Dark Weaver (Weaver Series)

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Dark Weaver (Weaver Series) Page 10

by Dena Nicotra

  The falling sensation wasn’t as bad this time, maybe because my adrenaline was already pumping but when we landed on the glass block my eyes were wide open and alert. “Welcome Digger, you are free to enter Era with your prisoner.” Digger made a show of nudging me as we stepped down and I did my part by pretending to be terrified. Kessler’s weave was working just as we had expected. Torvin appeared at the top of the stairs and boy was his smile huge. I couldn’t wait to knock it off of his face. “Fantastic work Digger. Simply superb. His majesty will be so pleased! Follow me,” he said brightly. He almost had a spring in his step! I was led into a separate chamber this time. I guess they didn’t want to parade me before the community just yet. Kalan appeared at the opposite end of the room. The rest of the council members appeared one by one behind him. If looks could kill, Chloe, Jazelle, and Bernice would have taken me out with their expressions. I allowed myself to stumble, as if seeing him made me weak in the knees.

  “Where did you find her?” He asked in a tight voice.

  “She was back in Arkansas just like you said. I found her down by the bayou just crying like a baby.”

  “It was our spot Kalan, I thought you’d come back to me if I waited there. I’d hoped and prayed that you were under the power of some dark weave or something,” I twisted my hands for added effect, the way I’d seen my Mamaw do when she was lost without my Papaw. He rolled his eyes at this and strode toward me. C’mon baby, just a little closer, I thought to myself. His left arm reached out in a flash and he had me by the throat. His grip was intensely firm and I could feel the blood rushing to my head. “Don’t say another word,” he said through gritted teeth. I centered my breathing, looked him dead in the eye, and called out mentally to Kess, NOW! The shocked look on Kalan’s face told me he’d registered what I’d just done, and I felt a ridiculous surge of satisfaction in that. I met his eyes and pushed out a very clear mental message to him, My turn.

  Several things happened simultaneously. Digger threw two blades. One hit Chloe in the abdomen. The other landed firmly between the eyes of the scrawny bald man. Both victims began a rapid age progression before dissolving into dust. Kess appeared and immediately knocked Kalan to the ground. I instinctively backed myself up into a corner and watched as the two of them locked in a whirring fist fight. Kess hit Kalan so hard he flew across the room and landed on his back on the floor. “I should have done that a long time ago,” said Kess with tremendous satisfaction.” Kalan got up quickly, wiping the blood from his mouth before charging back at Kess. The two of them became a blur of shimmery, metallic light as Kalan attempted to weave himself away. Kess was drawing him back with each effort.

  I was caught in a daze watching this and not paying enough attention to my surroundings. Jazelle vaulted toward me and to my astonishment, Professor Olrick materialized right behind her. All at once his features morphed and then he was someone else. He resembled Kalan, but much older. With a nonchalant wave of his hand Jazelle withered into an old woman, her face distorting into a silent scream before she crumbled into a pile of grey dust before me. He turned on Torvin next. Raising both arms, he recited something I couldn’t understand and I watched as Torvin’s eyes rolled back before he collapsed and began a series of violent convulsions on the floor. When he stopped, a stream of black smoke arose from his body and dissipated as quickly as it appeared. My head jerked around at the sound of a guttural cry and I realized it was coming from Kalan. Gen and Pepper stood in the center of the room, with Railey’s limp body between them. Kalan was no longer fighting back because Kess’ arm was around his throat, his blade trained on his jugular.

  Gen took one look at the man that had been Professor Olrick and let go of her floppy prisoner to fly across the room, leaping into his arms.

  “Viigo! I knew you were alive!” she gushed.

  “And I you my beauty.” Their reunion was abruptly interrupted by Kalan’s agonizing screams. “Railey!” he wailed. The raw emotion in his voice was an epiphany for me. Kalan was in love with her…and he had become a dark weaver.

  Pepper glared at Kalan defiantly and let go of Railey’s arm allowing her to slump to the floor where she began to regain consciousness through a fit of coughing. Kalan’s eyes bulged wildly and his voice came out in a desperate croak. “Please, Pepper help her! I beg you, she can’t breathe!”

  Pepper jutted out her chin and planted her foot on Railey’s back, pushing her down flat on her face. “The way you helped all of us Kalan?”

  “NO!” He tried unsuccessfully to yank away from Kess.

  “Can you not breathe sis?” Kess called out casually.

  “Enough,” said Viigo firmly. “There is only one way to save yourselves and you will either agree or it will be the end of your time.”

  “Please Father, I will do whatever it takes just restore her!” Kalan sounded like a spoiled brat who’d finally been caught being the bully that he was. “You will return what you have stolen?” Viigo questioned.

  Kalan closed his eyes and then met mine before answering dejectedly, “Yes.”

  As if on cue, the double doors opened and two men, heavily armed with black swords at their sides appeared. I watched as they manifested dark robes and after fitting them over Kalan and Railey, they weaved out of the room with their prisoners. Torvin was still sprawled out on his back and I had almost forgotten about him when he came to moaning and holding his head. We watched as he sat up slowly and upon seeing Viigo and Gen he gasped.

  “Your majesties, I —,”

  “No need Torvin, it was not your doing. You were under the enchantment of a dark weave. I do not hold you at fault.”

  Torvin collected his cane, struggled to his feet, and bowed.

  “I have failed you both. I will resign from the council and depart from Era immediately.” I could not tell from his expression if he was sincere, or a master of deception.

  “No Torvin, your service to this kingdom is invaluable. You may weave the memories of this experience away, or you may retain them and learn from them, but you must stay.” Gen nodded in agreement with her husband’s words.

  “Very well,” said Torvin before humbly excusing himself.

  “Digger, I will be forever grateful for your loyalty,” said Gen.

  Digger shifted uncomfortably but the smile on his face said what his words could not. He felt appreciated, and accepted.

  “It’s good to see things back to normal around here. I’m plum bushed, and could use a hot toddy and a hot bath. I’ll see you all on the morrow.” He bowed as far as his troubling middle would allow, and weaved out.

  Viigo placed his arm around Gen and turned to us. “We will assemble the community in the morning. For now, please feel free to take your rest. Your accommodations have been arranged. Pepper, if you would prefer, I can send you home and call for you on the morrow before the proceedings begin.”

  She tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled. “I’d appreciate that. Marty gets a little confused with all of this weaving, and Lord knows there’s been a lot of it lately,” she offered apologetically.

  “I can’t thank you enough for everything that you’ve done Pep. What would I ever do without you?” I asked earnestly.

  “You’d make it because you’re a strong southern girl, and you can do whatever you set your mind to.” She shook her index finger at me as she said this but there was something unspoken in her eyes that puzzled me. After an exchange of hugs, Viigo sent her home. Kess politely informed our hosts that he would prefer to retire outside of Era and return in the morning as well. To be honest, I still wasn’t comfortable in Era so I was in total agreement with this plan.

  When we arrived back at the beach house, Kessler took my hands and turned them over in his, kissing each of them separately. “I’ve missed a thousand kisses from you,” I said with a sigh.

  “And I’ll gladly replenish each and every one,” he said in a low voice before finding his way to my neck. The warmth of his breath and the soft touch of his li
ps sent bolts of electricity down my spine. I no longer needed to feel guilty about the way he made me feel. The confusion was gone, and I let myself go. Tonight would be the first night of recompense. When he kissed his way back to my lips I wrapped my arms around his waist and let my tongue trail his lip piercing. His lips felt like home. When he picked me up to carry me up the stairs I rested my head on his shoulder and let myself relax. Tomorrow would be a new day in our lives, but tonight needed to last a very long time. Lucky for me my husband could make sure it did for us. He deposited me on the bed very gently and weaved a fire in the fireplace. When he sat the tray down with two glasses of wine I started to laugh. “Now you are just showing off,” I said teasingly.

  “I haven’t even started to show off little weaver, and I still have lots to teach you.”

  He handed me my glass and said, “I propose a toast.”

  “To?” I asked, as I raised my glass.

  “To you M’lady,” he said in a husky voice.

  “To us,” I said. I clinked his glass, took a sip from mine, and then set it down. “I am your humble student,” I said, with the emphasis on the word ‘your’ because I was never going to let anyone steal me from him again.

  When morning came, I smiled before I’d even opened my eyes. I was curled up in Kessler’s arms. I could feel the warmth of his chest against my back, and I could hear the steady tempo of his breathing. It was such a peaceful way to start the day. I hardly wanted to move, and I hated to wake him up. I could only imagine how little sleep he’d had through all of this. My dark hero who’d never given up hope on me, even when I’d professed my love to another and told him to his face that I hated him. There was so much I wanted to thank him for, and a million more reasons why I loved him. My mind slid back to a memory of us when we were probably around thirteen or fourteen. He’d confided in me that he hated his family. That they had turned to the dark threads in search of more power…

  “Promise me that you won’t turn into a dark weaver Kess,”

  “You don’t need to ask me to promise. I’ll never be like them.”

  “Just promise me Kess!”

  I promise Joey, I will never be like them. I won’t be able to stop my tendencies toward the dark threads because it will be in my bloodline, but I promise I’ll never give in to it. I’ll fight it.”

  “Can’t I give you some of my gift to stop it from happening?”

  He lowered his head and wouldn’t look me in the eyes.

  “Kess, answer me…is it possible?”

  “Yes, it’s possible, but it would weaken your power and it would take a long time to build it back.”

  “So, I’ve got nothing but time!”

  “There’s something more that you need to know. There are…consequences.”

  “What kind of consequences?” I asked fearful of his answer, but certain that it would not change my mind.

  “It would link us together forever.”

  “I don’t care, besides how long could forever possibly be to a weaver?”

  That had been an important day for the two of us. It marked the day that we became as one. Although I was still a young weaver, I could feel his emotions after I’d given him a part of me. I knew when he was hurting, I knew when he was angry…and I knew that he loved me as much as I loved him. Today would be an equally important day for both of us, and it was one I was anxious to get through. I rolled over and kissed the tip of his nose and he stirred.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned and opened his eyes. “I haven’t slept that well in I cannot tell you how long.” I noticed that his eyes were brighter than they had been in a long time and it made me feel good to know that he’d had some rest. I’d slept just as good, and my mind was incredibly clear. It occurred to me that it was the first time I was in my right mind in ages. It’s amazing what that can do for a person!

  “Kess, when this is all over can we take a vacation and just go somewhere alone?” He grinned at me and pulled me close. “Where would my little weaver like to go?”

  “I don’t know, how about Las Vegas?”

  “Sin City huh? You sure you don’t want to go to a tropical island and sip coconut milk on a private beach?”

  “Ooooh, that sounds way better than Vegas!” He laughed at me and ruffled my hair. “We’ll go as soon as this is all resolved. You’ll have your abilities back and then we can really relax.” We ate breakfast together, and then I called Pepper on Kessler’s phone. She told me quickly that she was just waiting for Marty to leave for work and then she would be ready for Kess to weave her with us. Which translated to us having a little time to kill (pardon the pun).

  We used that time to take a horseback ride on the beach which made me absolutely giddy. I hadn’t been on a horse since I’d given up Kisses as a kid…and I realized in hindsight that I’d named that horse Kisses after him…even though I didn’t get to keep that sweet animal. It was one of the first lessons Kess had taught me about weaving for selfish purposes and he’d promised me then that I would have my own horse again when the time was right. The more time I spent with Kalan, the more the holes in my memory were filling in, and with that my energy. I urged my horse on to a full gallop and enjoyed the sea spray that splashed on my legs as we rode.

  Kess was an excellent rider because in his first centuries he’d lived in the days when traveling by horse was the only way unless you were a weaver living in Era. Still I did my level best to keep up with him, laughing my fool head off the whole way.

  We prepared to leave for Era in a rush because we’d spent so much time playing. I wasn’t the least bit concerned because Kess could weave us there in an instant, and I wanted as much time with my man as I could get. Of course the mood shifted when Pepper arrived, her eyes red-rimmed and her face puffy.

  “Pepper, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Marty,” she groaned.

  “Oh Jeez, I should have seen this coming,” said Kess.

  “Seen what?” I asked confused.

  “Sorry love, I forget that you can’t read right now. Marty is feeling really confused, and he blames Pepper for the state of their affairs.”

  “What’s the state of your affairs?” I asked Pepper.

  “We’re just struggling you know? I can’t weave like you two can, and I keep popping out, and we’ve had to move several times over the past six months to keep Gen safe, and…well she’s wonderful and all but since she couldn’t weave she was constantly rearranging things physically. I mean she cut off her hair, she rearranged everything in our home on a regular basis,” she broke down in gasping sobs. “I guess it was all just too much and he told me this morning that he was going to go back to California and try to start a better life.”

  “I’m so sorry Pep. None of this is your fault and I’m sure Kess can fix this for you, right babe?” I asked, looking up at him for some back up. I hated to see her like this and knowing that I was in essence the root cause of her pain made me feel even worse.

  “I absolutely can Pep, and you know that I will.”

  Pepper shook her head from side to side, “No Kess, don’t you see? It will just keep happening and it’s not fair to him. He’s not a weaver and my skills are limited so whatever help I get for us will always be from another weaver after the fact, or just in the nick of time and…I’m just so tired of all of this.” Her thin shoulders shook as she sobbed.

  I took her hands and forced her to look at me as Kess manifested a box of tissues. “Pep, I promise you, after today it’s over. It’s going to get better, and you can still have a life with Marty. I know how much you’ve sacrificed for us and we love you for it. Just hold on a little longer. Let’s get through this trial and then we’ll all move on with our lives. It won’t be too late. It’s never too late.”

  “Look at all we’ve been through Pep, you’ve’ got to trust that it’s not too late. Love can survive more than you know,” Kess said in a soothing voice.

  Pepper blew her nose loudly and then wiped her eyes and smiled.<
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  “I love you two, you know that?”

  “Pepper, I can honestly say the feeling is mutual. You’re a tough little lady, and I’m going to make sure you are happy when this is over. Marty loves you, it’s all over him.” Kess closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them, he wagged his eyebrows up and down.

  “What?” I asked curiously.

  “He’s not going back to California, he’s had a change of heart…and he’s making a very special purchase at this very moment.”

  “What do you mean?” Pepper asked.

  “Let’s just say that you will be very happy and leave it at that.”

  Pepper’s entire disposition changed and she looked at me with wide eyes.

  “You don’t suppose…”

  “Don’t look at me, I can’t read a thing. I can’t weave remember?”

  Her eyes darted to Kess, and he responded with an exaggerated nod of his head.

  The squeal that came out of her could have peeled paint!

  “Okay you guys, let’s do this! I want to get home to my honey!”

  We joined hands, and I instinctively closed my eyes. When we landed on the platform, I exhaled a deep breath and waited for the acknowledgement of the electronic, female voice. After several moments, the three of us began to look at each other curiously. Our feet were affixed to the block so we could not move without this release. I began to consider what our options were if she didn’t pipe up soon, but absolutely nothing was coming to mind. I could tell from their expressions that Kess and Pepper were sharing my apprehension. About the time my anxiety level reached a crescendo, a garbled voice filled the air.

  “Era is under attack, entry is not recommended. Do you wish to proceed?”

  “Please expand on that,” Kess said in a controlled tone.

  “I’m sorry Kessler, that request exceeds my protocol. Do you wish to enter?”


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