Book Read Free

Bondage Included

Page 1

by Tori Carson

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  Bondage Included

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-301-3

  ©Copyright Tori Carson 2014

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright November 2014

  Edited by Jennifer Douglas

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 2.

  Desired Discipline


  Tori Carson

  Book five in the Desired Discipline series

  André would do just about anything to please Adriana, but the one thing she needed, he couldn’t give.

  Adriana has it bad for André, a consummate bachelor. He owns a kink club and often jokes he’ll die single with a flogger in one hand and a whip in the other.

  Their instant spark turns into a smoldering fury when she learns he has three live-in trainees. She has no intentions of being one of many. She is a one man kind of girl and she demands the same in return.

  André is equally intrigued by the black-haired beauty. Though he has three women, ready and willing to please his every whim, he can’t stop fantasizing about Adriana. She invades his thoughts and dreams. He enjoys their crazy, non-sequitur conversations. He looks for ways to make her smile. Yet, despite his desire, André knows he can never be what Adriana needs.

  When a situation arises and Adriana suddenly has André all to herself for nearly four months, she’ll stop at nothing to land her man. Though she lacks his experience, Adriana has more than one surprise up her sleeve. Will she be the woman to curb his bachelor ways?


  To my husband for his unwavering love and support.

  To Robin, Kay and Crystal, whose support and encouragement have meant more to me than they’ll ever know.

  To Kiki for holding my feet to the fire on this one—I hope it’s worth the wait!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Nair: Church & Dwight

  Cheshire cat: Lewis Carroll

  Chapter One

  “When are you two going to stop the furtive glances and just fuck already? This dancing around the issue is making my ass tired,” Eva complained to André.

  Adriana giggled and ducked behind a pillar. Eva was pushing André pretty hard. He hated it when women used ‘inappropriate’ language.

  “And don’t even pretend you don’t know who I’m talking about, Boss, because everyone has seen you guys making googlie eyes at each other. It’s the talk of the club.” Eva poked him a little more. “You two sit on the couch and talk all night, damn near every night. You do remember this is a sex club, right? It’s called that because people have sex here. If you want to talk and hold hands and shit, you go to a church social.”

  “Are you finished?” André glared at Eva.

  “Not really. I was kind of on a roll, but since I need a steady paycheck, I’ll shut up now.” Eva smiled sweetly.

  “You know she won’t scene with me. That’s the word we use in polite company—‘scene’, not ‘fuck’.”

  Adriana couldn’t see his face, but she knew the exact expression he was using with Eva. She turned away and clamped a hand over her mouth to keep him from hearing her laugh.

  “She doesn’t like that I’m under contract with the girls. Until that changes, she won’t allow our friendship to become sexual.” André kept his volume low, but it still carried.

  God, she loved his voice. She could listen to it for hours, which was a good thing because Eva had been telling the truth. Most nights she spent holding hands and talking to André. It was pathetic. She wanted so much more, but he was being a stubborn ass. He wasn’t in love with those girls, but he wouldn’t break their contracts either.

  “She’s a smart woman. Your subs are mean, spiteful witches. Do you have any—?”

  With her heart pounding in her chest, Adriana rushed to the bar beside André. She couldn’t allow Eva to finish that sentence, no matter how true it was. “Hi!”

  André turned and greeted her with a huge smile on his face, which promptly disappeared the moment he saw she was wearing simply a towel. His head bounced up and he started examining the ceiling tiles. “Hi… I um, I have some important matters…in my office. I’ll be in there, if you need me…once you’re, um, clothed and…yeah.” He practically ran toward the executive offices.

  “Damn, I wish I had that on tape. The big bad Dom of DiscipliNation stammering like a school boy because you stood next to him in a towel. You should screw that man and put him out of his misery,” Eva teased Adriana.

  “If I do, I’ll never have him all to myself. I refuse to be one of many, Eva. We’ve talked about this.” She had to stand her ground.

  “I still say you’re wrong, but watching the misery you’re putting that man through has become my reason for coming to work each day, so who am I to say stop?”

  “You’re bad. You were pushing his buttons by cussing like a sailor. That’s not how you normally speak. Why do you do it?” Adriana had to ask.

  “Because I can. And you’re one to talk. The man practically came in his pants seeing you dressed like that. Is this your latest strategy?”

  “No, this was me keeping you from causing even more trouble. You were about to tell him things I’ve told you in confidence. Things you promised me you wouldn’t share with anyone.” Adriana gave Eva her most fierce death glare.

  “Someone needs to clue the man in on the crap his subs have been pulling. He is the owner of this club. He has a right to know that his perfect angels are really Satan’s trolls.” Eva reversed the death glare and shot it right back at her.

  “It would be their word against mine. André couldn’t take my side without making it ten times worse. Besides, he couldn’t assume it was one of them. He’d have to consider every club member if he investigated their pranks and the last thing he needs right now is another worry. Just let it drop. I’m a big girl, I can handle

  “You’re an idiot who is in love with a bigger idiot, but I’m a fine one to talk. My love life is more of a disaster than yours. Okay, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  “Thank you. And I need a favor.” Damn this is the worst timing.

  Eva eyed her wearily. “What’s happened now?”

  “One of the trolls put Nair in my shampoo bottle. I sweated enough for three women in our pole dancing class tonight and need to shower. Can I borrow yours?”

  “This is me biting my tongue.” She shook her head and reached under the cabinet for something. A moment later, she handed Adriana a key. “Locker three-twenty-eight.”

  “Thanks, Eva. You’re the best bestie a girl can have.”

  * * * *

  André sat in his office with his head cradled in his hands. Fuck, how had his life gotten so out of control? His business was bringing in millions of dollars a year and more than that, he was proud of what he’d accomplished. He’d established safe havens all over the country for lovers of kink to come and learn from each other. The friends he’d made along the way had become his surrogate family.

  None of it mattered to him anymore. All he thought about was Adriana Parma. The crack Eva had made about a church social had hit a little too close to home. Adriana was a sweetheart. She deserved to find a good man, one her family would admire, so she could settle down and have babies. In almost every conversation they had, she talked about her family, her large, Italian, ‘in your business’ family. It was a concept that over the years had become almost foreign to André.

  His roots were French Cajun and he’d grown up in a large, ‘in your business’ type family. Unfortunately, they didn’t approve of his business and thus he was dead to them. Of the hundreds of people sharing his familiar DNA, only Amanda and Trixie would speak to him. He never discussed it and he tried hard to never think about it, but it hurt. For years after their rejection, he’d felt as though he’d been stabbed in the back. It had since, mostly, healed. He and his band of other misfits had joined together and built their own family, one that believed in acceptance. Most days it was enough.

  It didn’t matter how much he clicked with Adriana. It didn’t matter that when he was with her, he was at peace. He refused to claim his happiness at the expense of hers. She loved her family fiercely and would never be happy without them. André couldn’t be in the same room with a family, any family, and not feel the pain so deeply he struggled to breathe.

  No, it was better to adore Adriana from afar than to put her in a position of having to choose between him and those she held dear. He doubted her family would be any more accepting of his line of work than his own. No matter which way she went, she lost.

  His office phone rang, saving him from sinking any further into his nightly pity party.

  “André,” he answered.

  “Hey, it’s Ted. I figured you’d be hiding in your office again.”

  “Fuck you. You’re a fine one to talk. How’s Meri? Has she thrown your sorry ass out yet?” He was a little jealous of Ted. Meri was a sweet girl, loyal and deeply in love with André’s partner.

  “She’s doing well, but refuses to listen to a single word I say. She smiles and nods then does whatever she wanted in the first place. Once her leg heals, she’s getting her gorgeous butt beaten.” Ted sounded tough.

  André knew Meri was in no danger of facing Ted’s wrath. That woman had him wrapped around her little finger. Ted knew it too and he liked it that way.

  Meri had been a victim of a vicious mugging and Ted had taken time off to care for her. André expected he’d be officiating another wedding any time now. Ted, the lucky son of a bitch, had managed to find a woman who didn’t care that he co-owned a BDSM club and sex toy chain.

  From what André had heard, she’d introduced him to her co-workers and family like it was no big deal. André still didn’t know how that worked. As much as he expounded acceptance, he’d rarely experienced it. Hell, even members in his own club had a tendency to get uppity around members whose kink differed from theirs.

  “I doubt that’s much of a deterrent,” André told his friend. It was good to hear Ted’s voice. He sounded relaxed for the first time in years.

  “Probably not.” Ted grumbled. “Hey, the reason why I called is Meri is getting cabin fever. We thought we’d have a few folks over for a barbecue and were wondering if you and Adriana were free on Sunday.”

  “I…” Fuck, he didn’t want to turn Ted down. God knows the man needed to have some fun and realize he had friends who cared about him, but bringing Adriana would be a mistake. He needed to get everyone to realize she was a good friend and nothing else.

  “I can make it, but I won’t be bringing Adriana. She has a family event that day.” She always had something going on with her family so he doubted that was much of a lie. “Besides, Ted, we’re not an item. She has an issue with my subs.” Hell, he had an issue with his subs, but that was for another conversation.

  “Okay, if you change your mind, she’s welcome. We’ll see you at Meri’s place around five.”

  “Great. I’ll be there.”

  He hung up the phone and sat back in his chair. More than anything, he wanted to head back out to the bar and see if Adriana was there. Hopefully dressed this time. He couldn’t look at her and not want her so badly his cock ached.

  Shit, the woman had broken him. His dick didn’t even work anymore. The stupid, fucking doctor was a lot of help. After a bankrupting run of tests, he’d determined it was a ‘side effect of love’. What the fuck was that?

  Oh, he knew what love was. At least in the familial sense, he certainly felt it for his cousin, Amanda, and her mom, Trixie. Truth be told, he even felt it for the rest of his dysfunctional, ‘head up their ass’ family, but he’d damn well never experienced an erection from it.

  Love was expressed by protection and benevolence, not hard-ons. But tell that to his cock. The only time it came to life anymore was around Adriana. She’d fucking ruined him.

  He was out of the door and headed to the bar before he even realized it. There she was, the holder of his smile and the nail in his coffin. Adriana Parma, black-haired sorceress.

  When both Eva and Adriana turned his way he almost headed right back to his office. No, damn it. This was his club, his domain.

  “Just the man we need for the job.” Eva waved him over.

  If it wasn’t changing a light bulb, killing a spider or something along those lines, he was outta there. “What’s up?”

  “Someone poured baby oil outside of Adriana’s shower stall so as soon as she stepped out she slipped and fell.”

  Adriana held out her hand as if to stop Eva mid-sentence. “Now, we don’t know that it was done on purpose. Someone might have spilled it by accident.”

  André grabbed Adriana by the arms and turned her so he could get a better look at her. “Are you all right?” He palmed the back of her head, feeling for a bump. He tried valiantly to ignore the silky, thick strands sliding between his fingers.

  “The main problem is I pulled a muscle in my leg. It hurts like a b—bad dog.” Adriana ran her hand along her left thigh.

  He chuckled. “Good save.” She had told him months ago that she was trying to clean up her language before her niece repeated something she shouldn’t. “What did you hit?”

  “My bum hit the edge of the shower. I’ll have a lovely bruise, but no real damage.”

  When she smiled at him like that, his cock jump-started. Down boy, she’s not our type. She’s the forever kinda girl and we’re a live in the moment package.

  “Did you hit your head?” It was wrong and he should burn in hell, but he couldn’t stop his hand from fisting her wavy, thick mane.

  Her eyes flared for just a moment and he knew it wasn’t from pain. She’d responded to his touch. He quickly pulled his hand away.

  “No, not that I’ve noticed.” She laughed and looked to Eva.

  “She doesn’t want to miss her po
le dancing class tomorrow night, so I suggested asking you to try the TENS unit,” Eva explained.

  “It may help reduce the pain, but it wouldn’t actually help heal the muscles. Are you hurting?” The idea of Adriana injured made him want to punch something. Preferably whoever had spilled oil and hadn’t cleaned it up. Maybe he needed a cleaning crew stationed on site during play times. It was certainly something to look into.

  Her face scrunched. “A little.”

  “A lot. You should have seen her hobbling up to the bar,” Eva threw in.

  The two women stared at each other again. André wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that they were telepathic, considering how often they stared each other down then burst out laughing. They obviously had a language no one else understood.

  The last thing he needed was to be touching her thigh. Son of a bitch, his pants were already strangling his cock. “Let’s get you to the infirmary and see what we can do. Put your arms around my neck.”

  “No, André, I’ll walk. I weigh too much for you to carry me. I’m fine.”

  He gave her ‘the stare’, the one that sent subs to their knees in seconds flat. She simply lifted one eyebrow and stared back. “In a pissing contest, I’m going to win every time, cher. So we can stand here and argue or you could make it easier on us both and obey me now,” André informed her.

  “You don’t weigh shit, Adriana. Let him show off a little. It fluffs up his ego and makes him easier to work for,” Eva added.

  André glared at Eva until she threw her hands in the air in a surrender pose and walked to the other end of the bar.

  “Okay, André, you win, but if you get man pain, don’t blame me.” Adriana circled his neck and laid her head against his shoulder.


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