Anthony Carrick Hardboiled Murder Mysteries: Box Set (Books 1 - 3)

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Anthony Carrick Hardboiled Murder Mysteries: Box Set (Books 1 - 3) Page 25

by Jason Blacker

  “Well not yet. But I’m getting to it. Listen, what I share with you you have to keep under your hat. If word got out that I was speaking out of school, it could make my life difficult if you know what I mean?”

  I nodded. We were speaking of the dead. I was pretty sure they were deaf.

  “Well as I said. I wouldn’t be too quick to think Maria did it. Maybe, but Max never seemed worried or concerned about her in that way. He was just expressing frustration to me about her character flaws. That’s what he called them. It wasn’t turning him on anymore.”

  “Sounds like he was a self centered egomaniac with a certain flexible morality.”

  She nodded. “Duh Anthony. We’re talking about a married man screwing around. That should be a clue.”

  I smiled at her. “I’m trying not to judge,” I said.

  “Yeah well you’re not doing a very good job at it. Anyway, in my line of work you can’t judge or I wouldn’t be doing this.”

  Best to keep my opinions to myself. Besides, they could cloud your judgment.

  “So you were saying.”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t worried about Maria. But around our last appointment together or maybe a bit before, he started talking about his wife. He kept saying how they had managed along fine for years with this arrangement. Or this openness I guess, but his wife was taking it too far. He’d tried talking to her about it but apparently she was unrepentant.”

  “How was she taking it too far?”

  We both blew smoke at each other, but I felt like I was getting somewhere now.

  “He had found emails between her and his lawyer. The guy’s name was Luke, um, Luke Lohman or something.”

  “Logan,” I offered. I’m just a helpful guy.

  “Yeah, that sounds right. Anyway, these emails were very seductive and intimate. They gave a clear impression that this lawyer and his wife were screwing around.”

  “So why would he be so upset about that if they had this open relationship like you say? Besides the conflict perhaps of legal privilege.”

  “Well Max felt threatened by this. Luke, his lawyer was apparently leaning on him to redo the prenup or something so that if he and his wife split then she’d get a bunch of money even if it was due to infidelity. Apparently, from what Max told me, when they got married originally there was this infidelity clause or something, so that if either of them were unfaithful they could get divorced and not owe anyone support or anything like that. Obviously their marriage changed and now I guess, unlike when they were starting out, there is a bit of money at stake.”

  “Yeah quite a bit. Jesus, this just messes up the whole thing. First of all I thought Maria was good for it, secondly I thought this Luke guy was gay and thirdly I just thought it was too clean that the wife was found over the body.”

  I shook my head. I’d been sent down the wrong path. Partly thanks to Vanessa and Luke. Partly because I wasn’t keeping as open a mind as I should’ve. I took the last drag of my cigarette and squashed it out. I needed to get some sort of corroboration for this.

  “Anything else that comes to mind about this?”

  “Yes, I’m not finished telling you the story. So Max told me that he had gotten a little hot tempered with his lawyer and threatened to divorce his wife and that Luke could have the bitch, and he was going to take his business elsewhere. Luke said something like he didn’t think that’d be the smartest move. But if he changed the prenup and then got divorced he’d be happy to recommend another lawyer. Luke also said that Max owed his wife for all the shit he’d put her through. I don’t know anything about that, but this open relationship thing was his idea. Maybe she felt scorned and now saw her way out. I dunno, I’m just offering suggestions. Max also told me that his wife started hounding him about changing the prenup. That they really started having horrible fights and there were these late night phone calls to Luke’s cell. She also told him how he owed her for all the crap she’d put up with and how she had helped him all this time through the lean years and so on. And I bet she had.”

  I shook my head. “Thanks Leaf. This has been very helpful. But how can I verify it?”

  She shook her head, took a drag on her cigarette and squashed it out next to mind. The dead soldiers shoulder to shoulder.

  “I don’t know. I’m just telling you what he told me. Have you spoken to his assistant Sulan? As I said, he seemed to have a soft spot for her. She might have more information about this. You might try her.”

  “Yeah I think I will. How come you never called the police and told them about this?”

  She rolled her eyes at me. I was being schooled now.

  “Because I didn’t know he was dead and I don’t read the papers. Like I told you I haven’t seen him for a couple of months or so and the last I knew he was seeing this Ruby girl from Angels.”

  I nodded. “Right,” I said and I got up to go to the bathroom. She told me it was down the hall and on the left. I took a look in her medicine cabinet while I was in there. That’s what we gumshoes do. We snoop around. I found the assorted paraphernalia you’d expect. Cotton balls, Q tips, headache pills and a bottle of Effexor. That was an antidepressant medication. Other than that it was a clean bathroom. The toothpaste was rolled up nicely, not squeezed in the middle and she was also using one of these electric toothbrushes.

  “Thanks Leaf,” I said when I got back. I needed to get going. John was going to bring Vanessa back in soon and I had the feeling he had now leap frogged me on this case. I wanted him to solve it, just not before me.

  “Listen,” she said. “Don’t beat yourself up because you thought the guy was gay. That’s kinda the rage now with men. This metrosexual thing, taking pointers from gay men on how to groom and dress and stuff like that. Besides, even if he was gay he could still be in on it. She could be his fag hag.”

  “A what?” I asked and then I thought better of it. “Never mind. I was thinking the same. Murder crosses all boundaries. Racial, sexual. All of them. It’s indiscriminate that way.”

  She walked me to the door. She seemed sad to see me go, but it could’ve been she was still tired. I’d woken her up.

  “Listen Leaf. Think about coming to my opening. I think you could do better than you are now. You’re worth more.”

  “Thanks Anthony,” she said and she hugged me tight and she hugged me for longer than was necessary. Her breasts were firm and warm against my chest. And the devil on my shoulder was clawing softly on the insides of my lower belly.


  A Vegan Joint!

  I got into my car. It was hot so I started the engine, turned on the a/c and got out again. I stood contemplating my navel. This whole sordid mess had gotten more scrambled. I took out my phone and called the operator. I hoped she’d know what to do. She did. I thanked her, hung up and phoned the number she gave me.

  “Dr. Stratham please,” I said. Just a moment, was the reply and then I was listening to more top forty. I was getting hungry. It was around twelve thirty and I wanted to make sure I killed some time before heading up to see Sulan. I needed to bounce some ideas of Emily. She’s an intelligent woman. Maybe she’d make a smart decision and have lunch with me.

  “Emily Stratham,” she said dropping the doctor like it was heavy baggage.

  “Hi Emily. Peek a boo, can you guess who?”

  “Of course Anthony. You can’t trick a trickster and I remember your voice. I was thinking about you.”

  I smiled. A weight lifted off my chest. That sting in my heart subsided.

  “Were you thinking of me ‘cause you thought I was a nice guy or you were carving up Lorenzo?”

  “I was thinking about you because you were so charming and I’d like to find out if you’re a nice guy. I’ve also been busy with Lorenzo.”

  “Be still my beating heart. You’re two timing me.” She laughed at that. Infectious and bubbly. It came through the phone like champagne.

  “Two timing you indeed,” she said. “I barely know you.”<
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  “Well how about getting to know me better. I could use your input and advice on some things. I also wanted to know about Lorenzo and if you’ve had a chance to make sense of that yet.”

  “Sure Anthony. What do you have in mind?”

  “Don’t tempt me with such an open ended question. But seriously, it’s around lunch time and I’m hungry as the wolf. I was hoping you hadn’t eaten, or if you had you’d join me while I ate?”

  “Super, I was just thinking about grabbing a bite. It’s been a long day and I’m fading. I don’t have long though. Not with all the shooting and killing going on.”

  “No problem. I won’t take long. Tell me where, when and I’ll be there.”

  “Okay Anthony, you asked for it. The Vegan Joint. One oh four, thirty eight National Boulevard.”

  “I’m sorry I don’t do drugs.”

  “You’re silly Anthony. Are you still interested? It’s off of the number ten.”

  I didn’t quite know what to say. Not my kinda joint. Didn’t think they’d have steaks.

  “Yeah sure, I wasn’t really that hungry anyway.” She laughed again.

  “You know what a vegan is then hey?”

  “Yeah, those strange folks from a weird planet where only grass grows or something.”

  “Pretty close. I’ll see you in about twenty minutes then.”

  “Can’t wait,” I said. “I’m salivating.”

  She picked up on the irony and toyed with it like it was a small scared animal. And maybe I was.

  “You will be Anthony. You’ll love it. Trust me.”

  “See you then,” I said.

  “Bye for now.”

  I got into my car and drove a block away to Mason Avenue. There’s a seven eleven there and I had myself a hotdog. Now I was ready for this Vegan Joint and some new agey groovy food man. I had a bit of a smirk on my face, and a drop of mustard at the corner of my mouth. I wiped it away and drove on listening to Downpressor Man. I was going to rundown Max’s downpressor man or woman. Or maybe it was both. A co-ed attack.


  No Fake Meet With The Coroner

  I arrived at twelve fifty three according to my cell. I found a place to park just down from this joint on Mentone Avenue. I figured it would allow for a quick getaway. I walked in to find the place busy. But it was small. I got to thinking how everywhere I’ve been lately I’m like a fish out of water. But this is LA. It takes all sorts to create the chaotic mosaic. I had nabbed a table by the window and was looking at the menu. I must have been frowning. I was thinking maybe I should’ve had another hot dog. I felt a light touch on my shoulder.

  “It’s not that bad Anthony,” she said and I looked up to see that smile that melted my heart. It pooled into my belly, hot and soft. I stood up as she sat down.

  “Thanks. It’s not everyday a gal gets treated like that.”

  “Old school,” I said. “Some things we could use from the way things were.”

  She nodded and took a cursory glance at the menu. I think she knew what she was having.

  “Been here before?” I asked.

  “Of course. Do you know what you’re having?”

  “Actually no. Do you have any suggestions?”

  “Now I might be going out on a limb here Anthony, but you strike me as a very traditional homo sapiens male species.”

  Her eyes had a mischievous glint. “Very funny,” I said.

  “I’d recommend the Pepper Steak Wrap or the Cowboy Burger. They’ve got a real meaty texture for being, well not meat.”

  The pepper steak sounded like it was up my alley. “Sold,” I said. “To the man with the pepper steak.”

  “Good choice. I am so famished.”

  I couldn’t quite concur so I didn’t say anything but I was being a good sport.

  “Thanks for taking the time to meet with me Dr. Emily.”

  She smiled at me and took a sip of the water that had been delivered to the table.

  “You’re welcome,” she said. Then the waitress came by and took our orders. We both stayed with our waters. The joint was mostly full of young university hippie types. I felt over dressed but Emily had saved me from myself. She had on a lovely blue blouse and dark black slacks. She was the Google search result for elegance.

  “You’ve had a busy day so far then?”

  “Yes. Sadly, people keep killing each other and there’s no end to the work.”

  “Yeah, for you and me both.”

  “How did you get into this work?” I asked her.

  She looked outside for a moment gathering her thoughts.

  “Well I’ve always rooted for the underdog and I’ve always been keen on social justice. I never wanted to be a police officer but I wanted to somehow make a difference in bringing justice to light. I’ve always enjoyed and excelled at the sciences and medicine was a keen interest for me too. My father’s a doctor. Anyway, I thought being a pathologist would be a good fit. And it is. Though I’m sure you know, seeing the things people do to each other can be tough sometimes.”

  I nodded. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “And how about you. How did you get into this line of work?”

  She was throwing me easy balls. We were fleshing each other out. Seeing if we liked what we were seeing. I did.

  “Well, my true passion and calling is painting. I know, catches everyone off guard. I went to art college and got my degree and found it wasn’t that easy to make a living right away as a painter. Odd that. Anyway, I’m a bit of a black sheep and don’t do well working for an employee or stuck in an office. So I figured being a cop was a good idea. It seemed exciting, something that could keep you engaged and you weren’t really under the thumb of an employer as weird as that might sound. You’re out with your partner in your car and calling the shots yourself. There’s your sergeant, but mine were always hands off and great. I also thought it was a way to help the community. Anyway, things changed and now I’m doing this work to pay the bills and my painting is coming along slowly. I have a show at the end of the month and I’d love for you to come and have a look.”

  “I would love to do that. I haven’t been to a gallery in way too long. When and where?”

  “Triangle Gallery on Thursday the thirtieth. It’s on Beverly Boulevard.”

  “I’ll be there. So how come you resigned, or got fired from the department?”

  “I resigned. It’s a long story. Something I’ll share with you at a later time if that’s okay.”

  “Mmm, mysterious man. That generally works well with women you know.”

  “I didn’t, but thanks for the tip. Mums the word now. Not another word about me except in little dribs and drabs.”

  She laughed infectiously again. “Don’t over do it,” she said.

  The waitress came by with our lunch and told us to enjoy it. I was hopeful. We ate in silence for a while. Emily said she was famished. I wanted her to feed the wolf first before I peppered her with questions. I was pretty impressed with the fake meat. Not exactly the same as real steak, but a decent nod and a wink to it.

  “How is it Anthony? You’re not pulling any funny faces.”

  “I know. I have to cry uncle and tell you that it’s honestly pretty good. Considering that it’s trying to be meat but it isn’t. Although I don’t see the point in that. If it’s trying to be meat why not just eat meat.”

  She looked up and put her Chicken Wrap down on her plate.

  “For me it’s not about that. It’s about having something chewy and tasty. I don’t eat meat for ethical reasons, so I’m not really looking to replace it. But there is only so far you can go with straight veggies. It helps to keep the cuisine broad and varied.”

  I nodded. “How is the chicken then. The chicken that’s taken a lickin’?”

  “Very funny. It’s really good. I keep coming back to this dish. The way they deep fry the ‘chicken’ really makes it nice and crispy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside. KFC’s g
ot nothing on this I’m sure. Though it’s been a while.”

  “So you’re not a health nut then?”

  “Oooh Anthony, you’re showing your prejudices on our first lunch date. No I’m not a health nut, but I take care of my health. But a little moderation is a good thing in most things, though not all.”

  “I didn’t know this was a date.”

  “Ouch. Then it isn’t”

  I felt myself heading down the wrong street. I needed to do some serious backpedaling.

  “That’s not what I meant. I was just teasing you. I’d like it if this was kinda like a date.”

  She looked up between mouthfuls, holding the wrap daintily in her slender hands.

  “Well we’ll see how well you behave for the rest of this ‘date’.”

  She put her wrap down and put finger quotes around date. It was cute. She was smiling and a strand of her hair fell across her face. It was my turn to be famished now. And I wasn’t hungry for food.

  “Listen,” I said. “I wanted to ask you if you have any thoughts as to who you might think could’ve killed Max, or Lorenzo for that matter.”

  “Well that’s not really my expertise Anthony. I don’t know much about their lives.”

  “Sordid,” I interjected. She smiled.

  “Or much about their relationships. I do know however that we’re probably looking more at someone known to both these decedents rather than a stranger. But then in cases like this it usually is someone close to the deceased. Why do you ask?”

  “Well I was just this morning given a curve ball on this whole scrambled mess of things. What can you tell me about the mechanism of death. I assume Max was bludgeoned to death. I didn’t see any ligature marks or strangulation. Was Lorenzo also murdered by bludgeoning or was it the shears in the throat?”

  She nodded and swallowed and then sipped some water. A young hippie couple got up in the table behind Emily and walked out.

  “Yes, you’re right about Max, he was bludgeoned to death with something smaller. Like the Oscar. As a matter of fact I’m pretty sure it was the Oscar.”

  “Case solved then. It was Oscar in the den with a statue.”


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