Bondage Included

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Bondage Included Page 14

by Tori Carson

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay put?” Master André asked.

  She squirmed a little. He knew exactly what buttons to push to get her aroused. “Yes.”

  “And you chose to disobey me.” He made it a statement. “Why?”

  Adriana turned into him and nuzzled his crotch until he tightened his grip on her hair, holding her away from him.

  “Answer me.”

  “I don’t want to be another responsibility for you. I can be doing more.” She felt her face heat with embarrassment.

  “The doctor wants you to limit your activity. You asked about a walking cast and he said no, not yet. What is this really about?” He was watching her intently. “Why do you keep comparing yourself to my past trainees? You’re nothing like them.”

  She turned into him again disregarding the pull on her scalp. “I know.” Damn it! The tears spilled down her cheeks again.

  André instantly let go. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head no.

  He took her by the arms. “Sit up. I want to see your face.”

  As soon as she was leaned back against the headboard, André went and grabbed the box of tissues from the vanity.

  “This isn’t the first time this has come up, Adriana. Every time I say something about it, you spout bullshit and change the subject. We’re through with that. I want to know what’s causing this.”

  She knew that look. There wouldn’t be any skirting the issue. “I worry I won’t be enough for you.”

  He sat back as if he’d been slapped. “Why?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t have a lot of experience and there’s just one of me.”

  “I’m glad you don’t have a lot of experience. Thrilled actually. And as far as there only being one of you goes… I’m glad about that too. I’m not into ménage.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Do you know how many women I’ve pursued since opening the club?”

  “I doubt I can count that high,” she muttered not wanting to think about a number.

  He shot her an annoyed look. “One.” He raised his index finger.

  “But you had three subs when I met you. And according to Eva, you always have a revolving door of trainees.” Eva had also alluded to the fact that the women approached him, but he mustn’t be too adverse to the idea. It takes two to tango.

  “I own the club. I’m a Dom in Residence and I think it’s important to provide training to anyone who is truly interested in it. Those girls wanted to explore their kink in a safe environment and I’ll admit for the most part I was happy to oblige.” He gave her his mischievous grin. “I’m a healthy, red-blooded man, bebe. But most importantly, I was also unattached. That’s not the case anymore.”

  “You still own the club and you’re still a healthy, red-blooded man. Your appetite hasn’t changed. I’ve just made you curb it.” She looked down at her hands.

  He tipped her chin upward. “You haven’t made me do anything. You asked me to be monogamous and I agreed. Believe me, bebe, it’s no hardship.” He adjusted the pillows and sat beside her with his back against the headboard. “This is my fault. I didn’t want to give you the wrong impression so I didn’t share everything that I was thinking.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re like a breath of fresh air. As soon as I saw you at the munch, I knew there was something different about you. We just clicked from the moment we met. I know you felt it too. I wanted you then, but as I got to know you, as we sat on that damn couch at the club and chatted night after night, I learned what kind of girl you were.”

  “What’s wrong with the kind of girl I am?” He couldn’t rip the rug out from under her. Not again.

  “Nothing. You’re the perfect kind of girl. As I’ve told you before, you’re the take home to Momma, put a ring on your finger type of girl. I never thought I’d have that. The club is all I’ve ever known. It’s been my life’s work and closing it and leaving it behind wouldn’t remove the stigma of having once owned it. If I closed all the clubs today, my family wouldn’t care.” He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “I couldn’t come between you and your family. I would never cause you that kind of pain.”

  “But now you understand, don’t you, that isn’t an issue?” She knew they were at a pivotal point and she fervently hoped he’d see reason.

  “Yes, but you neglected to fill me in on those key pieces of information.” He gave her a stern look.

  She blushed. “I thought I had a valid reason.”

  He shook his head. “Anyway, I didn’t want to give you false hope. So, I didn’t tell you how much you mean to me, how much you’ve changed my life. I bought you that collar because I honestly can’t imagine life without you. I assumed I couldn’t be a part of your family life, but I knew you were everything I ever wanted in a submissive. I figured you’d eventually want someone who could give you the whole package and you’d move on, but I was selfish enough to want as much of you as you were willing to give me.”

  Chapter Nine

  She was still looking at him dubiously.

  “I’m going to let you in on a closely guarded secret. Before you showed up at the munch, I had lost my way. The rush I used to experience through Dominance was gone. I had turned most of the hands-on work at the club over to Ted and focused primarily behind scenes.” He didn’t know how to explain that bleak period of his life.

  Adriana snorted. “If giving nightly demonstrations is your idea of working behind the scenes, I’m glad I wasn’t around when you were active.”

  “Think back. When you first started coming to the club, I was only doing one or so a week. Meri changed all that. Right from the beginning she wanted an exclusive relationship with Ted and I had to step up again. But my drive and passion weren’t there. Hell, I was beginning to think I had ED. Then we met and those worries went out the window. Every night we’d sit and talk, my dick would spring to life, begging for relief.” He rubbed his shoulder against hers playfully. “Your smile and the sparkle in your eyes get me every time. Adriana, when I’m with you I’m happy whether we’re scening, talking, eating, sleeping, working, even arguing. God, I’ve never met anyone who likes to argue as much as you do, but even that’s fun…in an odd sort of way.”

  When she giggled and looked up at him, his heart lurched.

  “I do enjoy arguing with you. Someone needs to pull your chain every now and then. You’re way too serious. You spend so much time making sure you meet all your responsibilities, you forget how to have fun.”

  “You may be right about that. Everything felt like a chore and I was just going through the motions.” He brought her hand to his mouth and placed a kiss in the center of her palm.

  “So…spanking the trolls had become a chore?” She glanced at him shyly.

  “Most definitely.” He decided to wait and see where she was headed.

  “Is that why you keep threatening to spank me, but never do?” She seemed to be struggling not to smile.

  “No, I’ve been waiting until you wore my collar and the right was truly mine.” He shrugged. “And until your leg was healed enough to turn you over my knee.” He tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “Are we good, bebe?”

  She nodded. “My leg is fine.”

  “No, it’s not, and that isn’t what I meant.”

  “Yes, we’re fine… Except, I want you to spank me, Master.” Her eyes twinkled in mischief.

  He tried to read her body language. Normally, she was an open book, but tonight something was different. There was an undercurrent of tension running through her. Most likely it was the stress of the afternoon and his knuckleheaded behavior. “I think if we take certain precautions and you tell me if it hurts, we can do this.”

  Her eyes clouded with tears. “Thank you.”

  André wished she wasn’t so insistent about this. He wasn’t comfortable spanking her when her emotions were all over the place. “Bebe, I’m willing to do this, but you have to talk to me.”
r />   “Yes, Master.” She ran her hand over his cock. “So this only works for me?”

  André liked hearing the shy and playful tone in her voice. He’d been wrong to keep quiet about his true feelings for her. “I love you, Adriana. You own my body.”

  “You seem to be excited about this.” She giggled.

  His cock grew larger and harder with each passing moment. She’d misread what he was excited about, but he didn’t feel the need to correct her.

  Thoughts of the future were no longer bleak. With Adriana, he could have a life beyond his dreams. He was still trying to wrap his head around it. “Why do you want me to spank you?”

  He pulled her dress over her head and unhooked her bra.

  “I’m curious.” She met his gaze and blushed.

  “And?” He wondered if there was something behind her insistence.

  Adriana shrugged.

  “Do you think you deserve a spanking?” If he could just ask the right question, maybe he’d get an insight into her thoughts.

  “Yes.” Her smile widened.


  She tipped her head to the side as if she was considering her answer. “I may oops on occasion, but I’m a very good girl and I deserve a reward.”

  Oh, God, she was sexy as hell. His cock throbbed and strained for relief. “And a spanking is the reward you want?”

  “Yes, it’s part of it.”

  He motioned for her to keep talking.

  “After you spank me, if it’s as arousing as I believe it will be, I want you to fuck me until we’re both sated and exhausted.”

  His heart stumbled as he looked at her in wonder. The inches between them were too much. He kissed her over and over knowing he’d never get enough of her. “And you worry you won’t be enough.” He shook his head and leaned back against the headboard patting his thighs.

  She sat forward then crawled across his lap. He positioned two pillows under her brace. “Is that comfortable? Is there any stress on your leg?”

  “It feels fine, André. No discomfort at all.”

  He was glad she had used his name. It was important to him that she take her safety seriously. He ran his right hand over her ass cheeks, rubbing and massaging her perfect skin to bring the blood near the surface. “This will be an erotic spanking, Adriana. It’s meant to be more arousing than anything else. We’ll go to a count of twenty. Stay relaxed. If your leg hurts, tell me immediately.”

  She rested her chin on the palms of her hands. “Yes, bossy man.”

  André gave her a sharp swat on her ass. “Have some respect, bebe. Keeping you safe is my first priority.”

  “And that’s one of the reasons why I love you,” Adriana answered smugly. She crossed her arms on the mattress and rested her head on top of them.

  He tossed her hair out of her face, needing to see her. André applied pressure on her back with his left hand and forearm, giving her the impression he was holding her down, but it also allowed him to feel any changes in her breathing. With his other hand he rubbed the sting away. “So all those nights we sat on the couch together, were you pantyless? Inquiring minds want to know.”

  She laughed. “No, that began once I started wearing the brace. It’s too much of a pain to deal with.”

  “I like the easy access. You should continue with this even after the brace comes off.” He always wanted her open to him.

  “Underwear can be sexy,” she argued.

  “It can be cut off too.”

  Her breathing hitched and he smiled. “Does my subbie want to feel the cool, steel blade scrape across her skin?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  André’s cock throbbed. Adriana was curious and open to try new things. The fact that she’d chosen him was an honor he’d spend his life living up to. “All in good time, bebe.”

  All in good time. The future no longer scared him. He was in it for the long haul and it felt damn good. His course was clear.

  He drew his hand back and swatted her ass. “That’s one, bebe.”

  She lifted her head and glared at him. A moment or so passed before she gave him a sultry look. “Yes, Master.”

  He delivered two more in fast succession. “How are you doing, Adriana?”

  She nodded, but her eyes were closed. When he lifted his hand, she tensed.

  “Not good enough. Talk to me.” He rubbed her cheeks.

  “It hurts and I’m feeling stupid for not expecting that.” Her voice was strained.

  “Do you want to stop?”

  “No.” She turned her face into her arms.

  “There’s no shame in stopping, Adriana.” He refused to continue until he was absolutely sure it was what she wanted.

  “Please. More.”

  She kept her face hidden from him and he didn’t like it. “Why? Pain for pain’s sake doesn’t do it for me, bebe. If this isn’t arousing you, we stop now.”

  Adriana spread her legs and looked up at him. Her cheeks flushed.

  He slid his hand over her pussy, reveling in her wetness. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  “You need to look at me and ask for each swat.” Part of him wanted to refuse. Her emotions had been all over the place lately and he had no idea what was going on in her head.

  She turned toward him and swept her hair back. “Two more, please, Master.”

  Again, she surprised him. “Two, huh? Okay.” He cupped his hand causing the sound to amplify as he administered the swats.

  “Harder, please, Master.” She met his gaze. Her eyes were dilated and her breathing had shallowed.

  “How many?” He was allowing her to top from the bottom, but this time he was okay with it.


  “Five and you want them harder?” Tears dotted her lashes and his heart was pounding. Tension coiled inside him. There was little doubt that she was aroused, but he wished he understood why she was crying. He knew she had a high threshold for pain. She’d proven it many times since she’d been injured. So if it wasn’t physical pain making her cry, it had to be emotional.


  It had been an exhausting afternoon and he’d been wrong to stay in his office alone. He should have brought her home and discussed with her everything that had been going through his head. He’d sure made a lot of mistakes these last eight months. Damn it! He’d better not be making another one.

  André alternated cheeks, but gradually increased the intensity. By the fifth strike, her skin was hot and the prettiest shade of pink he’d ever seen.

  “Harder, please.”

  He caressed her ass and she began to move against him, rocking back and forth. Sliding his fingers into her pussy, he was satisfied she was enjoying her spanking. “Why?”

  She looked up at him. “I can take it.”

  Her answer confirmed his suspicions. “To what point, princess? What we’re doing right now has you hot and wet.”

  Adriana blinked at him in surprise.

  “The goal was to arouse you, not hurt you.” André feared she was still trying to live up to her idea of the perfect submissive.

  “What about you? Is this enough for you?” There was a catch to her voice.

  “Exciting you excites me.” He withdrew his fingers from her pussy and put them in his mouth. “The idea of truly hurting you makes me ill, Adriana. You have nothing to prove. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  She searched his face for something. A moment or two later she said, “Five more please, Master.” She smiled at him and relaxed onto the bed.

  André drew his hand back, pleased to see she stayed calm and accepting. The smile faded and a look of pleasure took its place. Her soft coos had his dick eager to be inside her.

  After the last swat, he massaged her cheeks. “You have a perfect ass.”

  Her giggle was carefree and his heart soared.

  “May I have the last five, Master?” She wiggled her butt.

  “With pleasure, princ
ess.” He slid two fingers inside her first. She was so wet it took all his self-control to hold back. He wanted to bury his cock deep in her pussy. André pulled out and circled her clit.

  Adriana arched her back and moaned, “Please, Master.”

  Time to take back control. Raising his hand he gave her a single swat then caressed her clit again.

  She writhed on his lap.

  “Your orgasms belong to me, Adriana.”


  He smacked her once more. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Master.” She was panting and rocking her hips against him.

  After two more swats, he stopped and entered her pussy. As he stroked her G-spot, she cried out.

  “Please, Master.”

  “Please what, bebe?” He knew she was close. Seeing her flushed and unable to remain still was something he’d never tire of.

  “Fuck me.” Her voice was strained.

  “We haven’t finished your spanking.” Yeah, he was a sadistic bastard. He didn’t enjoy dispensing pain, but he got hard as hell watching her ride the edge.

  “Spank me, fuck me”—she rocked in time with his strokes—“just let me come.” She slid her arms out in front of her and clenched the sheet. “Please, Master. I need you.”

  He groaned. She knew exactly how to get him hot as hell. André gave her the last swat. “As you wish, princess.”

  She pushed up onto her arms then rose to her knees. He slid out from under her, concerned about the pressure she was putting on her leg. Quickly, he picked her up, laid her back onto the mattress and arranged the pillows under her.

  He stepped off the bed and stripped out of his clothes. As much as he wanted to go slowly and make her beg for release, he knew it wasn’t going to happen. He was wound too tight.

  Adriana went up on her elbow and slid her mouth around his cock while sending him a bratty-as-fuck look.

  He took her by the hair and pulled her away from him. “You’re in trouble for that one, princess.”

  She giggled. “You’re teasing me so I thought I’d return the favor.”

  God, he loved her. He wanted a ring on her finger to match the collar around her neck.


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