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Bondage Included

Page 15

by Tori Carson

  He picked up her bra. “Open.”

  Her eyes widened as she obeyed him. He slid the material into her mouth and tied the straps behind her head. The sparkle in her eyes told him she didn’t consider it much of a punishment, but he didn’t care. She looked so damn sexy.

  “Maybe I should edge you all night instead of bringing you the release I’d planned.”

  She groaned and shook her head.

  “Whose choice is it, princess?” He tried to hold onto his Dom face, but doubted he was highly successful.

  She started to speak, but gave up and pointed at his chest.

  “That’s right.” He moved between her legs and slid inside her, knowing he’d found his home. Wherever Adriana was, that was home. “You better ask for permission before you come, princess.”

  Adriana laughed and pointed to the bra.

  “You’ll have to get creative.” He started moving. Though he’d wanted a slow and leisurely pace, it just didn’t work out that way. After the first stroke, he knew he’d waited too long. He held her hips still as he pounded into her.

  She arched her back drawing him deeper still. Her arms were above her head digging into the mattress as she writhed. The gag did little to muffle the delicious sounds coming from her. He shifted his position bringing each downward stroke directly in line with her clit.

  A look of anxiousness crossed her face and she grabbed his arms, mumbling something.

  “Yes, bebe, come for me.”

  She tossed her head back and screamed. As soon as her tight muscles clenched around him, he was lost. She was too perfect to resist. He kept moving while the aftershocks coursed through them.

  “I love you, Adriana.” He kissed her forehead and collapsed overtop her.

  * * * *

  “Congratulations, Adriana, it’s positive.” The doctor held up the stick indicating she was pregnant.

  A loud buzzing began inside her head. It couldn’t be true. Surely, this was a bad joke. “I can’t be. It’s gotta be wrong. I’m on the pill. I take it every day. Every. Single. Day. Without Fail.”

  “You’ve been on very high doses of antibiotics. They’ve been known to reduce the efficacy of birth control pills,” he explained patiently.

  She buried her face in her hands. It certainly explained the feelings of exhaustion, nausea and mood swings. Oh fuck! What was she going to tell André? He was just getting used to the idea of speaking to her family. How would he react to having one of his own? It was too soon.

  For the rest of the doctor visit, Adriana was on autopilot. As she wheeled into the lobby, André walked to her. “What did he say?”

  “I’ll tell you later.” Much, much later.

  André held open the door and followed her out. She drove the scooter to the passenger side and stopped, dreading getting into the car. There’d be no way to evade him then.

  Within moments, she was buckled into her seat and André had the scooter stored. Once he’d started the car and pulled into traffic, he started pumping her for information. “Do you have an infection?”

  “No. He said I needed to take vitamins and get more rest.” And I’m pregnant.

  “That’s it? There’s nothing wrong? Did he run any tests?”

  “No, there isn’t anything wrong.” Technically, that is the truth. “Yes, he did run tests and everything looks good. He said the fatigue and mood swings are perfectly normal.” For a pregnant woman. “I just need to get more sleep.”

  “Did you ask about physical therapy? Should you take a few days off?” He sounded worried.

  She was a terrible liar and he probably knew something was up, but she didn’t know how to break this kind of news to him. It could go either way. He could be happy or he could freak the fuck out. “No, I need to go.” She was feeling antsy and needed the workout. Right now, there was too much pent-up energy in her system.

  “I don’t like it. We should go home and you should go to bed…to take a nap.”

  “I’ll nap once we get home.” Funny, how André’s house felt like home. She reached out to him and he immediately took her hand.

  “Bebe, are you okay?” he asked sincerely, taking glances at her as often as it was safe to do so while driving.

  She kissed his knuckles. “I’m fine, André. Really, I am.” She forced a smile and made small talk for the rest of the trip.

  While they were sitting waiting in the lobby for her appointment, André turned to her. “I have an errand to run, Adriana. Do you mind if I take care of it once they call you back?”

  It was the first time he’d asked. Her tummy knotted with guilt for making him worry about her. “It’s fine, André. I’ll text when I’m done.”

  As soon as they called her name and she was settled, he headed out of the door.

  Adriana completed the workout, but she didn’t feel the relief she had hoped for. All she felt was tired and nervous as hell. When she made it to the lobby she saw he was already there and waiting for her.

  “We should eat, bebe,” he told her once they were back in his car.

  “Okay.” She wasn’t hungry, but she had to think about more than just her wants now.

  “I have a special place in mind. Will you indulge me?” He sounded excited.

  Something in his voice caught her attention. “I’d like that. I hope it isn’t fancy, though. I’m all sweaty and smell like something the cat wouldn’t drag in.” She couldn’t help but smile. His happiness was catching.

  “It’s casual, bebe, but important to me.” He got on I-17 and headed north. At Peoria, he exited and headed down the access road.

  She turned sideways in her seat and looked out of the window. “I’ve seen this place before. The trees and plants are beautiful. Is the food good?” She didn’t care. The views were fantastic and it was special to André. That was enough.

  “The food is excellent. I come here when I’m feeling homesick. I think you’ll like it.” He pulled into a parking spot and brought the scooter around to her.

  As they went up the walkway, she marveled at the different shades of green. Phoenix wasn’t known for its lush landscaping.

  Apparently, he’d called ahead because the benches were lined with people waiting for a seat, yet they walked right in.

  The hostess took them back to a secluded room off to the side of the main dining area. Once they were seated, she took their drink order and left them alone.

  “This place is amazing, André. Thank you for bringing me here.” She reached across the table and he took her hand.

  “I’m so proud of you, Adriana. I hope you know that.”

  She didn’t feel worthy of his praise. Maybe she should come clean. They were in relative privacy yet they were in public enough that he probably wouldn’t make a scene or storm off.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the waitress heading their way.

  “Mr. Devereaux, it’s good to see you again.”

  “Sandy, how have you been?” His smile seemed genuine, but he looked a bit tense.

  “Just great, sir, thank you. What can I get for you today?” She blushed.

  Adriana knew how she felt. André was a handsome man. She could just imagine what Sandy had in mind. For the first time, she wasn’t jealous. It was a rather nice change of pace.

  “Adriana, have you had enough time to look over the menu?” He smiled at her. After scrutinizing her face, he seemed to relax a little.

  “Why don’t you order for me? You know what I like.” She winked at him and watched his smile grow.

  “Two crawfish etoufees, Sandy,” he ordered without taking his eyes off Adriana.

  Crawfish? Oh, she hoped it came with sides. She wasn’t sure she could eat that, but she wasn’t about to spoil his fun.

  “Yes, sir.” Sandy turned and left the room.

  “She has it bad for you,” Adriana teased him a bit.

  He sighed heavily. “I don’t know what’s going on with her, but she blushes like a school girl every time I com
e here. Thank you for not letting it upset you.”

  “She likes what she sees, I can’t fault her for that.” Maybe all those times he’d told her she mattered were finally sinking in… That and he’d finally admitted he loved her. Yeah, that was definitely a game changer.

  He let go of her hand and stood up, reaching into his pocket. After pulling something out, he dropped to one knee beside her.

  Adriana’s heart stumbled. Oh, my God!

  His hand shook a little as he opened the box revealing a gorgeous wedding ring of diamonds and sapphires.

  Tears started to trickle down her cheeks.

  “Adriana, I love you. I want to share the rest of my life with you. Since that first day at the munch, I’ve learned what a hollow existence I was living. You’ve changed all that. Each day with you is a gift I’ll never take for granted. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy and to be what you need. Please, Adriana, say you’ll be my wife.”

  She wanted to say, yes. She wanted to jump into his lap and never leave the safety of his arms, but that wouldn’t be fair. Using the napkin, she dabbed the tears from her eyes then held tight to her tummy.

  “Adriana”— his face fell—“what is it?”

  “I’m pregnant.” She looked out of the window, too afraid to face him.

  He pulled her chin back toward him. “What?” His eyes were searching hers.

  “I’m going to have a baby. The doctor said the antibiotics reduced the efficacy of the pill and we haven’t exactly been abstinent. I swear I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t do this on purpose,” she answered in a rush.

  André stood up and her heart clenched. He looked around the empty room then fell back down on his knees beside her. “I’m going to be a dad?”

  “Only if you want to be. I’m not going to trap you into something you don’t want or can’t handle. I’m a big girl. I can do this alone if that’s the way you want it.”

  He collapsed down onto his heels and shook his head. “No way in hell, bebe.” A smile crept across his face. “I’m going to be a dad.” He pulled her into his arms and struggled to his feet then spun her around. “Woo-hoo!” he shouted.

  Sandy and the manager both rushed in to see what was wrong. He turned to them as the door swung shut. “I’m going to be a dad!” He looked down at Adriana. “And a husband?”

  Heat flooded her face and she nodded shyly.

  “Hot damn!” He turned back toward the manager. “Champagne all around except for you. My princess will have juice.”

  Chapter Ten

  André stood in front of his friends and new family feeling like the luckiest man in the world. His beautiful bride raised the piece of cake toward his face and the twinkle in her eye had him worried.

  “Unless you want to be tied to the bed and edged for our entire honeymoon, that cake better go in my mouth and not on my face,” he whispered while giving her his best Dom glare.

  She gave him a wink. “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  Adriana gently fed him a bite of their wedding cake and he returned the favor in kind.

  She went up on her tippy toes. “I love you, André. You’re my happily ever after.”

  He took her in his arms and held her tight. “You’re my world, Adriana.”

  Toward the back of the hall, fists started flying. Adriana started giggling and shaking her head.

  Mr. Parma came up beside him and stuck out his hand. “Welcome to the family, son.”

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Desired Discipline: Bondage Seduction

  Tori Carson


  Chapter One

  Meri looked in the mirror of the ladies locker room at DiscipliNation. Her dress had looked cute on the size two mannequin at the fet store. The black spandex mini-dress with strategically placed slashes had seemed like a good idea. It was daring but allowed all her truly private areas to remain private—and kept her from wearing a bra or panties. Damn it, if she pulled the dress down to keep it from showing the cheeks of her ass, the slits opened up like she’d been in a shredder accident.

  Decision time. Turn around, go home and be satisfied to only read about other people fulfilling their fantasies, or pull off her big girl panties and give this a try. Hell, she’d already spent an enormous amount of money to join the club. What did she have to lose—except her modesty and boredom?

  Taking a deep breath, then two. Okay, one more maybe… She bent over and removed her underwear. After stuffing it into her locker, she looked at the ceiling—anywhere but the mirror—and forced one foot in front of the other until she’d entered the great hall. The low, steady beat of music drew her farther into the room. She stayed as close to the walls and in the shadows as possible. Maybe if she could make it to the bar, she could melt into the scenery for a while and get her nerves under control. Why was it way over there?

  She caught herself pulling down her skirt then remembered how bad that looked and let it ride back up. Turning toward the locker room, she considered running out of the place before anyone noticed her.

  “Welcome to DiscipliNation, I’m Master Ted.”

  Meri froze, hearing the deep baritone voice behind her. Too late. She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could vanish. Meri tried to breathe. Short, shallow breaths were all she could manage. She plastered a smile on her face, opened her eyes, turned around and looked up. Way up. Holy fucking shit! What was he, six foot five? Meri was tall, five foot twelve was how she usually phrased it. What a pleasant change to find a man actually taller than she was.

  She extended her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Meri.”

  She’d never met a more imposing, sexy man in her life. With his jet-black hair and striking blue eyes, he set her heart pounding. Normally, she wasn’t a fan of the goatee look, but on him, it worked. Thank God, she hadn’t run back into the locker room. Just meeting this man was worth the price of membership.

  When he took her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles, she almost swooned. Do women still swoon these days? Probably not. Most likely that went out with the vapors. Damn it, Meri, focus.

  “If this is your first time here, let me show you around and answer any questions you might have.” He slid her hand around his biceps.

  Oh hell, yeah. “That’s very sweet of you. Thank you.”

  “Have you filled out an interest inventory? If you let me see it, I could introduce you to likeminded people.”

  “No.” Should she admit she was overwhelmed by it? She didn’t even know what half the things on there were. “This is my first time venturing into a club or exploring the lifestyle.” She met his gaze and basked in his warm smile. “I was a little confused by it all, actually.”

  “I’ll be happy to talk you through it. Would you like to look around first?”

  “I’d love to see more of the club.” Maybe she’d learn a bit and be able to speak more intelligently about the inventory.

  They continued along the path Meri had been walking. The first piece of equipment they came across was a beautiful, dark wood table. It had a thin layer of padding along the middle with restraints at all four corners. There was a stack of sheets on a shelf underneath.

  “Is this for wax play?” Meri whispered. No one was close by, but it seemed too naughty to talk about it out loud.

  “Yes. Do you enjoy sensation play?” Ted was gazing down at her like a tiger hungry for a meal.

  Meri raised her shoulders the slightest bit. “I have no idea. I’m afraid I haven’t experienced much outside the vanilla realm and probably toward the conservative side of that.” She gave a nervous chuckle.

  The smile that slid across Ted’s face sent butterflies through her tummy. “Everyone in the lifestyle was a newbie at one point. How did you get attracted enough to seek out a club?”

  “I love to read BDSM novels and I’m on several Internet discussion groups. The authors encouraged those of us that wished we
could experience it in real life to find a club.”

  “That’s smart. It’s a much safer environment to explore your kink in. Is there anything in particular that you’d like to see? During the week, it’s a bit quieter than on party nights. It’s a good way to get your feet wet without being overwhelmed.”

  “Exactly my thoughts. Thank you for giving me a tour. If I ask too many questions, just tell me to shut up.” If he was offering to explain this stuff to her, she was going to take him up on it. Who knew when she’d get the chance again?

  “I would never tell you to shut up. I’d be much more inclined to put a ball gag in that sexy mouth of yours than ever speak to you so crassly.”

  Oh holy crap, he wasn’t kidding. “A warning first that I’m exceeding my question quota would be appreciated.”

  His deep, rich laughter curled her toes, or maybe it was the ball gag threat. Whatever the cause, sign her up for more please.

  “Hmm, I’ll consider it. Hop up on the table. You can get an idea of what goes through a sub’s head before the play begins.”

  Why does this feel like a test? She wasn’t wearing any panties. If anyone walked past the table, they’d be able to see her…everything. What if Master Ted walks to the end of the table? The thought alone had wetness pooling where her underwear should have been. What was the point in coming here if she chickened out before trying anything?

  “Should we put a sheet down first or is it okay without one?” Oh hot damn, that’s one sexy smile he’s sporting. Yes, coming here was a good decision indeed.

  “If you want to enjoy wax play—yes, we would need to put a sheet down. You’ll also need to strip. If you want to just put your toes in the water, so to speak, and see what the anticipation feels like—no.”

  “I didn’t bring my nose plugs or a towel, so I think I’d better stay out of the deep end tonight and just dip my toes in.”

  “Oh, we have plenty of plugs, but they aren’t designed for your nose.”


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