Scandal in the Wind

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Scandal in the Wind Page 11

by K T Grant

  Jo listened to the music, some haunting melody that made her eyes burn. She longed to sit down beside him and return the kiss he’d given her in surprise when he found her on the stairs. She even allowed him to pull her into a corner and continue kissing her until she grew faint, going as far as allowing him under her skirts and touching her in between her legs. After she broke apart in his arms, and he silenced her cries with his talented mouth so they wouldn’t be caught, he asked her to come to his room. She refused and ran to her own room where she lay on her bed and rocked. The hardest thing she’d ever done was walk away from him. And still she ached deep inside, wetness building in her pussy for Clinton to taste. Oh how she wanted his mouth on her, for his tongue to lick her woman’s flesh and give her at least one orgasm before she died.

  “You’re not afraid of being alone with me? Aren’t you scared I might ravish you on top of the piano?” Clinton frowned as he hit a key.

  Jo closed the door and walked further into the room. When she reached Clinton, he turned around on the bench and glanced up at her, sorrow floating in his eyes.

  “Oh, Clinton. What am I going to do with you?” She spread her fingers through his curls. A sigh left him and he hid his face into her torso.

  She held him close as she petted his hair. She was a fool for loving him this way. How could he be attracted to a damaged woman like her?

  “I don’t think you’re damaged.”

  Jo covered her mouth and stepped back. “I can’t believe I said that out loud.”

  Clinton took hold of her hands and tugged. She went willingly on his lap and when his face lifted toward hers, she gave him her mouth.

  She sat there rubbing her lips against his own and when his hand crept up to hold her breast, she broke away.

  Clinton stared at her as he circled his palm around her turgid flesh. She squirmed on his lap, his dick poking under her.

  “You can’t want me,” she said sadly and ran her fingers up his smooth cheek.

  “Why? Because I’m a dirty whore?” Clinton stated, irritation lining his words, and moved his hand away to press in between her legs.

  Jo’s head fell back and she moaned as Clinton kissed her throat.

  “Let me in,” he whispered and bit down where her pulse raced.

  She was a glutton for punishment. She dug her fingers into his arms and spread her legs further apart when his hand went under her skirt and squeezed her knee.

  “How can you touch me like this? My leg—”

  “Fuck your leg. It doesn’t make you who you are,” Clinton growled and laved her skin.

  Jo rocked against Clinton’s hand as he made his way through the slit in her drawers and found her pussy. His fingernail scraped one of her feminine folds and she hid her face into his throat.

  “Would I be the first?” he asked against the top of her head as his finger pressed down on her clit.

  She shook her head and cupped his chin, panting. His hand went still as her damp heat coated his fingers. She bit her lip from asking him to enter her body and bring her relief.

  “I want to be your first lover.” Clinton’s mouth roamed over the side of her face. “Your only lover.”

  Jo moved her head up and squeezed her thighs together to keep Clinton’s hand captive. His forehead knitted and she traced the lines there. “I want you so much I ache, but I-I…we shouldn’t. I-I’m not like your other women who would give their left ear for one night with you. I can’t. You’ll end up breaking my heart.”

  “Sweet Josephine,” Clinton lifted her chin. “I won’t break your heart. You mean the world to me.”

  “That’s all fine and dandy, but the two of us wouldn’t work. I’m a lowly maid in a whore house while you’re job is to allow your body to be used for a toss of a coin. I’m already mad with jealousy as it is. If we became lovers, I couldn’t share you with anyone else. That’s the God’s honest truth.”

  Jo tried to rise, but Clinton wrapped his arm around her waist. He kissed her greedily, using seductive force get her to submit. It was useless to refuse him. She opened her mouth to receive him just as one of his fingers slipped inside her.

  “Oh!” He eyes rolled in back of her head and squirmed as her inner muscles latched around his finger.

  “You’re body tells me another story.” Clinton smiled against her mouth and pumped his finger, curling it upward to hit a spot that had her seeing bright spots.

  Jo’s fingers found his hair again as she licked at his lips. “What if you give me one night then? A memory to stay with me after I leave?”

  “You’re not leaving,” Clinton said gruffly and his thumb tapped over her clit.

  “W-when Alene leaves next week.” Jo nipped his lips as she ground against his hand, trying to find the right words. “Ooh…yes, press there…harder…I-I’m going with her.”

  “I want to put my mouth on your—what?” Clinton stopped his kissing and took his hand out from between her legs as he moved her off his lap and down on the bench.

  “Come here and finish what you started,” Jo ordered, shaking with frustration as Clinton walked away, raking his fingers through his hair.

  “I need to think. I can’t while I’m making love to you,” Clinton said and paced the length of the room.

  His glowering didn’t stop the rush of pleasure filling her. Making love? She smiled brightly and jumped when Clinton suddenly knelt down in front of her and took her hands in his.

  “Why would you leave me? I thought we’re friends?”

  Jo swallowed uncomfortably. The lump in her throat had grown and tears came to her eyes. “It’s time for me to move on. There’s nothing left for me here other than a lifetime of sewing and cleaning musty, stained sheets.”

  “And you think by going off with your sister and her fancy gentleman and playing maid for her, you’ll have more than you do now? You’re a fool, Josephine.”

  “You have no right to talk to me that way!” She pushed Clinton away and hobbled over to the door. She didn’t get far as a set of arms came around her. She didn’t struggle, but stayed in Clinton’s embrace as he held her tight and hid his face in her hair.

  “Don’t leave upset. I can’t have you hating me.”

  Jo turned around and cupped Clinton’s face. His eyes were damp and his mouth trembled. She had never seen him so emotional. He was always in control and quick with a joke or a wink. But at this moment, all of his defenses had broken down and she was finally seeing the truth behind the man he never allowed anyone else to see.

  “I can’t hate you. What I feel for you is far from hate,” she said strongly and wiped her wet cheek.

  Clinton pulled on her braid and it slowly unraveled until her hair was spread over her shoulders and chest. She rested her forehead against his throat and rubbed her thumbs over the side of his face where his hair covered his ears.

  “What do you feel for me, my beautiful Jo?” Clinton asked softly as his fingers combed through her strands of hair.

  “Why do you keep calling me beautiful? You know I’m not,” Jo whispered and sniffed as more tears fell from her eyes.

  “You’re wrong. I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” Clinton tipped up her chin and kissed her cheek, his tongue licking away her tears.

  She held onto his arms and sobbed as his mouth drifted over her face. She had no strength left to deny him. She needed him, even if it would be for only one night.

  “I-I want you so much.” She inhaled raggedly and opened her mouth as Clinton kissed her. His tongue swiped over her own and she fell faint.

  “Come with me to my—”

  The sudden knock on the door jerked her out of his arms. She wiped her eyes, stepping over to the door and opened it. Lily stood there looking back and forth between the two.

  “Yes, Mrs. Odell?” Jo asked, continuing to dry her eyes with her hand.

  Lily remained in the doorway, and when Clinton’s hands dropped on her shoulders and pulled her back against him,
she went willingly.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m worried about Rose. She won’t answer her door when I knock on it and she’s locked the door from my room to hers.”

  “Madam is resting. Sometimes she takes a nap before the guests arrive for the evening,” Jo offered.

  Lily’s frown deepened. “There has to be a way for me to see Rose before tonight.” She grabbed hold of Jo’s hands. “Someone must have another key to unlock the rooms other than Rose. Please tell me you have an extra set.”

  Jo glanced down at Lily’s hands covering hers. Clinton gave her hips a tender squeeze. She glanced back at him and he nodded.

  “I’m probably going to regret this, but if anyone deserves to enter Rose’s room without permission, it should be you.” She lifted the keys out of her pocket and took one off the ring.

  Lily took the one Jo held up and gave her a confused look. “I don’t catch your meaning.”

  “You’re a smart woman. I don’t think I have to spell it out for you.” Jo rested her hands over her restless stomach as Clinton rubbed his chin across the back of her head. She went to swat him, when he grabbed hold of her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  Lily gave her a shrewd smile. “I think I’ve taken up enough of yours and Mr. Lear’s time. Thank you for this.” She waved the key and walked down the hall.

  Clinton nuzzled Jo’s hair. “I have the feeling Rose will be indisposed tonight just like you and I will be.”

  Jo twisted around and opened her mouth to argue when Clinton pressed the pad of his fingers over her lips. Her tongue grazed his skin and he groaned.

  “Come spend the night in my room where I can show you how much I want you.”

  Jo’s eyes closed from the pleading in Clinton’s voice and when he grabbed her hand and settled it over the bulge in his pants, she squeezed. A shudder left his body and she smiled when his cock grew harder.

  When she opened her eyes, his face was less than an inch from hers and his lips where shining as his tongue came out and licked them. Her mouth grew dry and she longed to have his tongue inside her mouth, to dampen the fire blazing throughout her body.

  Why the hell not? Why not take what he’s offering and enjoy what hundreds of women and men both had?

  “Fine, I accept your offer, Mr. Lear. But we better hurry—”

  She bit off a scream as Clinton lifted her into his arms.

  “Put me down!”

  He chuckled and taking deep strides, turned down the hallway. Jo hid her face in his arm as he called out greetings to those they passed. Whistles and catcalls followed them and when they reached the back of the house and down a flight of stairs, only then did he put her back on the ground.

  “You better not hold anything back,” she said boldly, her face burning. I’m finally going to have sex with Clinton!

  Clinton gave her a deep kiss that had her seeing stars. When they finally broke apart, she swayed, her head a muddled mess.

  “Oh don’t you worry, Miss Jonet. I’ll give you a swiving you’ll never forget. You’ll be screaming for more late into the night.”

  And when they finally reached Clinton’s door, she placed her mouth close to his ear and with a sultry whisper told him in great detail what she wanted him to do to her.

  His only response was to kiss her again and he didn’t stop until they entered his room where he knelt in between her legs and gave her another different type of kiss altogether.

  Jo ended up screaming until her throat went raw.

  * * * *

  Lily didn’t bother to knock and went into Rose’s room, expecting a confrontation. Instead, Rose, wearing only a robe and a head of damp curls as if she had just taken a bath, sat in a high back chair with papers on her lap and holding a sifter with what appeared to be brandy.

  “Rose, why have you locked—oh dear God, what has happened to you?”

  She rushed over to Rose and knelt down in front of her. Rose put her glass down on the table, not bothering to hide her puffy lip and the black and blue on her neck.

  “I had an altercation with my lover, rather my ex-lover. She didn’t appreciate how I wanted to break off things. We had an…argument that became very heated. I left her crying on the floor of the hotel room.” Rose smiled, then winced, touching her lip.

  Lily lifted her fist to her mouth. Scratch marks covered Rose’s neck and chest. She shook her head in shock over Rose’s broken nails and the red bruising circling her wrists.

  “You say, your lover, a woman did this to you?”

  Rose rested her hands on the arms of her chair. “Yes. I prefer women in my bed over men. Are you disgusted?”

  “No!” Lily came close to shouting. She rose and hugged her waist. “Do I know her?”

  Rose picked up her glass and took a sip. “You may. Her name is Margaret Anne Bourdieu. She’s married to a very rich and powerful man. As long as she keeps her peccadilloes quiet, her husband allows her to do what she wants and with whomever she wants.”

  “Her last name sounds familiar but I’ve never met her or her husband.” Lily gave Rose’s hands a gentle squeeze. “You should go to the police and report her for assault. I can come—”

  Rose held up her hand. “No. I won’t. The police and I aren’t on the best of terms. My relationship with Margaret Anne was always meant to be kept a secret. I think she learned her lesson this time. She won’t bother me again.”

  Lily held back from wincing over the hard tone in Rose’s voice.

  “Then let me call one of the maids for ice to put on your lip—”

  Rose took hold of Lily’s arm in a firm grip. “Stop. I’m fine.” She then loosened her hold. “I put some balm on it and took a warm bath. Don’t worry yourself.”

  Don’t worry? Lily wanted to scream. How could Rose sit there so calmly after being attacked in such a way? The doubtful look in Rose’s eyes, told her a different story altogether. “For now I’ll let this go, but we will talk more about this soon.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Rose sighed. “Right now I can’t. Please respect my wishes.”

  “Rose.” Lily licked her lips. “I grew worried when you wouldn’t answer your door.”

  “Just like you did to me a few days ago?” Rose lifted her brow and gave her a pointed look.

  Lily wiped her palms down the side of her dress. “I acted like an unruly child. Can you forgive me?”

  “What’s there to forgive?” Rose shrugged and winced.

  “Do you need to see a doctor?” Lily brushed her fingers across Rose’s cheek.

  Rose flinched and moved her head away. Lily remained there, uncertain how to proceed. When Rose lifted one of the papers from her lap, Lily sat down in the chair across from her.

  “I only ask because I don’t want to see you in pain,” Lily said as she spread her palms across her lap.

  “No doctor can cure what I have.” Rose sniffed and smiled as her eyes scanned the paper. “My daughter tells me how she thinks she has fallen in love. The boy she admires is the baker’s son. They sit together in church every Sunday,” she chuckled. “My daughter attends church!”

  “You find this odd?” Lily asked.

  Rose’s eyes glittered with unshed tears. “I haven’t been in a church in years. The last time I went was when I found out I was pregnant. I asked the priest if God would forgive me because I lay with a man outside of marriage for money. He said…I’d burn in hell for what I did.”

  “Why that low down, rotten...” Lily trailed off as Rose covered her face and broke down.

  Rose’s loud sobs tore at Lily’s heart and she got up and sat on the edge of the chair and wrapped an arm around her. Rose pressed her face into her stomach and Lily whispered soft words and rubbed her back in a soothing circle.

  “You can’t tell me after all these years you still believe what some priest said to you? He was probably jealous of all the callers you received and your beauty he could never enjoy for himself.” Lily pushed one of Rose’s curls behind her ear a
nd rocked her slowly.

  “I know it shouldn’t have mattered what a dried up old man thought.” Rose sat up and wiped her eyes. “It was a good fifteen years ago and I think I’ve done well for myself regardless of the way I made my money.”

  “You’re a survivor.” Lily squeezed the back of her neck.

  “We both are,” Rose said and linked her fingers with Lily’s. “Enough about my misfortunes and the trying day I had. Tell me how things went with you and Beau.”

  “I didn’t end up strangling him. That has to count for something.”

  “From that sour look on your face, I’d say things didn’t go well.” Rose slid over and patted the seat beside her. “Join me. There’s room enough for both of us.”

  Lily sat down beside Rose, their hips flush against one another.

  Rose rubbed her thumb over the top of Lily’s knuckles. “Go on.” She nudged her.

  “Beau gave me a very generous settlement. We remained polite the entire time until after we signed the paperwork. Our lawyer, or rather his lawyer, thinks he can speed up the process and we can divorce before the end of the month. Beau and I were left alone in the office and I really did try to stay calm. But then Beau started with the rumors about me and Wyatt. I told him I was never unfaithful to him, least of all with Wyatt. The stubborn man didn’t believe me. I lost my temper.” Lily pressed her fingers to her mouth.

  “How did you lose your temper?” Rose asked, hooking an arm around Lily’s waist.

  “I finally told him Mary and I were lovers before I met him. Mary rejected me and ended up marrying Wyatt. I didn’t want to lose her completely, so I let her be with Wyatt. Beau didn’t like hearing that and said a few choice words. I ended up slapping him and told him to burn in hell.”

  Lily closed her eyes as Rose brushed over her hair. It felt comforting and she rested her cheek on Rose’s shoulder.

  “I’d have given anything to see Beau Odell brought down a peg or two. His reaction must have been priceless,” Rose said in delight.

  “He acted like a jackass. But now it’s over and all I have to do is wait for the check and deposit it in the bank and move on from there with our plans for our club.”


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