflict and

  Goals: antecedents to cooperative goals in Chinese society; constructive controversy requirement of cooperative; dynamic network theory on working together to reach common; group decision making for progress toward; self-regulation role in the pursuit of; of terrorist groups

  “Good conflict”

  Good Friday Agreement (GFA, 1998) [Northern Ireland]


  Gottman Couples theory

  Gottman lab: Bringing Baby home (BBH) workshop; Couples Together Against Violence (CTAV); discovery of reliable patterns of material interaction; “Emotion-Coaching”; Gottman Couples theory; intervention and prevention studies; Loving Couples Loving Children (LCLC); prediction and the replication of the predication work by; Sound Relationship House theory (SRH); study of gay and lesbian couples by; summary of evidence for intervention/prevention; trust and betrayal theory. See also Marriage

  Gottman-Rapoport conflict blueprint

  Gottmans’ conflict blueprints

  Great October Strike (1905)

  Greek-Turkish conflict. See Turkish-Greek conflict

  Group boundaries: BART system on; definition and function of

  Group conflict: BART system of; destructive process of; diagnostic framework of; evolution of intense violence from; examining the Pink Power organization case of; Lewin’s research on; Wells’s model of

  Group decision making: behavioral; con-div group dynamic of; during conflict of War in Iraq; constructive controversy procedures for; interpretations of fairness during; Iraq War; large group intervention methods for; Native American value of consensus; polythink; power imbalance in; PSDM model on conflict resolution; purpose of; restabilizing through dynamic adaptivity of. See also Decision making

  Group identity: description and types of; intractable conflict and oppositional; promoting open-minded processing about

  Group relations: brief history of research on group dynamics and; large group intervention methods

  Group roles: BART system on; description of

  Groupthink: characteristics of; cohesiveness driving; conflict management process and role of; continuum of polythink and; description of; Iraq War decisions moving to polythink from

  A Guide to International Negotiation (Raider)

  Guided imagination

  Guilt-conflict interactions


  “Habits of mind”

  Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)

  Handbook for Discourse (Van Dijk)

  Handbook of Large Group Methods (Bunker and Alban)

  Hatred-conflict interactions

  Healing psychological wounds of violence

  Heart Math emwave biofeedback device

  Helsinki agreement

  Heuristic processing: negotiation settings and systematic vs.; overview and comparison of

  Heuristic-systematic model: on cognitive consequences of processing modes; on modes of information processing; overview of; on sources of bias

  Hewlett Theory Centers


  High-power groups (HPGs)


  Homophily of social networks


  Honor ideologies

  “Honor killing”

  Hostage negotiation: airplane hijackings and; effectiveness of; fishbowl theory applied to; intervention techniques used during; media and public opinion during; with rogue states; role of trust and historical gestures during; stages and variables of; state engagement in; strategic options for engaging terrorists during; types of concessions made during; victims of. See also Terrorism

  Hostage posting

  Hot spots

  Hot/cool model of willpower

  Howard Beach incident

  Huckleberry Finn (Twain)

  Human and social polarities

  Human Dignity and humiliation Studies

  Human equality: definition of; as underlying constructive conflict resolution value

  Human Judgment and Social Policy (Hammond)

  The human relations paradigm of intractable conflict

  Human rights: ideals of; UN Charter on; UN R2P (Responsibility to Protect) resolution on

  Human rights practice: challenges to synergy of peace-building practice and; Columbia’s ongoing violence and; concerns over “naming and shaming” strategy of; key differences between mediation and peace-building practice during; latest developments in international conflicts and; Northern Ireland peace agreement implementation (1998–2005) and; operationalizing peace with justice to further; Sierra Leone’s immediate postviolence period (1999–2000) and

  Human rights Watch

  Human security

  Humanization of the other

  Humiliation: fear of future; human rights ideals being fueled by feelings of; interactions between conflict and

  Huristic processing

  Hurricane Katrina


  Iceberg principle of persuasion

  Idea generation

  Identification-based distrust (IBD): characterization of relationships on; description of; strategies to manage

  Identification-based trust (IBT): actions that build; characterization of relationships on; description of; managing violations of

  Identity: group; as source of integrative negotiation impasse

  Ideological frames: honor ideologies and violence against women; pluralist; radical; unitary view

  Ideology: destructive ideology versus constructive; Hitler’s; Internet websites promoting; intractable conflict and issues of; personal power framed by; Pol Pot’s; social dominance orientation (SDO) support of

  I-It relationships

  Illusion of transparency

  Implicit power theories

  Impression negotiation motivation

  Impression processing motivation

  Inclusion: Brooklyn Friends School (BFS) use of psychoeducation to promote; dynamic inclusivity and “deep coexistence”; using psychoeducational strategies to foster

  Inclusively caring children

  Incremental beliefs: extreme intergroup emotions and political action; negative trait judgments about out-group and political action<
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  Incremental theory of groups: on emotional dimension of incremental beliefs; on judgment dimension of incremental negative beliefs; overview of the

  Indigenous societies: applications to modern conflicts; examining the knowledge and practice of; harnessing their wisdom for global conflict resolution; peace systems of; reciprocity practices of; reflections on conflict resolution approaches by; value orientations of; Waorani (Ecuador)

  Inducibility: cooperation-competition theory on role of; definition of; pathologies of


  Inequality: and aggression related to sexualization of women; confronting privilege by challenging; examining conditions that induce persons of privilege to challenge; National Urban League report on US racial; policy changes to initiate or reduce; system justification of

  Inequality gaps: Equality Trust promoting policies designed to reduce; organizational transformation and development to reduce; psychoeducational strategies to foster inclusion and reduce; racial. See also Privilege

  Informal and incidental learning model: case example: after-action review (AAR); case example: on reflection after conflict; case example: reflection with the help of a trusted other; case example: using an action science facilitator to learn to handle conflict; encouraging dialogue and new ideas using; illustrated diagram of; overview of; reflection and critical reflection using the

  Information processing: cognitive consequences of mode used for; dynamic network intelligence (DNI) on social networks; heuristic mode of; moderate positions and unexpected information; motives for; negotiation stage of exchanging information; promoting open-minded; sources of bias in; systematic mode of. See also Dialogue

  Injustice: comparing frustration to; conditions causing persons of privilege to challenge social; in the course of conflict; distinction between oppression and; forms of; frustration over deprivation and sense of; implications for conflict resolution training; intractable conflicts with legacies of dominance and; “myths” that justify; as the source of conflict; training for knowledge of systematic forms of. See also Justice

  Injustice forms: cultural imperialism; distributive injustice; moral exclusion; procedural injustice; retributive and reparative justice; sense of injustice

  Innovation. See Creativity

  Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton)

  Institute for Survival and Beyond’s (PISAB) Undoing Racism (UR) training


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