A Hollow Cry (After Life Book 1)

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A Hollow Cry (After Life Book 1) Page 12

by Bee Douglas

  Yvette shakes her head. “The last I knew, the bloodlines had been killed off. When I heard I was being hunted down to aid in a Banshee situation, you must understand that I didn’t believe it.” It’s been several weeks. In all that time, Kane kept telling me any trail Royce would pick up grew instantly cold. A game of cat and mouse. “Have you used your voice?”


  “She recently started singing for a crowd,” Kane interrupts me. “She was singing when I came across her. Since researching has led to nothing but dead ends, I thought singing would help. But it’s different. Now I get a hint of the feeling I had when I first saw her. It’s nowhere near as strong.”

  I snap my head up. This is the second time tonight he’s said something about my voice having an effect on him.

  “Just recently?” Yvette’s voice rises. “Have you not tried any other exercises?”

  “What would you have had us try?” Kane’s expression hardens. “We walked into this blind. There’s not an instruction manual telling us how to free her.”

  She stares him down. I’ve seen people fold in front of him, but she seems to not have any qualms toward him or Death. “There’s a lot of work we need to do then.”

  “What do you suggest?” I ask. My nerves have been anything but calm since I saw Hannah. Anticipation fuels them.

  Yvette flips through pages in the worn journal that lies in front of her. “I need to be able to dive into your mind. There will be fragments of your harbinger that I will have to try and piece together. There is a reason you haven’t been able to grab hold of it. I have to know why.”

  “Is that going to hurt?”

  Her lips twitch. “Only if your subconscious fights back. But it shouldn’t. I’ll make sure you’re asleep before I do anything drastic.”

  A lump forms in my throat. I keep swallowing, hoping to push it down.

  “How long will it take for her to have access to her abilities?” Kane asks. He’s kept his eyes on the witch ever since she’s arrived. If something were to go wrong, I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has several versions of a plan figured out.

  “That depends on her,” she states.

  My brow furrows. “I have no clue what I’m doing or what I should be focusing on.”

  “If your bloodline is as thinned out as I think it is,” she explains, “then it may take years. It might never happen. Most Banshees are awakened by a major loss. Unless you’re planning on sacrificing your loved ones, this will be a challenge.”

  “We didn’t seek you out to get half-assed answers.” Patience and calm leave Kane’s body.

  Changing the subject, Royce asks, “What all will she be able to do?” I give him a thankful look for the distraction.

  Flipping back and forth between the pages of her journal, the witch begins humming very softly. Kane’s jaw flexes. The two of them are not going to work well together.

  “It’s hard to say,” she muses. “I have seen one Banshee only able to lure mortals in with her voice. There were a few able to use sonic waves as a defense mechanism.”

  “That’s up in the air too?”

  She shrugs. “Like I said, there might not even be anything I can do. Once I reach in and see what all I’m dealing with, I should have more answers.”

  “What do you recommend then?” I ask, doing my best not to let my disappointment show.

  Closing her journal, she glances between the three of us. “We should start right away, but I’m going to delay that until tomorrow.” She shoots Kane a warning glare when he opens his mouth to speak. “I have been travelling all day. And she needs a full night's rest before we do anything. If I were to try even a simple exercise, it will do more harm than good.”

  “Tomorrow,” Kane concedes.

  “I will piece together a sleeping draft. We will need to meet in a place completely unfamiliar to her.”

  Royce clears his throat. “She hasn’t been to my place. It’s safe.” Kane surveys him for a moment before finally nodding his head.

  Yvette and Royce leave not much later. She gives me instructions on what I need to do in preparation for tomorrow. There is a tea I have to drink before and after sleep, and even a particular soap I have to bathe with in the morning. Nervous isn’t even comparable to how I feel. But if we are going to make any progress, I am going to have to push all of those thoughts and worries aside.

  “Where would you like to stay tonight?” Kane’s voice lost its malicious tone, but knowing him, a slight spark could set an entire wildfire ablaze. I look at him, puzzled by his question. “I told you I would not keep you here if you wanted to leave. There are a few options I have in mind. I can go over them with you once you pack your things.”

  He stands there with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He avoids my gaze, looking every bit ashamed. It’s a sight I never thought I would connect Kane to.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No,” he says quickly, snapping his head up. His mouth opens and shuts, hesitant to speak. He clears his throat and tells me, “I don’t want you to leave. I enjoy your company. But I crossed a line last night and I won’t make you stay somewhere that you’re not comfortable.”

  I take a step closer. The golden colors of his eyes swirl around like a batch of caramel. “I want to stay here,” I say. “You’ve given me a place to sleep and food to eat. You make me feel like a person and not some twisted experiment. And so far, you haven’t let anything happen to me.”


  I hold my hand up. “You are someone to fear. I am fully aware of that, but that’s not who you are with me.” His mouth opens to speak again. I reach out and place my finger over it. Just as I’ve been imagining, his lips are soft under my touch. “You make me feel like I’m more than just a girl taking up space in your apartment. You talk to me.” I suck in a deep breath, feeling the rush of all the words I’ve been wanting to say to him. “Others may be afraid of you, but I’m not. You’ve never given me a reason to be. I shouldn’t have blamed you for everything. That wasn’t fair. There’s so much that’s been running through my head and my emotions have been all over the place. I should have been more open with you. But, Kane, you will never talk to me like that again. You will never threaten me the way you did. I will cut your balls off and feed them to you through your ass. Do you understand?”

  His lips pulled into a smile as he lets out a chuckle. I keep my face stern, not allowing myself to savor the sound of his laugh. Kane’s amusement falters as he takes in just how serious I am. Once his lips fall closed again, I pull my hand away.

  Kane swallows hard. Something I can’t exactly place flashes behind his eyes. “I should not have threatened you. That was wrong on my part and I apologize for that. But if you’re going to stay under my custody, especially with everything that’s going on, you need to talk to me.” His fingers run along the side of my face. He places them under my chin and lifts it up to meet his gaze. A gentle act; nothing like last time. My heart drums wildly. “I don’t do well with other people. But I’m trying. For you, I’m trying.”

  “I know.” My voice breaks. His words pull at my chest. “I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with. I never have been, but I’m trying too. Everything is just moving faster and faster. I’m on a merry-go-round that keeping spinning around, never stopping.”

  “I will do my best to try and slow things down for you.” His promising words make me smile.

  He reaches his hand out, doing that damn thing that makes my blood sing. His fingers wrap a strand of my hair around them. Being this close to him, feeling his breath soft against my face, always causes my body to act in traitorous ways. There is a connection between Kane and me – one that I know we both feel. It’s a physical attraction that sparks a heated desire. There have been several times that I’ve noticed the bulge in his pants as he walks away. My own body gets wound tight to the point that I’ve had to seek out release after I’ve gone to bed. It’s there. And it’s more da
ngerous than fire.

  “Kane?” His eyebrows rise. “Do you ever wish things could be different for us?”

  He opens his mouth to say something else, but shuts it. A mixture of regret and embarrassment rips through me. I should never have asked that. His face falls and he steps away. “What does this witch want?”

  I try not to let my disappointment show. It was a question I should have kept to myself. I look at the list of things Yvette wrote down. Dandelion root tea with ginger shavings doesn’t sound appealing.

  “Where in Hell am I supposed to get sea salt soap?” I grumble.

  Kane looks over my shoulder at the list. “I don’t have any of that. I’ll have to go out and get some.”

  “I can put something together to eat for when you get back.” Yesterday morning had been the last time I ate anything. After last night, I had no appetite. And once we got the news of the witch’s arrival, there wasn’t time to stop. But now, after everything has calmed down, my stomach is practically pulling at itself from the inside.

  “You’re going to make me dinner?” A sad smile plays on this lips.

  I shrug my shoulder. “I like you a lot better when you’re not being such a bastard.” This gets a chuckle out of him. “Plus, I have to repay you somehow for how you stuck up for me against Griffin.”

  Kane shakes his head. “Don’t ever thank me for protecting you. I will do it again and again, no questions asked.”

  He takes the list out of my hands, his nose wrinkling as he looks it over. He doesn’t say anything else before walking to the elevator. I lift my hand and wave as the doors shut, leaving me alone.



  Nora’s announcement the night before shocked me. She wanted to stay. I was sure the second she was given the chance, she’d high tail out of here. And yet, despite how relieved I was to hear that, I am still left feeling uneasy. She asked me if I wished things were different between us. I don’t know in what sense she was referring. The fact that we were both stuck in the after life world? Or the bickering and arguing? Or if we’d be able to act on these unspoken feelings if placed in any other circumstances? I didn’t answer. That may have made me a coward, but this was more than the attraction we feel toward one another. Delusions can’t be entertained.

  I’ve been naïve to think that this witch would show up and have all the answers. When she admitted that she might not even be able to help Nora, my thoughts began storming. If she was no use to the princes, I fear for her life.

  Furthermore, as much as Griffin’s suggestion pissed me off, I was preparing for Death to agree with him. Not that it was something I’d let happen. They’d have to kill me first. Nora would be tortured in his hands. All he sees her as is a tool to keep him on his pedestal. I wasn’t going to let that happen.

  But keeping her with me is something I’m going to have to be extremely cautious about. Having the witch in this part in the world will cause suspicion. Willow stopping me was bad enough. The fact that a Changeling was waiting outside the boardroom had me on pins and needles. And of course, it had been Lennox.

  Changelings and Reapers never see eye to eye. Never have, never will. But me and him? He could say the grass is green and I’d argue it in spite of him. I fucking loathe him. He takes his duties of a Changeling above and beyond. I’ve always been convinced that he interrupts reapings just for shits and giggles.

  He had been waiting outside the boardroom for a reason. He somehow knew Nora and I would be arriving.

  “Whatever it is you think you’re doing with that girl,” he speaks in the arrogant way that he always does, “you need to put an end to it.”

  My teeth grind together. It’s taking everything I have to stop my body from reacting. And after today, my restraint is barely hanging on. “I don’t take orders from the likes of you.”

  “Toying with a mortal can result in some serious consequences for you and everyone else that’s been involved. She cannot know of our world. All you’re doing is putting her in harm’s way.”

  “Are you saying you plan on harming her?” I mock him. “Because that will result in some serious consequences.”

  “Don’t push me, Reaper.”

  “Then stay the Hell out of my business,” I growl.

  He keeps his eyes on me, staring me down. “Watch yourself.”

  Lennox turns to leave, his pompous blonde hair catching wind. His gaze stops on the town car, causing my body tense up even more, preparing to take action if he tries anything. But he turns completely, walking down the sidewalk.

  After going out and getting the odd things the witch requested, it had been another sleepless night. As I sat out in the living room, my ass never leaving the chair, I heard Nora’s shower start. Every once in a while, light would cascade under the door. But finally, after what seemed like forever, she must’ve drifted off to sleep.

  By the time she had come out of her room this morning, she was ready to go. And within the next hour, I had showered and changed while she drank her morning cup of tea.

  “Are you okay?” Nora keeps twisting the ends of her sweater sleeves. Aside from a practically inaudible ‘hello’, she’s quiet. “Nora?”

  She looks at me, the light from the wall of windows dance in her eyes. Her chest moves along with her heavy breaths. “I’m afraid.”

  “You don’t have to be. I’ll be there the entire time,” I promise.

  “That’s not it.” Pieces of hair fall in her face as she shakes her head. “What if she can’t do anything? This would all have been for nothing. And where would that leave me?”

  I don’t dare share my own fears. Reaching out, I instinctively brush back those bits of hair. “That will leave you making me dinners and driving me insane with your million questions.”

  Her worrisome expression cracks with a smile.


  “You’ve got to be shitting me.” Nora stares up at the modernized brownstone. The grey bricks are mortared three stories high. “Royce lives in this?”

  “I take it that it’s not what you were expecting?”

  She laughs. It’s such a carefree sound. “Not even close. I’ll be honest; I was picturing week old socks and a beer diet. Not after dinner cigars and cashmere long johns.”

  “He can be surprising at time,” I say, climbing up the few steps to the front door. Royce answers the door shortly after I knock. He’s fuming. “You okay?”

  “She’s a fucking loon,” he bites out. “She rearranged my entire living room and said my fridge was filled with aura blocking food.”

  Nora chuckles behind me. “It can’t be that bad.”

  “She threw out my fucking potatoes!”

  She’s now laughing loudly, making the corners of my mouth twitch. Royce steps to the side and lets us in. Nora’s laughter is cut short as she steps through the doorway. Her mouth opens in awe.

  “This isn’t fair,” she mutters. “I save lives for a living and go home to a shit house. You two steal souls and live in places like this.”

  “It’s who you know.” Royce winks at her. His face falls when he glances in my direction.

  A loud clang sounds from farther in the house. Yvette’s voice follows shortly after, spitting something out in French. Royce sighs and shakes his head. We follow him down the hallway.

  I’ve been inside his living room hundreds of times. He always keeps his home spotless. The rows of bookshelves never have a speck of dust on them, and even his throw pillows hold a perfect fluff consistency. But as I walk in today, I’m beyond confused. His impeccable room is now a space of discord. All of his furniture is pushed along the edges, leaving the middle of the floor bare. The witch sits on the hardwood with candles placed around her. There are several crystals and dried plants in the mix.

  “See!” he whispers.

  She looks up, her short black hair a haphazard mess on her head. “You’re here. Did you do as I instructed?” Nora nods. “Good. Go get undressed.”

  “What?” N
ora snaps.

  The witch rolls her eyes. “You need to rid yourself from any bodily restrictions.”

  “So I have to get naked?” She lets out a sardonic laugh. Nothing like the amused sound I heard just minutes ago. “There’s no way.”

  “If you’re really such a prude, you can keep your bra and underwear on. Either way, the jeans and sweater have to go.”

  “If she’s not comfortable,” I cut in, “then you’ll have to find another way.”

  Yvette stands up, the top of her head barely reaching my chest. “There is no other way. It was you and your lot that came looking for me. Not the other way around. I don’t give a shit if she takes hold of the Banshee or not.”

  “This is ridiculous,” Nora says under her breath, stepping into the middle of the room. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  The smirk the witch shoots my way sparks a wave of irritation through me. She grabs an archaic looking goblet off one of the end tables, instructing Nora to drink. As she downs the drink, her face is struck with pure horror. Yvette flips through her leather-bound journal.

  “I’ll be in the other room if you need me,” Royce says, giving me an I told you so look before climbing up the spiral staircase.

  Nora sits the goblet down once she finishes. Her reluctance shines brightly as she shifts her weight from one foot to another. Finally, she slips her fingers under the hem of her sweater, pulling it over her head. The jeans she wears follow immediately after; the material pools around her feet as she pushes them down her legs. I’d be damned if I don’t take in her nearly bare sight. Nora is all woman from head to toe. Her legs are toned from constantly being on her feet. The cheeks of her shapely ass peek out from the cotton underwear. Freckles are scattered across her shoulders and back. When she turns around, a blush spreads from her cheeks down to her chest, nestling in between her breasts. She’s the vision of an angel in a den of devils.

  “Kane,” she whispers, pulling my attention to her face.

  “I’m just a holler away,” I promise, not showing an ounce of shame for blatantly taking her in. She nods, giving a tight pull of a smile.


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