How To Flirt: A Gay Sci-Fi Romance

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How To Flirt: A Gay Sci-Fi Romance Page 9

by Hunter, Troy

  I force a friendly smile. What’s her problem? Kate is usually nothing but nice to me when I see her around town. But, suddenly, with Dale between us, she’s as cold as a Bear Moose winter.

  “Thank you, Kate. If anything goes wrong just throw me right under the bus,” Dale jokes.

  “Thanks, Kate,” I echo, still smiling.

  Suddenly, Kate’s phone rings. “Oh, I have to take this, give me a sec.” She rushes off to take the call outside.

  I turn to Dale, tension easing from my shoulders now that Kate’s gone. “Are you sure she should do it?”

  “Well, we have no one else,” he says.

  “No, I mean, do you think we can trust her?” I know it’s a sensitive question, they’re obviously close. But something doesn’t feel right. Or maybe I’m just paranoid because the lives of the pups are in Kate’s hands now.

  Dale nods his head. “I’m sure we can, Kate has never let me down before.”

  “How close were you two in school?” I ask.

  “We used to hang out almost every day after school, why?”

  I shake my head, pursing my lips thoughtfully. “No reason. Need a refill?”

  He declines, but God knows I need one after the intense bout of jealousy I just had. So, I stand and head to the bar. I’m just ordering a new drink when I hear Kate return and the two of them burst into laughter. I bristle. This alpha male territorial bullshit really gets old.


  “Are you nervous?” Cliff asks me, glancing away from the road to study my face.

  I shake my head but it’s a lie. I’m nervous as hell, breaking the law like this. Especially when Kate is the one who could get hurt.

  Cliff chuckles. “Come on, I know you are. It’s okay.”

  I sigh heavily, wishing the ARF device could supply me with every response to every conversation. So far, this conversation isn’t significant enough to change how Cliff perceives me, thus the device remains silent. Plus, I think the stress from our attempts to influence the lottery would contaminate its readings anyway. For now, I’m on my own.

  “I’m a little nervous,” Cliff confesses. “You didn’t have a lot of time to make that virus—are you sure it’s going to work?”

  “I’m sure.” The virus is the one thing I’m most confident about right now. It was simple to whip it up, and luckily, I had an unused USB on hand.

  Kate is meeting us at the Department of Fish and Game. She said to leave the ins and outs of “infiltrating the enemy,” as she put it, to her. I know that made Cliff nervous. Out of all of us, his stakes in this are the highest, emotionally at least. It’s his wolf pups that are out there, lives on the line.

  “Analysis indicate the target would benefit from comfort,” the ARF device says.

  So could I, I think ruefully. “It’ll be okay, Cliff. Kate can do this. We can do this.” I place a hand on his knee in an attempt to comfort him.

  He jolts under my touch and his grip on the steering wheel tightens. I’d think I frightened him or made him angry if I didn’t see the huge bulge of his erect cock.

  The ARF device butts in again. “Analysis indicates the target is aroused.”

  I don’t need a computer to tell me that, I think. Casually, I slip my hand up his thigh and he draws a deep, shuddering breath.

  “Dale.” His voice is husky. “What are you doing?”

  I’ve reached his groin now, my hand resting on his erection. “Nothing,” I say innocently.

  He sighs as I start moving my hand along his cock, caressing it through his jeans. “Dale, I’m driving,” he warns. But his voice carries a needy keen to it, and I know that even though he’s protesting, he very much wants me to continue.

  “Just keep your eyes on the road,” I say, unzipping his pants.

  I slide my fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers and catch his hard cock in my hand. I’d forgotten how big it was and I gasp softly with surprise and excitement. Since our first date I’ve been thinking about Cliff almost constantly. And now, alone in his truck as we speed through the countryside, I just want to feel that heat between us again.

  My first stroke along his cock starts Cliff trembling, his knuckles white. The second, faster stroke has his precum coating my fingers. I grin and eye him sensually. His head is leaning back against the seat, his cheeks flushed and his breath heavy. He rolls his head to the side for an instant to look at me. The sight of his parted lips and his tongue darting across them makes me pump him faster.

  His legs spasm each time my fingers drift across his head. He’s thrusting into my hand now, fast and desperate. I can feel my own cheeks heating with lust as I watch him react to my touch so intensely. I’m hard, aching for him. He pants wildly, eyes half-closed, and I don’t know how he’s keeping us on the road.

  I let my fingers play over his balls and he swears under his breath. “Dale, you’re going to make me come,” he moans, sagging into the seat to give me better access to his cock.

  “That’s the idea,” I murmur, excitement rushing through me.

  He gasps, his eyes flying open. And then I feel the hot, sticky mess of his cum on my hand. I pump him through his orgasm, desperately praying he doesn’t crash his truck. His hips rock against my hand, in time with the rhythm of my touch as his pleasure pours over me. He’s sighing, gasping and trembling. And I feel a rush of pride and pleasure watching him.

  His orgasm finally fades when we rumble into the parking lot of the Department of Fish and Game. He swings us into a parking spot with ease, but he’s still trying to catch his breath. I pass him a napkin so he can clean up a little.

  “Dale,” he groans. “That was fucking amazing.”

  I grin. “I aim to please.”

  Suddenly, he’s across the cab, his tight, muscular frame pressing against my body. His lips are on mine, wild and demanding. I can hardly catch my breath as he claims my lips over and over. His tongue sweeps into my mouth and I gasp. The sound drives him into a frenzy and he growls at me. Actually growls at me. It’s one of the sexiest sounds I’ve ever heard a man make.

  But as soon as the sound has left his lips, he’s lurching away from me, breathing raggedly. “Sorry,” he pants. “I’m sorry.”

  I inhale deeply, trying to catch my breath. “For what?”

  “I didn’t mean to be so…demanding. I’m sorry if I crossed a line,” he says, his cheeks coloring slightly.

  “You didn’t,” I assure him. “If anything, I crossed it first. I hope…it was okay.”

  “Dale.” Cliff’s huge hand wraps around mine. “I…I have something to tell you.”

  I look at him quizzically, my stomach suddenly very full of nerves. “What is it?”

  But before he answers, Kate is at the window, tapping on it. I jump, and I can hear her muffled laughter through the glass. “Shit,” I curse, unrolling the window. “Kate, you gave me a heart attack.”

  “Sorry, but I’m here. Let’s get this show on the road,” she says.

  “Here.” I pass her the USB and an earpiece. “Now, remember, all you have to do is plug it into one of the servers, any of them. And I’ll walk you through the whole thing.”

  “Roger,” she says taking the equipment.

  Cliff leans over to inspect her disguise. She’s wearing a bland khaki jumpsuit with a small blue logo on it. “Do you think they’ll buy the disguise?” he asks.

  She looks at him with derision. “Of course—it’s modeled on a real uniform for the Department of Water and Power. I look the part completely,” she insists.

  “Go quick before they see you at the truck,” I say, shooing her away.

  She marches purposefully toward the building and I hear her repeating the mantra she used to use in high school when she was getting into character. “I am full of confidence,” she whispers to herself.

  “Testing,” I say into the microphone.

  “Loud and clear,” she whispers.

  “Okay, when you’re in, remember you’re from the Department
of Water and Power and you had a complaint that the Department of Fish and Game was letting fishermen access a restricted dam,” I tell her.

  After Kate had returned from her phone call and Cliff got back with another drink, we’d set about planning the specifics of our operation. Surprisingly, with Cliff at the helm, it didn’t take long to come up with the convincing story we were using.

  She doesn’t respond, but I know she can’t risk it once she enters the building. So I simply trust that she heard me. We hear the ranger at the desk greet her.

  “Fuck, I’m nervous,” Cliff says, tapping a finger on the dashboard of his truck.

  “Hi there,” Kate chirps. “I’m from the Department of Water and Power.”

  “What can I do for you?” the ranger asks.

  Kate sighs. “Well, I’ve got a little bone to pick with you guys. We’ve got word that you’re letting fishermen access a restricted dam, and that’s just unacceptable. I need to file a formal complaint, so if you could just direct me to your supervisor’s office…” she trails off, waiting for him to scramble to her aid.

  “He’s occupied at the moment,” the ranger says. “Take a seat, I’ll try to get you back there as soon as possible.”

  “Thank you, and where’s the restroom?” Kate asks, I can hear the blush in her voice as she mimics embarrassment. Man, she’s good.

  “Just down the hall,” the ranger says.

  When I was wandering the Department, I saw that the bathrooms are down the same hall as the servers, which means she can easily slip into the server room while headed for the bathrooms. I hear her shuffle down the hall and then another door opens. Then I hear the whir of the air-conditioning units that are used to keep the servers from overheating.

  “She’s in,” I tell Cliff, even though he can hear everything that’s happening as well.

  His head drops to my shoulder and I feel him press his lips against me in a tender kiss. I know he’s simply relieved we haven’t been caught yet, but I can’t help the thrill that courses through me.

  “Okay, any server?” Kate asks.

  “Any server, plug it in, give it fifty seconds, grab it and go,” I instruct her.

  “Plugging in,” she says. “Longest fifty seconds of my life.”

  “I’ve got your countdown,” I say. We wait in silence, straining to hear if anyone in the Department is on to her. “Okay, go.”

  She sighs and I hear the door opening. “Hey,” she calls to the ranger at the desk. “I just got a call from my supervisor, turns out it was some rando pretending to be from your department. Sorry for the trouble.”

  “Oh, alright,” the ranger says. “Have a good day.”

  Kate mumbles a reply and then slips out of the Department. I watch as she crosses the lot and slides into her car, giving me a thumbs up when she’s in.

  “Nice job, Kate,” I say.

  “Are we having celebratory coffee or what? Oooh, or cinnamon rolls,” she says, starting her car.

  I glance at Cliff. He bobs his head from side to side as he thinks. “I was actually hoping I could…” he starts.

  “Okay, see you guys at the Cocoa Peak,” Kate says, interrupting Cliff.

  She peels out of the parking lot and out of range before either of us can say anything. “I guess we’re going for coffee.” I tug the earpiece from my ear. “I can’t believe we did it, it’s done.”

  He beams at me, his eyes lit up with happiness and relief. “Thank you, Dale. And make sure to pass that on to Kate.”

  “I will. Now we wait and see the results, but I’m fairly certain the virus will work,” I say.

  Cliff nods and starts the drive back to town. “If this works, I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  “Maybe one day you can introduce me to those pups,” I joke.

  He grins. “Maybe.”


  Damn that Kate.

  Dale doesn’t seem to have noticed that Kate cut me off before I could invite him to a more private, secluded place. A place I think he would really like. And more than that, a place where I could tell him about my true nature.

  Maybe I’m taking things too fast, but Dale is perfect. I feel so at ease around him and so appreciated that I can’t help but want to take things further with him. Much further. But Kate is getting in the way of that.

  First in the bar, then by insisting we go to that damn coffee shop. I know I should just suck it up and go, but my heart is pounding in my chest and I want to blurt out the truth to him. Not here, I tell myself, breathing deeply.

  “Are you okay?” Dale asks, arching a brow.

  “Yeah.” I nod. “You know what, actually no. I wanted to take you somewhere.”

  “You don’t want to go to the Cocoa Peak?” His voice is laced with confusion.

  “No, I don’t. Is that okay?”

  “Well, it’s fine with me. What should I tell Kate?” Dale pulls his phone out to send her a text.

  But I know Kate will insert herself into any situation to get between Dale and me. At least, I strongly suspect she will. “Don’t tell her anything yet,” I say. “I’ll drop you off at the Cocoa Peak and then swing around to pick you up after you explain it to her.”

  “Why not just tell her now?”

  I suck in a breath through my teeth. “If you tell her in person, she won’t be able to tag along.”

  “You think she’d try to tag along?” Dale laughs.

  “Yes,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Cliff,” Dale says with a teasing note to his voice. “Are you jealous of Kate?”

  “I’m not jealous of her,” I insist. “I think she may be jealous of me.”

  Dale bursts into disbelieving laughter. “Cliff, come on, she’s known I’m gay since high school.”

  “That doesn’t mean she can’t be in love with you,” I say.

  “Cliff, there’s no way. She’s just my friend,” Dale snorts.

  I let loose a deep breath as I pull to the side of the curb to drop Dale off. “I hope you’re right.”

  He swings the door open and hops to the ground. “I’m right. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Okay.” I nod, catching a glimpse of Kate inside.

  I make my way around the block, hoping to give Dale just enough time to give Kate the slip. I know I shouldn’t be acting like this, that I should go inside and show Kate how much I truly appreciate her help. Because of her, Dale and I saved the pups. Probably. But my inclinations are to fuck Dale right in the middle of the coffee shop for all to see and then tear Kate’s throat out to establish my dominance and possessiveness. So I sit stubbornly in the truck, wrestling with my wolf’s instincts.

  Dale slips out of the Cocoa Peak just as I pull up to the curb. I glance through the windows of the shop and catch sight of Kate sitting forlornly at a table. As if she can feel my gaze on her, she looks up and meets my eyes. And gives me the dirtiest glower I’ve ever gotten. It doesn’t make me proud to have successfully kept Dale to myself. I feel guilty for treating her this way, but with my wolf on edge around her, I have no other choice.

  Once Dale is safely in the truck I peel away from the curb and drive quickly toward the mountains. Dale casts an anxious look my way, noticing the way my hands grip the steering wheel.

  “Cliff,” he says softly. “What’s going on?”

  We’ve left Bear Moose behind us, and with it, the scent of anyone but me and Dale. The clear air brings more clarity to my head. I relax, loosening my grip on the steering wheel. “Nothing.”

  “Is this about Kate? She was really disappointed that we weren’t staying,” Dale says.

  “I’ll make it up to her—I promise.” And I mean it. I need to get a better grip on my wolf if I’m going to take my relationship with Dale further.

  “I hope so,” Dale says, an edge to his tone. He loves Kate. She’s one of his best friends. I need to be cognizant of that. “Why would Kate have a crush on me anyway?”

  I almost laugh out loud. “
Uh, Dale, please.” I grin wryly at him.

  “No, I’m serious,” he says defensively. “She knows I’m gay, so it doesn’t make sense.”

  “What’s not to like, Dale? You’re handsome, smart, charming, funny as hell.” I’ve fallen hard and fast for him. “And you’re an excellent listener.”

  He rolls his eyes but I can see a blush creeping up his bearded cheeks. “I mean, I don’t think so…” he trails off.

  “Just accept the compliment,” I insist. “It’s not easy to find a guy like you. And once you do, you don’t want to let them go.”

  He studies me as I say it. I glance at him from the corner of my eye, catching the conflicted expression on his face. Quickly, he replaces it with a bashful smile. “You really know your way around ass-kissing,” he teases.

  I bark a laugh. “Just wait and see.”


  Everything Cliff said has left my mind whirling. Kate couldn’t possibly like me as anything more than a friend. We’ve been friends for years. She was the first person I told I was gay. She stood by me through high school and supported me when I went to study at Cal-Tech. She was my best friend.

  I purse my lips. Cliff had to be wrong. I want him to be wrong. Because if he’s right, what does that mean for our friendship?

  “Warning: Low battery,” the ARF device says.

  I grind my teeth. Shit. We’re way out of town now, nowhere close to a place I can plug it in and charge it. And I can’t use the socket in Cliff’s truck without revealing the device and creating an opportunity for that awkward conversation. What the hell am I supposed to do without the ARF unit? I suppose the security of the device has made me a little dependent on it for confidence. I relied on its calculations and suggestions to flirt with Cliff, and without it, I worry I’ll be too insecure to further my relationship with him.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, keeping my tone light. Maybe he’s taking me to another town and I can sneak in a short charge.


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