The Sheikh’s Unexpected Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 16)

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The Sheikh’s Unexpected Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 16) Page 2

by Cara Albany

  "It's beautiful," she replied. "What I've seen of it, so far, anyway. I've mainly been in the city since I got here."

  "You would love the desert," he said.

  She turned and looked at him. "You think so?"

  Ahmed nodded. "It's glorious. Peaceful and beautiful," he said, his voice filling with a wistful tone.

  She frowned. "But you're a city guy, aren't you?" One of those sheikhs in name only who never leaves his palace or the city."

  "What gives you that impression?"

  "I can't imagine you running a media company from a tent in the desert," she said. Once again that humor was back in her voice and there was a glint in her eye.

  "I go to the desert regularly," he explained. "I have to. It makes me feel in touch with where I came from. My tradition. I have a private encampment, well away from prying eyes. Near a little village called Qabiyah. My family originally came from there a long time ago." He sighed. "No-one can interrupt me when I'm there. It's my refuge from this busy life, here in the city. I could not exist without it."

  She nodded. "It sounds wonderful. An escape from the world." She sighed. "Away from all the noise and demands."

  Again there was that vague melancholy tone in her voice, he reflected. This was a woman who wanted more. She seemed weary of her life in some way.

  "The people there know me. Respect me. They are good people with a simple way of life."

  "They're lucky," she said.

  He looked at her. "Why?"

  She shook her head. "Life has become just too complicated for everyone now. Seems like there is nowhere left in the world that hasn't been touched by all this progress. All this change."

  "Qabiyah hasn't changed one bit during my lifetime," he explained.

  She looked at him. "Really?"

  He nodded. "It's totally cut off from the outside world. No cell phones. Only a dirt track road for access."

  She smiled and shook her head. "I didn't know places like that still existed."

  They were silent for a while. For a few exquisite moments, all he could sense was the sweet scent of her perfume which drifted on the cool, night air. The aroma was intoxicating and made him unnaturally aware of her presence so close to him.

  As if by instinct, Ahmed moved closer to her. He was still inches away from her. She took note of that movement and narrowed her eyes. Once again, there was a questioning look in her eyes.

  "Did you have some kind of proposal for me?"

  Her was momentarily taken aback by her directness. "Business? I thought that was off the table?" he asked.

  "I think I know what's going on here," she said.

  "Really," he replied in a flat voice.

  She turned and faced him. He loved the slow way her body shifted, how her full breasts could be sensed beneath the fabric of her dress.

  "Yeah," she said with a slight grin. "I think you want to steal me."

  He straightened. "Steal you?"

  "Away from Rashid," she said with a nod.

  Ahmed shrugged. "Would that be such a terrible thing?"

  "It depends."

  "On what?"

  "On what you intend to do with me once you take me away from Rashid."

  For a moment he was surprised at the boldness of her move. Then he remembered what he'd heard about her, and what had drawn him to the idea of having her as a spokesperson for one part of his media company. It was her appeal to the many young women who followed her online. He could see the attraction of her personality now that he was so close to her, sharing these private moments.

  "What would it take?" he asked.

  "To do what?"

  "Get you to leave Rashid and come over to me."

  She narrowed her eyes. "Wouldn't that be bad business?"

  "Not for me," he stated.

  "But, it would be for me, wouldn't it? I mean, I have an agreement with Rashid."

  He shook his head. "Agreements are made to be broken."

  "Is that how things work in Qazhar?"

  He moved closer, about as close as he dared. Now he was almost touching her. He settled his hand at the back of the bench. He saw her watch the movement of his arm, and then look back at him, gazing steadily at him.

  "I can show you how good things could be for you here," he said slowly, dropping his voice to a murmur. "If you give me a chance." He saw her cheeks flush slightly. She swallowed and he heard her draw in a soft, long breath. Her gaze was steady, those blue eyes of hers utterly captivating and unflinching.

  Ahmed's attention dropped down to her lips. They were temptingly moist, and he saw them open slightly, the bottom lip tantalizingly full. Neither of them said anything for what seemed like an eternity.

  The quiet moments seemed to last a very long time. Ahmed could feel his heart pounding, sensed his pulse racing and he wondered just how this had happened. He was used to using his looks and charm to persuade women, but this situation was entirely new to him. She had drawn him in, and this time it wasn't just about business. He knew that even as he contained the urge to ease closer to her, to bridge the gap between them.

  Then, she suddenly shifted away from him, as if she had realized just what was happening, as if she'd made a decision. And he knew that decision had nothing to do with business prospects.

  He wondered what had driven her to submit to temptation like this. And so rapidly. Had he unknowingly tapped into some unknown well of dissatisfaction within her. On the surface, she looked so in control, so like the way she portrayed herself online. But, out here, she had opened up to him, revealing something about herself she might have preferred to keep secret.

  It hadn't been only him who had been taken by surprise.

  Gemma stood up quickly and walked away from the bench. "I have to go back inside," she announced abruptly.

  Ahmed stood. "Of course," he replied. "Let me see you back."

  She turned quickly and shook her head. "No. It's best we aren't seen together."

  He paused and then nodded. "Sure."

  She started to move away from him, but he halted her with his next words. "If you change your mind..." he started to say, but she cut him off.

  "I won't," she said sharply. "You know I can't." She peered at him, awaiting his reply, but he gave her none.

  "It's been nice meeting you," she said and then moved rapidly away, striding across the lawn, looking as beautiful as she had during every single moment he'd just spent with her.


  "Where did you go? You've been away for a long time," Rashid asked as she reentered the reception room. He came up to her, his arm outstretched in a gesture which she considered just a little too familiar. She paused at the doorway and glanced down at his hand. He pulled it away from her and smiled awkwardly.

  "I needed some fresh air," she explained.

  Rashid nodded. "We missed you," he said with a generous smile. She had to admit, he did look relieved to see her. Perhaps questions had been asked while she had been gone.

  They made their way back into the party. All eyes were on her again, just as they had been since she had arrived earlier in the evening. She knew how important this whole event was for Rashid.

  Gemma had arrived the day before and had hardly had any time to get used to this new, exotic, colorful country. One she'd never expected to visit. But, the offer from Rashid had been just too generous to ignore. He was offering her a huge sum of money, simply to be the face of his soon-to-be-launched social media platform. Rashid was nothing if not ambitious, and he had big plans for what would amount to a region wide version of what folks used back home.

  They mingled with the guests, and soon Rashid was holding court again, just like he'd done earlier. Gemma's mind drifted as Rashid performed for his guests, showing of his latest prize.


  All he talked about was his business and the prospects for growth and how Gemma was a key part of that. Rashid was obviously popular. Gemma had sensed that from the moment she had arrived. When
ever Rashid's name was mentioned, it usually provoked a respectful response and a lowering of eyes and voices. Rashid had power in this city. That was clear.

  But, now Gemma had been introduced to another man, a sheikh this time, who seemed to possess a different kind of power. Like Rashid, Ahmed owned his own type of media organization, although Gemma didn't know quite how it differed from Rashid's. Maybe Ahmed had less ambitious plans for his. Gemma didn't know for now.

  What she did know was that Sheikh Ahmed was one unbelievably sexy and gorgeous man. From the moment she'd turned and seen him standing there, looking right at her, Gemma had felt a powerful, unsettling attraction which had settled upon her with inexplicable speed.

  She'd stood there, in the garden, next to the fountain, and she'd found it hard to believe what she was looking at, not to mention the effect he'd had on her.

  Mesmerizing was the word which leapt to mind.

  Sheikh Ahmed had affected her, causing her pulse to race, her heart to quicken, and she was sure, her face to flush involuntarily. She had been fortunate that it was night and his effect on her had been masked by the soft, evening light.

  Sheikh Ahmed wasn't the kind of man she was used to meeting, these days. Because of the work she did, most of the men she encountered lacked the hard edge that she'd noticed instantly in Ahmed. It must be because of his desert heritage, she had assumed.

  By contrast, Rashid looked like the kind of Qazhar man who was more at home sitting behind an office desk gazing at a spreadsheet. He was shorter than Gemma, heavy-set and with features that were strong, too strong, she felt. There was something about Rashid's gaze which was unsettling to Gemma. There was an intrusive quality about that gaze that made Gemma shift nervously every time he looked at her.

  None of that applied to the man she had just encountered in the garden.


  Sheikh Ahmed was an entirely different kind of man, altogether, Gemma told herself as she fixed her features with a blank, pleasant smile, desperately trying to hide any hint that she was thinking about Ahmed.

  Sheikh Ahmed had a powerful physique. She had been able to tell that from the way he held himself, his proud, slightly defiant bearing. He had broad shoulders and a powerful, wide chest. He was slightly taller than her, something she had become powerfully aware of when he'd moved closer to her.

  He'd towered over her, an impressive presence. That had prompted her to make the offer that they sit together for a short while.

  While sitting on the bench, she had had a chance to see his features up close, and her response had been instantaneous.

  He was an astonishingly handsome man. She'd felt an instant reaction to their close proximity.

  The sheikh's features were chiselled and sharp, deep brows and high cheekbones being the main distinguishing details. He had heavy, sensuous lips that promised instant satisfaction. That thought had caught her by surprise and she had turned away from him to mask her flushed cheeks.

  It hadn't been his physical heat she'd felt as she'd sat there right next to him. She'd felt her own heat flare up with a perplexing and mystifying swiftness.

  But the aspect of his appearance which most captured her attention, which most affected her, were his eyes. They were the darkest, deepest pools she had ever peered into. There was so much passion in those eyes, that on more than one occasion, as he'd looked at her, she'd felt something warm shift in her middle. Even, at one moment, she'd felt a flickering of heat at her core.

  That had truly taken her by surprise.

  She'd had to remind herself that she had only just met sheikh Ahmed. That they were total strangers to one another. That they had nothing in common, and no history. That she knew nothing about him, apart from the basic facts she had offered him, all of which she'd culled from Rashid.

  Ahmed had done nothing except follow her to the garden with the sole intent of stealing her from Rashid. His interest in her was just business, wasn't it?

  So, why was it that she had felt like that while she had sat next to him on that bench? Why was it that he had affected her like no man had done in a long time.

  Perhaps that was the problem, she reminded herself, smiling at Rashid. Gemma had spent the last couple of years as far away from meaningful attachments as humanly possible. Relationships had been the least of her concerns.

  In fact, she was looked upon as the queen of avoiding relationships. It fit in neatly with her public persona, the one she'd cultivated online, the one which tried to show off how good life could be without relationships.

  Without a man in your life.

  Just as she held that thought, with all of its disappointing reality, she looked over and saw sheikh Ahmed walk right into the room.

  Gemma froze as she watched him weave his way through the crowd of guests, smiling broadly at some, chatting happily with others. He halted when he reached another man, of similar appearance to Ahmed. The other man handed Ahmed a glass of what looked like a flute of champagne.

  Ahmed lifted the glass and sipped. Then he did something which made Gemma stiffen involuntarily. He smiled at her and lifted the glass to her, as if toasting her health.

  Gemma glanced at Rashid and saw that he had seen the gesture. Rashid's features darkened. He glanced at Gemma, looking genuinely puzzled for a moment.

  "Have you met sheikh Ahmed?" Rashid asked.

  "Who?" Gemma asked, pretending not to understand who he was talking about.

  Rashid gestured in Ahmed's direction. "Him," he said. "The one who just lifted his glass and smiled at you."

  There was an edge to Rashid's voice. Was that jealousy or was it resentment?

  Gemma scanned the faces, intending to continue the pretence. But then, what she saw made nerves curl in her middle.

  Ahmed was starting to make his way straight toward them.

  What was he doing? Hadn't he just told her that he and Rashid were rivals? Hadn't the sheikh just tried to tempt her away from Rashid, even although she'd only just arrived?

  "Looks like he's coming over," Rashid said. "I was planning on introducing you to him before you left. It appears that will happen sooner than I thought," Rashid explained.

  Gemma wondered how she should handle this.The last thing she wanted was some kind of unpleasant scene between Rashid and Ahmed. But, it might well be impossible to avoid, she told herself.

  Here she was, caught in the middle between two men who, judging by what Ahmed had said and by Rashid's tone, probably detested each other. Maybe that was what the men in this country were like, she told herself. She had heard they were possessive, even obsessive about their women.

  Ahmed eased his way past the guests close to Gemma and Rashid and then he was standing next to them, a broad smile on his face.

  "You haven't introduced me to your new protege, Rashid," Ahmed said.

  Had he just described her as Rashid's protege? Gemma felt sudden irritation. Before she had a chance to respond, Rashid placed a hand behind her back.

  There was a flash of light and Gemma saw a nearby guest holding up a mobile phone and taking a picture of the scene.

  Gemma felt Rashid's fingers press against her back. She stiffened at his touch and moved forward a step. Ahmed extended his hand. "Sheikh Ahmed, " he said. He narrowed his eyes. "Haven't we already met? I mean before tonight?"

  Why had he just said that?

  He continued, as if sensing her reaction. "I mean, tonight, up there on the platform, when you were introduced by Rashid."

  "No," Gemma snapped.

  "That's funny. Your face is so familiar," Ahmed said.

  "Of course it is, Sheikh Ahmed," Rashid said quickly. "Gemma's face is all over the internet. And over every media outlet in Qazhar today."

  Ahmed nodded. "I must have seen something before tonight." Ahmed smiled at Rashid. "You must be pleased, Rashid."

  Rashid's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

  Ahmed ran his gaze down the length of Gemma's body. "Miss Ellon is a very beautiful woman."
/>   Gemma felt her face flush.

  "Quite a catch," Ahmed continued.

  What was he implying about her relationship with Rashid? That she was somehow his property?

  Rashid looked at Gemma with visible appreciation. "I'm sure we're going to work very well together," he said. Gemma wasn't sure whether the shiver up her spine was caused by that remark or by the sudden cool breeze that swept through the room.

  "It's early days," Gemma said. "We've got lots of work to do. I'm really excited about the project."

  Ahmed squinted at her. "You are? Really? Why is that?" he asked abruptly.

  Ahmed was teasing her. Gemma knew it now, for sure.

  Rashid reacted immediately to the change in Ahmed's tone. "Gemma is going to be a great asset to my company."

  Gemma bristled at that comment, a defensive one on Rashid's part, but also one that hinted at something more, something she wasn't completely comfortable with.

  They were both talking about her as if she was some kind of property to be exploited. Surely they could tell how uncomfortable this conversation was making her feel. Had she misjudged this whole situation?

  She looked at the two men and could see the barely disguised antipathy lurking behind the smiles. It was true. She had placed herself right in the middle of a rivalry that she'd had no idea had existed before getting off the plane.

  Rashid leaned his face closer to Gemma's. She squinted at him, and then she saw he wanted to say something quietly into her ear.

  She leaned closer and felt his breath against her skin. That produced a shiver throughout her body, but she felt obliged to humor Rashid. He whispered into her ear. "Ahmed is simply jealous."

  Once again, Gemma's eyes narrowed when there was a flash of light. Another photograph had been taken. She was used to that. There had been photos taken all night.

  Gemma leaned away from Rashid and saw his conspiratorial grin. She smiled wanly back at him and then turned to Ahmed. "Did you say you are in the same business as Rashid?" she asked.

  Ahmed narrowed his gaze. "I'm not sure," he replied, turning to Rashid. "Are we in the same business, Rashid?" Ahmed asked sarcastically.


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