Allister, J. Rose - Disowned Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Allister, J. Rose - Disowned Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 22

by Allister, Rose J.

  “You know what you want,” Kyle said to Dillon in a tight voice when he pulled away from his dick. “Take it now.”

  Excitement tickled her senses at his commanding tone. Aimee wondered what he meant for Dillon to do to him and almost voiced the question before Dillon’s head whipped around to her. His eyes were churning with feral gold, and his jaw lengthened just enough to see the tips of fangs protrude. Whatever he had planned, it involved her. Her lust churned faster at the thought.

  As fast as the facial distortion had come, it disappeared again. But his eyes still bore the erotic flame that made her clit throb. She rubbed it harder against Kyle to ease the ache.

  “Bend over,” Dillon said to her in a near growl. “Lay yourself down on Kyle.”

  He got up and moved behind her, pushing her down by the shoulders even though she was already moving to obey. She felt Kyle wriggle his legs apart and Dillon kneel between them. Lying belly-to-belly on Kyle spread her ass cheeks wide, and Dillon slid his wet cock head up against her anus.

  Realizing what he had in mind, she began to wriggle impatiently on Kyle’s cock. He groaned and pulled her lips down to his. “You feel so fuckin’ good,” he said, thrusting his hips upward and his tongue deep inside her mouth. His arms wrapped around her narrow waist, drawing her tight against his slick, muscled body while he ground himself against her pussy until breath left her.

  Then Dillon thrust his shaft in her ass with an animal grunt, and she cried out with a desperate moan of desire she was sure others on the mountain would hear whether she was on private land or not. He leaned over her back until she felt his hot breath against her neck. “You do feel fuckin’ good. Your ass is so tight I already want to fill it full of my cum.” He pushed himself into her again, sending a groan out of Kyle this time. “You want to fuck Kyle hard, do you? How do you want to fuck me, darlin’? How do you want me to give it to you?”

  Another climax was dangerously near, and while she knew she’d explode faster than she wanted if she gave in to the overpowering urge to fuck these men like a wild thing, she also knew primal need would win out.

  She shoved her hips back against him with a grunt. Her nipples tightened as they slid back along Kyle’s chest.

  “Oh, yeah,” he crooned, sliding a hand under her belly and pulling her torso up a bit. “Get up on your hands and fuck me, then. Fuck both our cocks together like a bitch in heat, if that’s what you want.”

  It took a couple shifts in angle to figure out what he meant, but she soon realized that with her hands steadied on the ground above Kyle’s shoulders, she could rock herself up and down on two cocks simultaneously. Once that rhythm took her over, pleasure flooded every inch of her until it crowded out most of her rational thought. Dillon gripped her hips while she pounded herself against them. Kyle reached between their bodies to tweak and pinch her sensitive, tight nipples as her breasts jiggled beneath her. The tangy scent of sex and sweat mingled with fresh mountain air. She whimpered and moaned louder each time she thrust back to fill her lower half with two lovers at once, and every nerve ending in her body soon began screaming for release from the intense pressure building in her clit and pussy.

  Dillon grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her head back. “I can’t wait anymore,” he growled, mimicking her thoughts. “I’m gonna mark you, Aimee. Finally.”

  “Finally?” she breathed. “I haven’t even known you a week.”

  “Yeah. But I’ve been waitin’ for you for years.”

  “Do it, Dillon,” Kyle ground out. “Make your own claim on her flesh.”

  With a snarl that aroused rather than alarmed, she felt his fangs bury themselves in the shoulder opposite from Kyle’s mark. Sexual energy shot through her like cannon fire as she stared ahead, watching the surreal power of the waterfall pouring down to the depths below. She stiffened and cried out as one more thrust took her beyond ecstasy. Dillon reared back, relinquishing his hold on her shoulder as he shouted out her name. The three of them shuddered in ecstatic convulsions that lasted for a seemingly endless stretch, hot cum filling her until it leaked out and wet all their thighs. Climax receded at long last, leaving them panting and collapsed in a fevered, sweaty heap.

  They each remained in their own alternate state of reality for some time as they uncoupled, and Aimee’s breaths and heartbeat slowed only after several silent minutes had passed.

  A short while later, the three of them looked out at the majestic scenery with Aimee reclining against Dillon’s bare chest and Kyle stretched out alongside them. Dillon stroked her hair while she ran a hand absently along Kyle’s rock hard thigh until he captured it to play with the new ring on her finger.

  “I can’t imagine any place more beautiful,” she said while she gawked at the landscape, feeling happy little tingles from his contact with her hand. “And to think you own this view.”

  “This was always my favorite spot,” he said, nodding to a copse of pines nearby. “I used to tie Monty up to that tree over there and just stand here, starin’ out over the cliff.”

  She shot him a look. “Oh, really? I thought I was the first person you bound up on this spot.”

  He grinned. “Monty wasn’t a person. He was my horse.”

  “A horse named Monty?” Dillon asked with a teasing lilt.

  “It was short for Montezuma. Stubborn as all go-get, but a real beauty.” Kyle glanced at Aimee. “A lot like someone else I know.”

  “What happened to him?” she asked. She regretted the words when Kyle’s expression immediately went grim.

  He let go of her hand and sat up, staring out over the falls. “He’s dead.”

  She laid a hand on his thigh. “I’m sorry.”

  “Damn hard, losin’ a good animal,” Dillon added.

  Kyle’s jaw set. “Especially when you’re the one who murdered it.” Her eyes widened, but she tried to maintain a neutral expression when he turned to them. “I killed him the night I changed my brand-new ranch boss into a werewolf.”

  She felt Dillon stiffen slightly behind her. “You never told me you turned someone,” he said.

  “It was an accident.” Kyle scowled and added, “Well, that’s not exactly true. It was my own stupidity that done it. If I’d have just listened to Solomon, it never would have happened.” He fell silent, staring at the landscape.

  “If you don’t want to talk about it…” Aimee said.

  He sat cross-legged, facing them. “It was the first full moon after I was turned. Solomon had saved my life but couldn’t save me from my own denial. I wanted nothin’ to do with bein’ a werewolf, and even less to do with his pack of cowboy and societal rejects. All I wanted was to go back to ranch life. So despite Solomon’s warnin’, I tried to carry on like I hadn’t been turned into somethin’ unnatural. It became obvious straight off that things would never be the same.”

  “Your animals got skittish as hell, no doubt,” Dillon said.

  Kyle grunted. “To put it mildly. That bite effectively ended my career. Although since I was dyin’ when Solomon marked me, I suppose my ranch days were over either way.”

  “You must have had hands on board who could have picked up the slack for you,” Dillon said. “Far as I could tell, that’s how Kade Winchester managed to keep his ranch runnin’ even though both he and his partner are weres.”

  The other man nodded. “Sure, I had cow hands. Fired the lot of ’em after what happened that first full moon.”

  “What did happen?” Aimee asked.

  He picked at a bit of dirt beneath his fingernail. “Didn’t take long for me to figure out I couldn’t be in charge of range work anymore. I couldn’t get near any of my animals—not even Monty. Went out to curry him the next day, and that son of a bitch bucked and whinnied like I was about to rip his throat out. I promoted one of the hands to ranch boss within the week, makin’ up some cock-and-bullshit story about needin’ more time to manage the books. Thought I had my situation nailed down and sealed tight.” He shook his head. �
�Then the full moon hit.”

  “And no one to help you through it,” Dillon said. “Not an experience I wish on anyone.”

  Kyle glanced at Aimee. “You saw what David went through with his first shift.” She nodded, her spine crawling with the uneasy feeling that she knew where his story was headed. “I was alone in my study when my body started rippin’ itself apart. When I changed, instinct took over. I busted right out the window and headed for Solomon—I could sense him out in the woods. I could sense trouble. When I caught the animal scent from the barn, however, a whole other instinct took over. Went straight for Monty and took him down right in his stall. Poor bastard.”

  He paused, and Aimee swallowed down a greasy churn of nausea.

  “It wasn’t until I was tearin’ up the carcass that I picked up a whiff of human scent. My new ranch boss had stayed behind to finish up some work. He wanted to impress me.” His eyes gleamed with dark fire. “He heard the commotion and pulled a pistol on the wolf tearin’ up the barn, but I turned on Jack before he could get a shot off. Not that it would have done him a lick of good, anyway.”

  Aimee sat straight up, away from Dillon. “Jesus.”

  “That’s when the pack showed up. Solomon had meant to come for me before the change hit, but he got waylaid by one of Blaise’s frequent pissin’ contests.”

  Dillon muttered something unintelligible under his breath.

  “Solomon got there in time to keep me from killin’ Jack, but I’d already had my teeth in his flesh. With the moon in full swing, the change came on him in minutes. The barn was full of nothin’ but howls and agonized screams.”

  “Wait. Jack?” Aimee asked. “You don’t mean Jack from the cave the other night?”

  He nodded. “The one who turned David. Ironic, ain’t it?”

  She swallowed. “Solomon took over as his alpha when you turned him, same as he did for David.”

  “He marked Jack as his own and took him into the pack, after all but beatin’ the bloodlust out of me, that is.” He turned to Dillon. “Bet you didn’t realize my past was quite so colorful.”

  Dillon got to his feet. “Can’t say I’d have guessed it. But what happened was an accident. Believe me, I saw much worse livin’ under Blaise’s snout.”

  While the three of them dressed in silence, Aimee contemplated what he must have gone through. “What happened once you shifted back?” she asked. “How did you deal with it?”

  Kyle pulled on his hat and bent over to pry up the metal stakes they’d driven in the ground. “Once I came back to myself, I didn’t even want to live. I couldn’t face what I’d done. I knew then and there that I couldn’t risk hurtin’ anyone else. I fired the rest of the hands and sold off my livestock, along with most of the equipment. Since then, I’ve spent most of my time with Solomon and learnin’ ways to tame my nature.” He stood up, brushing dirt off his bare backside as he gazed around. “I rarely come out here anymore. Bad memories.”

  “Why not just sell the land, too?” Dillon asked. “Get rid of the memories altogether.” His biceps bulged beneath the short sleeves of his tight, black T-shirt as he buttoned his jeans, and despite the somber direction the afternoon had just taken, Aimee couldn’t help but feel a small current of desire watching the muscles flex.

  Kyle’s gaze hardened. “There are some memories we can’t afford to forget. I come back here every year on the anniversary of that night and sleep in that barn. I have to remember what I am and what I am capable of.” He dropped the chains in a pile and rose.

  His blue eyes reflected not only the sky overhead but the blue checked pattern of his shirt. She wandered over to him and wrapped her arms around his taut waist. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. I’m surprised that you’d bring me here at all, if this place stirs up such difficult memories.”

  His arms circled her as well, and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “It was long ago, and high past time to start buildin’ some new memories at the former West Ways Ranch. Memories I want to make with the two of you.”

  Dillon strode up, setting his hat high on his head. “I’d say you’re off to a good start after the rather exhilaratin’ time we just spent with our lady.”

  She loosened her grip on Kyle to catch hold of Dillon’s hand. “I’ll say. I won’t be forgetting that anytime soon.”

  “Thought I might swing us by the house next,” Kyle said. “Let you two have a look-see. I figure it’s time to move back into the old homestead.”

  Dillon raised his head to eye Kyle from under his Stetson. “Is that an offer to be bunkmates?”

  “Unless you prefer sleepin’ under the stars when you ain’t chained up in a cave.” Kyle nudged Dillon’s arm with his elbow. “But if you do, one of the spare bedrooms has a hole in the roof that almost qualifies.”

  “Beats freezin’ my ass off in winter when I’m shiverin’ too hard to manage a shift and pop out some warm fur.”

  Kyle nodded. “Better than bein’ out in the woods where other packs and crazy redheads are lookin’ to take out hostility on the lone wolves.” He sighed. “I will warn you, though, the place has been neglected. Definitely needs some work.”

  “Work is my middle name,” Dillon said with a sexy grin that quickened Aimee’s pulse.

  “I thought devious mind was your middle name,” she teased.

  “I think Kyle will find I made a fair use of my hands back in my ranchin’ days.”

  Kyle grunted. “Oh, I’ve experienced fair use of your hands, among other things.”

  The men exchanged a heated glance that had Aimee licking her lips.

  “The offer applies to you as well, Aimee,” Kyle said, picking up her hand and kissing the back of her ring. “Whenever you’re ready to leave the city grind and move up here with a couple disowned cowboys, you can call dibs on the side of the bed you prefer.”

  She cocked her head and pretended to ponder. “Hm, that depends. Do you steal the covers?”

  “No.” Kyle grabbed her around the waist and swung her around. “But I might just steal you out from under Dillon’s stiff cock every now and then. Alpha’s rights, you know.”

  “That sounds fair. And definitely enticing enough for me to consider commuting to work. I call dibs on the middle of the bed, then. Right between the two of you.”

  “Good.” He lowered her to the ground, letting her slide down his body to feel that his cock was getting hard again. “That’s where you belong.”

  “Maybe I can catch rides from David,” she said, suddenly feeling breathless. “He plans to spend a lot of time up here as well. How do you feel about me carpooling with a fellow werewolf?”

  “Just so long as the fellow werewolves you come home to are the ones standin’ right here,” Dillon said, pulling her to him and slipping a hand inside her blouse. Her nipple tightened, cutting loose a new swarm of butterflies in her stomach.

  Kyle leaned over to flick his tongue over her lower lip. “Let’s hop in the truck so I can take you over to check out our new digs,” he breathed against her.

  She nodded as a surge of contentment and anticipation bubbled up inside her. After years of struggle to take care of responsibilities and keep a roof over her head, she’d finally come home.

  Dillon grunted as he grabbed a bigger handful of her breast. “First thing is to test out each and every mattress in the place,” he said gruffly. “We need to decide which one is most fittin’ to ravage you on all night long.”




  When she’s not conjuring tales of hot cowboys under a full moon, J. Rose Allister enjoys her garden, cooking, movies, and hanging out with her author husband and family in their Southern California home.

  Also by J. Rose Allister

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  , Rose J., Allister, J. Rose - Disowned Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)




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