The Sin War Box Set: Birthright, Scales of the Serpent, and The Veiled Prophet

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The Sin War Box Set: Birthright, Scales of the Serpent, and The Veiled Prophet Page 42

by Richard A. Knaak

  “Return to the camp…”

  Romus shook his head, blurting, “What of your brother, Master Uldyssian? If he is lost as you fear—”

  Now the newcomers knew why their leader was out in the jungle during the night. No matter how great their uneasiness around Mendeln, they knew his importance to Uldyssian.

  “They’ll not go now,” murmured Serenthia. “The only way to get them to return to the camp is to do so ourselves…”

  “I can’t! Mendeln needs me!”

  She put a soothing hand on him. “I know that, Uldyssian. I know that better than anyone else! But think…can you really help him right now, with everyone distracting you?”

  Serenthia had the truth of it; all that his legions of followers did right now was to keep him from concentrating.

  “We’re all heading back,” Uldyssian suddenly ordered. “Make sure that everyone is accounted for, Romus.”

  The Parthan nodded, although obviously still perplexed. “But, your brother, Master Uldyssian—”

  “Will be found, Romus.” Uldyssian put an end to any more questions by striding past his lead acolyte, Serenthia accompanying him on his arm.

  But although he took up a stalwart aspect in front of the others, Uldyssian dearly wanted to turn around and rush through the jungle calling Mendeln’s name until he found him. He could not imagine what might have happened. He had sensed nothing amiss. Surely…surely Mendeln was merely lost, somehow, and would turn up before long.

  But what if he did not?

  “Calm yourself,” Serenthia whispered reassuringly. She leaned her head close to his. “When all have settled down, we can work together to find Mendeln.”

  “Work together?”

  “Combine our powers together in a manner we haven’t tried yet…I think it possible…”

  He took hope from her suggestion. They might be able to amplify the effect of their search. Surely then, they would locate Mendeln.

  But would whatever she had in mind work?

  “We can only try, Uldyssian,” she murmured, as if reading his thoughts. “You and Mendeln worked together to help me, didn’t you?”

  He nodded, glad that she did not know how close the demonic presence had actually come to reaching out to her.

  Once they returned to the encampment, it was all Uldyssian could do to wait for the rest to finally go to sleep. The sentries he did not concern himself about; they would not see what he and Serenthia attempted. The two had moved off to a secluded side of the camp. They would still be vaguely noted by those on duty, but not their actual activities. He wanted no one interfering, not even if only to volunteer their help.

  Serenthia sat across from him. Both had their legs folded, and as touch had always worked when Uldyssian had introduced new people to the gifts within them, they held hands. Uldyssian felt some guilt at how much he enjoyed such closeness to her. He had not felt this way about anyone since…since Lilith.

  Smiling at him, Serenthia said, “I’ve no idea how to start…except maybe I could reach into you the way you did me and the others the first time.”

  “Try that.” He would have been willing to do it himself, but so far Serenthia had made perfect sense with her suggestions. Considering his state of mind, Uldyssian was more than happy to let her take the lead throughout this.

  Serenthia shut her eyes. Uldyssian did the same. He felt her briefly squeeze his hands and returned the action.

  Suddenly…it felt as if he were two people in one.

  The swiftness with which the merchant’s daughter successfully touched his mind—and his soul—startled him. There was a momentary hesitation, then Uldyssian sensed her invite him to do as she had. His thoughts, his emotions, reached out to hers. For a breath or two, it was as if a pair of animals sized up one another. Then, growing more confident, Uldyssian pushed forward.

  He and Serenthia melded together. It was not a perfect blending of their selves, for Uldyssian kept up certain barriers—especially those concerning his feelings for the woman before him—and sensed that Serenthia likewise barred some access to her inner thoughts. Yet, they were still linked strongly enough to now attempt what she had proposed.

  Let me…came what, to his imagination, sounded like her voice. Let me try to guide us…

  No sooner had Uldyssian given his silent agreement, than suddenly it was as if his eyes were open again. Yet, now he soared through the surrounding jungle…and in several directions simultaneously. Moreover, it was as if day had arrived, only day lit by a golden sun. Everything was a glorious yellow…

  And with him…very much part of him as he was of her…raced Serenthia. Their speed was greater than that of the swiftest bird. As one, they coursed mile upon mile around the region, not only backtracking the previous day’s trek, but moving well beyond what they would cover tomorrow. Uldyssian noted important points along the journey ahead that he hoped to recall well enough to pass on to his followers, while at the same time seeing how if the edyrem had made certain changes, they could have covered more distance earlier.

  He saw creatures of the forest, night dwellers now uncovered by the golden illumination. Yet, they neither sensed his approach nor even knew that they were no longer cloaked. Some he had never seen before, and their exotic nature fascinated the son of Diomedes despite the present circumstances.

  But even after what was the most meticulous hunt imaginable…Uldyssian discovered no trace of Mendeln.

  Finally, despite the headiness of their success, he could stand it no more. Uldyssian felt Serenthia’s surprise when he began to withdraw to the camp. The scenery flashed by and although Uldyssian continued to watch and study, yet again he discovered no clue.

  And then…the former farmer once more sat across from his companion. Uldyssian did not know when he had opened his eyes, but both he and Serenthia sat staring at one another as if having done so for hours. Very reluctantly, he disengaged one hand in order to rub his brow. She did the same.

  “I’m sorry,” Serenthia finally said. “I thought we’d find Mendeln for certain.”

  “So did I.” However, despite that terrible failure, Uldyssian was not altogether sad. It was not only because he and Serenthia had discovered a new, fascinating ability…but also because they had been drawn together as no two people surely ever had. One glance at her face was enough to tell him that she felt much the same.

  Uldyssian immediately shook his head, angry at himself for becoming distracted by such things when his brother was in terrible danger. The attempt, however successful in itself, had failed. That was all that mattered.

  Serenthia leaned forward. “Uldyssian—”

  He wanted to stay with her, but knew that to do so would keep his mind from fully focusing on Mendeln. With an abruptness that made Serenthia gasp, Uldyssian jumped to his feet and left.

  He regretted the action almost immediately, but did not even consider turning back. Uldyssian dared not let himself become distracted again. Only Mendeln mattered…providing it was not already too late.

  That thought made him shiver anew. Mendeln gone. First Achilios, now this.

  Uldyssian looked up to the dark, shrouded sky, raising a fist at the same time. He wanted to shout, but aware how that would stir up the others anew, forced his voice down to a virulent hiss.

  “Damn you, Lilith! Damn you for beginning all this!”

  The jungle remained silent, but somehow Uldyssian was certain that she heard his bitter oath…heard it and laughed merrily.

  “Don’t…give up…hope…”

  The voice was barely a whisper, yet it pierced the fog in his brain. Uldyssian turned about, seeking the speaker…and finding no one.

  Brow furrowed, he stared at the emptiness for several seconds, then grimaced. Now, on top of matters, he was imagining voices…or rather, one voice in particular.


  “Damn you, Lilith…” Uldyssian repeated, seeing in his mind both his brother and the dead archer. “If Mendeln’s gone, too

  But he had no threat against her in which, at the moment, even he believed.


  They remained in the area the next day…and the next after that. Uldyssian did not sleep once, fearing that any respite would lessen his chances of finding Mendeln. The longer his brother remained missing, the longer the odds that Mendeln was still alive.

  Saron and Romus, accompanied by Tomo and a small mix of other Parthans and Torajians, finally dared approach him late on the succeeding day. They found Uldyssian where he often was, standing at the edge of the camp with eyes shut and hands curled into fists. Around him, noticeable only to the eyes of edyrem, glowed a silver aura.

  The aura vanished before either of the first two could summon the courage to speak. Uldyssian turned to face the group.

  “Tomorrow…” he muttered. “If nothing by then…I promise it’ll be tomorrow.”

  Saron, thin and wiry, bowed low. “Master Uldyssian, it is not that we wish to abandon your brother…if Tomo, who is like a brother to me, were missing, I would search just as you do, but—”

  “But searching the same ground over and over and over is futile. I understand, Saron. I can’t risk everyone else by forcing them to wait here.” He looked among those who had come, both men and women. These were many of his most promising, with enough control now to be a threat to the majority of human foes. Even perhaps a morlu or a lesser demon. Yet, they were lost without him.

  “Tomorrow,” he repeated, starting to turn back to the jungle. “Thank you for understanding.”

  The Parthans nodded while most of Saron’s people bowed. As they trudged off, Uldyssian refocused his efforts. There had to be somewhere or something that he had missed. Some clue that whatever had taken Mendeln had left behind.

  But continually he came up empty-handed. Finally, as the sun set, Uldyssian retired to eat. He did not even notice of what his meal consisted, his attention entirely on seeking some new course of action.

  Belatedly, Uldyssian noticed that Serenthia sat across from him. Since his wordless departure from her, they had stood apart. He knew that she would have liked to have been with him, even comforted him, and the fact that he felt the same ripped at his heart. Yet, for more than one reason, the son of Diomedes refused to give in to such things.

  He went back to searching as soon as his food was gone. Taking his cue from the effort he and Serenthia had put in together, Uldyssian let his mind reach out far beyond what his eyes could see. Alone, he could not survey the jungle in quite so dramatic a fashion as the two of them had, but still Uldyssian felt certain that he covered the areas that he studied as thoroughly as possible.

  But still he did not find even so much as a hint of what had happened.

  In the end, there remained only one other hope, something that he had not wanted to attempt for it endangered not only him. However, it was the single possibility that Uldyssian thought at all yet likely.

  And so, stretching himself to his limits, he reached out to the distant ruins…and that which lurked among them.

  The effort proved not quite the strain Uldyssian had believed it would be. He could only assume that perhaps his efforts with Serenthia had further unfettered the potential of his abilities. Uldyssian marveled at this, even as his thoughts propelled him within range of the demonic presence’s ancient abode.

  But once there, Uldyssian immediately noticed the lack of any sign of Mendeln. More curious, he also noticed how faint the specter’s trace was, so much so that at first he could not even sense it. If the presence was the source of his brother’s disappearance, surely Mendeln could have easily fought back against such paltry power.

  Nonetheless, Uldyssian continued to probe the ruins. As he did, he finally sensed the presence stir somewhat…but without radiating any of the violent emotion from the first encounter. In fact, it was almost as if the demon now wished to relay something to him.

  To enable it to do that, though, would require Uldyssian to let down some of his guard. He studied his adversary as best he could, sensing only weakness…and urgency. There was no hint of threat. At last, desperate to find some clue, however remote, Uldyssian relented.

  But as he began to open himself up, someone suddenly shook his physical form. Immediately, the ruins—and their malevolent inhabitant—receded into the dark…and Uldyssian found himself once more poised at the edge of the camp.

  Serenthia stood beside him, her eyes wide with fear. “Uldyssian! Are you mad? I nearly didn’t break the link between you in time!”

  “I finally had some hope!” he snapped back, registering what she had done. “A clue to Mendeln—”

  “Not from that evil thing! Think! Why would it tell you anything to help you? Why?”

  He started to reply, then hesitated. Uldyssian had no good explanation and the more he thought about it, the more he knew that Serenthia’s point had much merit. Why would the creature do anything to assist in the hunt? In his desperation, it was very likely that all Uldyssian had been doing was giving the demonic presence a chance for vengeance against him.

  And, after that, surely it would have once more tried for Serenthia…

  Running his fingers through his hair, he muttered, “You’re right. Damn it, you’re right, Serenthia…”

  “I’m sorry. Really I am.” She looked deep into his eyes. “You’ve done everything for Mendeln that you could…that anyone could. What more is there?”

  Again, Uldyssian had no good answer.

  “You’re tired,” the merchant’s daughter continued. “You need rest.”

  He nodded. Suddenly, it was all Uldyssian could do just to stand. Even he had to admit that nothing good would come of attempting any more searches today.

  “I promised the others that we’d leave tomorrow,” he informed her. “Tell them that we’ll do so at first light.”

  “I should stay with you—”

  “No. Please tell them, Serenthia.” With that, Uldyssian purposely retreated to a spot near the closest of the fires and immediately laid down. He eyed the flames, noticing belatedly that Serenthia still watched him. Finally, her expression masked, she walked away to do as he had requested.

  Uldyssian shut his eyes. Even though he was so very tired and had agreed to get rest, he knew that he would not sleep. How could he? His brother was very likely dead. Uldyssian already knew that he would spend the entire night going over every search for the hundredth time, seeking some error he had made. Over and over he would analyze everything that he had done—

  A soft hand on Uldyssian’s shoulder gently shook him awake. He stiffened and a grin started to cross his face, for he had just been dreaming that Mendeln had returned unharmed. However, glancing up, his smile faltered, for he saw that it was Serenthia awakening him…and that above her, light had begun filtering through the foliage.

  “I had them let you sleep as long as possible,” she quietly told him. “The others are nearly ready to depart.”

  An intense feeling of guilt washed over him, as if he had somehow betrayed his brother by actually sleeping. “You should’ve woken me much sooner!” Uldyssian blurted, his anger unreasonable even to himself. After all, the woman leaning over him was almost as concerned about Mendeln as he was. “I need to do one more search! I think that this time I can find—”

  His companion frowned sadly. “If I thought you had any chance at all, Uldyssian, I’d be there at your side. You know that. I can see it in your face, though. You don’t have any new idea, do you? You just want to search and search, isn’t that right? Search until you find him…”


  “You’ve done all you could for Mendeln…just as you did for Achilios. We have to move on, even if I don’t want to any more than you. For the sake of all the rest…and you, too…there’s no other choice. Mendeln would be the first one to tell you that. You know he would.”

  There was nothing more he could say. Uldyssian rose, took one look at the jungle, and then summoned Tomo to

  “Can we make it to Hashir in four more days?”

  “If we walk long and hard, Master Uldyssian. I would prefer to say five, if you please.”

  “We make it in four.”

  Tomo bowed. “Yes, Master Uldyssian.”

  “We make it in four and we lose no one else along the way. I want that understood.” The son of Diomedes fought to keep his tone even. “No one else.”

  “Yes, Master Uldyssian.”

  Uldyssian looked at Serenthia. She gave him a determined smile and repeated his oath. “No one else.”

  With her at his side and Tomo in his wake, he marched to the head of the already waiting throng. Tomo rushed to Romus and Saron, whispering animatedly to the pair. What Uldyssian had demanded would quickly spread to the rest, just as he wanted.

  Once in the lead, Uldyssian nodded back at his followers, then continued on. Silently, the edyrem flowed after.

  They made great distance that day, driven for the most part by Uldyssian’s determination to now get as far away as he could from where his brother had vanished. By the end of the trek, even he felt every muscle scream. Guilt at how some of the others, especially the women and children, had probably suffered made him promise to the weary group that the next day would go much easier.

  But it did not. Barely had they begun their trek when a storm swept across the jungle, a violent storm that forced Uldyssian to finally call a halt.

  “It looks to last the whole day!” shouted Romus, shielding his eyes from debris torn up by the wind. The rain coursed down like a thousand battering rams, forcing people to take what shelter they could. Those with a better sense of their abilities created invisible barriers above themselves and others, but the longer and harder the rain fell, the more those weakened or dissipated entirely.

  “Keep everyone together!” Uldyssian cursed the storm, certain somehow that it was working in league with Lilith and the Triune.

  Serenthia struggled to hold on to his arm. “Something must be done about it! You must do something about it!”


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