Insatiable: Moon Tide Book 6

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Insatiable: Moon Tide Book 6 Page 6

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “Did he?”

  “No. I was fighting him. I bit and scratched him. But it didn’t do any good. He just laughed. Eric had shifted when he brought me deep into the woods. When Devin found us he took too long to shift because he was drunk. When Devin caught Eric he had me on the ground ready to tear my clothes off. That’s when Devin pulled him off of me and threw Eric against a tree. When Eric saw that Devin was making sure I was okay he attacked Devin when his back was turned. I think he’s hurt badly. He may have severed his jugular.” Katie was shaking and she put one trembling fist to her mouth. “He lost a lot of blood,” Katie said gasping for breath close to Hunter, her head buried in his shoulder, as if she could bury herself in him for protection.

  A doctor walked calmly through the doors.

  “I’m Dr. Carrington. Mr. Samsa’s surgeon. We have a team working on him. He will need blood. Lots of it. He lost about five pints. For a human that would be life threatening. You are his twin. You will need to see the nurse now and she can prep you.”

  “Yes. Of course,” Hunter said bewildered. Dr. Carrington walked back through the doors to the emergency room before Hunter could ask him any questions and Katie sank into a chair unable to speak. She appeared to be in shock.

  The nurse came and led Hunter into a small room and prepped him for a blood transfusion. Before he left, he spoke to Katie.

  “Call my father and Robert and tell them what happened and that I’m giving Devin blood. Tell my father not to inform my mother.” Hunter hoped that Katie would get it together and do as he had asked. He hated to leave her alone because she looked distraught and weak. Her face appeared pale. The once rosy cheeks and plump red lips were dry and cracked. Her green eyes were red and swollen.

  Someone would have to pay for making her unhappy. Or both would have to pay. Devin and Eric. But for now it wouldn’t be Devin.

  Chapter 9

  Anger came across Hunter’s face as fast as lightning rises from the ground. He had warned Devin about Eric and he warned him about drinking too much. “A careless and drunk werewolf is a dead werewolf, his father would say. There is no room for mistakes with the enemy. You have to be able to see them coming.”

  Hunter feeling weak when they released him to go into the waiting room ambled there not from loss of blood, but from Katie’s loss of peace of mind and security that Eric tried to take from her.

  He was anxious to see Katie and find out how she was holding up. She stood when she saw him and rushed over to Hunter and held him around his waist. She laid her head on his shoulder where he felt the warmth of her mouth pressing against his body.

  Reaching for her face he tilted it upward. “Don’t cry, Katie. Devin is young and strong. Noting like this can kill him.”

  Hunter passed his finger under her eyes and wiped her tears away. This was the second time he saw her cry because of Devin. And deep inside, he loathed Devin for doing this to her. He couldn’t fathom making Katie cry, ever.

  “Did you call my father?”

  “Yes. He should be here any minute.” She pulled away from Hunter and sat and text Robert.

  “I have to get a phone. I haven’t used one in two years.”

  Katie looked up at Hunter.

  “Has it been two years since you’ve been gone?” Katie asked her green eyes opening wide. “It felt like yesterday when you ask me to go horseback riding with you and when...” She stopped. It was too painful for both her and Hunter to remember the love they had shared together when they were teenagers.

  When he turned because he sensed his father near, Wilder hurried briskly into the room. “Where is Devin?” Hunter pointed to the emergency ward.

  “When can I speak to the doctor?” Wilder questioned.

  “The surgery will take about eight hours,” Katie said to Wilder.

  “What were you two doing that this had to happen to my son,” Wilder said to Katie.

  “It was Devin’s idea to go to the club.”

  “Don’t blame Katie for Devin’s reckless behavior, father,” Hunter said amid Wilder’s interrogation of Katie. “It’s not her fault. If you need to blame someone blame him.”

  “And what were you doing? Why didn’t you protect your brother?”

  Hunter’s eyes grew wide and furious. His deep blues darkened. “Who am I to protect him from father, himself? No one can protect anyone from himself. You know how he is. You know how I am. Can you protect me from my mistakes?” Wilder turned away knowing the truth and tucked his hands into his jeans, took a deep breath, and faced the window looking out.

  Dr. Carrington pushed through the door. “Mr. Samsa. Good to see you. Your son will be fine. But he has a problem with alcohol. First we have to detox him before we give him any pain medication.”

  “Do what you have to do,” Wilder said, then turning to Hunter,” I’ll speak to you later. You and Katie.”

  “Oh. There you are,” a soft voice said. “I looked for you everywhere. I was just in Haley’s room, and she said that you were looking for me. She appeared unhappy about that,” Christine said with a closed smile shaking her head at Hunter.

  “Christine,” Hunter introduced, “My father, Wilder Samsa. Father, Christine.” Wilder nodded but took no interest in the human. “You know Katie, Christine,” Hunter said. Christine gave Katie a cool indifferent smile. She didn’t think that Katie liked her very much. She didn’t know why, but she had a suspicion that it had something to do with Hunter.

  “Wait for me downstairs, Christine,” Hunter said giving her a kiss on her cheek. Wilder looked doubtful at Hunter. He knew his son well enough. Hunter was interested in only one thing from her. Unfortunately Hunter hadn’t gotten over Katie.

  “What is it father?”

  “Devin and you were supposed to leave tomorrow. I guess we will have to put that off. I haven’t been able to get in touch with you. You need to get a phone,” Wilder said his mind wandering.

  “Leaving? What’s that about?”

  “It’s about tracking down a band of rogue wolves and bringing them back to the council for justice.”

  “You will have to send someone else off in our place. What about Lycell’s pack. They need to earn their keep. They eat more than they kill on a hunt.”

  “I will have to speak to Lycell and your mother. You know how she is and when she finds out about Devin and that I have been keeping this from her, she will banish me to the cave.”

  “If anyone knows how to handle mother it’s you. Think about what I said about those six pups. They need something like this to hone their werewolf skills.”

  “They could get killed hunting down rogue werewolves.”

  “That’s the price we risk for policing shifters. You have great responsibilities and I know it wasn’t easy deciding to send me and Devin to find that werewolf pack, but you had plans to. Devin just did something stupid, and I have to do something about it. I have a score to settle with Eric.”

  “That no good shifter. What on earth for?”

  “He was the one who attacked Devin.”

  “You have to learn that revenge is our enemy. There are more pressing things to deal with. That girl you brought back here is in danger.”

  “She’s carrying some secrets about werewolves. And if her birth mother and father finds out where she is, they will tell the humans just to collect a bounty.”

  Dr. Redmond never told anyone not even her that she wasn’t his child. He hid it from the council for fear that they would get rid of her.” Wilder glanced at Hunter with a raised eyebrow. “Send her away where she can’t do any harm.”

  “What would you have me do? I asked Katie to take her in for a few weeks until I could find her a permanent place to go.”

  “She will have to stay with us to keep anyone from finding out. You need to take Katie home. I can stay here. And you need to get some rest, Hunter.”

  “I’m going to be staying at Christine’s. I’ll call you from there and give you her number.”

��Aren’t you coming home?”

  “Not anytime soon.”

  “Get you a phone, Hunter,” Wilder said pacing in front of the door where Devin lay. Wilder watched at Hunter when he walked over to talk to Katie. Hunter leaned down and whispered to her. Wilder heard.

  “Let’s go. I’ll get Christine to drop you home.”

  “I don’t want to be alone tonight, Hunter,” Katie whispered. Hunter looked at her and looked at his father. Wilder glanced back with a narrow look. He couldn’t advise Hunter what to do. He just knew that whatever choice he made he would be unhappy.

  Katie stood and placed her hand in his and he led her to the elevators. She walked as if she was in a dream. Her legs weak and her eyes wide. When they reached the lobby Christine stood talking to a nurse. Christine said something, and the nurse glanced up at Hunter, smiled, and left.

  “Can you take Katie home?”

  “Sure,” Christine said not expecting what happened next.

  “I have to stay with her. She’s not in great shape. My brother has been seriously hurt,” Hunter said apologizing.

  “I understand.” She glanced at Katie. “I understand.” Christine bit the right side of her lip. “When will I see you?”

  “I have something I need to attend to. It could be a week or a month.” It wasn’t as if Christine expected Hunter to be hers completely. She knew about shifters. Most of her girlfriends dated them. However this was her first dealing with them.

  From her understanding they were handsome, and great in bed, but they were unpredictable. Hunter was all those things, but he was much more—he is a werewolf in love, but not with her.

  Chapter 10

  After Katie gave Christine her address, Christine said, “I know where that is. It’s one of the new subdivisions built for all the rich shifters coming into Samsaville. I’ve lived here all my life, and I’ve never seen such an influx of new... people. Humans and shifters I mean. I guess your secret won’t be a secret for long,” she said glancing over at Hunter sitting in the front seat.

  He looked back at Katie who appeared preoccupied as she gazed out of the window seeing what Hunter saw—lights every few yards, cameras along the streets and new stores being built.

  Minutes ticked by with Christine driving in silence. But the music on the radio changed from country and western to a love song. As the song was ending Christine drove her Honda up to a gated community. Katie reached for her purse and hit a button and they entered the exclusive subdivision.

  Each plot of land had large trees surrounding two story red wood homes. They passed a golf course on their way driving up to a large impressive home. “This is a beautiful place,” Christine said stopping her Honda in the brick driveway in front of Katie’s door. “A home fit for a queen,” she said with an envious tone. “I guess it helps when you snag one of the richest and eligible bachelors around, who just happens to be a Samsa.”

  Katie eyed Christine, “I see you have your eyes on one. Thanks for the ride and good luck.” Her tone snarky. And Katie didn’t wait for Hunter to open the door. She stepped out of the back of the car. Hunter remained for a few seconds looking apologetic at Christine.

  “As soon as I see to Katie and make sure she’s okay, then I’ll come around. I can’t stay long because I have business to tend to now that my brother is out of commission.”

  “Don’t bother. Katie looks like she will take up all your time. She acts as if she’s jealous of our relationship. Why do the women around you have such a possessive attachment? Even Haley warned me that she plans on marrying you when she grows up. It looks like she means what she says.”

  “Don’t listen to her. I like women not girls. You suit me just fine,” Hunter said. His voice low, seductive, and convincing, but his heart wasn’t influenced by his words. His heart belonged to Katie, and he said what needed to be said at the time because the moon was still full.

  “For now.” She pressed her lips and raised an eyebrow. “She won’t always be a girl.”

  “Later, Christine.” Hunter leaned over and kissed Christine on the lips. The kiss didn’t stir in him crazy warm desires to be with her. The kiss felt cold and unfeeling.

  “Don’t be a stranger,” Christine said smiling at Hunter. He turned his handsome fine body away to see to Katie, who had already opened the door, and entered the house.

  He walked to the double doors and opened it. He stood looking around at the interior of the new home, with the wrought iron on the spiral stair case, the hunter green drapes on windows meeting the high ceiling.

  Hunter had been surprised at how expensive the house appeared with it cream colored assortment of expensive sofas and chairs facing a large fireplace.

  He didn’t expect Devin to take his inheritance so soon, and use it to purchase a home as large as the one he’s standing in. After all it was only the two of them and they weren’t married yet. The home appeared to be eight thousand square feet. Hunter stood in the middle of the foyer looking up at the enormous chandelier with its lights gleaming from above.

  “It’s something isn’t it? We have six bedrooms and four baths. I want lots of children.” She watched at Hunter’s face as he reacted to the notion of her having children and they weren’t his. His blue eyes were fixed on Katie’s mouth as she talked and talked, but he didn’t hear her. All he thought about was kissing her warm lips. Holding her in his arms. Taking her. But it was the sound of her voice that woke him from his dream.

  “Devin said that I would have as many as I want. He would see to that.” Katie put her head down and smiled innocently like a young girl.

  Hunter’s heart sank. They are already making plans for a family, or maybe it’s Katie’s idea because it appears that the only thing on Devin’s mind is fucking. Not Katie, but everyone he can get his hands on.

  “Come see the rest of the house.” She grabbed Hunter by the hand and the only reason he didn’t object was because Katie seemed so happy. He like seeing her smile and her green eyes light up. She pulled him and reluctantly he walked with her to the kitchen.

  “Would you like something to eat?” Hunter hadn’t eaten since last night. “We have fresh deer meat. I’m a vegetarian.” Katie tugged on his hand until Hunter stood in front of an isle with seating. He glanced around at all the utensils and stoves and double door refrigerators.”

  “Where is the help?”

  “We don’t have but two. A cook and maid. I gave them the weekend off. We really don’t need that many. It’s only just us two, now.”

  They stood staring at each other. Then Hunter leaned in but he would only go so far because Katie didn’t reciprocate. She lowered her head. But he lived by the mantra since his life changing stay in Alaska, all’s fair in love and war and as long as she wasn’t married to his brother, she was fair game.

  “Why did you act jealous around Christine?” Hunter knew she still had feelings for him and she was trying to cover it up. He wanted her to admit her feelings. He had to know how committed she was to Devin.

  “Why, I wasn’t jealous. I didn’t like what she was insinuating. And besides, she’s with a great guy.” Katie glanced up at Hunter.

  “Not great enough for you.”

  “That’s not fair. You don’t understand, Hunter,” Katie said opening the fridge and taking out some Romanian lettuce, tomatoes, and avocados and an assortment of vegetables. She turned to Hunter. “You did say you were hungry.” She pulled out a container of fresh deer meat and placed it on the island. Then she pointed to plates and silverware. Hunter just as soon forget the knife and fork but he did this for her.

  His mother had said it was important to learn to use a knife and fork because it was expected in the civilized world, and if he expected to meet a girl of some quality, he had to act like he had some home training.

  He did have home training. He was trained to act like a werewolf because that’s what he is. He was trained to act like a man because that’s what he is also. He was trained to live in two worlds and
that is what he’s trying to do.

  After they sat down to eat, the room became quiet except for the sound of Katie chewing her salad. They didn’t know what to say to each other. Katie broke the ice.

  “We never got a chance to talk before. You never said what happened to you. When I asked Adrienne and Wilder they didn’t want to talk about it.”

  “Now it’s my turn to say I don’t want to talk about it,” Hunter said looking at the meat but losing his appetite. He had learned to go days without eating in Alaska and his body had adjusted to that.

  “But you have to say something.”

  “What good is it going to do? You’re with Devin now.”

  “I didn’t know what happened. All I knew was that horrible werewolf named Bane had taken you with him and everyone thought you were dead.”

  “You could have waited longer.”

  “I waited and waited Hunter. I was so heartbroken and the only way I could be near you was to be with Devin. I waited for two years. I enrolled in college to get my mind off of you, but it didn’t work because Devin would come to visit me. When I saw him, I made myself satisfied that it was like having a part of you.

  I couldn’t keep my mind on my studies and I was flunking out of school so I left before that happened. I didn’t want to disappoint Robert. But I guess I disappointed everyone including you,” Katie said reaching for Hunter’s hand.

  Hunter hadn’t felt this feeling in a long time. A need. A love. Passion. Even though he had laid with Christine, it was more out of lust and from the pull of the moon tide that had him desiring her body.

  Standing, he came close to Katie. She watched up at him. He took her hand and raised her to her feet. They gazed into each other’s eyes. Her eyes innocent. He felt a throbbing need for her that he couldn’t explain. He pulled her close to him and just looked at her. She placed her head on his chest as he held her close against the hardness of his chest.

  His heart beating fast and he thought it loud, which embarrassed him, and she knew that she had a profound effect on him. He hadn’t wanted to reveal how vulnerable he was to her. But she had to know. She was all he thought about and clearly she wanted him the way he wanted her. She even admitted it when she explained how she missed him.


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