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Lethal Lies

Page 27

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Not in a million years. They’d let Loretta die, and the image of her lifeless eyes would never completely leave him. “I can keep her safe. Trust me.” Heath clicked off, shaking his head. Those were words he’d never planned to say to a cop. But they’d ride out the day and then get out of town and off everybody’s radar. Whether Anya liked it or not.

  He’d give her this day to participate, and then she was done. Of course, he’d made it so there was really no way for the killer to get to her.

  Movement sounded, and the door unlocked. He slid to the side so Anya could tiptoe out. She was still in the jeans and sweater she’d worn when they’d taken positions at midnight, and her hair was back in a spunky ponytail. After shutting the door, she settled against the wall. He studied her. Whisker burn on her cheeks and maybe a slight bruise on her neck. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  She turned toward him. “One should never apologize for amazing sex.” Her voice was low and soft with a hint of amusement.

  He noted her sparkling green eyes and pleased smile. Any lingering doubt in his mind disappeared. “I really don’t understand you.”

  Her quiet laugh eased the knot in his chest. “I can live with that.” She stretched her neck. “It’s morning time. Shouldn’t we go downstairs and act like it’s a normal day? Almost taunt the killer with that, since he knows we’re waiting for him? I can act like I’m all packed and ready to go on my vacation and out of his reach.”

  Heath shoved his gun into his waistband. The woman had gotten into the killer’s head, now, hadn’t she? Impressive, and yet he still wanted to shield her. “I could use coffee.”

  She frowned. “I don’t see how he can make a move with all of us here.”

  “Agreed.” Which was exactly how Heath wanted it. “My guess is that he can’t make a move, so he’ll get frustrated and make a mistake.”

  Her voice lowered. “But what if he takes another victim?”

  “The FBI is covering potential victims.” Although it would be impossible for them to protect everyone.

  Anya slipped her hand into his. “Coffee. Please, coffee.”

  Her hand felt small and right in his, and he settled himself. So many thoughts and emotions careened through him, he couldn’t find one to use. They had to talk, but they’d be a lot more focused after the day passed. Then they’d figure out what was next with them. “Is Zara sleeping?”

  The door opened. “Nope,” Zara said, tying her hair atop her head. “I heard the word ‘coffee.’” She brushed past them, hurrying for the stairs.

  Anya’s eyes lit. “Let’s go.”

  Heath allowed her to lead him down to the main office, where Denver had already started a pot. “I guess we try to act normal.”

  Ryker unlocked the front door. “Everyone stay on alert. If he strikes, it’ll be when we let our guards down.”

  There was no way Heath would allow that to happen. He couldn’t remember the last time his guard had been truly down.

  Denver tossed some premade breakfast sandwiches into the microwave, and several moments later, they all dug in. Within thirty minutes, everyone had settled at their desks to try to get some work done.

  Before nine in the morning, Zara had fielded five calls from potential new clients. “We’d actually make some decent money if we ran a detective agency here.”

  Maybe someday they’d come out of the darkness and into a real day, but not while Cobb and Madison still breathed. Heath continued conducting Internet searches to trace Cobb’s movements. The guy had purchased plenty of property through the years.

  The front door burst open, and Heath jumped to his feet, reaching for his gun.

  “I wouldn’t.” Special Agent Frederick Reese pointed his weapon at Heath while several other FBI agents, all clearly marked by their jackets, stormed into the room. “Anya Best? I have a court order here allowing the FBI to take you into custody as a material witness.”

  Anya stood, her mouth dropping open. “Are you on drugs?”

  The dick had waited until the courts had opened to get the order. Heath reached for it.

  Reese handed the paper over with a smile on his face and his gun hand steady. “Sorry about this, but I promised Loretta I’d keep Anya safe if anything happened to her. We don’t have the manpower to keep watching your offices like we did last night. Anya is much safer with us than with you. Let her go.”

  He’d never fucking let her go. Fire swept through Heath so quickly he almost swayed. He started to move.

  “Heath,” Denver said from his desk as he stood. “No.”

  Heath counted agents and weapons. Oh, he could take Reese down and press the gun to his jugular, but if somebody started shooting, Anya or his family might get hurt. “What is she a witness to?” He edged toward her. With all the guns out, adrenaline pumped through him with the need to cover her.

  Reese shrugged. “Her sister was taken. She’s a witness.”

  “Bullshit.” Heath crumpled the paper, wanting nothing more than to punch Reese in the face. “There’s nothing she can personally testify to, and you know it.”

  Anya cleared her throat. “I agree. I’m not a witness, and I do not want FBI protection.”

  “Which is why we obtained a court order first thing this morning,” Reese said. “Don’t make me handcuff you.”

  Fury boiled through Heath.

  Ryker instantly made it to his side. No doubt to keep him from doing something disastrous. “This won’t work, Reese.”

  “It already did.” Reese motioned for Anya.

  She faltered and looked at Heath.

  Heath counted agents again. If he and his brothers moved at the same time . . .

  Ryker put a hand on his arm. “We’ll fight this the right way.” His voice vibrated with anger and determination.

  Heath settled himself into battle mode and calmed down before he did something that got Anya hurt. Anger burned him from within, and even his breath heated. The idea of her out of his sight flowed lava-hot adrenaline through his veins. “If anything happens to her, I’m coming after you, and I’m gonna take my time.”

  Reese paled just enough to be noticeable. “You just threatened an FBI agent.”

  “Yeah, I did. And I meant every fucking word,” Heath said, his voice deadly soft. The need to grab her and run nearly pushed him into doing something stupid. Ryker clapped a hand on his arm as if knowing exactly what he was thinking.

  Anya hurried toward the agent. “It’s okay, Heath.” Her voice warned him not to do anything at the moment, and panic had filled her pretty eyes. “Reese loved Loretta. I’ll be safe.”

  Reese nodded. “I’m glad you’re seeing reason.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked, looking uneasily at the surrounding agents.

  “To my office for a couple of hours and then to a safe house,” Reese said, gesturing her toward the door.

  She paused and gave Heath a nod. Her eyes clouded, and her lower lip trembled. Then her shoulders went back. “I’ll be fine.”

  Rage and helplessness kept him rooted in place. “I’ll come get you,” he said, his throat hurting and his voice sounding like his vocal cords had lost a fight with a blade.

  Her gaze softened. “I know.” Then she walked right out the door, surrounded by FBI agents.

  Anya’s mind spun as she was hustled into the back of a black SUV with Reese at her side. She had to get out of there. This was wrong. She needed to be with Heath.

  “Go,” Reese ordered a blond man in the driver’s seat. The guy smoothly pulled away from the curb.

  The leather was new, and the side doors were solid. Anya looked out the rear window to see three other black vehicles move into place behind them. “All for little ole me?” she muttered, her lungs compressing.

  “I promised your sister,” Reese said, holding the mic of his wrist comm unit to his mouth. His gaze was serious and his body tense. “Status?”

  He seemed to listen to somebody, and Anya peered at his ear to see a whit
e earbud like Secret Service guys on television shows used.

  “What did they say?” she whispered. She looked frantically around.

  “No movement following us.” Reese peered out the window before reaching into the far back for a bulletproof vest. He tugged it over Anya’s head and quickly fastened the straps.

  Anya coughed out and allowed him to finish. The vest was heavy around her sweater, and the sense of danger pressed in. The vest was like a vise. “You think he’ll try to shoot me?”

  “No, but I’m not taking chances.” Reese sat back, scanning the buildings flying by outside, his jaw hard. “We’ll be at our offices in a minute, and there’s a procedure for taking a witness from the car inside. I have the back parking lot secure, but we’ll still jump out and get into the building immediately. Once inside, you’ll wait in my office until we take you to a safe house. It’s being readied and secured.”

  The world tilted. Anya shook her head and tried to focus. “I don’t have a say in any of this?”

  “Nope. That’s why I acquired a court order. Unless it gets stayed or overturned, you’re mine for the time being.” He kept his focus out the front window, his voice full of authority. “Take Pine Street, Kent.”

  Kent didn’t speak as he made a sharp right turn.

  Anya shivered, remembering the look in Heath’s eyes. He wouldn’t give up on finding her, and things might get bloody. This was a disaster. The day narrowed, and she tried to concentrate. Damn adrenaline. “I’m not a witness, and you know it.”

  “Don’t care.”

  “Figures my sister would fall for somebody like you,” Anya muttered, anger taking her. The FBI had no right to do this. “I loved her, but she was pushy, too.”

  Reese stiffened. “I’m doing this for her.”

  “She’s not here, and I can make my own decisions. I was safe with Heath and his brothers.” She missed him already. They hadn’t had time to say good-bye. She glanced down at the sparkly ring still on her finger. It felt right. Maybe she could draw some sort of comfort from it. “Heath will find me.”

  Reese snorted. “I don’t care how good of a detective he is. There’s no way he’ll find you if we don’t want him to.”

  She shivered, caught by the ominous tone. Nothing in her could imagine never seeing Heath again. “How long is the order for?” she asked.

  “It’s open-ended, since you’re in so much danger. Until we catch this guy, we have the right to treat you as a material witness.” Reese checked the clip on his gun and then talked into his comms mic again. “One minute out. Have the rear door open.”

  Why hadn’t she brought her gun? She’d left it on the nightstand. “There has to be some way I can fight you legally on this.”

  “There isn’t. With a court order, I have all the power.” Reese placed a hand on her arm, his gaze direct and his voice low with authority. He looked like a capable lawman. Just like her father had. “We’re almost to the office. Are you ready?”

  She swallowed over a lump in her throat. Her breath came shallowly, and she tried to calm herself. “No.”



  Two hours exactly after Anya had walked out of an area he could control, Heath pounded his fist on the metal door of the FBI offices.

  “They’re in lockdown, hence the barricaded metal door.” Detective Malloy chewed on peanuts next to him. “Calm down or they won’t let us in.”

  “Can I help you?” came a tinny voice from a speaker set above the door.

  Malloy grabbed Heath’s arm before he could answer while also looking up into a camera above the door. “Detective Malloy from the Snowville PD. I’m here to see Special Agent Reese, and it’s urgent.”

  Heath barely kept himself from smashing a shoulder into the door.

  “Credentials?” the voice asked.

  Malloy sighed and reached for his wallet, which he flipped open and held up. “You should know my face by now, Shanella.”

  “We have procedure, handsome.” The voice had warmed. “Who’s your friend?”

  Malloy tucked his wallet away. “This here is Heath Jones from the Lost Bastards detective agency in town. He’s got news on the Copper Killer case.”

  There was a pause, and then a buzz went through the door.

  “Let me handle this,” Malloy muttered to Heath, pushing open the door.

  Heath kept silent and flexed his hands into fists.

  He followed Malloy into a reception area that led to another door. Shanella buzzed them into a long hallway.

  Reese strode through the matching door at the other end, his face pissed, a gun visible in his shoulder harness. “You have news?” The heavy door clicked shut behind him.

  “Yeah,” Malloy said, reaching into his coat pocket for a folded piece of paper. “Consider yourself served with a writ of habeas corpus for Anya Best. She’s free until a hearing next week.”

  “Next week? That’s too late.” Reese snatched the writ and quickly scanned it. A vein bulged in his head. “How did you get this so quickly?”

  “I’m good at my job,” Heath said, flashing his teeth. “Sometimes I’m a lawyer.” The second Anya had left, Heath had gotten Denver working on reciprocity while he called Malloy for help and the name of a good judge. “Next week, during the hearing, the judge would like to hear from you how Anya is a witness. How do you feel about perjury charges, asshole?”

  Reese’s lips peeled back. “You do know that taking her from here makes her vulnerable.”

  Heath leaned in. “You fuckin’ cops. Think you can use the law any way you want and then also enforce it?” Past hurts and fury bubbled up, and he had to struggle to force them down. “Taking her from me put her in danger. Use your fuckin’ head.” If he didn’t see her soon, he was going to lose his damn mind.

  “You let her set herself up as bait,” Reese exploded, his cheeks turning a dark red.

  Heath got into his face, enjoying his two extra inches of height. Rage caught in his lungs and squeezed. “There was no way he could get to her, and you know it. I kept her safe and made it so he’d make a mistake and you could catch him, dickhead. She was secure until you moved her.”

  Reese shook his head. “We’re the FBI, dumb-ass. We can keep her safe.”

  “Like you kept her sister safe?” Heath snapped.

  Reese grabbed Heath’s shirt and shoved him against the wall. Heath reacted, breaking the hold and punching Reese full-on in the face. The agent stumbled back and then threw a punch of his own, nailing Heath in the jaw.

  Stars exploded behind Heath’s eyes, and he struck out, smashing his fist into Reese’s gut. Releasing the anger felt good.

  The agent doubled over with a strangled oof.

  Almost casually, Malloy stepped between the two men. “You guys might wanna knock it off. There are cameras, and I’m sure—”

  The door at the end of the hallway burst open, and two male agents ran in, both with their guns out.

  Reese held up a hand to stop them. “We’re fine,” he panted out, straightening.

  The agents looked from him to Heath.

  What the hell was he doing? Heath tucked his aching hands into his jeans pockets. His knuckles really needed a break. “Just had a difference of opinion on defense techniques,” he said smoothly.

  Reese rolled his eyes. “Yeah. We’re fine, men. Stand down.”

  The two agents holstered their guns but didn’t retreat.

  Malloy munched contentedly on more peanuts out of his pocket. “If you’d just get Miss Best for us, we’ll be on our way.”

  Heath breathed in sharply. He had to see her for himself right now. Needed to make sure she was okay.

  Reese snarled. “You’re going to get her killed. Stay here.” He turned on his heel and stomped down the hallway to the closed door, shutting it with a bang. The sound echoed throughout the hallway, and then silence descended.

  Heath could barely breathe. Trying to concentrate, he pulled his phone from his back pocket a
nd dialed Denver.

  “Did you get her?” Denver asked without preamble.

  “I think so. Reese went to get her. At least, he better be on the way.” There was something off with the FBI agent. Maybe it was just losing Loretta, or maybe not. “We need a deeper background on him. I want to know everything he’s ever thought.”

  “I already ran him. He’s clean.” Even so, the sound of Denver typing came over the line. “Of course, the killer is good. Really good. I’m on it.” He clicked off.

  Malloy lifted both eyebrows. “You’re a suspicious son of a bitch.”

  Heath stared grimly at the closed door at the end of the hallway. “You have no idea.”

  Malloy’s phone rang a funky tune, and he took it out. “Malloy.” He listened, his gaze narrowing on Heath. His face went cop hard in an instant. “Interesting. All right. Tell him I’ll call him back in a few moments.”

  Everything in Heath stilled. He swallowed, edging to the left to free his right hand in case he needed to strike out. “What?”

  Malloy leaned back against the wall, somehow still on full alert. “Have you ever heard of a Sheriff Cobb?”

  Run. Fucking run. The order rushed through Heath’s head. Had Cobb found their location already? Heath only needed a few hours to evade them. Where was Anya, damn it? Heath swallowed rapidly, forcing his face into merely interested lines. “Sounds vaguely familiar. Why?” His words had come out harsher than he’d wanted.

  “Guy called the office and wants to talk to me about you. As soon as possible, actually,” Malloy said.

  “Huh.” The world narrowed and dimmed. Heath shook his head. “Why?”

  “Dunno. But I’m going to find out.”

  The door at the end of the hallway opened.

  Anya tried a deep-breathing technique a friend at school had taught her to keep from having another panic attack. She shook her head and kept breathing, following Agent Reese through the bullpen to where he said Heath waited. Without the bulletproof vest, she felt twenty pounds lighter.

  “I’d like for you to reconsider staying here with the FBI,” Reese said once again, his broad body blocking her view of the hallway.


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