Blood by Moonlight

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Blood by Moonlight Page 12

by Jocelynn Drake

  He cared about Jenna as he had never cared about another woman in the course of his life. She had become important to him. Now she was in danger, whether she believed she was or not.

  He rose to his feet. Despite his intention to keep away from her, he had to go. He had to be sure she was safe. At the very least, he would place himself between Jenna and Dagrith. That much he could do.

  He thanked Aaron for letting him know, then moved into his bedroom. He put on a black tee, black leather coat, and leather pants. He donned heavy boots.

  Taking a deep breath, he headed up the long pathway on a quick levitated flight and left his commune.

  One thing for sure, he'd never felt better in his long-lived vampire life. Jenna's blood had empowered him, strengthened him, and made him in some strange way battle ready.

  Yet he didn't want to fight Dagrith. He believed in the sacred nature of territory in his world. But he also understood Jenna's desire to do what she could for Britt. Her sister was important to her, perhaps the most important thing in her life. How could she not go after the vampire who had enslaved and possibly killed her?

  As he flew through the air, he began to seriously question a set of laws that would allow a sociopath like Dagrith to continue to enslave and brutalize human women.

  As he made his way toward the rave, he hoped like hell he wasn't too late.

  JENNA WAS GRATEFUL when the band took a break because it dropped the decibel levels to a tolerable hum of excited conversation. Her head ached from the tension she carried, just waiting for Dagrith to show.

  She glanced around. Many of the women were in costume, including the vampire females. But most of the males, vampires or otherwise, were garbed in black. Given their pale skin, it was a striking look all the way around.

  Suddenly, the air in the room changed, as though the temperature dropped several degrees. Her heart rate kicked up a few notches. She watched groups of male vampires draw away from the door.

  A break in the crowd revealed a sight that tore a cry from Jenna's throat.

  Her sister stood thirty feet away from her, thin as a rail, the bones of her shoulders and clavicle protruding, her skin horribly white. She had shadows beneath her eyes and bruises on her arms, chest, and face. Her lips looked odd, swollen perhaps, but covered in blood-red lipstick.

  She wore a BDSM collar, but unlike Treyne's version, this one had sharp spikes that faced up and down, clearly intended to torture her. Even at that distance, Jenna could see small rivulets of blood streaking down her neck and chest. Except for Britt's actual death, Jenna saw her worst fears realized.

  Still, Britt clung to Dagrith as though he was her lifeline and not her torturer.

  Jenna shifted her gaze. He was just as Treyne described him, taller and bigger. His eyes were black, like dark pits that swallowed all light. His blond hair hung in strings to his shoulders. His entourage surrounded him.

  He moved into the building and with each step, Treyne's vampires moved back, like magnets that pushed away from each other.

  Jenna knew her moment had come. If she was going to take action, it had to be now.

  She slipped her gun from her pocket and pressed it to her side. Her Glock didn't have a safety so she was ready to go. She just needed to get close enough to make sure she didn't hit anyone else by accident.

  She saw her opening and moved fast. She lifted her arm, supporting her hand as she'd been taught by her instructors, then fired.

  The bullet grazed Dagrith's head. She'd been so close. She pulled the trigger a second time, but a blur came at her and before the second bullet left the chamber, her arm was pointed at the ceiling and the bullet bit into the wood rafters above.

  "Jenna," Dagrith said, holding her arm aloft. "I recognize you from having seen you with Britt a few times. How nice to meet you at last. Although I must say, your greeting was rather unkind." He kept hold of her arm and lowered it slowly back to her side. He didn't release her. He took the gun and handed it to one of his vampires.

  "Let my sister go."

  His brows rose as if he was innocent of anything and everything. "Oh, but I can't. We're Treathen bonded and I care for her very deeply."

  "You've abused her. Even I can see that. How does that mean that you care for her?"

  He leaned close and sniffed her neck. He narrowed his eyes. "I smell a vampire's scent on your skin. Master Treyne's, I think. I also detect just a hint of a Treathen bond. How extraordinary. Sisters, both bound to master vampires. That would have to be some sort of record."

  "We are not bound."

  At that he smiled and the expression in his dark eyes grew cold and harsh. Jenna began to tremble. "Yes, I can tell that you're not," he said. "Which is very lucky for me."

  Before she knew what he meant to do, he grabbed her neck from behind, then, holding her tight, he sank his fangs into her throat. A moment later, he began to drink.

  Jenna couldn't move. The fingers at the base of her neck pressed hard. She felt as though Dagrith would crush her with just a little more pressure.

  She could see Britt over his shoulder as his head bobbed. Her sister met her gaze and mouthed her name. Jenna reached her free hand toward her, but Britt just shook her head. She looked so hopeless, and why wouldn't she? Up close Jenna could see that some of the bruises were fresh and others were yellow and very old. She was horribly emaciated.

  Jenna realized that Britt would die some time in the coming weeks if she did not get help. But what use was Jenna, when the same monster who had abducted Britt was now sucking down Jenna's blood?

  She had no way to defend herself, and all of Treyne's vampires stayed at a considerable distance.

  As Dagrith drank, she suddenly felt the familiar mist begin to envelop her. The Treathen bond.

  She could almost laugh at the absurdity that while she was adamant against forging the bond with Treyne, Dagrith was casting his mist just because he could.

  The mist tightened around her, pulling her mind toward Dagrith. She began to sink into his identity, losing her own. Treyne had said each bond was different and this one was clearly based on Dagrith's self-absorbed, sadistic nature. She could feel that very soon, she would belong to Dagrith body and soul, just as Britt did.

  WHEN TREYNE ARRIVED in the parking lot of the rave building, he was met by a dozen of his most powerful vampires. All had the same tale to tell, that Dagrith was inside binding Jenna to him, that her sister, Britt, was present and near death's door, and that Dagrith's entourage was muscling through the crowd, grabbing human women, and forcing them to share nourishment.

  Treyne headed toward the door but waved them to follow in his wake.

  Rage moved over him, in him, through him. He hated how Dagrith and his vampires were treating these women. But under the laws of their world, what could he do? Even though this was his territory, Dagrith, because of his master status, was untouchable, as well as those under his command. By every ancient tradition of their kind, Treyne had no right to interfere.

  So what the hell was Treyne supposed to do? He had to uphold the sanctity of his laws, but the moment he reached the entrance and saw the binding mist surrounding Jenna, every cell in his body cried out for vengeance. He knew that there was no way Jenna would ever have agreed to the bond.

  Time grew to a halt.

  His gaze took in a skeleton of a woman standing behind Dagrith. At first he thought she was in costume. Then he realized he was looking at Britt, that she probably hadn't eaten well in months, and that she'd had her blood drained way too often. She stood very close to Dagrith, one hand on his shoulder as his head bobbed at Jenna's neck.

  He could also feel the moment that Dagrith succeeded fully in binding Jenna to him.

  All his beliefs about his vampire culture, his strong convictions to avoid the Treathen bond, his commitment to never interfere in another master vampire's actions, ended right here. Dagrith had violated Jenna's free will just as he had cruelly abused Britt. He'd hidden behind their vampire
traditions for centuries.

  When Dagrith released Jenna, she crumpled to the floor.

  Treyne threw his head back and roared. He had caused this. By holding to his beliefs, he had created this moment since he had been unwilling to challenge a fellow master because of principle.

  He stared at Jenna on the floor. She was still breathing but she no longer belonged to herself. He could feel that Dagrith's bond was a terrible thing, nothing short of the theft of her soul. And so long as Dagrith drew breath he would continue to harm human females without repercussion.

  Maybe that was what Treyne had learned from Jenna and from her culture, that crimes should never be ignored no matter who commits them or under what circumstances.

  Dagrith turned to Treyne, smiling. "I could smell your scent on her, Treyne. How charming to think that I had taken something from you, and all because you hold to your antiquated notions."

  Treyne walked toward him slowly. "You mean like the sacredness of territory? Of respecting a master vampire's right to do as he pleases?" He waved a hand that encompassed Britt. "Even to destroy lives as he pleases, without consequences?"

  Dagrith's smile grew. "Yes, exactly." He drew a white kerchief from his pants pocket and dabbed at his lips. "Your woman's blood is exquisite, by the way, a very floral taste. Rose with just a hint of lilac, I think."

  Everything shifted for Treyne as he stared at Jenna's inert body. He realized in this moment how much he had grown to love her over the past year and how the recent lovemaking had served to solidify that love. He understood then that he was already bound to her, as bound as if he had already forged a Treathen bond with her. He also knew that if he had overcome his prejudice and had bound her, she would not be in Dagrith's grip.

  He met Dagrith's gaze. "No more," he whispered.

  "What did you say?" Dagrith asked, still smiling.

  Before Treyne had formed the thought, he launched at Dagrith, levitated behind him, and sank his fangs into the back of Dagrith's neck.

  Dagrith jerked wildly, but Treyne had his legs locked around the vampire's waist, both arms encasing Dagrith's head. Gripping one hand on Dagrith's forehead, he twisted hard.

  Dagrith screamed, then the scream was cut short, since his vocal cords no longer had lungs anywhere near them to create sound.

  Treyne jumped back.

  Dagrith's body crumpled next to Jenna, blood pouring from the neck stalk. Treyne released the head, letting it fall next to Dagrith's twitching remains.

  Treyne immediately removed his coat and threw it over what would soon be a very dead master vampire.

  He stepped around Dagrith and picked Jenna up, holding her in his arms. He ordered his vampires to get all the humans out of the building, to send everyone home. Many of the women were weeping as they ran out.

  When only vampires remained, Treyne ordered his servants to dispose of Dagrith. "Take both the head and body and burn them on a pyre outside the commune as a warning."

  Several of his vampires hurried forward and took charge of what was left of Dagrith.

  He waved the rave manager forward and within seconds he had his crew cleaning up the mess.

  Cradling Jenna in his arms, he meant to deal with Dagrith's followers next. But the vampires attached to Dagrith stood off to the side as a group and were blinking strangely as though being brought out of thrall.

  Then Treyne understood. So that was how Dagrith had ruled. He had infected his entire commune with his truly evil methods. Even his followers hadn't acted of their own volition.

  He couldn't leave them without a master so he asked, "Will you serve me?" His voice boomed through the still-silent building.

  One by one the vampires knelt before him and professed their allegiance. The last one to do so spoke in a quiet voice, his face shaded with his hand. "Many humans have died in Dagrith's commune, but there are several that could still be saved. They'll need care and food. Some will require medical attention."

  Treyne nodded, then gave his last order of the night, sending his vampires to Dagrith's commune to rescue the surviving humans.

  JENNA AWOKE IN the hospital. She felt so weak. She couldn't exactly remember what had happened. She glanced up at the IV attached to her arm. What flowed through the tube was dark red.


  She was getting a transfusion and that's when she remembered. Dagrith.

  She sat up quickly, fearful that he was near, but her dizziness forced her to lie back down. She moaned. Her neck hurt.


  She glanced to her left and there was Treyne.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "Staying near you. Making sure you're safe."

  She glanced at the wall expecting to find windows, but there weren't any. She felt so disoriented. "What time is it?"

  He glanced at the clock near the TV. "Almost noon."

  "Noon?" she cried, feeling panicky. "But you shouldn't be here. This is a human hospital, right? Prescott?"

  "True, but after the Prescott police vouched for me, you were put in one of the interior rooms so that I could stay with you. Everyone has been very kind."

  She put her hand to her head, trying to remember. Tears burned her eyes. "Treyne, I'm so sorry. I have something I need to tell you. I went to the Halloween rave and now I'm bonded with Dagrith. I'm so sorry." She told him how the shot she'd fired had grazed Dagrith's head, then related what had followed.

  He had his hand over hers and nodded solemnly. "You were bonded to him at one point, but not anymore."

  "I don't understand. I thought the Treathen bond was permanent."

  Treyne rose up to his imposing height and drew closer. He took her hand, then sat down on the bed beside her. He told her what had happened after she passed out, even what he'd done to Dagrith. She couldn't stop the tears that tracked down her cheeks. She leaned forward, ignoring her dizziness, and embraced him.

  "I know what this cost you," she said, hugging him hard. "You broke the ancient traditions for me and for my sister."

  "There were others, as well. At least a dozen women, but we were able to bring them here. All will recover."

  "Oh, thank God." She drew in a deep breath. "And Britt?" Her lips trembled. She pinched them together, holding back more tears.

  But at the mention of her sister, Treyne smiled. "Would you like to see her?"

  "She's alive then?"

  Treyne nodded. "Next door. I have permission to take you to her, if you want to go."

  "Yes, more than anything."

  Treyne rounded the bed to the other side so that he could reach Jenna's IV stand. He picked her up in his arms and Jenna grabbed the stand. "Have you got it?" he asked.

  "It will roll, so if you move slowly, we're good."

  With one arm hooked around his neck, and her free hand controlling the stand, he carried her to Britt's room.

  Her sister also had an IV. She lay on her side facing the door, her eyes closed and her hand curled beneath her cheek. She had cuts all over her chin and throat from the collar. Her bruises looked terrible beneath the fluorescent lights.

  "Britt?" Jenna called to her softly.

  Britt's eyes fluttered open. "Jenna," she said. She smiled, then made room in the bed for her. Treyne laid her down on her side to face Britt.

  Jenna wept. She kept petting her sister's shoulder, and tears streamed from her eyes, even more so when Britt said, "Stop crying." She wiped at Jenna's tears with her fingers. "I'm here."

  She was so thin. "What do the doctors say, about your health, I mean?"

  "That I'm severely malnourished and will require months to heal. I won't be leaving the hospital soon." She shifted her gaze to Treyne. "Thank you, master, for all that you've done. You saved so many women last night and we're so grateful."

  Jenna turned to look up at him and saw the haunted look in his eye. She grabbed his hand and squeezed. "You are not allowed to feel bad about any of this."

  He met her gaze. "I should have acted sooner."

  "And so should I, but I didn't. It took me an entire year to work up the courage to confront you in your commune."

  He drew a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut for a long moment. When he opened them, he nodded slowly. "Then we'll let the past reside in the past, okay?"

  She nodded several times. "Agreed. We'll move forward from here."

  She then turned to Britt and for the next several hours lay beside her, slept a lot, and when both were feeling better, Britt began to speak about all that she had endured. In turn, Jenna shared her recent experience at Treyne's judicial chamber and how differently she viewed the vampire world now.

  TWO WEEKS LATER, Jenna had Treyne in her house once more, only this time on a more permanent basis.

  The Victorian that she lived in, though nicely restored, had way too many windows for a vampire during the day. But the hour was midnight, Treyne had cooked for her and then she had given him nourishment, while sitting on his lap, his lips sucking at her neck.

  She had been out of the hospital for over a week and her blood supply was fully restored, so much so that the doctor declared her sufficiently well to give sustenance to her vampire boyfriend.

  Of course, the sharing of blood had brought about a new problem, one that Treyne suggested they resolve in her bedroom. She led him by the hand, unable to believe this was happening, that she was finally taking Treyne into her bed.

  Her room had almost a French look with black and white as the main color scheme with a few scarlet accents, like her sheets.

  "I have always thought this room was both elegant and powerful," he said.

  "I redid it a few months ago, not long after I met you. I hate to confess this, but I was thinking of you when I did it."

  His brows rose. "You were?"

  "I was so attracted to you and if ever I had you in my bedroom, other than to just show you the layout, I wanted you to feel comfortable."

  He chuckled softly and drew her into his arms. "That is one of the many things I love about you, Jenna. You are always thinking of others."

  She caressed his face and leaned up to kiss him. "Well, I'm not so sure about that, but I am definitely always thinking about you."


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