Lyon's Crew

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Lyon's Crew Page 14

by Alison Jordan

  I picked her up, her legs wrapped around my waist as I walked us up the stairs to the bedroom.

  "We're not using any safe words, this isn't a game, this is just part of me loving you, I'm not going to do anything that will hurt you in anyway, and if you do become uncomfortable I'll know or you'll tell me, plain and simple, okay?"

  "Yes sir."

  "Good girl."

  In the bedroom I tied her to the special chair, arms and legs secured. I played with her, teasing her into readiness. As part of the pleasure, knowing what my Angel liked, I took a pair of scissors and cut her panties off.

  "Ooooohhhhh." Oh yeah, she liked that.

  I made sure the rope was secure around her wrists and ankles before tugging on her nipples.

  "Colton..." Her voice held a slight tremble.

  "What is it is the rope too tight?"


  "You afraid?"

  She nodded tentatively, I could see the apprehension in her eyes, not terror, but fear of the unknown.

  "That's perfect, a little fear will add to your pleasure, trust me."

  I lifted her chin with my forefinger and fed her my tongue, running my folded fingers over her cunt, I tested her for readiness.

  "Uhmmmm, nice and wet, you're almost ready, but first lets see if you can take my cock in your mouth from this position."

  I straddled her head from behind as she strained to lean back in the chair with her arms secured behind her back.

  "Remember, breathe."

  She opened her mouth like a baby bird waiting to be fed. I eased the first six inches into her mouth slowly, rubbing my pre cum on her tongue.

  "I'm going to choke you now, remember to breathe." I wrapped one hand around her throat while pulling on her hair with the other, making her concentrate on my dick in her mouth, my hand on her throat and the one tugging on her hair.

  This position was all about the pleasure pain, but just enough to get her excited without going too far too soon. When she started coughing I pulled back until just the tip of my cock remained in her mouth, then drove back in, adding another inch or so.

  She stayed with me the whole way.

  Reaching over, I added another element, I slapped her pussy hard enough to sting but not to hurt too much. She moaned around my cock.

  "Don't make me cum, if you make me cum I'll spank you."

  That just seemed to make her work harder to draw my seed out of me, she strengthened her efforts as her mouth wrapped around me tighter and her throat massaged my cock head. Fucking amazing.

  "Enough." I pulled out and pulled away from her, then bending over I took her nipple ring between my teeth and bit down. She screamed and squirmed, her pelvis lifted.

  "Fuck me please sir, please."


  I helped her up from the chair, hands and legs still tied and turned her around to kneel on the soft cushion, her ass in the air.

  I attacked her sweet pussy from behind, one of my favorite things to do, tongue fucking her until she creamed my mouth.

  "I'm going to fuck your little pussy until you crawl away on your hands and knees."

  "Oh fuck." I think she came just then.

  * * *

  His words alone were making me hot, I was on fire by the time he crawled up behind me and pushed all that meat inside. My walls were tender but not uncomfortably so and I knew it wouldn't have mattered, I'm addicted to him.

  I lost my train of thought when he gave one very aggressive plunge into my depths.

  "Ugghhhhh." He was pulling my hair back and I was in seventh heaven, everything about this turned me on, but damn, fuck, I didn't know a dick could get so far in a woman's body, I think he hit my spleen that time.

  I can't describe the sounds that are coming out of my mouth, it's a cross between a scalded cat and a wounded dolphin all I know is that they're not human.

  "Oh you're hurting my pussy so good."

  He isn't saying anything but his hand in my hair tells me plenty.

  I don't think I'm gonna survive this fuck, but what a way to go.

  "This is me fucking you raw, how do you like eleven inches of pipe in your sweet little pussy?"

  Still only eleven, that meant there was still a half an inch or so to go, I know, I measured.

  "It's good...sir." I worked my pelvis like I was trying out for a place as a burlesque dancer. After hours of this all my inhibitions were gone with the wind, besides, Colton didn't leave room for embarrassment.

  My hands were still tied behind my back which added a little more pain to the pleasure which is what I loved, I'm so lucky that he understands my need and feeds it.

  "Tell me what you want."

  Oh I liked this part of the game.

  "Spank my ass red sir, make me cum, I wanna cum."

  His hand was landing on my ass cheek before I was finished speaking, I felt my juices pouring out of me with each slap, the pleasure was too much, sensory overload, I passed out as he unloaded inside of me.

  Back to work thank fuck, I never thought I'd say this but I needed the break, that is one greedy little Angel. After her little fainting spell that almost gave me a fucking heart attack, I'd tried to take it easy, but something happened while she was out cold because she woke up ravenous, I had to see it.

  I've heard of women covering their pussies in protective mode, my boy was the one whimpering like a little bitch, of course I had to man up though and give her what she wanted, my little freak was going to keep me busy. Maybe I should ask dad about some new vitamins or something, then again he'd probably prescribe weed as the cure all for everything, fucking pot head.

  I'd spent the morning coming up with a feasible plan of how to head to Arizona and take her without her knowing what I was up to. I'd decided not to leave her alone here with the Rossettis acting like they'd lost their damn minds. I don't necessarily want her anywhere near what was about to go down in Arizona either, but it was the lesser of two evils, bedsides, if I handled it right, she'd never know.

  "Babe, I was thinking, it's been a while since you've seen your mom, the boys and I take a yearly riding trip somewhere and this year we're gonna do Arizona so you can come along and see your mom, it'll be like killing two birds with one stone, you'll get the experience of a cross country bike trip and and get to see your mother as well, what do you say?"

  She was out of her chair and wrapped around me in a heartbeat.

  "I say we need to celebrate."

  "Uh huh, your pussy hungry again already, I just fed you this morning."

  "Yeah but that was like hours ago."

  "Go to work Katarina, we got shit to do if we're gonna leave for Arizona this weekend."

  "Oh alright." She had the nerve to pout at me.

  "We'll do a trial ride to see how good you are at distances..."

  "Ooh,can I ride my new bike?"

  "I don't see why not, but you'll be going to Arizona on the back of my ride."

  "How come?" She frowned at me.

  "Because whenever we're going on long rides and that means anything over two hours, our women are on the back of our bikes."

  "How many times have you done that?"

  "Come here."

  She came over to where I stood in my office doorway.

  "Look at me, uh uh, we don't do that shit, who did I spend the last twenty four hours or so fucking, whose pussy was I buried in when I fell asleep last night huh?"

  "I know, it's just..." She played with the buttons on my shirt.

  "Just what?"

  "I don't like thinking about you with other girls."

  "None of them were ever my Angel, you are, they never even came close."

  That put a smile back on her face and I ended up kissing the shit out of her while she rode the bulge in my jeans before I finally pulled away.

  "Can we get back to work now, I only took a break to tell you about this weekend and prepare you, I'll feed your greedy pussy when we get home tonight."

he seemed happy enough with that for now but who knows what she'll be getting up to in another hour or so.

  I sent out for lunch because if we were gonna head to the desert in a couple days then I had to have my shit together. I'd been collecting information on that Taylor guy, the prick, he didn't know it but his life was about to take a turn for the worst.

  At first I'd gone from the angle that he'd played in court, I tried to be fair after all, I needed to know if he really was on medication and if so what and what were the side effects. So far I'd only found a prescription for pain meds when he'd had a broken leg as a kid. Lying ass.

  Next I looked into what he was doing to be more of an upstanding citizen now that he'd been given a break and was let off the hook for rape, attempted rape, and causing the demise of another. From what I could see the boy hasn't learned his lesson so I had no qualms whatsoever about going through with what I had planned.

  I stepped back into the doorway quietly to watch her as she worked, this was for her, whatever I was going to do it will be for justice for her and her friend. No one was ever going to fuck with her and get away with it, not ever again.

  I smiled as she bit into her lip as she concentrated on what she was doing on the screen. My Angel was just naturally sensual, she couldn't help it.

  "When we get back from out of town I'm taking you shopping." She looked over at me with a frown.

  "I thought we did that already."

  "Not this kind of shopping, I'm taking you to get things for both our pleasure." She still didn't seem to understand.

  "You ever been fucked doggie style while wearing four inch heels Angel, what am I saying, of course you haven't."

  She made a weird sound and squirmed around in her chair.

  "Dammit Lyon, you owe me another pair of underwear."

  "Let me see." I walked over to her desk as she opened her legs and showed me her wet crotch under her mini skirt. I couldn't resist pushing my hand under the elastic and copping a feel before licking my fingers of her juices.


  Chapter 23

  "You, get up here, whenever we ride you're either beside me or ahead of me so I can keep an eye on your ass.

  "I was just talking to Jared....."

  "The fuck I say, stop fucking around."

  I glared at Storm to let him see my displeasure.

  I'm in a piss poor mood, when we'd gone home after work and had a quick bite before getting ready for our little test ride everything had been fine, it was only after I'd met her in the garage wearing this get up that my whole demeanor had changed. I had no idea she even owned such a thing.

  No one would mistake me for a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I did not like seeing my woman out in public like this for other men to ogle.

  She was wearing a body hugging leather suit in all black with zippers up the sides from under her arms to just above her hips, the material hugged her ass and tits as if molding them or some shit. I think she knew there was no way in hell I would've ever let her leave the house like that because she'd been in the garage and already mounted by the time I was ready.

  Now I'm pissed beyond my own fucking endurance what, the fuck was she thinking? She didn't even know the danger she was in right now, I tried not to lose my temper too often because it was not a pretty sight but this shit was about to make me blow a fucking gasket. As part of the ride I've made plans to meet with my guy about the third target to get caught up on what was going on with the other two, if there were any rumblings about what had befallen them and to pay him the rest of this money. I wasn't too jazzed about my woman being around unknowns looking like she'd just got out of an S&M shoot.

  I'm so pissed I can't even enjoy the fact that my baby can ride, her bike though built for luxury have some speed to it and was kind of big for a little girl. I've already drawn up the specs for a bike for her, I'm going to have her work on it with me but that's for another time.

  I know she sensed my displeasure because I wasn't talking to her through the headphones in her helmet and I kept my head straight. Some of the guys that brought their old ladies with them since they knew it was a trial run for Angel. As we came up on the other crew I watched as they clocked her. I checked my back for my peace making sure they saw the action so they'd know I'm not to be fucked with.

  "Aye yo." I approached my contact and passed off the envelope with the rest of his cash.

  "We still on track?"

  "Of course, but you know we could do this one pro bono, you've already done us a solid on the first two and our guy says you're the shit you know."

  "Nah it's cool, I appreciate it but business is business you know what I mean bro?" Plus I don't know neither do I trust your ass.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw some dude chatting up my girl, I also saw her smiling a little flirtatiously if you ask me.

  "It's cool Lyon he doesn't mean anything by it man."

  "Get him the fuck out of there." I put my fingers between my lips and whistled. Kat jumped and looked in my direction, I pointed at her and then at my side, she frowned at me a little in disbelief before she started walking towards me.

  She was going to pay for that hesitation, she'd just made a bad situation worse.

  "We're done yeah?"

  "Sure man it's cool." He looked at me all nervous and shit, making me wonder just what our mutual acquaintance had told him about me.

  "I'll let you know how things work out."

  "You do that."

  I turned to her and without uttering a word led her back to our bikes.

  * * *

  Oh shit is he mad but why, I hadn't done anything wrong, it couldn't be my talking to that guy because he'd been a little off before that. I tried racking my brain to figure out what I could've possibly done to earn his ire but nothing came to mind.

  We'd been playful at the office where he kept telling me how greedy I was and that I needed to leave him alone to get some work done. We'd gone home to get ready for our ride, I'd made a light dinner which we ate together before I headed upstairs to change while he did some last minute things in his home office.

  From the moment he entered the garage his whole demeanor had changed, it was like a light switch going off. Now he's even more steamed and I still don't know what I've dine.

  As each crewmember went off in the direction of their home there was a cacophony of beeping horns, as leader of the crew Colton always insisted on being the last to go home so we dropped everyone else off before heading home.

  We put the bikes up and headed into the house and let's just say, all hell broke loose, he flung his helmet across the kitchen making me jump a foot in the air. I tried to get out of his way by turning and fleeing up the stairs, somehow I knew he would never hurt me but my self-preservation kicked in. I heard his footfalls behind me as I made it to the top of the stairs and darted towards his room, that's when he caught up with me. Oh boy, I think it's safe to say I'm in for it now.

  Colton pulled me into his room by my hair.

  "Please..." He wasn't talking which made me even more afraid, why won't he talk to me?

  "Get your ass over there and strip..."


  "Did I tell your ass to speak?" He bent over and grabbed my face in one hand.

  "Not another fucking word, now do as I said, get it off, you wanna dress like a bitch in heat and flirt with other dicks it's your ass that's gonna pay the price."

  I tried to get the stupid suit off as quickly as possible but my arms didn't seem to want to work. Finally I got if off and was left standing in a tank and bra which I tried getting off as well.

  With my hands caught in my shirt and bra behind my back, I couldn't use them as he dragged me over to the middle of the room and threw me to the floor on my knees.

  Pulling my head back by my hair, he said just one word as he wiped his cock across my mouth.


  I did as I was told, equal parts turned on and terrified at the same

  The head job helped a little but not enough, I was still mad as fuck, there were some things I just won't accept from her, I'm not one of those take it easy it's just harmless fun types. If she hadn't gone through what she had a few months ago I would be even harder on her, as it is I'm still going to tear a strip off her hide until she learned not to do that shit again.

  "I'm about to introduce you to the darker side of me, for your sake I hope this is the first and last time I ever have to spank your ass for anything other than pleasure.

  I stepped away from her not even finishing in her mouth, I'd only done that as punishment anyway, I wasn't feeling very loving towards her right now so it was probably best that I not go there.

  "Do you know why I'm going to spank you?"

  "No sir." Whimpering voice, head down, body tense.

  I removed my shirt as I walked over to the chest where I kept my paddles and other things. Today's infraction though serious wasn't too severe so I wouldn't use the cat o nine, just a wooden paddle.

  On the way back I got the vibrator and the butt plug with some gel.

  I heard her whimpering in the corner she'd reverted to in order to stay out of my reach. Fat chance of that happening.

  "Come here Katarina." I sat on the bed.

  She started walking slowly towards me.

  "Don't make me have to come get you, it will just make things worst for you."

  I sat on the bed, knees spread, jeans opened, knowing what the sight of my body did to her, I pulled my cock up out of my jeans so it laid on my stomach, not fully engorged, after all that's not what this was about. I'd changed out the barbell for a circular ring earlier in anticipation of riding her all night, her eyes were glued to it, I'm sure she was imagining what that would do to her little pussy walls.

  I pulled her across my lap, her eyes still glued to my dick and I was sure her mouth was watering as she looked at me. Good, let the torture begin.

  I fingered her pussy until she was nice and wet before putting the vibrator in her, set on the lowest setting.

  I greased up her ass and inserted the butt plug after giving it a few twists and turns.

  I retrieved the harness I would need to keep them in place and wrapped it through her pussy and ass before locking it in place around her waist.


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