My Love Ain't Meant For a Thug

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My Love Ain't Meant For a Thug Page 5

by A'zayler

  “Everything okay?” she asked

  “Nah. Hell nah. But I’m straight.” He shifted in his seat some and dropped his phone down on the table. It landed and almost slid off but Honey caught it.

  “For somebody that’s straight you sure did slam this phone down mighty hard. What in the world is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing I’m straight. I don’t want to talk about that. Let’s talk about you and what you got going on.”

  “I don’t know why you wanna do that. I don’t have nothing going on.”

  Congo leaned forward with his arms resting on the table. “That aint what I heard.”

  “What? What you heard? And from who?”

  He smiled and Honey had to fight to keep her mind in the right place.

  “I heard that you’re a pretty hot commodity. Shid, from what I heard I think I feel honored to even be out on a date with you.”

  Honey twisted her lips to the side. “Date? Boy we aint on no date. You just feeding me for saving them cops from burning your face off the other day.”

  He laughed and covered his face with both hands. When he moved them he bit his bottom lip before laughing again. His leg bounced slightly and he wouldn’t make eye contact. He almost looked a little…nah that couldn’t be it. Was he? Nah, Congo didn’t even look like the type to get embarrassed but that was the only thing his body was giving off.

  “You taking me out early ma, chill for a minute. At least let me pay for our meal and redeem myself.” He was laughing but the embarrassment was still there.

  The discomfort in his once relaxed posture made Honey feel bad for saying that. She reached across the table and grabbed his hand. “I’m sorry I said that. That shit wasn’t funny it was rude and I’m still mad about it. You don’t have to be embarrassed,” She held up her hand to silence him. “Don’t lie, I can clearly tell you’re embarrassed about it but you don’t have to be. That wasn’t your fault.”

  Congo took off his hat and ran it over his head before putting it back on. “It’s cool. I aint sweating it. You good. I just appreciate you coming to a nigga rescue.”

  “I’d do it again. And again after that.” Honey smiled at him, gaining a smile in return. “How did that happen anyway?”

  A scowl similar to the one he’d been wearing while looking at him phone returned to his face as he sat quietly for a minute. Honey was patient and nosey so she sat waiting for him to answer her question. “My girlfriend. That car is in her name. We’d just gotten into an argument a few minutes before I left the house so she called 12 and reported the shit stolen.”


  Why did that feel like a kick in the chest to Honey when she had her own boyfriend? That one word had potentially ruined the rest of her lunch. All this time she’d been with him not once had she considered the fact that he too might have been in a relationship She’d given a little thought to Samuel and what he might think of her lunch date but that was as far as her mind had gone. God must have been looking out for her because the waiter returned with her a glass of water. She grabbed it and took a sip of it to wash the words she really wanted to say back down her throat.

  “So did y’all get that taken care of?”

  “Her dumb ass dropped the charges the next morning.”

  Congo’s tone was so harsh when speaking of his girlfriend. Honey found some comfort in that.

  “Well that’s good. You must had really pissed her off. What you do?”

  Congo frowned at her and shook his head.

  “I aint did shit to that crazy ass girl. She mad because I don’t want to sell drugs anymore. I quit that shit a few months ago and got me a regular job and her ass makes a point to make life even harder because of it.”

  “What kind of woman would do that? Furthermore who wants a thug?” Honey wasn’t the one to pry but she couldn’t help but to ask. That was downright trifling and had even poorer reasoning.

  “I ask myself the same shit. Who wouldn’t want a nigga to change for the better? The bitch is just fucking psycho that’s all.”

  “You sure do cuss a lot.” Honey said with a disapproving look on her face.

  “So, shit. I can’t cuss? I was raised around it. This is just how I talk.”

  Honey waved her hand up and down in his face. “Hold all that down over there lil buddy I was just saying.”

  The look on Congo’s face was pure amusement. He was looking at her and she could see the light in his eyes. It was the same light she’d seen when he was staring at her at the shop earlier. It felt like his whole face was serious but his eyes were the lights. They were bright and dancing with whatever emotion he was feeling at the moment.

  “I can see now, I’ma have to keep my eye on you. You sneaky with your shit.”

  Please keep your eye on me.

  The rest of their lunch went by rather smoothly other than the fact that she had gotten drunk as hell off of two drinks. Congo had ordered him and her a few drinks with their meals and because she didn’t want to seem immature she drank them both. What did she do that for? Because now she was feeling extremely tipsy. Due to the fact that she hadn’t ever had a drink stronger than a wine cooler, the two mixed drinks had gotten to her rather quickly.

  “Damn girl can yo ass walk? Don’t walk out here and fall in front of all these damn people,”

  “Duh I can walk Congo. See look.” Honey started walking and stumbled into a chair.

  Congo grabbed her quickly and picked her up. “Let me carry yo ass before you fall and embarrass me.” She was draped in his arms like a bride. Her head was lying against his chest and she was sniffing his shirt. “Honey, what the fuck you doing?”

  “You smell sooooooo good.” She leaned forward and licked the exposed part of his chest.

  She caught him off guard with that so he pulled her away from his body some.

  “Yo Honey, chill.”

  “You smelled good, so I wanted to see did you taste good too.”

  Congo’s mind went straight down the gutter after that. He was already attracted to Honey, he couldn’t have her doing and saying shit like that. Although her licking his chest wasn’t the way he would have picked for her to see what he tasted like, he could rock with that for now. He placed her into the passenger seat of his car and was buckling the seat belt around her when she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. She hugged his head to the side of her face.

  “Honey, you have to let me go so I can take you back to your job.”

  She released him slowly and sat back so he could close the door. When he got in she had taken her seatbelt off and scooted to the middle of the seat. His leg pressed against hers as he situated himself in his seat. Once he stopped moving she leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped both of her arms around his arm.

  “I don’t want to go back there Congo. Everybody is so mean to me.”

  Her voice sounded small and pitiful. Almost childlike. Congo pulled into traffic and looked down at her face.

  “Who’s mean to you Honey?”

  “All of them. They’re always yelling and cursing at me. They take my money, and talk about me. I don’t like being there.”

  Congo didn’t know if Honey was telling her true feelings or was it just the liquor because everybody at the barbershop looked like they fucked with her when he was in there.

  “Well why you stay there? Why don’t you leave and work somewhere else?”

  Honey sat up and pushed her hair from her face. She smiled at him and narrowed her eyes. She was so gotdamn pretty he could look at her all day. “She pressed her lips together before letting a smile slip past her lips. “I’m not talking about at my job silly, I’m talking about my house. You so stupid Congo.” She began giggling before laying back down on his arm.

  “I’m talking about my raggedy house with all the ugly people I live with. Samuel’s sister wears all my clothes and she never even gives them back. That stupid huh? Wearing somebody else clothes that you don’t even like? If I was her I w
ouldn’t do that. I don’t even like her wearing my clothes. I be trying to hide em’ but she always find em’. She’s like a little mouse. You know how mice always find everything you try to hide? Yeah that’s her.”

  Congo was listening to her but he had to laugh at that. That was the worst analogy in the world. She was definitely drunk because she was saying all kinds of shit now. He hadn’t heard her talk this much since all day.

  “Sammy Sr. is nasty. He likes to see me naked. If somebody is in the bathroom you don’t just walk in do you? Nope! You don’t. Unless you wanna see them naked right? Yep. That’s right I already know. I think he like me or something because he be watching me all the time. Kind of like I was looking at you today when you was driving. I was thinking nasty stuff but that’s because I like you Congo. I like you, and I like the way you look in this shirt.” Honey grabbed at the fabric of his shirt. “I like your body and your face. If you was having sex with somebody else or you was my daughter boyfriend or something like that and y’all was having sex I would probably watch.” Honey sat up and scratched her head like she was in deep thought. “That’s probably why Sammy Sr. does that to me. You think so? Huh Congo? You think that’s why he watches Samuel have sex with me?”

  Congo thought he felt some type of way before, but he was really feeling a little tense now. She was drunk and telling all her gotdamn business. The only thing about it is she was telling him shit that shouldn’t even be happening. From the sound of it, she lived with a house full of stupid psycho dumb ass people that mistreated her. Samuel must be her bitch ass boyfriend. The one good thing coming out now was that even though she tried to hide it, she was checking for him the say way he was checking for her. She was still sitting up looking at him, apparently waiting for him to answer her questions. He didn’t know what to tell her, but he wanted her to keep talking so he just agreed with her.

  “Yeah that’s probably why.”

  She nodded her head.

  “I knew it. I knew he liked me. But I don’t like him Congo. I don’t want him to like me.” Honey looked down and played with the hand he had resting on his leg. She picked up his fingers one by one, examining his nails as she talked. “I only want you to like me. Not him.”

  “I do like you Honey.”

  “Well if you like me you should take me to your house not Samuel’s,”

  “You wanna go to my house?”

  “Yes. Samuel is going to be so mad at me though so you have to call and tell him where I am.”

  The fuck?

  “Honey, I’m not calling no damn Samuel and telling him shit.”

  Honey frowned her face up and crossed her arms. She looked at him pouting for a second before busting out into a big smile. “Your lips look like a heart.”

  Congo smiled and shook his head. She was too gone.

  “You know me and you kissed already right?”

  “When we kissed Honey?”

  “I let you drink out of my water bottle the other day, when I got home I drank out of the same bottle because I forgot I had gave you some. So it’s like I kissed you.”

  Congo licked his lips and took his eyes off the road for a minute to look at her. She was wearing the same goofy grin. Her mouth looked tempting especially since she’d brought up them kissing. He reached up and ran his fingertip over her mouth. When Honey kissed his fingers, it was like a jolt of electricity went through his dick. If that was bad, when she began to lick and suck on each one of his fingers he almost had to pull over on the side of the road.

  “Come on Honey, don’t do that.” He pulled his hand away and she sat back down. She leaned her head back on his shoulder and went back to talking.

  “So can I go to your house?”



  “What about work?”

  “I don’t have anybody else today.”

  Congo thought about it long and hard. He didn’t want to take advantage of her drunken state but clearly she had some fucked up shit going on at home anyway. Plus it was still early so maybe after she took a nap and woke up she’d be sober enough to still go home.

  “I’ll be quiet if you say yes. I won’t keep talking I pinky promise.” Honey held up her pinky finger and he took it with his.

  He’d take her with him to the hotel and at least give her a little time to sober up. When he got to the hotel he had to carry her inside. He didn’t even want to chance her falling and busting her face.

  “You live in a hotel?” She practically yelled while they were in the lobby.

  “Girl shut yo ass up talking so loud before somebody think I dun drugged your ass or something.”

  Honey covered her mouth. “Oops I forgot I’m not supposed to be talking.”

  Congo pulled his key card out and scanned it so they could get in. He closed the door behind them and walked over to the bed to lay her down. She had a death grip around his neck. He tried to pull free but she held him tighter.

  “Lay down with me Congo. Let’s take a nap.”

  Congo wasn’t really tired but he’d lay down with her until she fell asleep. He kicked off his shoes and pulled off his hat.

  “Ooh you need to let me give you a haircut.”

  “Take your drunk ass to sleep. Don’t worry about me.” Congo eased in the bed behind her and stretched his legs out.

  Honey’s back was to him at first but she turned around and scooted close to him. She balled both of her fist up between their chests and snuggled her face into his neck. She inhaled deeply. “You smell so good. I just want to lick all over you,” She inhaled again. “I remember when I was little and went to the library I would sniff my books because they smelled so good. Sometimes I even licked them.” She laughed to herself as she recalled her childhood behavior. “That how I feel about you right now. I know I wasn’t supposed to lick the book but I did it anyway, like I know I shouldn’t lick you but I want to.”

  Congo was about to say something but stopped when he felt her tongue on his neck again. She licked in small circles all around his neck. Congo’s breathing picked up a little bit as she continued to lick around his neck. She scooted closer and closer but that must not have been good enough for her because she sat up on her knees and leaned over and started licking his ears and the side of his face.

  “Honey, you probably should fall back some lil mama.”

  She shook her head.

  “Your voice makes me think about sex, so you should probably stop talking some lil daddy.” She laughed and rubbed her hand down the front of his shorts. He sucked in air when her hand found his hard dick. “Dang Congo.” Her voice was a mix of awe and admiration.

  Congo already knew he was packing so he wasn’t surprised by her shock. He laid on the bed biting his lip while watching her feel on his joint.

  “Can I see it? I’ve never saw one this big before.” She was looking at him and he could tell she was serious so he nodded. He reached down to pull it out for her but she pushed his hand away. “I know how to do it.” She turned her body slightly and stuck her hand in the band of his shorts. She pushed his gym shorts down some exposing him.

  “Oh Congo. It’s big like a pringle can or something.”

  He had to laugh at that. It had been compared to a lot of shit but never a pringle can. He was still wrapped up in her statement when he felt her rubbing up and down his length. She leaned over and spit on the tip a few times before using it to lubricate the skin so her hands would move easily. Congo wondered how she knew this shit but figured it was because of that nigga Samuel she had been talking about. It felt good as hell and he had the mind to stop her but he didn’t.

  “You like the way it feel Congo?”

  “Shit yeah.” He said breathlessly.

  Honey was doing shit to him, and making him feel ways that had his mind in a whole different world. She began to move her hand faster, and when it got dry again, she let it go for a second to crawl over to her purse. She removed the small bottle of Curel lotion and the mini
jar of Vaseline she used for her lips and put a little of both in her hands. Congo watched as she moved with expertise. After rubbing her hands together she placed them back on his dick and went back to massaging it. Congo didn’t know who had taught her how to do this, or what kind of freaky shit that nigga had her doing at the house, but she was jacking the fuck out his dick. The way she moved her hands had him about to bust. The fact that she held eye contact with him while she was doing it made it even better. She was staring at him intently almost like she was trying to read his thoughts and feelings. Her gaze didn’t waver and neither did his. She watched him as she stroked his dick.

  “Who taught you this shit Honey?”


  “You watch him like this too?”

  She shook her head no. “I look at you because I like the way you look at me. He doesn’t look at me like you do.”

  “Fuck Honey!” Congo’s seeds spilled out on her hand and dripped down her arm a little. She tore her gaze away for a few seconds to admire her handiwork before looking right back up to him.

  “Honey, you want to see what I taste like?”

  Her eyes lit up and she smiled brightly. “Yes.”

  Congo sat up in the bed and grabbed her arm. He raised it to her mouth and she just looked at him, unaware of what she was supposed to be doing.


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