Becoming a Legend

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Becoming a Legend Page 21

by Sarah Robinson

  Fifteen minutes later, they were surrounded by the old-world romance of the Venetian as they searched for the room that would become Kieran and Fiona’s honeymoon suite. When they finally found it and entered the room, both Kane and Nora had to pause for a moment to stare. The room was all windows on the far wall, looking out over the strip and the rest of Las Vegas. The view was to die for. Everything inside was rich gold tones, luxurious fabrics, and fine marble, with classically paneled walls and beautiful artwork. They could have left it as it was, and it would have been very romantic.

  “Wow,” Nora exhaled loudly beside him. “This room is…well, perfect for honeymooners.”

  “Definitely,” he agreed, putting down his bags in his hands on a nearby table before exploring the rest of the living room and the adjoining bedroom. “Man, I should get married just to stay in a place like this.”

  Nora cleared her throat as she joined him in the bedroom, carrying a bag filled with rose petals.

  “Uh, I mean…” Kane rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

  “I know what you mean, Kane,” Nora said with a laugh. “You’re not going to hurt my feelings with a few jokes here and there. We’re friends.” Nora scooped up a handful of rose petals and gave them to him. “Here, spread some of these on that side of the bed. Let’s make a heart shape in the middle, then a few random ones everywhere else.”

  They started scattering petals on the plush white bedspread, making a large heart in the center, with a few accents on the rest of the bed. Nora then began trailing petals from the bed to the front door of the suite. As she did that, Kane filled an ice bucket and placed it, the bottle of champagne, and two glasses on the front table. They worked together to put thick, white candles in strategic locations throughout the living room and bedroom, waiting to light them until they were about to leave.

  “What else is in the bags?” Kane asked.

  “I can do the rest,” Nora told him, quickly picking up one of the bags.

  He frowned. “Let me help.”

  “You don’t want to.”

  Kane sighed. “I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, Nora, but if you really want us to be friends, then you’ve got to let me in at least a little bit.”

  Nora gave him a quizzical look, then broke into a smile. “All right, but remember, you asked.”

  Now it was Kane’s turn not to understand.

  Nora reached into the bag and pulled out a small piece of white fabric and handed it to him. It was a small triangle that said Mrs. Kavanagh on it with small jewels as an accent. The triangle had several strings attached to it, and Kane immediately dropped it when he realized what it was.

  “Did I just touch my sister-in-law’s G-string?” he bellowed.

  Nora laughed so hard, she was almost doubled over. “You asked to help!”

  “Damn it, kitty! You did that on purpose!”

  She wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes as she shrugged. “Well, you were so insistent, you’re always sooooo sure of yourself. Who am I to argue, friend?”

  He clenched his jaw, inhaling slowly. “You know what? I am sure of myself. I know what I want.”

  Nora calmed down, staring at him with big, hazel eyes. She didn’t say anything, and he wasn’t done talking.

  “I may not have been sure of myself before, but I know what I want now. I’ve planned my whole life for tomorrow’s fight and the opportunities it could lead to. I was so sure the fight was everything. But now, I’m sure it’s not. There’s one thing I know with complete certainty, Nora, and it’s that I don’t want to be your friend.”

  Her brows shot up as her mouth fell open slightly. “Wow, um, okay…probably didn’t need a whole speech for that announcement. It was just a pair of panties. There’s no need to get yours in a bunch.”

  The corner of his lips twitched slightly, as realization struck that she didn’t understand what he was saying at all and thought he was telling her off. “Fine, kitty. No more speeches.”

  Not waiting another moment, Kane marched over to her and slid his fingers into her hair, cushioning the back of her head with his hand as he pushed her against the hotel wall. His body pressed against hers and he tilted her face toward his, both of his hands on her face and neck now. He paused for only a second, just long enough to see the look of shock and longing in her hazel eyes, before his lips were crashing down on hers.

  Her body arched into his, but he pressed her harder against the wall, controlling her every movement. Her hands clutched his biceps, trying to hold on, as he kissed first her top lip, then bottom. Pulling each between his, he nibbled gently with his teeth, only to trail his tongue across it moments later.

  As he devoured her, he made up for all those times in the last month when he’d wanted her and told himself no. He wasn’t denying what he wanted anymore: he wanted her. It had always been her, but he’d only had pieces before.

  Now he wanted everything.

  He kissed her with such force that he felt her knees shaking, so his hands moved down to her hips, and he lifted her up against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, as he dipped his tongue inside her mouth. Nora moaned against him, matching his fervor with an excitement of her own as she gave him her tongue. He readily accepted it, pulling at her hair ever so slightly so her head fell back and he could kiss her more deeply.

  “Nora,” he growled, sliding his lips down to her neck and letting his words vibrate against her skin. “Let’s finish lighting these candles and get the hell out of here.”

  She nodded quickly as he kissed her one more time, slower and sweeter now, and then set her back on her feet. Her hazel eyes blinked rapidly as she tried to catch her breath. Together, they rushed around the room, putting the finishing touches in place for Kieran and Fiona and double-checking that everything was perfect.

  They may have had other things on their mind, but they both loved Kieran and Fiona and wanted to do everything to ensure tonight was perfect for them.

  Kane just hoped the night would be perfect for Nora and him as well.

  Chapter 25

  There wasn’t a single moment between traveling from Kieran and Fi’s hotel suite in the Venetian back to Kane’s suite at the MGM when they weren’t kissing, or at the very least touching, holding hands, squeezing fingers, stroking wrists. Stealing glances then looking away.

  The entire ride up the elevator, he had her pressed against the back wall, kissing her so sweetly, so deeply, that she didn’t even hear the doors open when they arrived at his floor. He broke their kiss, taking her hand and leading her down the hall as he fumbled to get the key card out of his pocket and into the door.

  Nora almost stumbled through the doorway because he pulled her so quickly into the room, but she landed square on his rock-hard chest, secured by his thick, muscled arms. He lifted her straight up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he kicked the door closed behind them. Carrying her through the living room and into the bedroom, Kane collapsed onto the bed, all of his weight on top of her as he kissed her in a way that rocked her very soul. She felt weak and shaky, as if what was happening between them was melting the hard exterior she’d worked to create.

  His lips on hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, he elicited hunger in her for something she’d never experienced before. Desire slammed through her as his hands slid down the side of her body, tracing her curves then gripping her hips. He pressed his pelvis down against her, grinding his long, hard length between them. Only her dress and his suit separated them, and Nora knew from experience with him that those would be gone in a matter of seconds.

  The reminder froze her, fear gripping her as she began to shake her head. They had been down this road before. She’d given into how badly her body wanted him, allowed his handsome and sexy physique to cloud her mind. All that had brought her was pain and heartbreak when he’d ultimately rejected her.

  “Kane, stop,” she whimpered, trying not to let the overwhelming emotion inside her ch
est make her cry.

  He immediately stopped and looked down at her. Concern etched his face, as he slid off of her onto the bed at her side and looked down the length of her body. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head, refusing to look at him. “No, I’m fine.”

  He exhaled slowly and shifted, his head propped up by his hand, as he gazed at her next to him. She glanced at him, terrified she’d just made him angry or hurt or confused…because she wasn’t even sure what she was feeling herself. “All right, well, talk to me. What’s going on?”

  Licking her lips, she started slowly. “We’ve been here before, Kane, and I just don’t want this anymore.”

  Kane visibly gulped, chewing on the inside of his cheek with such apprehension on his face that she wanted to reach out and console him. “You, um,” he inhaled deeply, “you don’t want me?”

  Nora’s mouth parted in surprise at his words, and at how pained and crestfallen his expression was. “No, Kane, that’s not it at all. I do want you…so badly.”

  She turned her body toward him, cupping his cheek with her hand. “All I’ve wanted for months now…is you. But it’s all of you—not just sex or whatever no-strings thing we were doing before. I need more, or I need to move on. My heart…it just can’t take it, Kane.”

  Kane grabbed her hip bone and pulled her body against his, leaning over her again so she was pressed down into the mattress. “Kitty, what did you think I meant when I said I don’t want to be friends anymore?”

  She lifted her shoulders slightly then dropped them, as if to say that she really had no idea. His words had definitely confused her, and his actions even more so.

  Mimicking her actions from moments ago, he cupped the side of her face with one of his hands. “Nora, I don’t want the no-strings thing we had before, either. I don’t want to be just friends, or friends with benefits, or anything like that. I want to be with you completely, in every way, because, the truth is, I’m falling in love with you. I think I was falling for you long before we ever slept together. I want every single string, kitty. I want your heart.”

  Her mouth parted slightly as she registered his words, tiny tears welling in her eyes. “Kane…” Her throat barely opened long enough to let words come out, and she fought the emotions in her chest to try to keep her wits about her. “You’re falling in love with me?”

  “How could I not, kitty?”

  “Kane,” she started again, but he put a finger to her lips.

  “I’m serious, and I’m so sorry that I behaved for so long in a way that made it seem otherwise. I was such an idiot, and I completely took you for granted. You gave me so much of yourself, and I held so much back. I held back so much from myself. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She frowned and bit her lip. “I don’t even know what to say. You…you want me?”

  “I’ve always wanted you, kitty. I know you have a hard time believing people can actually just love you for you, but you’re worth it, Nora. Now, I’m just hoping that after everything I did, everything I ignored, everything I gave away…I’m hoping you still want me. You deserve more.” His voice was hoarse, thick with sincerity as his deep blue eyes never left hers. “Say you forgive me, Nora, and I’ll spend every day making sure you know just how loved you are.”

  Nora sniffed, wiping at her eyes. “Of course, I forgive you, Kane. I was never angry at you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her briefly, softly, on her lips. “Can we give this another try, kitty? A real try this time? All strings attached.”

  Tears slid from her eyes as she kissed him back, slightly longer this time, before nodding her head yes.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes,” she said with a giggle, tears still on her cheeks. “All strings attached. I’m falling for you, too, Kane.”

  He grinned and kissed her face, removing her tears with his lips one at a time. “That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

  She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he rolled on top of her completely and covered her body with his.

  “Nora,” he said, breathily between kisses. “I do have to admit something to you.”

  She nodded, not fully listening, but he leaned back slightly and looked at her seriously.

  “I’ve never been, um, all-strings-in before, or any-strings-in for that matter.” He looked bashful, and she couldn’t help but smile. “I have no clue what comes next, and I’m going to need help.”

  Nora laughed, her smile spreading across her face as she realized he was serious. Poor man, he sounded like a kid asking for help learning how to dance for the prom. “Are you saying you want me to teach you how to be in a relationship?”

  “I’ll be a very good student,” he said, wiggling his brows at her with a mischievous grin.

  “You’re so freaking cute.” Nora leaned forward and kissed him right on the tip of his nose.

  “Hey,” Kane protested, drawing his lips into a pout. “I’m not cute. I’m fucking sexy as sin, and that’s final.”

  She laughed again and shook her head. “Okay, Mr. Sexy-as-Sin, we’ll learn about this dating stuff together. Think you can handle that?”

  Kane grabbed her hips and rolled them over so that she was on top and straddling him. His eyes were hooded and his voice husky as he spoke, “I think I like you taking charge, kitty. Tell me what to do first.”

  “Kane, be serious!” She laughed, leaning forward with her hands on his pecs. “We haven’t even been on an official date yet.”

  “Wow, that’s true, isn’t it?” Kane looked reflective as he tried to think back, before shaking his head. “Well, this is unacceptable. We need to fix that right way.”

  “Oh, really?” She grinned down at him as he pushed a curly lock of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

  He did his best to look serious, but she could tell he was enjoying himself. “Nora, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me tonight?”

  “Right now? It’s late.”

  He looked down between them, giving her a mischievous grin. “Vegas never closes, kitty. I’m probably going to need a couple minutes to adjust before I can go out in public, though.”

  “Oh,” she said, eyes wide as she followed his gaze to the bulge behind his zipper.

  Sitting up, he placed a long, sweet kiss on her lips before lifting her off him and seating her on the bed beside him. Kane stood up from the bed, and Nora tried not to laugh as she watched him pace back and forth, taking deep breaths to try to reduce the evidence of his arousal.

  “So, date night. Our first date night.” Kane looked thoughtful as he paced the room. “Let’s go all out. We’ll get dressed up really fancy—”

  “Kane?” she interrupted him. “I want to go on a real date with you. I really do. And I know the first one is a big deal, but…”

  He frowned. “But what?”

  “But what if I don’t want to go right now?” Nora leaned back against the bed once more, nibbling on her bottom lip as she looked up at him. “Does that make me bad?”

  She let her voice go slightly breathy at the end of her question, and the change in Kane was immediate.

  His face turned purely animalistic as he paced toward her. “Oh, kitty, that makes you very bad.”

  Nora giggled as he pounced on top of her, covering her whole body, especially her lips, as he kissed her with a fierceness that made her toes curl. His hands slipped under the hem of her dress and up along the outside of her thighs until he hooked her panties and slid them right down her legs. She kicked them off, wiggling underneath him as the ache that had flamed in her core increased with every passing second.

  With nothing in his way, his right hand slid between her legs, grazing the skin of her inner thigh as it climbed higher. She spread her knees to either side of his thighs, giving him as much access as possible, begging for his hand to keep traveling north. His mouth was still on hers, and he slid his tongue between her lips ju
st as his fingers grazed her. She bucked her hips against his palm, moaning against his tongue at the jolt of pleasure.

  “Fuck, kitty,” he growled, leaning down to bite at her neck as his hand moved in circles over her sensitive bundle of nerves. “How are you so wet already?”

  “I just,” she breathed heavily between kisses, “want you so bad, Kane.”

  When she said his name, he exhaled sharply and pushed down harder with his hand. “Say it again. Say my name.”

  “Kane,” she moaned again, pushing her hips against his hand as hard as possible.

  He removed his hand and she immediately jolted at the cold air under her dress, whining her complaint at his sudden absence.

  “How does it taste?” he asked. She blinked in confusion and shook her head, uncertain of what he meant. “My name on your lips, Nora. How does it taste?”

  She gulped, exhaling slowly as she licked her lips. “Perfect.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her again, his tongue tangling with hers as he pulled the very breath from her lungs. “Ask me to taste you, kitty.”

  “Um…” Intense heat swamped her face at the thought. She was sure she’d sound silly, but what he was offering sounded…amazing. If her memory served her correctly, his tongue was one of his most talented features. She pressed her hips up against him, trying to find any relief for the ache between her legs.

  His lips moved to her ear, and in a deep rumble, he told her again. “Ask me to taste you.”

  Nora reached up and put a hand on his shoulder, pushing down slightly as if to physically guide him south. He resisted and shook his head, his eyes gleaming mischievously. “Use your words, kitty.”

  She blushed again. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Kane kissed her temple, then down to her ear, before letting his tongue graze her skin down to her shoulder.

  “Tell me where you want my tongue,” he instructed.

  “On me,” she started. “I want your tongue on me.”


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