Rock Hard American Billionaire: A Big City Billionaire Rockstar Romance (Rockstar Billionaires Book 2)

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Rock Hard American Billionaire: A Big City Billionaire Rockstar Romance (Rockstar Billionaires Book 2) Page 2

by Paris Rose

  I moaned as he began to fuck my face with more fervor. He ran his fingers through my hair as his hips bucked with excitement. I relaxed my muscles to accommodate every inch of his hardness as I felt him thrust against the back of my throat. He grunted and moaned as I took his entire length in my mouth. I was so turned on by his pleasure that my wetness saturated my panties and my jeans. His body quivered as I hummed so that my voice reverberated against his cock. “Oh, Giavanna, your mouth feels so good.” He moaned as I flicked my tongue against his shaft. He let out a ragged breath as he slowly withdrew from my mouth. “Mmmm, now I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel.”

  He kissed me on the cheek before nibbling on my bottom lip. His mouth traveled to my neck as he undid my jeans and peeled them off. A jolt of pleasure burst through me as he took one of my nipples in his mouth and toyed with the other with his fingers. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest as he circled my navel with his tongue, moved my panties to the side, and slipped two fingers inside of me. He covered my stomach with kisses as he continued to slide his fingers in and out of my womanhood. He withdrew his fingers from inside of me and made a trail of soft sweet kisses down my belly button and to my clit, as he slowly pulled down my panties one centimeter at a time.

  I throbbed with anticipation. I arched my back as he buried his face between my thighs. I felt a volatile warmth start at my core and radiate through my entire being. His mouth felt so good. My muscles clenched as I felt him bringing me closer to the edge. He suddenly stopped licking me. I gasped in frustration.

  “Did you really think I was going to let you come already?” Trevor chuckled arrogantly. He stretched out on top of me and hovered above me. I looked into his eyes and silently begged him for more. “You’re so sexy when you look at me like that,” he whispered before bringing his lips to mine and titillating me with a slow deep kiss. I moaned as he grazed the head of his cock against my clit. I wanted to pull him down on top of me, but I couldn’t get my hands untied. I was at Trevor’s mercy.

  “Ohhh…Trevor. I can’t wait any longer,” I whimpered.

  “Well, what do you want me to do about that Giavanna?” He raised his eyebrows as he continued to hover above me.

  “I want you to fuck me, Trevor,” I grunted through clenched teeth.

  “Only if you ask nicely,” he teased. He knew he had full control.

  “Trevor, please put your cock inside of me and fuck me…please,” I whispered as I gazed up at him.

  “I love it when you beg for me.” He gave me a smoldering look as he penetrated me inch by inch.

  I let out a guttural moan as he filled me up completely. He pleasured me with deep, passionate thrusts. Wave after wave of overwhelming pleasure overtook me as he began to drive into me harder and faster. I called out his name as he quickly took me over the edge.

  He slowly slid in and out of me as I came down. He lowered himself down on top of me while he was still inside of me. I welcomed the warmth of his body against me. “I think I’m addicted to your body, Giavanna. I just can’t get enough of it,” he breathed in my ear.

  “I feel the exact same way, Trevor.” I smiled as I tried to catch my breath.

  “Good, because I’m not finished with you yet.” He kissed me on the forehead before he pushed my knees against my chest and drove into me. He maintained eye contact as he penetrated me with deep, rhythmic thrusts. My muscles clenched around his cock as he took me over the edge twice more in less than half an hour. I enjoyed the feeling of his weight on top of me and his throbbing cock inside of me. I struggled for air as he pounded me with a series of quick and forceful thrusts. His body went rigid, and he let out a string of expletives as he got his release inside of me with two hard pumps. I was exhilarated, exhausted, and satiated all at the same time.

  He untied me as he slowly withdrew from my body. I embraced him as soon as my arms were free. He pulled me in close and covered my neck with kisses. “Did you like that, Giavanna?” he whispered.

  “Like is an understatement.” I smiled. “It was the best sex we’ve ever had.”

  “Agreed. I still need to talk to you about something, but I feel so good right now that it can wait.”

  His words made my stomach sink. What he could possibly want to discuss? Maybe he was still planning on breaking up with me and he just wanted to sleep with me one more time before saying goodbye.

  Part of me wanted to just get the conversation over with but the other part of me wanted to put it off as long as possible. Although I knew I was strong enough to handle whatever was to come, something was making me feel vulnerable and uneasy.

  I rolled over so that Trevor was behind me and my back was pressed against his chest. It felt so good to be in his arms. I really hope this isn’t our last night together. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths to calm my frazzled nerves. I was tightly wound and exhausted at the same time. I eventually allowed myself to drift off into a much-needed slumber.

  * * *

  I gradually came out of sleep as I felt Trevor caressing my back. “Wake up. We should eat dinner before it gets too late. I had Simon come in and prepare us a meal while you were at work today. It should be in the fridge.” I was always impressed by Trevor’s organization skills and attention to detail. He never forgets anything, and he always plans ahead. I’m certain he had a busy day out in his L.A. office, but he still had the foresight to call his Chicago staff to have them prepare dinner for us before his arrival. He was truly a dream come true.

  “Good idea.” I stretched and climbed out of bed. I grabbed Trevor’s button-down shirt off the floor as he slid into his boxer briefs and grabbed a T-shirt from the dresser. His body was stunning. I wished he wouldn't have put a shirt on.

  He led the way to his spacious eat-in kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out two fillets wrapped in bacon and a bowl of seafood salad. “What do you want to drink while I warm the steaks?”

  “I’ll take a glass of Chardonnay.”

  “Okay, one glass of Chardonnay for the lady coming up. I’m going to have a glass of red; it pairs better with the meal. You sure you don’t want red?”

  “Nope, white is fine.”

  “All right, if you say so, but you’ll probably be sorry you didn’t take my recommendation.” He was always so opinionated, even about little things. Sometimes he even came off a bit pushy, but it never bothered me too much because I was always strong enough to push back.

  “I appreciate your guidance, but I’ve been drinking long enough to know what kind of wine I like with what food. I prefer white wine, but maybe that’s because my palate isn’t quite as refined as yours,” I teased.

  He couldn’t help but smile as he served our wine. “Okay, feisty. Here’s your steak.” He set my plate down on the breakfast bar in front of me before sitting by my side.

  “Thank you, Mr. Pushy.” I smiled at him.

  “You’re welcome.”

  We ate in silence for a while. Even though he appeared to be in good spirits, I could tell there was something on his mind.

  “How’s your food?” I spoke up to break the silence.

  “Excellent. I hope that Simon never retires. His cooking is exquisite.”


  Trevor took a long sip of wine. “Giavanna, about what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  My body tensed in response to the sudden change in subject. “Yes?”

  “Well, first I need you to promise me you won’t overreact and get upset over what I’m about to say. I don’t want to see any tears tonight, okay?”

  My stomach was doing somersaults. Oh no, he must be breaking up with me. I inhaled sharply.

  “Relax, Giavanna. You look like you’re about to be executed. This isn’t your last meal. Breathe.”

  I took a deep breath and tried to relax my face.

  Trevor continued, “I just want to address some issues that have been on my mind for quite some time. I need you to listen with a
n open mind, okay?”

  “Okay, Trevor,” I responded quietly as I nodded my head.

  “All right, there is no use in dragging this out. I’m going to just get to the point.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Giavanna, I’m not happy with our relationship.” I knew it. He’s dumping me! I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. “Well, to put it more accurately, I’m not happy with our relationship as it is now. I’m crazy about you. You’re charming and different and beautiful. And you’re amazing in bed. You really are the whole package. But what we have needs work…a lot of work.” I sighed as I realized that maybe he wasn’t breaking up with me, but my stomach was still tense.

  “Are you still upset that I haven’t moved to California with you yet?”

  “Well, yes, of course that’s part of it. But your refusal to move in with me is just a symptom of the larger problem.”

  “There is a larger problem? You think our relationship has problems?” My tone was sharp, and my eyes began to well with tears even though I didn’t want them to.

  He placed his hand on top of mine. “Giavanna, what did I say? No tears tonight, okay. Please don’t overreact. Let’s just discuss this like mature adults.”

  “Well, then, why don’t you stop beating around the bush and tell me what this big problem is that you’ve been keeping from me? How long have you been unhappy? Tell me. Have you been faking all of our good times together?” I took a deep breath in an attempt to maintain my composure.

  “Giavanna, don’t say those things. Of course I haven’t been faking anything. When I’m with you, I sincerely enjoy your company. I do. And when we make love, I feel like I can conquer the world. But I’m frustrated because I haven’t been able to show you all of me. I can’t because I don’t feel like you belong to me.”

  I opened my mouth to interject, but he cut me off by taking my hand in his as he continued to speak. “To be fair, part of it is not your fault. You’ve probably never had the type of relationship I’m looking for. In fact, I’m almost certain you haven’t. That’s why I was so attracted to you when we first met, because you seem so different from all of the other women I’ve ever been with. You seem bright, innocent…untainted.”

  “Trevor, I don’t understand. What are you saying? From day one, you’ve been telling me that you’re no good at relationships. And you’ve been saying that you don’t feel you can bring me into your world because you don’t want to…” I struggled to find the right word. “You don’t want to desecrate me, as you put it. But you keep hiding the ball. I don’t really know what you’re trying to say. Just tell me what’s up. I can handle it.” I took a long sip of wine as I realized that I wasn’t confident in the veracity of my statement. I actually didn’t know how I would react to whatever he was hiding. But it was too late now.

  “All right, neither one of us will ever be totally fulfilled if we don’t have this conversation.” He squeezed my hand and looked at me with a penetrating gaze. I found myself getting lost in his hypnotic dark brown eyes even though my inability to read his expression made me nervous. “First, I want you to know just how special and important you are to me. You are the first woman I have ever had this kind of relationship with in my adult life. The last time I had this kind of traditional relationship with someone was twelve years ago, when I was twenty-two years old, and that did not end well at all.” He grimaced at the memory. “I really suck at relationships, so I avoid them. I told you when we first met that you should stay away from me, but you didn’t listen, and as selfish as it is of me, I’m glad you didn’t. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to have you, but I also knew if I told you what I wanted to do to you I would scare you away. So I courted you the way the guys do it in the movies. I’m very observant, and I’m able to mimic mainstream behavior. That is how I got to where I am today in my career, and that is how I got to this moment with you.”

  My mind raced as I tried to figure out whether Trevor was a genius or a sociopath. I wondered if he was ever sincere or if everything was just an act to manipulate people.

  “Interesting,” I interjected to distract him from picking up on my suspicions.

  “Yes, interesting indeed. You see, with most women, I put everything out there and tell them to take it or leave it. And almost all of them take it with no objections, but I could immediately tell you weren’t like most women. So with you, I was careful and methodical. I made sure not to show you too much, too soon. You’re truly like no one I’ve ever met before. I’m drawn to you on every level—not only sexually but also emotionally—and I never had that before with anyone in the past decade.” He rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. “So I was happy to play boyfriend-girlfriend, if that’s what I had to do to keep you in my life. But I should have known better. I should have known that eventually, what I was trying to keep from you would fight to come out and my…my proclivities would get the best of me. I can’t hide who I am from you anymore. Part of me is dying inside, and fighting who I am is preventing me from being the best partner that I can be to you.” He exhaled. I hadn’t realized he had been holding all of that in for so long. I could tell he felt better now that he’d finally released it. Some of the tension in his body relaxed. Unfortunately, I was still tense.

  I let go of Trevor’s hand and caressed his back with my palm. “Trevor, I don’t know what to say. Part of me is flattered that you worked so hard to get me, but I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t feel betrayed that you haven’t shown me who you really are. We talked about this in L.A. when we first started seeing each other. Remember how upset I was that you weren’t letting me in all the way?”

  “Yes, of course I remember,” Trevor responded quietly.

  “Back then, you said you would work on opening up and allowing me to see all of you. You said as long as I had an open mind that everything would be okay. And I assured you that I would never judge you and I was open to getting to know you…all of you. What happened? Why did you still feel you needed to put on a show for me?”

  “I don’t know, Giavanna. I’m one of the most fearless people you’ll ever meet. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of me, but as much as I hate to admit it, I guess I was afraid that you would reject me. I’d already allowed myself to get too invested in you too soon, and I didn’t want to lose you. And just so you know, it isn’t just all about me. Of course I didn’t want to get hurt, but more importantly, I didn’t want you to get hurt. There are certain parts of myself I hid from you because I wanted to protect you. You’re so bright and bubbly and pure. I don’t want to ruin you, Giavanna.”

  “I really appreciate you trying to watch out for me. But I told you the very first night we met that I don’t need to be protected. I’m a big girl, Trevor. And I’m not as pure as you think I am. I’ve been trying to tell you that. Maybe I’m not quite as hardcore as some of your friends on the hard rock scene, but I’m no angel. And I have seen and heard everything you can imagine in my capacity as an entertainment journalist. So just what is it that you’re trying to protect me from?”

  “Okay, Giavanna, before I say anything further, let me get this right. You think you’re hardcore enough to explore my world?” He smirked arrogantly and raised his eyebrow.

  “I don’t really know what you’re asking, Trevor. But yes, I’m hardcore enough to explore your world, whatever that means,” I responded, making air quotes around the words “hardcore” and “your world.”

  “Really, there is no need to get sarcastic here, Giavanna,” he scolded.

  I immediately felt bad. “I apologize.”

  “It’s okay, just don’t do it again.”

  “Whatever, Trevor, now continue with what you were saying.”

  He glared at me before taking a deep breath and softening his gaze. “Now I’m trusting you to listen with an open mind and not to judge.”

  “All right, you have my word. So just what is this act you’ve been putting on all about? What are you try
ing to hide?”

  He took a deep breath. “Are you familiar with the BDSM lifestyle?”

  “No, not really. Some of my friends read BDSM erotica, but I’ve never gotten into it. I’m not really familiar with the lifestyle except for what I’ve heard in passing on TV and stuff… Oh, and what I saw at The Catacombs the night we met.”

  His eyes lit up at the mention of The Catacombs. The night we met in L.A., I went to The Catacombs to see Trevor’s band perform. I had never been there before and had no idea what kind of establishment it was, but I went because I knew Trevor would be there and I wanted him to ask me out.

  We had been rudely interrupted by his bandmate, Vin, when I first introduced myself to Trevor earlier that evening at The Standard in West Hollywood. Even though our conversation was brief, I knew Trevor was interested, so I followed him to the venue where he was performing, only to find out it was an underground sex dungeon.

  When my friend Brandon and I were wandering around, we stumbled upon a dominatrix disciplining a man who was chained to the wall with a ball gag in his mouth. And later that night, after Trevor told me he didn’t want to hook up with me because he wanted to get to know me first, I peeped in on him and his date, Christina, having sex in one of the lounges. There were no whips and chains, but there was lots of spanking, biting, and psychological domination.

  Ever since that night, I’ve wanted to know more about Trevor’s sexual proclivities. He still doesn’t know I saw him and Christina in the act. They broke up that same night, because just moments after their dark and dirty sexcapades in the lounge, Trevor found out she was cheating on him with his bandmate, Vin. It was a wild night.

  As far as I know, Vin and Christina are still together, but I’m not totally sure, because Trevor kicked Vin out of the band and stopped associating with him because not only did he cheat with Christina, he physically attacked me that night at the Catacombs. If Trevor hadn’t come to my rescue, I don’t know what would have happened.


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