Beyond The Sun

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Beyond The Sun Page 12

by Sandra Bischoff

  “Sorry to show up unannounced like this, but I didn’t know where else to go.”

  Sam pulled her into a hug. A feeling of peace came over her. Alex closed her eyes, and the tension drained from her body. She felt the overwhelming need to cry on the woman’s shoulder, but Sam wasn’t the one she had come to see.

  “Don’t worry, hon, you’re in good hands here. Let’s get you settled.” Sam released her and led the way to the kitchen. “Have a seat and you can tell me why you feel you had nowhere else to go.”

  Alex sat in one of the seats by the counter, leaning her laptop bag against the leg of the chair. She took the mug Sam offered her and held it up to her nose, inhaling the sweet aroma. “This smells wonderful. What is it?” She took a sip, savoring the taste.

  “It’s my special blend of herbs I grow here.” She indicated the small jungle of a garden hanging in the hothouse window. “I have plants you wouldn’t find in ordinary herbal tea. My blends actually do what they claim to.” She winked. Sam’s gaze drifted toward the patio door. “Jared, we have company for tonight.”

  “So I can see. Thanks, Sam.”

  The sound of the sliding door closing was louder than an explosion. She kept her eyes trained on the mug, trying not to seem too eager to see him. But as he stepped up to the counter beside her, Alex felt his eyes on her. Shifting to face him, the butterflies came to life. He was dressed in sweats and a damp t-shirt which clung to his torso, outlining each ripple of muscle. His hair was plastered to his head and a fine sheen of perspiration shimmered across his brow. There was no hint of exhaustion, only the silent question of why she was there. Then there was his scent, not the typical need to take a shower after the work out, oh no. This was masculine scent bleeding from his pores. It made her want to push him over the back of the sofa behind them and finish what they started in her bedroom.

  Alex swallowed. Why in the world am I feeling like this?

  Sam watched the silent exchange between the two of them. A buzzer went off in another room. She placed a mug before him. “I’ll be back in a bit. I’m sure the two of you can keep busy while I’m gone.” She patted Jared on the arm, leveling a serious gaze at him. “And you…behave yourself.”

  Jared dropped his head and shook it with a chuckle. “Have you ever known me to not behave myself? I’m telling you, Sam, you act more like a mother hen every day.”

  “If you did behave, I wouldn’t have to act like one and remind you.” She winked, picking up a basket and disappearing down the hall.

  Alex shifted uneasily in her chair and tried to regain control of her senses. The close proximity of his presence sent every nerve in her on edge. She couldn’t help remembering the night with him in her apartment.

  She bit her lip and averted her gaze back to her mug. “Sorry if I interrupted anything. I couldn’t think of anywhere else I could go. I’m just so confused. I needed to get away for a while.”

  Jared watched her toy with the mug for a few moments. He rested a hand over hers, stilling them. He tucked a loose fist under her chin and gently forced her to peer at him. “You didn’t interrupt anything. Sam and I love the company. Few ever come to visit us, except for Lance and Zephyr. They are more like family than guests, anyway. You can’t get rid of them.”

  Alex chuckled. “If that’s the way you talk about your friends, I’d hate to see what you say about me. I haven’t given you a reason to like me at all.”

  A serious air came over him. “I’ve never said anything negative about you, Alex. The morning in your apartment, I was reeling from what happened the night before. Not to mention your little confession. I’m not used to being under a microscope, and you writing a story on me made me defensive. I’m sorry for what I said. I’d never hurt you, others maybe, but not you.”

  Alex tried to breathe past the lump lodged in her throat. Why did he have to be so damned perfect? No other guy would admit he was wrong. Anyone else would have let her continue believing they would destroy her, or at least it was something she expected.

  “I told my editor what he could do with his story. I refused to give him what he wanted, Jared. I couldn’t go through with it. He wanted me to throw my integrity out the window to ruin you. When he first gave me the story, I had no idea who you were. I assumed you were like any other ego with money to burn. But, now…I’ve seen things, Jared, things I can’t explain. Since I met you, my life has flipped on its head. I find myself questioning everything I’ve known, everything I am. I have so many more questions than answers, and it scares me to death.”

  Jared pulled his hands from hers and picked up their mugs. He stood and jerked his head for her to follow him. He led the way into an office. Bookcases lined the walls, filled to the hilt with books in a multitude of languages; some she didn’t recognize. Placing their mugs on the low coffee table in front of a worn leather couch, he crossed to one particular shelf and withdrew an ancient-looking book. The leather binding was cracked, and he held it gingerly as he came back to sit on the couch, patting the seat beside him for her to join him.

  When she hesitated, he winked. “Don’t worry; I’m not going to bite. I’m going to try my best to answer what you need to know. Come get comfortable.”

  Alex sat down, and he opened the book. The print was in a language she had never seen. “What’s this?”

  “This, Sweetness, happens to be the history of the world I protect, -a world you have always been a part of and never realized. A world beyond the sun. My only question is, how is it, you never saw what I see when I look at you?”

  “What do you mean?’

  “I can’t quite pin it down. Your eyes, your hair, I don’t know. You’ve reminded me of someone since the first moment I saw you standing on the upper level in the museum. Were any of your relatives members of The Dark Order?”

  She shook her head, confused by what he was saying. “The Dark what? I have no idea. I never knew my biological parents, they are both dead. No other relative came forward to claim me. I lived in foster homes until I could make it on my own.”

  Jared shook his head. “Not one of them? I don’t get it. If they were who I believe they were, any member of the Conservatorship would have gladly claimed you and raised you as one of us. The only reason could be they didn’t want you found.” He narrowed his eyes. “Who are you, Alex?”

  She let out a frustrated breath, blowing stray hair out of her face and falling back into the cushions. “It’s the same question I’ve been asking myself since I noticed my eyes doing the same freaky glow thing yours do.”

  “What? What are you talking about? My eyes don’t glow.”

  “Of course they do. The first time I noticed was while you were talking about the dragon at the museum. It seems emotional. When triggered, your eyes glow brighter, just like mine did when my boss pissed me off. Look in a mirror, your eyes are glowing right now.”

  Jared placed the book in her lap and strode across the room to the polished silver tray on the wall. Sure enough, when he approached, faint light illuminated his face. Strange, he never realized it before. How long had this been going on? It fell into place with what Tony had said. He wasn’t Julian Bonatelli’s son.

  Alex watched him stare at his reflection. She began flipping through the book in her lap and paused on a page with an exquisite drawing of a man with shoulder length black hair and a perfectly trimmed goatee. His face was so familiar, but she was sure given the age of the book, she had never met him. She glanced at Jared. “Hey, got a question for you.”

  He watched her through the mirror. “Okay, shoot.”

  She held the book up and pointed to the drawing. “Who’s this? I can’t read the caption.”

  Jared’s gaze slid between her face and one of the faces he knew so well. He realized why she was so familiar to him. The answer had been right there all along. He crossed the room and lifted the book from her hands. He let out a short laugh, turning it back for her to see. “This is Zephyr, and if I’m not mistaken, a relative of

  Alex was speechless. How could a drawing several hundred years old be of one of her relatives? More to the point, he was someone Jared seemed to know.

  She was just about to ask him when Sam ducked her head around the door, her face grim. “Jared, I think you need to take this.” She held the cordless out to him. “It’s about your mother.”


  THE NIGHT WAS A BLUR AFTER THE PHONE call. Jared remembered taking the phone from Sam, who stood off to the side with tears in her eyes. He listened to his sister recount the last twenty-four hours spent at their mother’s bedside in ICU. Her last chemotherapy session left her extremely weak, and she developed pneumonia. The doctors had thought they caught the infection and Anna was on the mend, but last night her kidneys had begun to fail and no amount of medication was working. Finally, they told his sister it was only a matter of time.

  Regina told him that he should pack up and stay with them at home. Jared didn’t feel his place was there anymore. He’d go to the hospital. He’d be there for his mother -the rest of them could go to hell. Anna was the only one to ever make him feel loved, and she deserved his loyalty. He let his sister know he would meet them at the hospital. Afterwards, he didn’t know what his plans would be.

  Alex rose from the couch and removed the phone from his hand as he sat on the desk. He heard her speak to Regina in a hushed voice and make a few notes before handing the phone back to Sam. Once the call was done, she and the housekeeper made all of the arrangements. He only had to sit back and focus on getting there before anything else happened.

  A little before eight, they all loaded into his Durango and headed south. They made it to the Medical Center after visiting hours, but given the situation the three of them were allowed upstairs to see his mother. Alex laced her fingers with his and brought their joined hands to her lips. “I’ll be right here the whole time.”

  True to her word, Alex was by his side even when Tony made his entrance. Luckily, the asshole knew this wasn’t the place to continue what he’d started in the office a few weeks ago. What Jared didn’t like, however, was the way his brother kept eyeing Alex. He tightened his arm around her every time Tony’s gaze slipped in her direction. The scrutiny in his eyes was unnerving, like he was thinking of perverse ways to get her alone. At one point, Jared let out a low growl of warning. If Alex hadn’t placed a gentle hand on his chest to ground him, he would have decked Tony right in the waiting room.

  Shortly thereafter, the nurse told them that they could go in one at a time. Anna was low on energy and tiring quickly. Jared told the others he’d wait, which actually made Tony smirk, but he said nothing. The truth was, he didn’t know what he was going to say to the woman he had thought was his mother all of his life. How could he tell her that he knew he shouldn’t be here? The thing was, regardless of blood, he loved her more than any of them. She was the only mother he knew.

  The night wore on. Finally, after hours of waiting for his turn and watching family member after family member come and go, it was down to just the three of them. Alex had fallen asleep on his shoulder while Sam remained quiet, watching the flat screen TV on the wall. The nurse came out to tell him Anna had been asking for him. He glanced at Sam.

  “Go ahead, hon. I’ll stay here in case she wakes up. We’ll be alright.” She shooed him out of the waiting area and went back to watching an infomercial about the latest produce juicer.

  Jared eased out from under Alex, replacing his shoulder with one of the throw cushions. He followed the nurse down an endless hall of glass doors. She paused at the last one to let him know Anna was in there before turning away to give him privacy. He moved the white curtain out of the way and his stomach fell to the floor. His mother’s once bright eyes were now full of pain and suffering. He wished he could take all of this away from her, let her go in peace. However, he didn’t have that kind of power. He had nothing useful to offer her, just his presence.

  Anna lifted her frail hand, beckoning him to come closer. Her mouth moved, saying his name, but only a raspy whisper passed her lips. It broke his heart to see what the disease had done to her. He moved forward and took her hand in his. Jared marveled at how thin her skin had become in such a short amount of time. Watching her, he couldn’t believe she was sixty years old - she appeared ninety. Just last year she was healthy; he had pictures to prove it. Pictures she’d sent him in New Orleans, or had she been trying to hide her condition from him all along?


  “Mom, don’t try to talk, its okay. I’m here, and I’m not going to leave you.” He lowered into the chair next to her bed. Jared reached up to move a stray hair from her brow. Tears sprang into her eyes. “Mom, please don’t cry. You know I can’t stand it when you’re upset. It kills me.”

  Anna shook her head. “I’m so sorry I never had the chance to tell you, Jared. So sorry…”

  “It’s ok, whatever it is you think you should have told me, it’s not as important as what’s happening right now. Don’t worry about it.”

  Anna withdrew her hand from his and placed it over his lips. She took a deep breath and began coughing, covering her mouth with her other hand. Blood coated the tissue in her hand and Jared reached for the call button.

  “No!” Anna’s voice stopped him in his tracks, and he sat back in his seat.

  “But Mom, they can help you.”

  “No one can help me now but you, Jared. You have to let me tell you this. Please don’t stop me. I’ve…held this…secret…for too long.” She gasped for breath and Jared itched to call the nurse. Anna gave him one of her “don’t you dare try it, mister” looks. Her hand slipped over to cup his cheek and her eyes softened.

  “My Jared, my baby. I don’t care what anyone else says, you are always going to be mine. But it’s time you knew your secrets. I can’t keep them anymore. I can’t let them die with me.”

  “Mom, you’re not going to die.”

  Anna let out a short raspy laugh. “Don’t patronize me, Jared. I know my time here is over. But I can make sure I leave with a clear conscience.” Her voice softened, became a low whisper. Jared leaned in closer. “You’ve become such a handsome man. Your eyes are so much like his, and your heart is too big for your own good, just like your mother. It’s a shame she didn’t have you with her your whole life. Nevertheless, it was her painful decision. She didn’t miss anything, though. She was always there. She always faded into the background so you couldn’t see her. She didn’t want to confuse you.”

  Anna paused and got a faraway look in her eyes. Jared leaned over to check if she was still breathing. “Who are you talking about, Mom?”

  Her eyes found his again, and they had a bit more life than before. “I’m speaking of Semiramis, silly boy, your mother. She loves you more than life itself.”

  “Semiramis? I don’t know anyone with that name.”

  “Of course you do. We sent you to live with her. You needed more love than we could give you after Giovanna was killed. She was the one who took care of you. When you were born, she made sure you lived a human life. Your father broke her heart, and she wouldn’t let him know you existed. She gave you up to save your life. She bound your powers to make you human, and when the time was right, you would make the change.” Anna beamed; both of her hands framed his face. “The time has come. Soon you will be everything I had hoped you would be and more.”

  “Mom, you’re not making sense. I’m human. I always have been.” He placed his hands over hers. Tears blurred his vision. She was hallucinating from the combination of drugs and her disease. In fact, he knew better than anyone about hallucinations. It destroyed him to know the illness had taken her mind as well as her body.

  “No, Jared. You are so much more than you think. You will have power, great power. You are the son of a King and his Goddess. You must find out how to unlock the door.” Anna’s eyes drooped closed, and her breathing became shallower. It was a few more moments before she spoke again. “Promise me
that you will embrace what you are, what you will someday be. Promise me so I may rest knowing I have done my duty, not only as your mother, but as the Conservator sworn to protect you.”

  Right now, he’d promise to bring her the moon and stars on a silver platter.

  Anything to keep her here for one more day. When she opened her eyes there was such clarity in them, he knew right away she had gone beyond the pain. He would be her last visitor, this was her last request. The dam broke on the unshed tears in his eyes, and Jared didn’t care if she saw him cry. He had never been self-conscious nor did he worry about what others thought of him. This was his mother, damn it, the only mother he had known.

  “I promise, Mom. You never failed me. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am today.” He held her hand to his cheek, praying for this to be a nightmare. He had so much he wanted to share with her. They lost so much time because of the Council forcing him to leave New York. Now it was over, and he’d never have the chance to reconnect with her; not now, not ever.

  Anna let out a sigh and relaxed. Her eyes came to rest on him, half-closed. “Thank you, baby. Now I can rest. Remember, I love you more than anything in this world.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  His lips touched her palm, which had grown colder. His tears dampened her skin.

  “Shh, don’t cry for me, baby. I’ll be much better off this way. You don’t need me here to know I’m with you. You’ll always carry me in your heart.” Her eyes drifted closed. “There are so many people who love you as I do. Go to them. They need you now.” Her voice trailed off. Her breathing slowed further. A serene peaceful veil came over her features, and she let out her final breath.

  Jared laid his head on the bed, his heart lodged in his throat. The machines around him came to life. Buzzers and whistles went off, alerting the nurses Anna had passed. He raised a hand and all of them fell silent. Jared was in too much pain to fully realize what he had done. All he knew was he needed more time. He needed to be close to her for as long as possible. It was killing him to know, that just like Giovanna; his mother had become another casualty in his life.


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