Becoming a Legend

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Becoming a Legend Page 3

by Sarah Robinson

But then, just as they’d seemed to be getting along for a moment, she’d tossed another barb at him. He’d done nothing to deserve it, but she’d thrown out the insult anyway.

  Guilt flooded her stomach…

  “Ready?” Kane asked as he climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. Nora nodded, fastening her seat belt. She watched out of the corner of her eye as his powerful, large hands gripped the steering wheel. They pulled out onto the road, and neither of them said a word.

  Nora glanced behind her and saw Casey was still fast asleep, the side of her face pressed against the window. She was so relaxed, she was actually drooling on the glass.

  “Someone’s going to need to wash the window,” she muttered, unable to take the deathly silence any longer.

  “She okay?” he inquired.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. Just sleeping.”

  Silence again. Great. Just wonderful. What a lovely way to end an evening. Nora sighed. “I don’t actually think that, you know,” she said as they pulled onto East 233rd Street.

  “Think what?” His blue eyes glanced over at her briefly before returning to the road.

  “That you’re not a gentleman.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  Overhead, streetlights flashed. They briefly illuminated the SUV’s interior before it was plunged into darkness, again and again. She squirmed in her seat as the silence deepened. Whenever she felt nervous, words poured out of her in an unstoppable flow. “I mean, I don’t know you well enough to say. I know Kieran better, because of Fiona. She’s been my best friend all our lives. Our moms were neighbors growing up and stayed friends. So, I know her really well, of course. And now that she’s with Kieran, I know him. Plus, he worked for me at the youth center. I’m pretty much the third wheel in their relationship at this point, since I’m perpetually single. And I go to all your family’s functions because, well, your family is pretty awesome. So I know a lot about you, too, just from that. But I don’t really know you.”

  More silence from him.

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the headrest. “Okay, I’m just going to shut up now. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. It was a cruel thing for me to say.”

  Woodlawn was a pretty small area, and it took only minutes before they were pulling up in front of Casey’s apartment. Kane scooped Casey up once more, and Nora went fishing for keys yet again, but this time—thank God—in Casey’s purse.

  She let them into Casey’s two-bedroom apartment and put a finger over her lips. “Her roommate might be here,” she said quietly.

  Kane nodded and they helped settle Casey, fully dressed, into her bed. The young woman immediately curled into the covers and started snoring. She’d be fine. Nora definitely wasn’t jealous of the headache Casey would have in the morning, though. Nora had planned to drink more tonight, but nothing about the evening had gone the way she’d expected.

  Her earlier encounter with Kane at the bar had unnerved her, and she was both frustrated and titillated by it. The way his muscular arms around her had felt, the feeling of his warm breath on her skin…she had wanted him. And that’s what frustrated her.

  Because she didn’t want to want anyone.

  She didn’t want a boyfriend. She didn’t even have time for a relationship since she was attempting to finish her degree, which was sort of up in the air right now because of her low grade-point average. Adding a man into the mix was a giant red flag on all fronts. She’d gone down that road a few times and had been constantly disappointed. Men had cheated on her, talked down to her, made her feel less than she knew she was. She’d always dated selfish jerks who were totally focused on their own ambitions and never respected that she had her own goals, too.

  She had been a doormat, and she knew it. But she was trying hard to change that. She deserved more.

  She didn’t ever again want to give her heart over to another self-centered prick. From everything she’d seen of Kane before today, he was exactly that. She needed more than that from a man in her life, and she refused to settle for less than she deserved, no matter how enticing it seemed. Because Kane as a bad boy was pretty irresistible. The veins that bulged in his muscular arms as he concentrated on punching a heavy bag in the gym—which she saw him doing anytime she dropped by Legends—was so freaking sexy. She’d also seen him in the octagon a few times, and the ferocity on his face as he destroyed his opponents was electrifying.

  But Kane spinning her around the dance floor? Kane holding her hand, calling her stunning, opening doors, and, damn it, being sweet? She didn’t know what to do with that particular brand of sexy.

  She found herself lingering in the door of Casey’s darkened room, watching him. She couldn’t pull her eyes from how his shirt stretched tight over his chest muscles as he lay Casey onto the bed, or how his smile was soft and comforting when he pulled a blanket over her. The way his blue eyes reflected the moonlight coming through the window completely mesmerized her, and she found herself wanting them pointed toward her.

  And then they were—he was looking right at her, a question in his expression. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah.” Nora cleared her throat. “I was just waiting for you.”

  Kane lifted one brow and gave her half a grin, as if he knew what she’d been thinking. She prayed he didn’t. Her rambling earlier had been bad enough. If he knew she’d been fantasizing about his body, she might truly die of the humiliation.

  Casey suddenly sat up in bed. “I’m going to puke!”

  Kane’s gaze swung back to his cousin. “Casey, baby girl, I love you to death, but you gotta stop scaring the shit out of me like that.”

  “Kane?” Casey said groggily, before her hand suddenly flew to her mouth. Nora stepped back, worried that if she saw Casey vomit, she would, too.

  “All right, come on, let’s get to the bathroom.” Kane led his cousin down the hall to the bathroom, and Nora peeked her head through the doorway to see him holding Casey’s red hair back as she heaved over the porcelain bowl.

  “Can I help?” she asked, just to be polite.

  He shook his head. “Not enough room in here.”

  Nora ducked back out, completely conflicted. She felt nauseated, unable to stomach the sight, but at the same time, there was a warmth spreading through her body. Seeing the broad-shouldered fighter delicately holding his young cousin’s hair back while she was sick was probably one of the sweetest, and grossest, things she’d ever seen.

  Definitely never seen a self-centered prick do that before. Nora wondered if her initial impression had really been that far off.

  A few minutes later, Casey came toddling back out with Kane’s arms around her, and he settled her back into bed once more. She looked to be passed out once more, but Nora wasn’t sure.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” Nora whispered, feeling like she was just in the way.

  Kane shook his head and joined her in the hallway. “I left a trash can by the bed. She’ll be fine. Never saw her get this drunk before, but I remember the drill from when Rory used to drink. Let me just go wash up.”

  “Please do.” Nora gave a small smile. “I cannot handle the smell of puke.”

  Kane lifted one brow. “Says the woman who works with children?”

  She chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. “Still.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Kane went back to the bathroom, and she heard the faucet turn on. She glanced back into the bedroom, but Casey hadn’t moved. Kane rejoined her, smelling of lavender soap.

  “You smell…flowery,” she said, a smirk on her lips.

  “It’s a girl’s apartment,” he said with a chuckle. “My options were limited.”

  Nora put her hands up, trying to hide her smile. “Whatever you say.”

  They headed back out to the car, where he opened the passenger’s-side door for her again, helping her step up and get settled, but he didn’t back away. Instead, he leaned against the SUV
, his hands gripping the frame above his head, his face only inches from hers.

  “How much did you have to drink tonight?” he asked, catching her off guard.

  Nora frowned and thought back, but she didn’t even feel tipsy anymore. “Why?”

  “Indulge me.”

  She licked her lips slowly. “Just two drinks earlier. But nothing for a couple hours now. I’m not drunk, if that’s what you’re asking. Not at all.”

  He nodded. “Good.”

  She paused, waiting for him to explain further, but he didn’t. “Why does it matter?” she asked.

  Kane looked down at his feet, then let his gaze slowly travel up her body. “Because what I want to ask you, I’d never even consider if you were impaired.”

  Nora searched his face for a clue as to where he was going. He didn’t give anything away, and seeing his stubbled jaw and long, brown lashes so close was making it only harder for her to remember why she didn’t want him. She might not know enough about him to consider him a friend, but everything about Kane screamed sex, and right now, the way his eyes darkened when he looked at her, she wanted him badly.

  No, she didn’t want to date anyone. But sex? She could do that. And with him? She could definitely do that.

  When he finally spoke, his voice was gruff and pensive, filled with an emotion she couldn’t identify. “You said earlier you don’t know me.”

  “I remember,” she replied, licking her tongue along her bottom lip.

  His eyes flickered down, watching the motion with interest. “Do you want to?”

  Wait, what? Had she mentioned sex out loud?

  “Do I want to…?” she repeated, cautiously.

  Kane nodded as his gaze dipped down the length of her body and slowly dragged back up. “Do you want to know me?”

  Oh. Right. That. Her tongue was too dry to form words, so she just nodded.

  Because yes, she wanted to know him. The logical part of her mind was sending up red flags like crazy, but the ache she felt in her core screamed louder. She wanted to know what his lips would feel like against hers, how he’d feel pressed inside her…she wanted to know every inch of him.

  “Good,” he said, leaning forward slightly.

  Nora froze, waiting for him to kiss her. He was so close, mere centimeters away. Not daring to breathe, she parted her mouth ever so slightly. Any moment now…

  Instead, he reached up and traced a finger from one end of her jaw to right below her chin. He tilted it upward, so she was looking directly into his blue eyes. They searched hers carefully, and she stared back, mesmerized.

  “Good,” he repeated, his voice huskier this time. “Let’s go home.”

  With that, he let go and closed her door. She nodded her head slowly, trying to absorb the huge shift in their behaviors. After months of snarky comments and scathing replies, there was now silence between them.

  And it spoke volumes.

  Chapter 3

  “I’ve never really done this kinda thing before.” Nora shifted from one foot to the other, looking around Kane’s bedroom. Kieran had been living in his twin’s spare bedroom for almost a year now, but Kane had already checked his room, and it appeared that, as usual, Kieran was spending the night at Fiona’s.

  Kane frowned slightly, unsure what she meant. He considered how interconnected their lives were. She was Fiona’s best friend, and if things went south tonight, it would affect a lot of people. Maybe my plans for the night weren’t such a good idea, after all. He opened his mouth to tell her that he’d changed his mind, that he’d take her home, but she spoke first.

  “The whole ‘hooking-up’ thing, you know? Sex with no strings. I’ve never really done that before. Not that I have a problem with it, I just…” She was rambling again, and he had to smile. He loved to hear her talk, but he loved even more how nervous he could make her. He’d only ever seen the sniping, fierce side of Nora, so this gentler, sweet side was intriguing. He was quickly beginning to realize she was so much more complicated than he’d realized.

  His hesitation vanished as he watched her shift weight from one foot to the other as she nibbled on the edge of her lip the way she always did. It was a little habit of hers that made him wild, wanting nothing more than to taste her for himself.

  She wrapped her arms around herself, which pushed her breasts up higher. They weren’t large, but they fit her body perfectly, and he couldn’t take his eyes off them. He wanted her clothes off and his hands cupped around the soft mounds, his lips teasing her supple skin.

  This might be a mistake, but she wasn’t. And he wanted her.

  That was a good enough reason for him tonight.

  Kane closed his bedroom door and met her by the bed. The back of her knees hit the edge as she placed her hands squarely on his chest. He pushed a blond curl off her face. It slid from his hand like silk, and he couldn’t resist reaching for more. He cradled the side of her face, then let his hand slide to the back of her neck, his fingers weaving through her hair.

  She drew in a sharp breath but leaned in to his touch.

  “Is that what you want?” he asked.

  She blinked quickly for a moment, as if trying to remember what they had been talking about. “Want what?”

  “The dating part.”

  “No, definitely not. No strings attached. I know what this is.”

  Her answer was so quick; it made him pause. For some inexplicable reason, it didn’t sit well in the pit of his stomach. “What this is? I’m not some asshole just looking to get off, Nora. I like you. I have since we met, and I’ve made no secret of that. But I’m months away from the biggest milestone in my career. I can’t be in a relationship with anyone right now.”

  She shrugged. “I know. I can’t, either. I need to focus on school and graduation. So we agree.”

  He pulled ever so slightly on her hair, tilting her head back to look at him, and wrapped his other arm around her waist. “Just because we’re not dating doesn’t make this nothing, Nora.”

  She gulped, the movement sending a wave along her exposed neck, and her chest rose and fell at a faster pace. She walked her fingers upward along his chest and twined her arms around his neck, anchoring herself as he lifted her onto the bed.

  Kane stretched out on top of her, one hand still tangled in her hair while the fingertips of his other hand teased her thigh. Slowly, he traced a steady path over her hip, up her stomach, and across the side of her breast as she shivered beneath him. Everything he’d fantasized about for months was lying right here in front of him, and he was mesmerized.

  “You’re breathtaking, kitty,” he whispered to her, wanting her to feel what this was to him. That she wasn’t nothing. She’d never be nothing, even if he had nothing to offer.

  “Still with the nickname?” she asked, her breathing heavy. “Even now?”

  “It’s even more true now, isn’t it?” He lifted one brow, looking down at her. “And I think your claws are so fucking sexy, kitty.”

  “Oh, really?” Her smile was small and sincere, and she reached up and cupped his cheek with one hand. He leaned in to it, kissing each of her fingertips, then her palm, and down her wrist. She offered her arm as he pressed his lips across her forearm, down to the inside of her elbow.

  He sat up on his knees and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it across the room. When he looked back down, Nora was scurrying to remove her dress. The moment it came off, her perfect breasts heaved beneath him in a light pink lace bra that seemed absolutely perfect for the Nora he was beginning to know. Tough exterior, hard wit—but when her layers were peeled back, he was discovering a gentler woman he desperately wanted to know.

  Balancing his weight on his elbows, he covered her body with his and gazed into her eyes for a quiet moment. He wanted her to see him, to know who he was and see what this meant to him. Nora licked her lips, her hips pushing against him. But he was in no rush, and he did his best to ignore the throbbing he felt in his own pants. He brought his face cl
oser to hers and left a small peck on her lips, their first kiss, testing the waters.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  The moment he tasted her lips, something fired within him that demanded more. He moved back in and covered her mouth with his. Her arms wound around his neck as his hand held her face, their lips fused together. Hers parted and he took the opening, sliding his tongue inside.

  For a few minutes, he forgot everything else. He forgot that this was just a hookup, that things were complicated and this would only complicate them further. The way she held on to him, the way her knees locked around his hips, the way her tongue danced around his…she was intoxicating. She was passionate, and she ignited something in him he hadn’t even known existed.

  This was their first kiss, yet they molded together as if their lips had always been meant to meet.

  Nora’s hands slid down from the back of his head to his neck, across his chest, and down his sides. She pushed at the top of his jeans, as if signaling him to take them off. She didn’t have to ask twice. He rolled off her and quickly unbuttoned them, then pushed them down and off his legs. When he turned his attention back to her nearly naked figure stretched out on his bed, the sight made him groan.

  “Fuck, Nora.” There was a pounding in his ears as his heart thumped faster in his chest. “You’re so damn sexy.”

  A wicked grin set her face on fire as she sat up and climbed onto her knees, meeting him. Starting with his mouth, she left a trail of soft, languid kisses down his body. She pushed him back onto the bed, and he gave way, falling onto the plush mattress. Allowing her full control was a struggle when all he wanted to do was bury himself inside her.

  Watching her lips against his skin as she moved lower on his body might have been the most painful yet the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Positioned on all fours between his legs, her lips reached the edge of his boxers and she looked up at him with a smile. His heart pounded in his chest and he lifted his hips slightly, unable to restrain himself. He needed her. Her sexy smile from between his legs was one of the most arousing things he’d ever seen.


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