Anthony Carrick Hardboiled Murder Mysteries: Box Set (Books 1 - 3)

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Anthony Carrick Hardboiled Murder Mysteries: Box Set (Books 1 - 3) Page 17

by Jason Blacker

  She didn’t say anything for a while. She took a sip of Mary. Pursed her lips and glared at me. It was getting hot in here. But I was cold.

  “She told me she was, and I believed her.”

  “And what you’ve told me Jane is how you have the greatest motive so far to kill both of them. And it seems to me that you’re just as guilty at trying to break up this family as anyone else. Even Maria.”

  I gave her the hairy eyeball on that one but she wasn’t looking. She was looking at some ladies at a table right in our line of site but several feet away. These were dykes with one feminine woman thrown in. I bet Jane’s interest was on the feminine one. I drank beer, Jane drank Mary.

  “Think what you will Anthony, you’ll spend a long time trying to find any evidence against me. And when you finally realize you’re empty what are you going to do then when the police have closed that case. Will you offer a refund? Do you have a money back guarantee?”

  That smarted but I’d had worse. I nursed some beer.

  “Okay tell me about Maria then. I heard from Stephen that he saw Maria and Vanessa getting intimate. Want to tell me about that?” She turned around to face the bar again. I turned too.

  “Not exactly Anthony. That young man is mistaken. You can’t rely on the foggy recollection of a drug addict. Vanessa told me that Maria had tried to make a move on her one time when they were in the kitchen. Maria had tried to grab Vanessa around the neck and kiss her. That’s when Vanessa said that Stephen walked in on them. That was the first and last time. Vanessa was very clear with Maria that if she tried that again she’d be dismissed. Vanessa wasn’t going to stand for that sort of thing.”

  “You mean from someone who she wasn’t interested in.” She nodded her head.

  “Of course. Wouldn’t you be put out by someone trying to come on to you especially if you weren’t interested in them? And don’t forget that Max was intimate with her at that time too. She certainly didn’t want to be sharing any spoils with her husband, Anthony. I can assure you of that.”

  I wasn’t sure I could trust everything that Jane was saying. Especially about Vanessa. She was clearly in love and clearly blinded by it. So I thought I’d go for the jugular.

  “What about Vanessa then? Do you think she could have killed Max?”

  Jane looked at me for a moment as if I might have just lost my mind. This was the look I was hoping for. I wanted to catch her a little bit off guard.

  “And why would she do that?” she asked.

  “Well for lots of reasons. The biggest one I can think of is to insure that she ended up with the estate. What if Max was going to ditch her for being unfaithful? I understand that in the prenup if there was infidelity, which it appears that neither of them tried to hide then that would be enough for a divorce without payout.”

  “Okay then, and what about Lorenzo?” She sipped her drink like she had all the time in the world. Like she had just checkmated me.

  “He found out or saw her do it and so she had to kill him too or her plan would unravel. And I think it must have been someone intimate or familiar with him to have been able to get that close and him still keep his guard down. He’s a strapping lad who would have put up a fight I’m sure.”

  “That’s laughable.”

  “Do I look like I’m laughing Jane?”

  “No but you should be Anthony. How do you come up with these things? Honestly. Anyway,” she said turning her drink in her hand, “if I really believed that Vanessa had done it I wouldn’t tell you that’s for certain.”

  “So you think she did do it?”

  She shook her head. “No I don’t. And I’ll tell you why,” hallelujah we were getting somewhere.“ Max, despite all his faults wasn’t that vindictive. I’m pretty certain that if he was going to leave Vanessa, and he might have been thinking that, then he would have done the honorable thing and paid her out so she would never have to worry again. The main reason they stuck together for so long was for their son. Now that he was moving on with his life, I could see them splitting up within a few years. But having said that, they still did enjoy each other’s company, and there is something to be said for comfortable shoes. For staying in a relationship because you’re comfortable in it.”

  “So you were banking on them splitting up I imagine?”

  “Yes, and it seemed they might go that way. Max has, had an assistant. Quite an attractive Oriental woman. It appeared that he was spending a lot of time with her. I think he was becoming quite smitten with her. It’s possible that he was thinking of marrying her or at least getting monogamous with her. Now this is just my impression. She was a young twenty something.”

  I drank my beer and looked sadly at how little was left.

  “So it might also have been a mid life crisis type of thing. If she is that much younger than him. He’s old enough to be her father, then me being my cynical and unkind self would suspect a mid-life crisis. I don’t see that relationship being all that serious.” I should have minored in psychology.

  “Perhaps, but all of this is just speculation. It’s what Vanessa thought and it’s what I think. Maybe you’re right, but I was betting on a different horse.”

  I nodded. “Yes, and now we’ll never know the outcome of that race.”

  A few more people were coming in. Nine had bled out a little towards quarter after. Mostly there were couples and quadruples. Being out of my element it was hard for me to tell if they were groups of friends or partners. Some were dead giveaways like the young lean couple in designer jeans and old style sneakers that were now cool again and in striped shirts. The stripes on their shirts matching the flash of color on their white sneakers. The one guy had his hand all over the ass of the other. The other had his hand around his waist. Other than them it was hard to tell who was who in the zoo.

  “So who would you offer as suspects then if it was up to you to figure it out?”

  I liked trying to get other people to do my work for me. Jane sipped her drink, twirled her glass and pouted her lips in thought. It was adorable. But I wasn’t going to get anywhere with that, so I waited for her to offer a suggestion. I turned to face the bar and found Tom sliding up to our end. He pointed at my emptying glass like it was an eyesore. I shook my head. I’d save another one if I could bump into John later. I wanted him to look into Ruby Red or Leaf Shivers. I smiled at those names. Jane turned around, Tom asked her if she wanted another even though she was half full. She said no.

  “This isn’t what I’m good at Anthony. I’m not sure who I’d have a look at.”

  “Yeah, sometimes I feel this isn’t what I’m too good at either. But give me something.” I swirled the last few sips of beer around in my glass, and I could feel it swirling around in my bladder too.

  “Well, I guess if I went with my gut instinct. I’d have to say Maria. But only for Max, I don’t think she would’ve or could’ve killed Lorenzo. Now having said that you might want to look at any escorts that Max might have visited.”

  “How do you know if he visited any hookers?” Jane looked at me steadily and took a drink. Laughter erupted behind us and then settled down. The bar was becoming a subdued hum of cacophony. Loud but not loud enough to cause us to shout at each other.

  “This is what Vanessa told me. He seemed to get it from many angles. Maria, his assistant and apparently some of these escorts. Now I don’t know who these escorts are or who they work for, you’ll have to find that out, but I do know that he apparently liked to be dominated by these women. That’s what I heard. And he was generous apparently, with good service. Maybe if he was getting smitten with this assistant of his then maybe the well was drying up for his escorts. That might be a motive. I don’t know Anthony, these are just my thoughts. Actually, I would have thought that the son Stephen would have been a decent candidate. You’ve probably found out that he’s a little hot tempered and that he assaulted his father and mother before. Vanessa told me about that, and it occurred when their lawyer was present. Appare
ntly he had to intervene.”

  I drank the rest of my beer and watched the skiff of foam slide wantonly to the bottom of the glass. My throat still felt parched. Not having a drink in front of you will do that. All of a sudden I felt like I was in a desert, no oasis in sight.

  “So why do you think that Stephen would be good for it? And do you mean you think he’s good for both of them?”

  She nodded. “Yes I do. His drug problem has been getting worse Anthony and he has been becoming more unstable with it too. And that girlfriend of his just isn’t helping I’m sure. I just think that with his emotional instability and his drug mix, that just seems like a recipe for disaster to me. Plus he might be keen for his share of the estate right away rather than waiting for the thirds that he is due. And he’s a fairly strapping young man like you say. He would definitely be capable of killing them both.”

  I nodded soberly. Though truth be told I wasn’t feeling all that sober minded. I had thought Stephen would be good for it too, but not anymore. He’s alibi wasn’t worth flypaper but as much as he could be good for it I didn’t buy it. He was an emotionally feeble and immature man who I don’t think had the cojones to do it. And from our heart to heart earlier today I had the impression that despite his prima Donna outburst he really loves his folks. That left me Maria, only she found Vanessa standing over the body. These two, Vanessa and Jane could be colluding to cloud my mind. They could be setting red herrings all over to bait me. I needed to think about this in the morning when I had a clear head. Could be the hookers too, but then who’d have done Lorenzo? That would be the same question I’d need answered if Maria killed Max. Who then would have killed Lorenzo?

  “Alright Jane. I’ll look into those escorts you say. I’ll take another boo at Maria too. But you’ve got to remember that she was the one who found Vanessa with the weapon standing over Max. If I was playing Cluedo, I’d say it was the disgruntled wife in the den with the Oscar. She’s going to be the prime suspect as far as the cops are concerned.”

  “Yes Anthony, and that is why you have an advantage. You can look past the obvious to the more opaque. You can hold anyone up to the light of deduction. You’re right that Vanessa looks like the best suspect at the moment. But she told you she just happened to see him in there and walked in on the crime scene. She was bothered by it and foolishly picked up the statue to look at the murder weapon when Maria caught her in there. Max could’ve been killed by anyone in the house up to several hours before Vanessa found him.”

  “Yes. But Vanessa also has great motive Jane, you’ve got to remember that too. Now I might not personally believe she did it. But then again I’ve been known to be dazzled by an attractive woman. That’s been the downfall of many a man.”

  “You’re playing me for a fool Anthony. You might have an eye for an attractive woman, but I don’t think you’ve ever been bamboozled by one. You’re too smart for that. If you don’t believe Vanessa did it, it’s because in your gut you don’t think she did it. And I bet in your line of work, your gut has not led you astray too often.”

  “Well it led me into a difficult marriage as you probably know. Seeing as how you’ve investigated the investigator. But that aside. Maybe you two are colluding to deceive me. Trying your story out on little old me just to see if you can get it right for the cops.”

  Jane sipped her drink. I noticed no lipstick stains on the glass. Probably because she wasn’t wearing any lipstick.

  “Yes Anthony but you forget that Vanessa has already spoken to the police. She’s given a statement even, as I understand.”

  “Yes and as you should understand. That statement is not worth the paper it’s written on if she or you gets charged with the crime. You know, because of all these silly rights we have and all. Besides, still give you a chance to try your magic with this aw shucks gumshoe here.”

  I smiled at her and shrugged. I was trying to give my best country bumpkin impersonation. She laughed at me and slapped me on the shoulder. Aw shucks, I said.

  “You have a very fertile imagination Anthony, no wonder you’re a creative type. If you believe that, then I bet there are a whole bunch of other murders you could pin on me.”

  I tapped my fingers on my chin as if this might have some validity.

  “Nah,” I said. “None that come to mind right away.”

  I was pretty much ready to go. Only Jane still had three, maybe four sips of Mary left and she was nursing it like it was a sickly child. I couldn’t leave her so vulnerable in a den of foxes like this. I excused myself for the washroom. Fancy place that, with a stainless steel one piece urinal. Maybe easier to check each other out in. Thankfully I had the place to myself. I returned to find Jane looking at one last drink from the glass. She looked at me and her eyes furrowed. I was going to get a lecture.

  “Anthony,” she said as if it was the first time she’d heard that name. “Anthony,” she repeated getting the hang of it, “please do a thorough job of this. It’s very important to me.” She wasn’t my employer but she thought she was. I let her carry on, get it off her chest. “It’s very important to Vanessa too. She’s terribly upset by this whole thing and just wants to get back into her own house. She’s tired of the police in and out all the time and she’s scared too about having to move in there again with so many people getting killed. She wants this whole thing wrapped up so we can move and sell the place.”

  “I suppose now that you’re the only one left in Vanessa’s harem you get all the spoils. That’s great motive except you weren’t found at the scene. But as you say, anyone could’ve killed Max hours before Maria found Vanessa fondling Oscar.”

  She shot me a dirty look but I didn’t get sullied. I gave her my best boy scout grin. That made her attempt a dirtier look. I was pushing her buttons but she wasn’t showing the passion I was hoping for from a killer. I would’ve hoped for more. A punch on the shoulder, a shout in the ear or better yet a slap on the face. I got none of that. A dirty look from a woman who wore it well. I was leaving here broke.

  “I came here to help Anthony. If you want to continue treating me as a suspect go ahead. But you’re on the wrong track and you’re going to collide with the police who will likely figure this out sooner. So carry on if you think you’ve got it all buttoned down.”

  “Thanks for the advice doctor. Can I get a prescription with that?”

  She shook her head. “Seriously Jane. I’ve got to keep my options open at this point. You’ve got to admit you and Vanessa look good for it.”

  “Yes Anthony, but so does Maria, so does Stephen whether you think so or not. And so do those escorts if you’d just go and check them out.”

  “I will Jane. Thanks for your time. I appreciate your suggestions. I have your number if I need to get a hold of you.”

  I placed Hamilton and Jackson eyeing each other.

  “I’ll take care of the bill Mr. Carrick.” Ouch, there was that last name she was clanging again.

  “No, I think I’ll take care of my portion. I prefer not to indulge from suspects until I’m clear they’re innocent.”

  “Suit yourself Mr. Carrick. But I understand you were happy to take some Stella’s from Vanessa last night. You’ve told me you consider her a suspect. But suit yourself.”

  She had a point, so I picked up my two friends and folded them together and put them in my pocket. “You’re a doll,” I said. “Thanks.”

  And with that I strolled out of there, jostling past young good looking men and women. The men eyeing me, the women not so much. I had my fedora in my hand which I donned on as I left.

  “Good night tiger,” said motorcycle man. I tipped my hat to him and walked out to my car. The air still smelled smoky from the fires burning earlier. It was warm and clammy. The street lights bathed the road in a nicotine yellow light. It was a night you might find people murdering each other. I hoped not. My plate was full.


  Raging Into That Good Night

  I called John. He answer
ed around the sixth ring. There was a lot of noise in the background. I had a feeling I knew where he was but I wanted to find out for sure.

  “John, where are you?”

  “The Long Shot Anthony. Are you coming over?”

  “Yeah I’ll be there in about fifteen.”

  “What’s that?” he asked. The noise was busting into our conversation.

  “Yes,” I said, “I’m on my way.” “Great.” And then he hung up in my ear. I was glad for it. The noise was too much. Hard to find some peace in this city and people never really looked for it either. I took a moment’s silence for those who couldn’t. I thought I’d call Aibhilin and then I looked at my phone and it told me she’d be sleeping. I hope so anyway, even if it was summer holidays. I was due to see her this weekend coming. So I figured I’d call anyway and get the ex. I felt like a little self flagellation. I was on a roll. Jane had warmed me up.

  The phone rang and rang and rang some more. I could just see Racquel standing over the phone looking at call display. Her arms crossed over her bosom, her head in a furrow, freshly tilled and planted with the seeds of doubt and angst. She was wondering if she wanted to talk to me. Or, she was out.

  “Hello Anthony.” It was her voice but the day’s sun hadn’t warmed the frost in it.

  “Racquel, so nice of you to answer. How’s things?” I put a smile in my mouth. It felt as foreign as false teeth over real. But I’d heard it gives you a chipper tone.

  “What can I do for you Anthony. It’s after ten, you aren’t calling for Aibhilin are you?”

  “Well yes I am, but then I saw the time and thought what the hell maybe you and I could chew the fat for a bit. Reminisce over old times. What do you say?”

  “The same as I’d say anytime you called with this kind of nonsense. I’d say no.”

  “Listen Racquel I’m getting Aibhilin this weekend and I wanted to ask if she was going to be coming to my opening at the end of the month on the thirty first. I’d really like that.”


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