My Love Ain't Meant For a Thug

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My Love Ain't Meant For a Thug Page 7

by A'zayler

  Honey: You with Neeka?

  Why did I ask that? Honey waited nervously, checking her phone screen every few seconds waiting on his reply. It was only ten o clock at night he shouldn’t be sleep yet. Or was he? What if he was and Neeka checked her message? Oh no! Her phone buzzed across the counter. Whew! False alarm.

  Congo: Yeah, fuck her tho. I’d rather be wit U

  Honey was smiling super hard at her screen.

  Honey: You don’t even know who this is

  Congo: Yes I do. This my Honey

  His Honey.

  Honey held the phone to her chest smiling like a fool thinking of his chocolate face and how he must look at the moment.

  Honey: Your Honey?...yeah it’s me.

  Congo: Damn right MY Honey. Is that a problem?

  Honey: I don’t know yet.

  Congo: You aint got no choice. U mine.

  Honey couldn’t control the butterflies in her stomach. She hadn’t even text him back before her phone was vibrating in her had again.

  Congo: Can I see U?

  Honey: When?

  Congo: Now

  Honey: I can’t. Tomorrow?

  Congo: Bet.

  Honey read over their messages again before deleting the conversation and placing her phone back on the window sill in front of the kitchen sink. She began washing the dishes with a little more energy this time. Once she was done, she swept the floor and headed to the room she shared with Samuel. She prayed the whole way down the hall that was asleep and not up watching porn. God answered half of prayer, because he wasn’t watching porn but he was still awake. He was sitting in the mirror picking his hair. Honey wished he would just cut that tired mess off but she would never tell him. She didn’t need him acting like a baby and running to tell his mommy. He looked over at her and smiled when she came in. Honey retrieved her wife beater and boxer shorts so she could take a bath. She was about to go right back out but Samuel stood up and stepped in front of the door.

  “Show your man some love Honey. You been acting distant all week.”

  Had she? She hadn’t even paid it any attention. True enough she’d had Congo on the brain since the weekend but she didn’t know it was that present in her actions. Deciding she’d better do damage control Honey stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. With her head on his chest she stood still allowing him to grope her back and bottom. His hands were so quick and rough like an inexperienced child but she took it.

  “You know I love you right?” He said into her ear.

  “Yeah I know.”

  “You should try showing me the same love in return. I took you in when you didn’t have anything and yet you treat me like I aint shit.”

  “No I don’t. If I do I don’t mean to. I’m sorry Samuel.”

  “It’s okay. I know you’re probably tired from work. If we didn’t need the money so bad, I’d make you quit. But you be helping a nigga out big time.”

  Make me? Nigga please.

  “I know baby. I’ll do better.” Honey faked.

  He hugged on her for a little while longer before going to his place in bed so she could carry on to her shower. She already knew to make it quick so she was in and out in five minutes. She got dressed, brushed her hair into a ponytail and was back out of the door and into Samuel’s room before anything could pop off with his parents, or even worse, his sister came home. He appeared to be asleep so Honey hopped in the bed before he could wake up and want sex. She got as comfortable as she could without doing too much moving around. She lay on her side facing the wall. Her eyes were closed but she was far from sleep. Her mind was on the man that had been on her brain since the first day she met him. Normally Honey didn’t take to strangers but it was something about Congo that reminded her of her old life with her mother and her uncle. She couldn’t point out exactly what it was, but it was something. His body, to his smile, and the way he talked to her had her on the edge. She had to see him. Maybe he would come to the barbershop or something so they could have lunch again. They didn’t even really have to have lunch, they could sit in his car and talk for all she cared. She just wanted to be near him. He made her feel normal again, not like the girl that had nothing. If she could be anywhere other than where she was at the moment, the only place she could think of was with Congo. Honey hoped she wasn’t getting too mentally involved with him because that would definitely cause trouble. Congo, was he trouble? Or could he be just what she needed?


  “How long you gon’ be in here?” Neeka stood at the door watching him.

  Congo was in the living room of their apartment playing the game. He’d just come home from the hotel earlier that day and still wasn’t really feeling her. The fact that all of his clothes, shoes, and jewelry was in five big trash bags on his balcony wasn’t making the situation any better. Every time he looked past the TV and out onto the balcony he got pissed off all over again.

  Congo shrugged his shoulders. “Til I get tired.”

  “Don’t try to be funny,”

  “Neeka, take yo ass on outta here fuckin with me.”

  She sucked her teeth. “I was just asking. Don’t you have to go to yo lil job in the morning?”

  “What that got to do with you?”

  “Nothing. I don’t even know why you wasting your time with that shit anyway. You could make way more money if you would just go back to hustling.”

  Congo breathed hard but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t about to have the same argument with Neeka that they’d been having for months now.

  “I know you hear me talking to you Congo.”

  “Damn right I hear yo ass. You need to shut the fuck up. I aint trying to hear that bullshit.”

  “You need to hear it. We hurting. We can’t never go nowhere and do nothing. You never take me out nowhere anymore.”

  “I don’t wanna take yo ass nowhere.”

  “You make me sick.”

  “Good. Now go take your ugly ass to bed.”

  “Yo mama ugly. You black bitch.” Neeka turned and walked down the hallway back to their room.

  Congo thought about getting up to go choke her ass but changed his mind. She wouldn’t hesitate to call twelve on his ass. He wasn’t really in the mood to argue and shit no way. That’s all Neeka loved to do. When he was getting paper her ass kept a smile on her face, now that the shopping sprees stopped, blowing stacks in the club wasn’t happening anymore she was nothing but a ball of fucking attitude. Fuck. She’d just brought her ass in the living room fucking up his vibe. He was minding his business playing the game not thinking about anything that was going to piss him off and now that shit was over. He was back to thinking about his problems. Congo cut the game off and stood up. His gym shorts hung loosely off his waist and his bare chest and feet were fresh with the smell of Dove soap. He’d been chilling ever since his shower but that shit was a wrap now.

  Ding. Ding.

  His cell phone dinged with a text.

  Honey: Still want to see me?

  Congo: Hell yeah.

  Honey: Can you come get me?

  Congo: Yea. Shoot me the address

  Honey text him the address and told him she’d be waiting for him outside. On the inside Congo felt a tinge of happiness. Neeka was about to go ham but he wasn’t stun her ass. She had just pissed him off anyway. He walked down the hall to find a shirt and some shoes when his phone beeped again.

  Honey: Cut your music down

  Congo: yea

  Congo smirked at that. Her little ass was about to sneak out. Neeka was on the bed under the covers up to her neck when he went in. He looked in his drawer, grabbed a shirt, and slipped his feet into a pair of Air Max that was sitting at the bottom of the bed.

  “Where you think you finna go?”

  Congo ignored her and continued out their room door.

  “Congo, I said where you going? You better not be going to fuck around with no other bitches.”

  He snatched his keys
from the counter and proceeded out the door. He already knew Neeka would be blowing his phone up momentarily but he’d throw her ass on the block list if she did. He crank his car up and gave it a few minutes before pulling off. He turned out the parking lot and his phone started ringing. Neeka’s picture was on the screen. He didn’t even bother to get it. He followed the directions from his GPS to Honey’s house. He took in his surroundings noticing it was right down the street from her job. He drove down a steep hill and turned the corner. As soon as he got onto the street she had given him he could see her. She was standing on the sidewalk beneath a street light. She was barely dressed. The shorts she had on was close up on her ass and the little shirt was so tight he could damn near see through it. Her ponytail was messy and falling down around her shoulders. Her arms were crossed as she looked back and forth over her shoulder. Congo pulled his car to a stop in front of her and she hopped in. She scooted almost to the middle of the seat and closed the door. Her smell filled the air immediately. It wasn’t perfume or anything like that just her. The smell of Honey was soft and smelled sweet. He looked over at her as she sat with her hands in her lap looking out the window. He drove down the street before saying anything to her.

  “What’s up with this little ass shit you got on?”

  Honey looked down at her attire. “What you mean?”

  “That’s the shit you wear in that house full of pervert muthafuckas?” Congo was sure his face mirrored his thoughts.

  “Shut up Congo dang. They’re just pajamas.”

  “No they’re just panties and a damn see through shirt.”

  Honey sucked her teeth and released a frustrated sigh.

  “Suck yo teeth again. Shit I need to be the one sucking my teeth. Fuck you gotta wear shit like that for? You must want them niggas looking at yo ass?”

  “You know what, pull over and let me out. I’m bout to walk back home.”

  It wasn’t his objective to upset her he just got angry really fast. After all the shit she’d told him about these people she should have been walking around in a fucking sweat suit.

  “Man chill out Honey damn. I’m just saying. That shit look like Barbie clothes.”

  “It does not.”

  Congo turned down the street and headed for the park near his house so he could park.

  “You must wanted me to see you in these lil ass clothes?”

  Honey shook her head and looked out the window. Congo figured he might have been going kind of hard so he decided not to say anything else about her clothes. Instead he’d just enjoy the time he had with her right now. Damn, Neeka was rubbing off on him with all that annoying ass fussing. The car was quiet as he pulled into a parking spot. The clock on his phone said it was nearing two in the morning.

  “Turn around and talk to me.”

  “Nah. I’m straight.”

  Congo rubbed his hand across her shoulder. “You mad at me?”


  “Well let me kiss you and make up for it.”

  “No thank you.” Honey waved her hand dismissively.

  Congo never the one to follow directions closed the distance between the two of them and pressed his lips against her shoulder. He didn’t miss the way her body shivered, so he did it again. Honey’s body shifted to the side some as she shied away from his lips. Congo grabbed her by both sides of her waist and pulled her so that she was partially sitting in his lap.

  “You my Honey?”

  One kiss…

  “Huh? You mine?”


  Honey shook her head from side to side slowly. “No you have Neeka.”


  “Well I want you.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I wanna know you,” Congo stopped kissing her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist. He maneuvered them both around until she was comfortably between his legs and the back of her head was resting against his chest as his back leaned against the driver side door. “Make me know you.”

  Honey shifted a little between his legs. Accidentally rubbing against his dick a few times. The gym shorts he had on was so unforgiving. She could feel every inch of the thickness he possessed. She tried to stop moving but it was too late. She could already feel it rising on her back.

  “Don’t mind that. My dick does whatever the fuck it wants to do.”

  Congo and Honey both laughed at him.

  “You are so crazy Congo,”

  “How? I just be keeping shit real.”

  “I guess. How you got out the house? I know Neeka aint let you out this time of night.”

  “I’m grown as hell Honey. I don’t what the fuck I wanna do. You asking me but how you got out? Sammy Sr. aint somewhere peeking in doors at your ass and shit?”

  Honey laughed at the way he said Sammy Sr.’s name. He said it like he knew the man personally or something.

  “They were all asleep. I snuck out because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Tomorrow was too far away.”

  Congo squeezed her tighter before kissing the side of her head. “You swear you was missing a nigga.”

  “I was, I guess. I honestly didn’t think you would come.”

  “I’ll always come for you Honey.”

  She got quiet.

  Congo sat behind her watching her breasts rise and fall as she breathed. Her feet were on the seat so her knees were up. She had her hands resting across her stomach over his. She appeared to be extremely relaxed as always but it was crazy to him especially after the way she described the people she lived with. They had to be out of town or something for her to be out chilling like this.

  “Why you come out with me?” His voice was low. There was no real reason to speak any louder being that they were the only two in the car and they were sitting extremely close to one another. “This shit gots to mean trouble if you get caught.”

  “You remind me of somebody my mother and uncle would associate with and that’s saying a lot because they didn’t connect with hardly anybody. I figured if they approved of you, then I could too.”

  “Where they at? Why you don’t live with them?”

  “In jail for life. No parole. They killed two cops.”


  “So what happened after that?” Congo was curious as to how she ended up with these people.

  “Nothing. They got locked up and shipped out of state. I wanted to be closer to them so I moved here with nothing. I’ve been struggling like a fool lately. They had left me money but it wasn’t a lot because after they were arrested they raided all of our stuff and took it. So once I started working at the barbershop, I met Samuel one day. He was nice and I was desperate. One thing led to another and I been living with him ever since. It’s been about a year now. I’m ready to leave because this aint the kind of life I’m used to, but when I say I don’t have anything else, that’s exactly what I mean.”

  All of that was a little heavy for Congo so he changed the direction of the conversation a little. “What makes me seem like somebody they would like?”

  “Your personality is real. You’re direct, and I don’t know, its just something about you. It has to be the realness I detect.”

  Congo nodded.

  “Now that I’ve bared all my secrets, help me know you.” Honey turned around completely so that she was now laying on her stomach facing him. It was a good thing the front seat of his car was large because they were able to stretch out a little more. Had he been in a newer model car they would have never been able to kick back like this. The insides were too small. That was one of the main reasons he loved his old school so much. He looked down as she crossed her arms over his lap and rested her chin on her hands. Honey’s face being so close to his dick was making it hard for him to talk but he thought of Jabar and his mind drifted.

  “My parents raised my brother and me to be good like any other parents, but we had other plans. We started slanging dope and we was big time as shit but all that went left when my brother
got shot up. The police took all our shit. I did a few months but because everything was in Jabar’s name and since he was dead it wasn’t much they could do to me. Once I got out my folks tried to help me but I don’t take handouts. I’m a man. I work for my shit. I aint wanna look at another piece of drugs when I got out so I got a new job building houses. That’s it.”

  “Dang, I’m sorry about your brother.”

  “I’m sorry about yo moms and uncle.”

  Honey shrugged and looked at him. Her eyes looked extra bright for some reason as she looked up at him. He thought about her looking up at him the same way but with his dick in her mouth instead. The thought had his dick rising again. Honey looked down at it before looking back at him.

  “You really need to stop.”

  Congo laughed and ran his hand through her ponytail. “What I do?”

  “Don’t play.” Honey rolled her eyes and pulled her hair free of his grasp. She was about to sit up but his hand on the back of her head stopped her. “Boy get your hand off the back of my head. What’s wrong with you?”


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