Beyond The Sun

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Beyond The Sun Page 8

by Sandra Bischoff

  No, Julian Bonatelli was up to something. Most likely something Jared wouldn’t like.

  His father gave his shoulder a squeeze. “However, gentlemen, now I get to the reason I called this meeting. At the end of this month, I am retiring from my position on the council. The elder members have unanimously, and yes I did say unanimously, voted. Jared will be the new head of the Conservatorship.”

  Silence deafened the room. Jared couldn’t believe his ears. He would be in charge. There was no way he could take the position. Jared opened his mouth to turn down his father’s proposal.

  His brother Tony shot up from his chair, pointing at him. “Hell no. I’ve been killing myself, covering up death after death, fighting renegades and dusting them every waking moment of the day. While Mr. Silver Spoon in the Mouth sat on his ass in New Orleans, doing God knows what, and getting paid for it. I’m sure, he and his little mini me have taken you all for a ride. Our computers are no safer than they were before. This is bullshit. I earned this position, not him!”

  “I’m no one’s mini me. My coloring is all off anyway. Never in my life have I been blonde and blue-eyed. Ain’t that right, Jared?” Lance pointed at his friend.

  “Not to my knowledge.” Snickers erupted around the boardroom table. Jared leaned back in his chair.

  Tony glared at them. “Shut up, Du Lac. No one asked you for your input.”

  “See, you’re wrong, Tony. You called me his mini me, I was just correcting you.” Lance sat back, relaxed. “Ergo, you brought me into the conversation.”

  “These are the clowns you want to run this place?”

  Lance braced his hands on the arms of his chair and snarled at Tony. The only thing holding him back was Jared’s hand on his shoulder.

  “Anthony, you have the medical team to lead,” The Elder, William, said. “There’s no one more qualified than you for the medical division. Believe me, we went over every single possibility. This was the best recommendation we had. Jared is the only one from the founding families who isn’t in command of a department. He and Lance co-chaired the IT department from New Orleans. This promotion gives Lance IT, leaving Jared open to take over for Julian.”

  “By all rights, it’s my seat, not his. I’m the eldest. The position has always been passed down to the eldest son. So what if I’m needed for the medical staff? I’m sure I can recommend someone to replace me, someone equally as qualified. They are my staff, who would know them better than me?” Tony paced behind his chair.

  “Son, you have to understand. This was a hard decision for all of us.”

  “Screw you, Dad! This isn’t about finding the best person to fill your shoes. You and Mom have always put him on a pedestal. He’s always been better than the rest of us in your eyes. I could never figure out why. Then little things started falling into place. I took a good look at him one day in a family photo, and it hit me, he wasn’t like the rest of the family. He is nothing like us.”

  Jared frowned. At first he thought this was a jealous rant from his older brother, but as he sat there listening, he began to realize it was so much more. His brother hit on his eternal feeling of not belonging.

  “Tony, calm down. First, I haven’t said I accept. Second, I don’t think this is something we should be discussing here.”

  “Shut the hell up, golden boy. This is the perfect place for this discussion,” Tony spat at him.

  Staring in disbelief, Jared was speechless. He’d never seen his brother act this way. Sure, the two of them had fights, all brothers had them. His seething hatred went much deeper. It was all Jared could do to not jump across the table and stuff his fist down the man’s throat to silence him.

  “Maybe it’s time you stopped being a bitter, selfish bastard and do the job you’ve been given, Tone.” Jared was doing a fairly good job of holding back. “I think I can speak for everyone here, we’ve had enough of your rant.”

  “Rant? This is no rant, little brother. This is me merely putting things together. You’re someone’s bastard we took in off the streets. You’re nothing. Not even your parents wanted you. You came into our lives, and I became dog shit. Giovanna and the brat she carried are a hell of a lot better off dead than stuck with your worthless ass for the rest of their lives.”

  Jared’s vision went red. He vaulted across the table, his chair flying into the glass wall behind him, cracking it. His fist connected with Tony’s jaw. The sound of bone cracking echoed in the absolute silence of the room.

  Pandemonium erupted. The two of them skidded across the floor, a blur of swinging fists and spattering blood. Tony landed a solid blow to Jared’s temple and sent him staggering backward onto the boardroom table. Jared brought the heel of his hand up to access the damage. It came away covered with a streak of blood. Tony dove at him. Jared rolled away, grabbing the back of his brother’s collar. Pinning Tony to the floor under him, Jared pummeled him unmercifully.

  The rest of the Conservatorship couldn’t leave fast enough. They stuffed papers in any and every pocket of their briefcases and sprinted for the door. The only one who remained was Lance. He leaned back and propped his feet up on the glass table, lacing his fingers on his torso and watching the fray.

  Julian shot him a nasty glare. “Are you going to help me handle this, or what?”

  Lance smirked. “Why? I personally think Tony deserves the ass beating. Don’t you?”

  “Du Lac…” Julian’s voice held a warning.

  “Alright, alright.” He pushed out of his seat and grabbed Jared by the neck, pulling him off Tony, who lay in a bleeding broken lump on the floor. Jared spun on him, ready to take him on, as well.

  “You don’t want to do it. I’m not as easily taken down as he is.” Lance ushered him across the room and pushed him back into an empty chair. “Plant your ass and relax. I don’t think he’s anywhere near ready to take you on again.”

  Lance lowered back into his seat. Jared prodded the throbbing area over his left brow and he hissed. With the goose egg on his temple he was sure to make a lasting impression later tonight. Just great.

  Julian unceremoniously dropped Tony into his chair. Their father took his seat at the head of the deserted table, glaring in Lance’s direction.

  “What? You’re going to need a referee between these two. I’m volunteering for the job.”

  “Christian Lancelot Du Lac, get out now.” Julian pointed at the door.

  “Geez, help a guy pull a couple stubborn asses apart and see what you get for it.” He cringed. “Okay, okay I’m going, but only to the hall.” Lance stretched and unfolded from his seat. He slapped Jared on the shoulder and blew a kiss to Tony before sauntering out the door. Tony spit out an insult, Lance flipped him off over his shoulder and continued out of the room.

  Julian shook his head. “Would you mind telling me what you’re running off at the mouth about?”

  “Running off at the mouth? Are you kidding? This has been a long time coming, Dad. Go ahead and tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Jared is no more my brother than he is your son. Just look at him.” Tony pointed a finger weakly across the table. “His skin coloring, his freaky aqua blue, whatever-the-fuck-color eyes, the blonde hair. Tell me which side of the family he picked those up from.”

  “Excuse me. I’m still sitting here, if you hadn’t noticed.”

  “Oh, I noticed, I just don’t give a shit.”

  “What the hell have I ever done to you, Tony?” Jared stared at him in confusion. The open hostility his brother threw his way not only baffled him, but seriously pissed him off. They were never close, but they always had each other’s back growing up. When did it change for Tony?

  “Your mere existence, Jared. For the record, I’m not the only one who feels that way.”

  “Enough!” Julian slammed his hand down on the table top, causing the whole thing to vibrate. The bang silenced them. “I have had enough of this childishness. Jared is and always will be your brother. I don’t want to hear another word
otherwise. He has the right to decline, but it doesn’t mean the Conservatorship will appoint you instead. Before you get high-handed and pissy again, commit that shit to memory, Tony. It’s over, here and now. Do you understand?” He shot a meaningful glance between each of his sons. They responded with nods of agreement.

  Julian stood, towering over them. “This meeting is over. Both of you get the hell out of here.”

  Jared didn’t spare his brother another glance. He pushed away from the table and left the room. He was reeling over what he had said. Now Jared understood why he never felt like a part of the family. It was because, in reality, he wasn’t. He wouldn’t be surprised to find out there was absolutely no blood tie to either of his parents. It gave him a slew of questions with no answers anywhere to be seen.

  Who the hell was he?


  “I’M NOT ONE TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO, BUT, I TOLD you so. I did say you were going to need a drink.” Lance pointed the neck of his beer bottle at him.

  Jared hated to admit when his friend was right, but tonight was an exception. He was still having a hard time getting a grasp on what happened at Conservator headquarters. Being verbally attacked by an elder, appointed as the new head of the organization, and attacked by his brother really kicked him in the ass. Oh, and let’s not forget his favorite part, having his whole life proven a lie. Life was especially good for him today.

  “I should have ducked out of there when I could. Tell me again why I let you talk me into going back up?” Jared took a swig from his bottle, finishing it off . He waved down the waitress to order another. Pain shot through his head from the gash on his temple. He touched the spot lightly. “Why didn’t you let me finish what I started? I had the asshole right where I needed him.”

  “I don’t think your father appreciated blood on the carpets. Besides, you would’ve landed in jail for murder had I not stopped you. You want to go to prison because of him?” Lance paused. “Don’t you think you should slow down? Your girlfriend should be here soon. It wouldn’t be fair for her to be picking your ass up off the floor?”

  Jared narrowed his eyes and pointed at Lance, swaying slightly to point at the right version of him in his drunken haze. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “She’s a girl -oh excuse me, woman- and she’s a friend. What else would you call her, Jared? Never mind, here she comes.”

  Jared spun around on his stool so fast he went off balance, lightheaded from the bump on his head and alcohol. He would have fallen off his seat if not for Lance catching his shoulder to steady him. When he realized his friend was pulling his chain, he glared at Lance who grinned like a Cheshire cat.

  “Not funny, bro.”

  “You had to experience it from where I’m sitting. It was hilarious.” Lance chuckled and took another swig of his beer. “I’m sure you have a few more minutes before you need to send out the troops to find her. Everyone here knows to be on their best behavior when a human enters, you know it.”

  “Why for her and not us? We’re human.”

  “There’s a difference; they have always known who we are. Human or not, Conservators work with the supernatural. It makes us an exception to the rule. Your friend, Alexandra, she’s what they call a virgin to this world. She has no clue who or what they are. They’ll play nice, at least for now. When they get to know her, all bets are off.”

  “Since when are you such an expert? I seem to remember a time when I was your mentor, answering all of your questions.”

  Lance shook his head. “I’m the one who hasn’t been a hermit, remember? I hang out here, you don’t. When you do show up, I have to pick people off the floor after they’ve fainted from shock.”

  Jared grimaced. “Real funny, little man.”

  “Ouch. Why’d you have to play the height card? I can’t help genetics.”

  Jared laughed. “You know, I always wondered how you got your name. Why would your mother name you Lancelot in this day and age?”

  Lance shrugged. “She had a thing with him.”

  “Don’t you mean a thing for him?”

  “Nope, I mean a thing with him. My mother was a shifter and could time travel. One night she wound up in Medieval England. Next thing she knew, she and the First Knight were hot and heavy. A wham bam, thank you ma’am, later here I am. Good Ole Sir Lancelot is her baby daddy.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “Maybe, but it’s the God’s honest truth, I swear.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?”

  Lance shrugged. “You never asked, so why would it come up? It’s not like I make it a habit of shifting, either. I prefer to appear human. However, if you piss me off or attack me, it’s another story.”

  Jared stared at him in disbelief. He pushed his beer away. “I think I’ve had enough. I’m starting to believe the crap you’re spewing.” When Lance made no move to deny any of it or own up to his joke, Jared let out the breath. “Wow, you think you know a guy. Any other skeletons you want to pull out of your closet?”

  Lance rubbed his chin. “I guess the only thing left is the real reason you were sent to New Orleans.”

  “And that might be?” Oh great, here it comes. This ought to be good.

  “So I could protect you, of course.” Lance shot him a grin.

  “Explains everything. The answer was so obvious. You protect me, sure why not? Thank you. Why the hell would I need to be protected? What is so damn special about me?”

  Lance burst out laughing. “I wish I knew. I’ve been asking myself the same question for the last fifteen years. As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing special about a guy who can’t even pick up his dirty socks and underwear.” Lance paused and reached his hand over Jared’s shoulder. “Hello. You must be Alexandra. I’m a friend of Jared’s. The name is Lance Du Lac.”

  “Uh, hi.” She shook his hand. “I wasn’t interrupting anything, was I?” Alex noted Jared’s immediate discomfort. It sparked the interest of her inner reporter.

  Jared ran a hand over his face and winced in pain. “No, we were just amusing ourselves until you got here. Have a seat.” He rose from his stool and pulled out the one next to him for her. A waitress spotted her and walked over.

  Alex took the seat and ordered a drink. She frowned at the gash over Jared’s temple. “What happened to you?” Her hand came up to gingerly touch the bruise.

  He hissed and pulled away.

  “It’s nothing, just a little disagreement with my brother. You should see what he looks like.” He laughed.

  Her drink arrived, and an uneasy silence descended over the three of them. Alex immediately felt out of place. Either she interrupted whatever it was the two had been discussing, or they couldn’t come up with anything to say to each other. Which was the more likely scenario? She’d bet her next paycheck on the answer.

  The soft tap on a cymbal caught her attention. Alex raised her gaze to the stage, which was more like an altar. It made sense. The Final Resting Place club was converted from a church in the early eighties. It was one of the only things she could get off the website she found. She also discovered the owner was a Russian named Mikhail Lyoshka. Anything else about the club or its proprietor remained a mystery locked in the Members Only section of the club’s site.

  “Do they usually have live entertainment?” Alex inclined her head toward the stage.

  Lance answered. “Sometimes, but I don’t remember them announcing anyone would be playing tonight. Must be a local act.” He sat up straighter, peering over the heads filing past them. “It’s not anyone I know. How about you, Jared?”

  The haunting melody of My Immortal by Evanescence filtered out to the speakers. All motions and talking in the club came to a halt. The singer’s voice was smooth and seductive, ethereal. It captured everyone’s attention. Jared faced the stage completely under her spell. The throng of people between him and the band obscured his view. He could barely stay in his seat to keep from the front of the crowd.

  The song ended. Alex found her hand wrapped tightly in Jared’s. He had a death grip on her, like he was trying to keep a grip on reality. Something or someone spooked him. She wasn’t about to make it worse and pull away. Alex patted the back of his hand gently.

  His eyes finally cleared and found hers. Glancing down at their joined hands then back to her face, his mouth curved slightly. “Sorry, I don’t usually get so absorbed in a performance. There was just something about the song…” He sat up straighter and tried to peer at the stage again. He shook his head and looked back at Alex. “Never mind.”

  “It’s ok. It’s not like no one has ever held my hand before.” Alex leaned closer and whispered. “Can I share a secret with you? I think I’ll live.”

  Lance quirked a brow. “Okay you two look like you could use some privacy. I’m out for a while. Jared, remember what I said earlier. I’ll catch you later.” He didn’t wait for either of them to answer. Lance faded into the crowd far enough away where he could keep an eye on them. He had his obligations to fulfill, regardless of the fact Jared seemed too occupied to notice.

  FROM THE STAGE, SHE COULD SEE EVERYONE. Each member of the audience was captivated the moment she opened her mouth. It was a gift she perfected in childhood. If she ever wanted or needed anything, one note from her mouth and her parents and the object of her affections fell over themselves to do what she wanted. It was a talent she never grew tired of exercising. Now it was a tool for her Mistress’ whims.

  For most of her meager existence, she was kept locked away in her room at the Mistress’ estate, only allowed to venture out when the Mistress wished it. Tonight was one of those nights. Mikhail, the owner of The Final Resting Place, requested her personally. She would be his for the night in lieu of a favor later on. She hated being the Mistress’ favorite pet, but Mikhail treated her like she was special. He never raised a hand to her, unlike her Mistress. Nevertheless, even with his kindness, all she wanted was to go back to the life they stole from her. But she knew it would never happen. She belonged to the Mistress and what the Mistress possessed never went free.


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