The Wicked Witch's Prince

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The Wicked Witch's Prince Page 10

by Aron Lewes

The guard finished for him. “It's the most destructive dragon in the world, sir. They're usually further up north, where no man dares to dwell. But there's one down here, and it's... it's tearing up the city.”

  “God, of all the horrible things that could happen!” Sharman turned his panicked eyes to Donnabella. “What do you think I should do?”

  “Are you asking a witch for advice, Your Highness?” asked Donnabella, who grinned at the thought. “My advice is to slay it.”

  “Slay a Northern Black Drake? How is anyone supposed to slay the strongest dragon in the world?”

  Despite the unfortunate turn of events, Donnabella yawned. After all, she had only two hours of sleep. “Anything can be slayed, Sharman. It's only a matter of figuring out what works.”

  “Will you... help?” Sharman asked with a pout. “I know you already took back the palace for me, but I believe I might need you once again.”

  Donnabella turned to Rank, whose grin suggested he was eager to take on the challenge. Then she glanced to Fenix, who looked considerably more worried. “What do you think, boys?” the witch asked. “Should I help him?”

  “Aye,” Rank replied first. “I want to help.”

  Fenix's response was tinged with hesitation. “I guess... I'm in?”

  Donnabella's gaze wandered back to Sharman, who was awaiting her reply with expectation in his eyes. His pout was difficult, if not impossible, to resist. “Oh, very well! I'll do it!” the witch finally decided. “But... if I take on the dragon for you, there better be a very large reward at the end of it! Preferably a monetary one.”

  * * *

  “What do you think is happening?” Cinda asked Terra, who was watching the Winter Palace through the carriage window. The girls had been advised by Prince Sharman to keep their distance from the ensuing battle.

  “I haven't the slightest idea. I can't see anything,” Terra said.

  “But do you hear anything?” When they both fell silent, Cinda's ears were tingled by a distant roar. “Wait! Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  When she heard it a second time, Cinda seized and squeezed her stepsister's arm. “A dragon's roar!” Cinda gasped. “I swear I'm not imagining it. I--”

  All of a sudden, the carriage door opened, and Donnabella stuck her head inside.

  “Hello, girls,” Donnabella greeted them with a false smile on her lips. “I bet you never thought we'd be on the same side, did you?”

  “After you locked me in your basement?” Cinda crossed her arms and turned away from the witch. “No. Not really.”

  “I'm terribly sorry. I do hope we can move beyond that?” Donnabella chuckled at Cinderella's disdain for her. “Anyway, Terra, I was told you're an expert on dragons, so I'd like to get your advice. What would be the best way to slay a Northern Black Drake?”

  “Northern Black... Drake.” Terra's eyes slowly grew as the dragon's breed was absorbed in her mind. “Wait... is there a Northern Black Drake nearby?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Donnabella replied. “And I'm the lucky one who gets to deal with it. Isn't that wonderful?”

  Rank's face suddenly appeared beside Donnabella's. The mage grinned at Terra, wagged his wand, and tossed her the bundle of roses that appeared on its tip. “'Ello there, Terra,” he greeted his favorite stepsister, “I'll be taking on the dragon as well.”

  “Wait... no!” Panic flooded Terra's eyes. “You're taking on a Northern Black Drake? You can't! You'll die!”

  Rank hitched a shoulder. “I've taken on dragons before and lived to tell the tale. How hard can this be?”

  “Impossible!” Terra shrilled. “I can't let you do this, Rank. I can't. If I let you, I would be sending you to your death!”

  When Terra tried to reach for his hand, Rank gently pulled it away from her. “I'll be alright,” he assured her. “It's nice to know you're worried about me, though.”

  Donnabella's eyes rolled as she listened to their chatter. “Are you done?” she asked. “Because I have a massive dragon to slay, and I could really use some advice.”

  Terra's fingers fidgeted as she recited her knowledge of the world's largest dragon. “Well... it's black scales are incredibly thick, so it'll be like the dragon is wearing a suit of armor. If I were you, I would focus on the neck, where the scales are a bit softer. Still, it might be difficult to tear through. Rank...”

  “Yes, love?” When he saw tears sparkling in Terra's eyes, the mage's smile grew. He was touched by her concern.

  “I really wish you wouldn't go. Please don't go!” Terra begged—but Rank was already stepping away from the carriage. “Rank!”

  Rank swept his hat from his head, held it over his heart, and bowed to her. “Farewell, sweet Terra!” he exclaimed. “If I don't see you again, I just want you to know... you mean the world to me. And no one deserves a happy ending more than you.”

  * * *

  The Northern Black Drake made the Cedarwood Shrieker look tiny. Had it landed on the Winter Palace, it would have crushed the building to bits. Its fiery breath made the Tiamat's flame look no more threatening than a match's blaze. A rush of black fire poured from the beast's gaping mouth, incinerating everything it touched. Cottages were consumed in an instant when grazed by the dragon's fire.

  “Uh... wow,” Rank spoke up, chuckling nervously. “That, uh... that's some dragon, love. Are you sure you want to take this on?”

  Without the slightest trace of fear on her face, Donnabella replied, “I'm sure.”

  “My God, you must reeeeally like Princey if you're willing to do this for him,” Rank said. The dragon's roar was so loud, Rank staggered backward at the sound of it. “So then... what's the plan?”

  “Itinerantus dissipatia.” As soon as she whispered the words, Donnabella momentarily disappeared. When she returned a moment later, she was standing between a very confused-looking Jostle and Pitch. The latter was nibbling on a piece of bread, and when he saw the dragon, his food fell from his mouth and tumbled to the ground.

  “Here's the plan...” Donnabella began. “Jostle, you're going to provide me with a shield. Should the dragon try to set me on fire, your shield will protect me. Can I trust you with this task?”

  “Uh... yeah.” Jostle replied, nodding slowly. “I think I can do it.”

  “Rank, you get on the dragon's right flank, and I will stay on the dragon's left flank. When it attacks you, I will deflect its attention back to me, and when it attacks me, you will deflect its attention back to you. Am I making sense so far?”

  “Aye.” Though he nodded, Rank looked a bit apprehensive. Dragons were usually a thrill to him, but even Rank was subdued by the Northern Black Drake.

  “Pitch?” As she addressed the second twin, a house was knocked to rubble by the dragon's colossal claws.

  “Yes, Teacher?”

  “Pitch, I'll be honest with you...” Donnabella heaved a sigh, “You were always my least favorite student.”

  “Wot?” Pitch shrieked. “I am?”

  “Unfortunately... yes.” She gave his shoulder a reassuring pat. “Now go with Rank and let him use your disappointment to boost his spells. If you can squeeze in a spell of your own, that's fine... but I don't expect your magic to be very effective.”

  Pitch's shoulders collapsed as he followed Rank to the dragon's opposite flank.

  “Are you ready, Jostle?” Donnabella asked her student, who had his wand out and pointed at her.

  “Aye. Guardus Violetus.” When he finished muttering the spell, his teacher was encased in a translucent purple shell.

  As Donnabella concentrated on her first spell, the dragon's tail obliterated the pub where Rank and Prince Elliot once shared drinks. A golden pike, wrapped in light, appeared above Donnabella's head. The pike twirled in midair, whistling sharply as it picked up power. When her spell was complete, Donnabella sent the pike whizzing into the dragon's neck. Some of its thick scales were crumbled by the blow.

  As the dragon turned in Donnabell
a's direction, Rank started spinning his wand. As the clouds grew dark, his lips were pulled into a mad grin. His fingers clamped down on Pitch's arm as he swung the wand. A bolt of lightning crashed down on the dragon's back—followed by another. Every time Rank waved his wand, another bolt came down, shattering more of the dragon's scales.

  “With that wand in yer hand, you look like a conductor...” Pitch observed, “but you're conducting lightning instead of music.”

  “Aye,” Rank agreed as another bolt struck, “it is a bit like that.”

  The dragon started to turn its attention to Rank, but Donnabella halted the beast with a second golden pike, which she slammed directly into the dragon's neck. More scales fell away, exposing the softer flesh beneath the dragon's iron-like armor. The dragon's head snapped back to Donnabella, and black fire poured from its mouth. Her eyelashes fluttered as the flames rained down.

  “Please let Jostle's shield be enough...” she whispered to herself as a third spinning pike appeared above her head.

  Donnabella could feel the heat as black fire crackled around her. When Jostle's shield flickered, she was afraid it wouldn't be enough, so she halted her golden pike and reinforced the spell with a quietly whispered, “ Guardus Violetus.”

  On the dragon's right flank, Rank twirled his wand again. A giant pair of dice, nearly the side of a house, appeared above the Drake's horned head. When the dice came down and struck its plated cranium, the dragon was temporarily disoriented. At the same time, Pitch cast an ice spell. Icicles ineffectually shattered on the dragon's armored back.

  As the Drake turned away from Donnabella, her pike of light returned. The dragon whirled around and swung its tail at Rank, who barely leapt backward before the spiky tail struck.

  “I can't see its neck anymore!” Donnabella grumbled. “Jostle, we have to move to another position! Follow me!”

  As Jostle followed Donnabella across the demolished marketplace, there was a sudden screech in the sky. Fenix swept down, landed on the dragon's neck, and pecked the exposed flesh. When the dragon whipped its head, it easily knocked him off.

  The Drake slithered closer to Rank and brought down its arm. When a six-foot claw collided with Rank's body, piercing his abdomen, Donnabella gasped.

  “Oh no!” the witch cried. “He'll not survive that!”

  As the Drake tossed the reaver mage, Fenix swooped down for a second attack. He pecked the dragon's neck three times before the beast whipped back its head and retaliated. Fenix was wrapped in an inferno of black flame, and his charred remains fell to the ground.

  Donnabella narrowed her eyes and concentrated on her next spell. Seeing her students fall made her blood boil, and her rage made the golden pike glow brighter than ever. When she sent it forward, the gold pike went straight through the dragon's thick neck. The beast roared in agony, staggered backward, and collapsed in a pile of rubble. Orange blood oozed from the Drake's gaping neck wound.

  “Rank!” When it was safe, Gloriosa raced out of Rank's pocket and ran up to his shoulder. “Rank! Oh no, Rank! Are you alright?”

  “Ah! Gloriosa...” Rank croaked. When he touched his stomach, his hand was covered in sticky red blood. “That claw went all the way through me, didn't it? I think this might be the end, eh? It's all over for Ranky.” Despite his excruciating pain, he tried to speak as clearly as he could.

  “I wish I could heal you!” Gloriosa dropped to her knees with a sob. “I would do anything to save your life, Rank! Anything! Why did I not learn a healing spell or two? I hate myself!”

  “It's... alright,” Rank mumbled. “Anyway, I think I'm ready to make my wish now.”

  “If you're going to ask me to heal you, I can't!” Gloriosa cried. “I wish I could, but I can't!”

  “That's not my wish, love.” Rank slowly shook his head. “I just want to see Terra one last time. That is my wish.”

  Choking back a sob, Gloriosa whispered, “Wish... granted.”

  Seconds later, Cinda and Terra's carriage appeared in a puff of smoke. Terra, who was peering through the window, was the first to see the wounded Rank. With a gasp, she knocked open the carriage door and carefully alighted from its interior.

  “Rank!” Terra cried. “Oh my god... you're wounded!”

  “Aye,” Rank answered with a wince. “I don't think I'm going to make it, Terra.”

  “Oh no, don't say that!” Tears flooded Terra's eyes as studied him. She tried to focus on his face, because his body was broken and mangled. Rank's blood colored the earth all around him. It was only a matter of time until he breathed his last breath. “Please don't say that...”

  “I just...” Rank paused to grimace. Every word was a struggle. “I just wanted to see your face one last time, love. I wished for it, in fact. I have to say... it was worth it.”

  “Oh, Rank!” Gloriosa cried. His little witch was on his shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably. “I love you, you know. I really do. You're such a good boy, and I only ever wanted you to be happy. I--”

  “Enough!” bellowed Donnabella, whose eyes were rolling as she stormed their circle of sorrow. “For goodness sake, you're all so dramatic! Did you forget that you have the most powerful witch in the world in your company?” Donnabella dropped to her knees and brought her hands to Rank's wound. As pale, gold light emanated from her hands, Rank's body twitched. She closed her eyes, concentrated, and whispered, “Amoris miraculum.”

  Rank's entire body was wrapped in light, and within seconds, his grave wound was closed. Even the blood was gone. When he was fully healed, he sat up with a gasp.

  “Wait... I feel alright!” he declared.

  “Of course you do.” Donnabella's eyes rolled yet again. “I healed you, you idiot.”

  In an instant, Rank was on his feet and facing Terra's direction. Gloriosa, who was still on his shoulder, clung to his shirt as he stood. “I'm healed!” the mage declared. “Terra... we can be together after all!”

  Terra's eyelashes fluttered at the thought. “We can... be together?”

  “Aye.” Rank grinned at her. “You know I like you. I know you like me... even though you haven't admitted it yet. I'm not even sure you've admitted it to yourself, but I know you care about me, and I--”

  Terra cleared her throat, silencing Rank's speech. “Stop talking and kiss me, then.” Rank's mouth gaped, and his entire body was frozen by her words. After several seconds of awkward silence, she finally urged him, “Go on.”

  Rank lightly cupped Terra's cheek as he leaned in for a kiss. His hat was unnecessarily large, so he pushed it back before their lips touched. When his mouth finally met hers, a happy sigh slipped from Terra's throat. Rank grinned against her lips as the expelled breath tickled his cheek.

  “So much happiness,” Donnabella groaned as the lovers continued to kiss. “It's almost too much to bear. Gloriosa?”

  Donnabella turned her attention to the shrunken witch, who took flight while Terra and Rank were kissing. Gloriosa's body was wrapped in a ball of light as she hovered next to Donnabella.

  “What do you want, Donnabella?” Gloriosa snapped at the witch.

  “I'm just wondering why you haven't returned to the urn,” said Donnabella, whose eyes rolled yet again when she realized the lovers were still locking lips. “If you granted Rank's wish, you should have returned. Perhaps you didn't because you're so far away? Oh well. I guess it doesn't matter now, does it?”

  Donnabella closed her eyes and casually flicked her fingers, undoing Gloriosa's curse. When the little witch was back to her regular size, Rank and Terra finally stopped kissing.

  “Well well... Gloriosa, look at you!” Rank exclaimed. “You won't be able to ride around in my pocket anymore. That's kind of a shame, innit?”

  Without a word, Gloriosa threw her arms around Rank and squeezed him. “To be honest, Rank,” she whispered in his ear as they embraced, “you've become something like a son to me. I might not be in your pocket anymore... but I hope we'll always be close.”

en the resurrected Fenix raced over to Cinda, Donnabella grumbled, “Ugh... now I have to endure this.” With a heavy sigh, the witch flicked her fingers once again, blowing away the bonds that kept her former lover tethered to her. “You can kiss her if you want to, Fenix. I'll try to bear it.”

  Fenix's eyebrow was raised by the witch's words. “W-what do you mean?”

  “I mean...” Donnabella paused for another eye roll. “I've broken your curse. You and Cinderella... you should be able to kiss her now. You--”

  Cinderella didn't wait for Donnabella to finish. She threw her arms around Fenix and immediately claimed his mouth. She had been waiting so long to kiss him, Cinda's lips practically devoured his.

  “You can finally be mine. Fenix...” Cinda whispered against his mouth. When she felt Fenix's fingers sifting through her hair, she closed her eyes and whispered again, “Finally.”

  “I adore you, Cinda,” Fenix murmured as his lips hovered near hers. “I want to be with you. Forever.”

  “Ugh! This is more happiness than I can stomach!” Donnabella declared as she turned away from the embracing lovers. “I'd rather look at the ruined town than all of this... kissing.”

  The town of Westerwood had been razed by the dragon's attack. Nearly every cottage was either flattened or torched. Donnabella lifted the hem of her dress as she walked through the rubble. She decided to reunite with Jostle and Pitch and return to her boot.

  But fate had other plans for her.


  The witch's feet halted at the sound of Prince Sharman's voice. Tears foolishly sprang into her eyes. “Do not cry, Donnabella,” she quietly cautioned herself as she turned around. “Say goodbye as quickly as you can, and do not cry.”

  “Donnabella, wait!” Sharman leapt over the remains of a demolished market stall as he raced toward her. “Please! I need to speak to you!”

  “I can't imagine what you could possibly have to say to me, Your Highness,” the witch icily replied. “Honestly, let's just say our farewells and be done with it.”

  “B-but I care about you!” When Sharman reached her, he clung to her arm in desperation. “I don't want you to leave!”


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