The Detective's Last Case

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The Detective's Last Case Page 21

by Gerald Lopez

  “She does look like an angel,” the detective said while looking at Corinne.

  Her blonde hair was in curls, and she wore a long white dress.

  After paying their respects, people gathered in the back patio area of the chapel, enjoying coffee, tea and various pastries and desserts. The detective noticed how Arnou stood close by Gabriel, and was impressed.

  “Arnou was a good choice for bodyguard,” Walter whispered in his detective’s ear.

  Gabriel walked up to the detective, and spoke.

  “Pops, can Jimmy please come with us to the lawyer’s office?”

  “Are you sure you want him there?” the detective said.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I? Is there a reason he shouldn’t come with us?”

  “Well, he may discover how much your financial worth is now, and other things,” the detective said. “Do you trust him, Gabriel?”

  “He’s a true friend, Pops. And even if I offered him a bunch of money, he’d never take it. Jimmy believes in making it on his own.”

  “I’ll leave the decision up to you, buddy,” the detective said.

  “Papa, what do you think?” Gabriel said to Walter.

  “A man’s got to be able to trust his gut,” Walter said. “If you trust him as a forever friend then invite him along.”

  “He and I will always be friends, even if the other stuff doesn’t last forever,” Gabriel said. “We promised each other that much.”

  “That’s good,” the detective said. “Ask him to spend the night, since we’re leaving fairly early tomorrow to see your new house. I’m assuming you want Jimmy to come with us.”

  “He can really stay the night?” Gabriel said.

  “Sure,” the detective said. “I don’t think you guys will want to mess around too much in a full house where everyone could hear you.”

  “Not when you put it that way,” Gabriel said, and smiled. “I see what you did there, Pops—you’re pretty clever. And I wouldn’t disrespect our home by having sex with someone I’m not married to. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “Thank you for that,” the detective said. “By the way, I like Jimmy.”

  Gabriel smiled, then happily walked back to Jimmy.

  “You are so good at the whole parenting thing,” Walter said to his detective.

  They all stayed at the chapel until it was time for the detective and his group to go to the lawyer’s office for the reading of the will. Louise stayed behind at the chapel with Marianne, who would walk back to La Mer with her.

  THINGS AT THE lawyer’s office went smoothly, and afterward, they went back to the house where the boys walked the puppies to Louise’s house. That left the detective, Walter, and Arnou alone.

  “Did you see Robertito with Naomi?” Arnou said. “The two are definitely a couple now, or well on their way to becoming one.”

  “An extremely beautiful couple,” Walter said.

  “I can’t believe our boys are worth millions,” the detective said.

  “That’s why they need me as a bodyguard,” Arnou said.

  When the boys returned with Louise, Marianne, and Louise’s puppy, everyone went swimming. Later that night, Marianne walked Louise and her puppy back to their home, and the others had a family meeting.

  “Am I rich, Papa?” Galen said to Walter, when they were all sitting in the living room.

  “Not till you’re seventeen like your brother is now,” Walter said.

  “Gabriel, you’re not gonna leave town, are you?” Jimmy said.

  “Of course not,” Gabriel said. “I still have to finish school. But maybe you and I can take a trip after we graduate next year.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Jimmy said. “I’ll start saving now so I can pay my own way. You need to save money to fix your new house. It’s easier than you think to go through money, especially when you’re not bringing any in right now. And you should be the one paying to keep Arnou as your bodyguard not your pops.”

  “Should I pay you guys rent too, Papa?” Gabriel said.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” the detective said. “This is your home. Just don’t expect us to pay you rent when we come visit you one day.” everyone laughed as did he. “But, I agree with Jimmy. I think it’ll be good for you to pay Arnou’s salary as a learning exercise.”

  “Can’t you all move to my house with me when it’s all fixed up,” Gabriel said.

  “Aw, we appreciate the sentiment,” the detective said. “Somehow though, I’m not sure you and Jimmy will appreciate the company—at least not twenty-four-seven.”

  Jimmy and Arnou laughed.

  “I don’t want Gabi to move,” Galen said, then cried.

  “It’s not gonna happen for a long time yet, I’m sure,” Walter said, then hugged Galen. “You’re getting sleepy I can tell.”

  “Nooo.” Galen said.

  “Anyway, you were the one talking about getting married to Louise, and starting a puppy farm,” Gabriel said.

  “Enough talking,” the detective said. “Time for bed, Galen.”

  “Give me a piggyback ride, Popsy,” Galen said.

  The detective got up then crouched down in front of Galen. “OK, hop on my back, pal.”

  “Come on, Papa,” Galen said.

  “Where should I sleep?” Arnou said.

  “The sofa for now,” Gabriel said. “Until we come up with something else.”

  “OK, boss,” Arnou said.

  “Gabriel, we’d better head to bed too,” Jimmy said, “we need to get up early.”

  “Good night, everyone,” Walter said. “Sweet dreams and just think about what tomorrow will bring our way.”

  Chapter 38

  Future Plans

  “THIS IS NICE,” Gabriel said, when he and Jimmy were snuggling in his bed.

  “Yeah it is,” Jimmy said. “I could get used to sharing a bed every night with you.”

  Gabriel smiled, then kissed Jimmy. After a few seconds he stopped then spoke.

  “I’m glad you’re coming with us to see everything. I value your opinion.”

  “Thanks,” Jimmy said. “And I think the restaurant idea you were telling me about earlier is a good one. But I also agree with your new dads’ idea that you should work on the house first.”

  “Will you help with that, Jimmy? If you have the time.”

  “I’ll make the time,” Jimmy said, then he and Gabriel kissed again for a few seconds. “About the restaurant.”

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  “I’d already made up my mind to go to culinary school, but you should probably have a chef with more experience first, then I can apprentice with him.”

  “We’ve got plenty of time to think about that. Besides, I think you’re such a cooking genius that people will flock from miles around to taste your food.”

  Jimmy chuckled. “You’re biased. Just thinking about us working together makes me happy.”

  “Me too,” Gabriel said. When the house is done and I’m ready to live there full time, will you move in with me.”

  “That’s a nice offer, but we both have school to deal with first, and we don’t know where we’ll be. But before you get upset, that wasn’t a no to moving in with you. Who knows, maybe by then you’ll have found hot stud to be with instead of me.”

  “I already have a ‘hot stud’—you.”

  “Gabriel, you’re too young to know whether or not I’m your forever guy. I’m crazy in love with you, and right now I want to be with you forever, but… what if that changes?”

  “We promised to always be friends, remember?”

  “Yeah, and I meant it, Gabriel.”

  “Then we will be and no matter what we’ll open the restaurant together.”

  A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

  “Come in,” Gabriel said.

  Walter and his detective entered the room.

  “We just wanted to say goodnight,” Walter said. “You guys must be excited about tomorrow.”
br />   “Oh yeah,” Gabriel said. “Jimmy said he’ll help us fix up my ancestral home.”

  ‘Ancestral home,” the detective said, then chuckled. “I like that. Don’t stay up late.”

  “We won’t,” Gabriel said. “I’m glad Jimmy will be helping us. He’s a lot stronger than I am.”

  “Gabriel,” the detective said. “I’ve noticed you and Galen don’t have much energy for your ages and, you’re both a little on the skinny side.”

  “Their mom always made them fast with her for religious reasons,” Jimmy said. “I didn’t like it one bit. It was fine for her to do what she wanted, but Gabriel and Galen never got enough food.”

  “Mama wasn’t as bad as Louise’s mom,” Gabriel said . She was just trying to be a good Christian.”

  “Misguided is more like it,’ the detective said, then noticed Walter giving him a look. “I’m sorry, Gabriel. She was your mother, and I shouldn’t have said anything. Anyway, you and I are going to join a gym and start working out together. I need to lose weight, and you need to gain some.”

  “He needs to eat more steak for the iron,” Jimmy said.

  “I wholeheartedly agree,” the detective said. “For the record, fasting is OK, but common sense needs to be used.”

  “Understood,” Gabriel said.

  “Mr. Detective,” Jimmy said. “When did you first know that you and Mr. Walter were meant to be a long-term couple?”

  “The second I first laid eyes on him,” the detective said.

  “Really,” Gabriel said. “And you never wanted to be with anyone else.”

  “Define ‘be’,” the detective said.

  Everyone laughed.

  “Did you all cheat one each other?” Jimmy said. “Is that why you broke up?”

  “Jimmy, that’s rude,” Gabriel said.

  “I don’t know if we should be talking about all this,” Walter said.

  “I’m sorry,” Jimmy said. “I just have questions, and I can’t talk to my folks about all of this. They’re supportive of my being gay, but still I don’t want to push it.”

  “The sex between Walter and me was always stellar,” the detective said, having secured for himself everyone’s full attention. “We’re both versatile in bed, meaning we give and take or top and bottom.”

  “Do we need to be so detailed?” Walter said.

  “Yes, they need answers, and I won’t have them ignorant,” the detective said, then looked at the boys. “We never cheated on each other, but we did sometimes have sex with other people just for a different experience.”

  “Our big rule was always together,” Walter said. “We scratched some itches and I can’t say it wasn’t fun.”

  “Wasn’t it weird seeing each other having sex with other people?” Gabriel said.

  “Mostly we did things together,” the detective said. “Once in a while I liked to watch Walter with a couple of guys we were close friends with. I like looking at Walter’s body and….”

  “And?” Jimmy said.

  “Walter is, and always has been my very best friend,” the detective said. “There was never any jealousy, because being best friends, we told each other everything. We experienced things together not just as a couple, but as the closest of friends.”

  “Cool,” Jimmy said. “I want Gabriel and me to be best friends too.”

  “Me too,” Gabriel said. “If you two were best friend, then why did you break up. You seem so totally in love to me.”

  “We never stopped loving each other,” Walter said. “It was me—I kicked him out. There were times he’d come home so beaten and battered from a case that it hurt me to look at him.”

  “He’s pretty bruised now from all the fights with Arnou,” Jimmy said. “Don’t worry, you still look good, Detective.”

  “Thanks,” the detective said.

  “I needed time to figure out what I wanted for the future,” Walter said. “So I came here to try and set up a new life for us. But I have to admit I wasn’t sure he’d come back to me.”

  “Yeah you were,” the detective said. “Down deep you were.”

  “That’s awesome,” Gabriel said. “Pops, did you see anyone else while you two were broken up?”

  “See no,” the detective said. “Safely messed around with yes.”

  “The guy even convinced him to get his nipples pierced,” Walter said, and grinned.

  “Did getting them pierced hurt?” Jimmy said.

  “Oh yeah,” the detective said. “But I was more buff then, and they looked awesome. Walter never got to see them, and just the thought of the piercings excites him. Now that I’m retired, I’ll get’ em done again.”

  “I bet they did look really nice,” Jimmy said.

  “Hey,” Gabriel said.

  “I’m not blind,” Jimmy said. “Your Pops has great pecs, especially for his age.”

  “And he was doing so well,” the detective said.

  “Oops, that came out wrong,” Jimmy said. “You’re totally hot. I bet Arnou thought so too.”

  “Goodnight, guys,” the detective said. “Come talk to us again when you need advice on how to put on a condom, or how best to bottom. This other stuff is too personal.” He chuckled, then took Walter’s hand and led him out of the room.

  “They are totally gonna do it,” Jimmy said, when the detective and Walter had left the room and closed the door behind them. “Gabriel, would you wanna watch me doing it with someone else?”

  “I don’t know. Not before we’ve done everything, though.”

  Gabriel smiled. “That makes sense, besides I think you’re the most attractive guy I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “And I think you’re totally hot,” Gabriel said. “And buff enough for piercings one day.”

  They kissed a while until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  The next morning, the household was abuzz with activity. Galen had invited Louise and her puppy along, and they would be following behind the rest of the family in Arnou’s car with Marianne. Gabriel, his puppy, and Jimmy would be riding with the detective, and Walter in Naomi’s car.

  “Are you sure it’s smart to take the puppies with us?” Walter said to his detective while they were putting the plates from breakfast in the dishwasher.

  “We’re gonna be going back and forth a lot to fix that house, and we can’t leave the puppies alone that long,” the detective said.

  “You make sense,” Walter said. “Everyone’s outside now, let’s go join them.

  “Hold on a sec,” the detective said, then hugged and kissed Walter. “Now that I’m officially retired you’re gonna have to find ways to keep me busy.”

  Chapter 39


  EVERYONE HAD DRESSED casually in shorts, sneakers, or sandals fit for exploring. The drive to Gabriel’s house had been surprisingly comfortable and fairly quick. Even though they’d behaved well in the cars, the puppies were needing to get out, stretch their legs, and take care of business. Walter and his detective watched the kids as they walked their puppies alongside the other adults.

  “The house is more impressive than I thought it would be,” Walter said.

  He looked at the large, two-story stone structure that was surrounded by an expansive lawn and vineyard.

  “The place will still need a lot of work,” the detective said.

  “Lucky you’re retired,” Walter said.

  “Just from being a detective, remember our boy has hired me to help with the restoration of his ancestral home.”

  “Can you actually help a lot or will he have to hire additional workers?”

  “Most of the work will be plain old hard labor. Arnou and I can be helpful with that sort of thing. And I did learn quite a bit helping my dad restore our old family farm.” He watched Galen working hard to keep up with his puppy and smiled. Marianne and Louise were next to him.

  “Do you think Galen and Louise really will get married one day?” Walter said.

  “You n
ever know, they do seem to have a plan.”

  “Pops! Papa!” Gabriel said. “Let’s go inside.”

  The inside of the house seemed more structurally sound than the detective had expected. But it would all need to be redone.

  “Mama would be happy,” Naomi said, as she looked at Walter and his detective staring at the wood beams in the living room.

  “The guys are so excited to be here,” Walter said. “They’re all looking forward to working on the house.”

  “Don’t forget the vineyards,” Naomi said.

  “Hey, Pops,” Gabriel said, while watching his puppy sniffing around the stone floor. “What did you think of the vineyard?”

  “From what I saw on the drive in they look good, but Papa’s more of an expert on grapes.”

  “You’re gonna need to hire someone to come in and get the vineyard back in working order,” Walter said. “With school, you won’t have the time to do it. On weekends you can come check on things, and learn what you can from the worker or workers.”

  “I actually know a family here that can help you with the vineyard, Gabriel,” Naomi said. “If you don’t mind my help or suggestions.”

  “Your help will be great, Aunt Naomi,” Gabriel said.

  Naomi smiled, then spoke. “Thank you. As much as I love it, you don’t have to call me aunt. People will judge you by the company you keep.”

  “I think Gabriel is in good company,” Jimmy said.

  “I’m not my father or my mother,” Gabriel said. “I refuse to be ashamed about any family member I have, and that includes everyone in this house right now. But I’m not naïve. People will talk no matter what. Still, if they want to do business with me, then they need to respect my family—period. Understood, Aunt Naomi?”

  “Yes,” Naomi said. “I’m very proud of you, Gabriel.”

  “Gabi! Gabi!” Galen said, running into the room with his puppy, Louise, her puppy, Marianne, and Arnou. “This house is even bigger than Papa and Popsy’s.”

  “Remember, there’s a cottage on the property that belongs to you, along with half the land,” Gabriel said.


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