An Auction Of Curves

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An Auction Of Curves Page 1

by Harmony Raines

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  An Auction Of Curves


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2012 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Kindle Edition

  Chapter One

  Abigail stood nervously on the stage, hoping the whole thing would be over quickly. Her nerves were so on edge anyone looking too closely would see her legs were trembling. When she agreed to help with putting a charity auction together, the idea she would end up on the stage herself had not crossed her mind.

  She preferred working behind the scenes, never having craved the limelight. When she was younger other kids often insulted her about her larger size. Now as an adult she had grown comfortable with her body, her self confidence in front of crowds would never recover. But she had a plan, one to at least cover her embarrassment if no one bid for her.

  As the auctioneer called for everyone’s attention, Abigail hoped she wouldn’t be sick all over the stage. Her stomach lurched with nerves, she took deep breathes, in through her nose out through her mouth.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, please place your bids for Miss Abigail Ramsey.” The crowd clapped and cheered, Abigail cringed inwardly. “Abigail is responsible for arranging this evening.” Another round of applause. “We were lucky enough to persuade her to give an evening of her company to the highest bidder, as the first lot.”

  Abigail tried to smile, she wasn’t certain she managed it successfully. She held onto the idea that once the auction was over, she could breathe a sigh of relief and have a glass of champagne. She would be able to enjoy the rest of the auction, encouraging the rich and famous in the audience to part with their money.

  The bidding was about to start, Abigail tried to look around the room to find Ethan amongst the crowd. The lights made it hard to see out, she hoped he had got a good spot where he would be easily seen by the auctioneer. Their plan entailed him using her money to make the winning bid for her; she had given him a maximum bid amount. Having organised these charity auctions before Abigail was certain it would be more than enough.

  She promised Ethan she would take him out for the evening in return for his help. It wasn’t really cheating, the charity would get their money and the winning bidder would get an evening with her, at her expense. She smiled to herself, Ethan had picked one of those really exclusive restaurants that were hard to place a reservation at, and very expensive. Not that she minded, after all, Ethan was both her best friend and her PA.

  Back to surveying the room, she thought she saw Ethan to her left. Certainly the auctioneer was taking bids from someone in that direction, and also from across the room. She smiled to herself, relieved at least someone else was making a token bid for her.

  The bids were slowing, nowhere near her limit, she was safe.

  “One million dollars, for three days with Abigail Ramsey.”

  The crowd gasped as one, then fell silent. Abigail heard her own heart thumping in her chest. Her pulse raced and she felt faint. The rest of the room probably thought it was someone having a joke, not a real bid. But Abigail knew better, she recognised the voice, a voice from her past. The voice of the one man who nearly destroyed her. And that man didn’t joke.

  “One million dollars for three days, very generous,” the auctioneer repeated, finally finding his voice. “What do you think Abigail?”

  Abigail stood rooted to the spot, no breath in her lungs to force words out of her mouth. Three days with Matthew Parker. She had hoped to never meet him again, what reason did he have to want to spend three days with her. Humiliation? Hadn’t he already done that to her five years ago?

  “I don’t know, I'll have to check my schedule.” This the first plausible excuse to enter her head.

  “Come on, Abi.” Matthew’s voice drew closer now, but she still struggled to see him past the lights aimed at the stage. “One million dollars to help all those young kids have a chance at a good life, and you can’t spare three days.”

  “Underhand bastard!” She thought.

  “Even better, three days on my private island. Warm sun, white sand. You look like you need a break, you work so hard. Doesn’t she ladies and gentlemen?” He turned to face the crowd. “All those in favour of Abi having three days away?”

  “Yes!” Shouted the crowd, “Go Abi, go Abi.”

  She was beat, and she knew it, and Matthew knew it too. For the first time he turned, close enough to the stage for her to glimpse his heartbreakingly handsome face. Written all over it the triumph of this coup he had managed to achieve. Abigail’s shoulders slumped, she felt ridiculous stood here in front of this man. All the doubts about her looks, her plus size figure and her failures flooded back. She might as well be twenty one again waiting for the most eligible bachelor in town to pick her up. Only, unlike fairy tale endings, he had stood her up. No fairy godmother, no home by twelve, no this Cinderella went home and cried her heart out into her pillow.

  “Do I hear a “Yes”, Abi?” The auctioneer beamed at her. She read his thoughts, they were the same as everyone else’s in the room. “Lucky Abi, whisked away by Prince Charming.” If only they knew.

  “How can I refuse?” She tried to sound gracious, but didn’t quite get there. The crowd didn’t notice, instead they erupted in a huge cheer. One thing for sure, tonight’s event would be the most successful charity auction she had ever organised. She just hoped she would survive the night without committing murder. Better ensure Matthew Parker had handed the money over first.

  To a huge round of applause Abigail got down off the stage feeling very awkward. Matthew stood out the front taking a bow and getting claps on the back for being such a good sport. Inwardly Abigail seethed. Why would he do something so publicly humiliating to her? But she still had a job to do, sobbing into her pillow over Matthew again would have to wait until after the auction.

  “I am so sorry, Abi.” Ethan waited for her as she moved away from the stage.

  “That’s OK, Ethan, you did your best. But no one gets between Matthew Parker and something he wants.”

  “That’s Matthew Parker? Now I don’t feel so sorry for you. I mean he has to be the most handsome man in town, not to mention the richest.” Ethan looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Matthew. “OH MY GOD! He is to die for, even better in the flesh. You lucky girl!” Turning back he saw the look on Abi’s face. “Or not?”

  “Or not. I told you what he did to me.” Looking at her face Ethan saw the pain and sorrow barely hidden behind her public mask.

  “Matthew Parker is that man? Oh! You never mentioned his name, I didn’t know.” He put a protective arm around Abigail's shoulder. “Do you want me to set him straight?”

  Abigail smiled, the thought of Ethan setting anyone straight was the funniest thing she had heard all night. “No, but thanks anyway. I’m a big girl now. Give me a minute to compose myself and then I’ll be OK.”

  “Too late, he’s coming over,” Ethan squeaked.

  Abigail smoothed her dress over her curvy thighs and took a deep breath to steady herself. Certain getting out of the three days with him wo
uld prove impossible, her aim became to find out exactly what his plans were. Matthew could have his pick of almost any woman he wanted, so why come after her again. It made no sense why would he come back and twist the knife that remained lodged in her heart.

  “Matthew.” Abigail held out her hand, offering him a business like handshake. That’s what she decided to do, keep it business like, formal, both hands on the table. “Who are you trying to kid?” she asked herself.

  In truth, the years melted away when he stood so close. Abigail, insecure and innocent against Matthew the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Yes, beautiful, to her at least, he went past being handsome. He had a light in his eyes that she used to think shone just for her, it lifted his features, gave him warmth and feeling. The bronze flecks in his eyes mesmerised her, he made her feel like a woman, a beautiful, sensuous woman. She pulled herself back together; he had tricked her before, not again. If only she could get over him.

  “Hello, Abi. How are you?” He took her offered hand and raised it to his lips kissing it softly. She thought she would swoon. If he had this effect on her now, in a crowded room, how would she survive three days on an island with him?

  “I’m great, thank you, Matthew,” she said clearing her throat and pulling her hand away. “I must admit, I’m surprised you’re here.”

  “Well, when I heard you were auctioning yourself for charity I thought it my duty to save you from falling into the wrong hands.” He turned those burning eyes onto Ethan. “I’m sorry if I’ve spoiled your plans, I hope your boyfriend doesn't mind.”

  “My boyfriend?” Abigail repeated, confused, and then it clicked. “Oh. You mean Ethan. He’s not my boyfriend.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth she wished she could suck them back in. If Ethan had been her boyfriend perhaps Matthew would have left her alone, now it was too late.

  “Sorry, I presumed you must be together. Weren’t you bidding for Abi?” He directed the question to Ethan, who stood in silent awe of Matthew.

  “Me? Yes, I was bidding.”

  “That’s what I thought. Then when I saw you together I assumed you must be an item.”

  Abigail’s mind whirred away, trying to find a way to turn this to her advantage. Too late, Ethan had now found his tongue, which wasn’t normally a problem, and words started to spill out of his mouth.

  “I’m Ethan, Abigail’s right hand man.” Ethan held out his hand for Matthew just like Abigail had. Matthew shook it, Ethan held onto the other man’s hand slightly longer than normal. Abigail smiled to herself, Ethan had a crush on Matthew, why was she surprised. “Abigail has told me all about you.”

  “Really? I didn’t think Abigail gave me a second thought, these days.” Matthew studied Abigail’s face, she couldn’t meet his eyes, afraid of what she might find there.

  “Well, she told me what happened before...”

  “Thank you, Ethan. I don’t think we need to drag up the past.” Abigail wanted to stem Ethan’s run away tongue. She didn’t want Matthew to realise how much he had hurt her.

  “No, I don’t expect you do.” For a moment his face hardened, then it relaxed. Abigail recognised the signs, so Matthew had a public mask too. What went on under it? Did she want to find out what the private face looked like after all these years? “You must have deep pockets, those were some high bids out there.” Matthew pressed Ethan. Alarm bells rang in Abigail’s head.

  “It wasn’t my money. Abigail asked me to bid for her,” Ethan said, before she managed stop him. Abigail blushed scarlet, mortified that her secret was out.

  Matthew turned to Abigail, those eyes smiling, full of the light she could bask in for ever. His eyes made her tongue stick to the roof of her mouth, and her thoughts clouded. Normally she would be able to talk herself out of something like this, but tonight she had no defence.

  “You bid for yourself?”

  Ethan, read her expression and did what she paid him so well for, covered her back. “Abigail wanted to donate to the charity and I persuaded her to bid for herself. We were going to go out for dinner, so it was all above board.”

  “Well, perhaps it was, but it doesn’t matter now.” He turned his attention to Abigail. “So Abi, I’ll collect you on Friday evening.”

  “Friday? I’m busy, I can’t possibly go then.” She had a stint at the charity planned, giving out hot food to the young people who needed it. They would be happy to let her off in return for the million dollars, but why should she give in to him. This time she was determined to hold her ground, she was stronger than before.


  “I’m sure it’s nothing that can’t be rescheduled.” Matthew was not going to take no for an answer, he had bid a million dollars for her and he was going to have his spoils. Plans were set in motion for the three days away, he would have her to himself.

  He worked hard all these years, spurred on by what happened that night they had arranged to meet. She had disappeared from his life, completely shut him out. Now he was back, and like in business, he would make sure things turned out right this time. “Can’t your right hand man here cover for you, he seems to be good at that.”


  Ethan shuffled nervously. He wouldn’t be able to stand up to Matthew’s charm, and commanding personality. People always fell in with what he wanted, just as she had years ago. Abigail decided to let Ethan off from any guilt he would live with if he thought he had betrayed her. For this reason she agreed, much to her displeasure.

  “Fine! Ethan could you cover for me on Saturday?” Ethan nodded. To Matthew she said, “I’ll come to your island, play whatever game it is you have planned. You win, Matthew. Again.” With that she linked her arm with Ethan’s and propelled him forward into the crowd of people still making bids.

  “Let’s do what we came here to do, get as much money for those kids,” Abigail said.

  Ethan patted her hand as it lay on his arm. “Are you going to be OK?”

  “Of course. I am over Matthew Parker, there is nothing he can do to hurt me any more.”

  “Are you sure?” Ethan didn’t sound too convinced.

  “Ring of steel tightly wound round my heart, not even Matthew can get in,” she lied.

  “That’s your problem; it’s been there for so long, no one gets in.” Abigail knew what he meant, unable to maintain a long term relationship, now she didn’t even try. “Perhaps you should use these three days to exorcise the ghost of Matthew Parker.”

  “Maybe you’re right, Ethan, thank you. Can you manage everything while I’m away?”

  “You can count on me.”

  “And why don’t you use the reservation I made for us, take that guy you’ve been mooning about for weeks. That will impress him. Have fun, forget about me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, absolutely. At least one of us can have a good weekend. Now, let’s get some of these people to part with more of their money.”

  Chapter Two

  True to his word one million dollars arrived in the charity's bank account the next day. Much to her dismay Abigail realised she had no choice; she would have to go away with him for the weekend.

  A package arrived at her office containing pictures of the island and a list of items she would need. Ethan thought it a thoughtful gesture, Abigail told him Matthew was trying to be controlling. Perhaps she sounded over the top, but the list included ideas for lots of skimpy clothes, such as swimsuits and shorts. The kind of clothes she would be most self conscious in.

  However most of her thoughts were directed to the perfection that was Matthew. Even sleep was no escape, he haunted her dreams. Laughing at her from afar as she stood waiting for him to never arrive. By the time everything she needed, yes, including a ridiculous swimsuit Ethan had chosen, was packed she felt tired and jittery.

  The new demon to haunt her as she sat waiting for Matthew to arrive was that he would stand her up again. After so publicly bidding for her, the story had even made the local news much to her discom
fort, he would humiliate her by not coming. Word would spread and everyone would realise she truly was worthless.

  “Come on Abi, pull yourself together, you are not worthless. You are beautiful and funny and successful. Don't let him do this to you again.” Abigail told herself, wishing now she had let Ethan come and wait with her. At least then he would be saying those words of encouragement to her, they always sounded much better coming from him.

  Abigail looked at her watch, Matthew said he would pick her up at noon, two minutes to go. She began twirling her hair around her fingers, something else she had grown out of, Abigail felt her whole life regressing. Putting her face in her hands she admitted to herself that no matter how much she believed otherwise, she in fact had never got over Matthew Parker. This weekend would be the hardest three days of her life, she would have to act as though she had. Perhaps if she could convince him, he would lose interest in her, and never come back into her life again.

  The knock at the door pulled her back to the present. Taking a deep breath and with her head held high she opened the door to the only man she had ever let into her heart.

  “I wondered if you might have chickened out.” He stood there looking at her, then at her luggage. “Did you pack everything on the list?”

  “No! I am quite capable of deciding what I will need.”

  “Maybe, but remember I paid a lot of money for you. I expect you to give me something in return.” Matthew sounded like he was joking, but Abigail’s mind conjured up images of what she would like to give him in return. And they had nothing to do with revenge, she wanted to kiss his perfect body and then use her body to satisfy his deepest needs. She blushed, he noticed. “Well, perhaps we're on the same wavelength at least. Shall we get going?”

  Abigail opened her mouth to tell him he had got her reaction all wrong. But sometimes it was better to keep your mouth shut, her business experience had taught her how easy it was to dig yourself into a deeper hole.


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