Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)

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Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) Page 10

by Belden, P. J.

  “I’m sorry do I know you?” My voice dripping with disdain.

  “You should. You need to back off my boyfriend.” She pushed me again.

  Just as I was about to lay into her, Carson’s arms came around my waist and he gently kissed my neck before whispering in my ear.

  “Just ignore her. I’m with you and only you. Don’t make a scene to hurt the foundations chances of taking off. I’ll take care of this, okay?”

  I turned my head facing him and smiled. “Okay,” I whispered before kissing him softly on the lips and to get him going I wiggled slightly against him, earning the desired effect.

  He nipped my ear. “You’ll pay for that later.” Then he stood up, still holding me and facing her. “We have not ever dated and you are to stay away from me.” He lifted his head toward an approaching officer. “Here’s your warning. Heed it and remember, next I’ll have you arrested.”

  The officer handed her a piece of paper and escorted her out of the clinic. It was a relief to see her go. I let out the breath I was holding and sagged against Carson.

  “She’s gone.” He kissed my temple before turning to Jason. “Now that we know her name can we do something about her now? That paper isn’t going to stop her.”

  “I’ll get in touch with Nate and see what he can do.” Jason said pulling out his phone.

  “Get in touch with me about what?” Nate said, walking up kissing Kayla on the cheek.

  Nate was then brought up to speed about the whole situation with this chick. He looked about as happy as Carson sounded telling the story. I was then informed what role Nate played in Kayla’s story as well as how Jason and Nate go way back. Everyone was so open and honest about everything, it kind of made me feel like I wasn’t worthy to stand with them. One day he will ask about my past, the question remains on if I will tell him.

  The luncheon went by with no further events and I began to get real comfortable in Carson’s company. We joked and teased each other, but we also got the job we were there for done. I managed to secure five donations and three proposed properties to use to house the shelter.

  “The placement of the shelter, to me, is important. We need the shelter to provide a sense of safety and security. That wouldn’t be achieved in all areas of town, even if we have top of the line security systems. Furthermore, in order for the shelter to be beneficial we need them to reach out so there also needs to be a level of secrecy as well. A few things to consider when making your offers today, Ladies and Gentlemen.”

  When I sat after my speech, Carson leaned over and whispered in my ear, “You are sexy as hell when you talk all business like. I think I have another fantasy.” He leaned back and winked at me.

  I giggled. “Oh God!” My hands flew up to my mouth.

  “What?” Carson asked, completely alarmed.

  “I just fucking giggled, like one of those bimbos down there that keep looking at you playing with their hair. What have you done to me?” I whispered, horrified with myself.

  Carson’s loud, sudden laughter caught me off guard. I stared at him. It brought back all those fantasies I had about his laughter and many of our conversations that caused that laughter. He was sexy with his broody, I can’t smile face, but when he did smile…his face lit up like the sky on the Fourth of July. It was breathtaking.

  “What’s so funny Curry?” Kayla asked with a huge smile on her face and a tender look.

  He just shook his head and hugged me tightly. It was moments like this that I’m glad I’m giving this a try. Aside from evil winch, I have not felt like an outsider today. No loneliness. Carson not only has a profound effect on me over the phone, but as it turns out an even stronger one in person.

  After a few hours, I was actually exhausted. Everyone had finally left and we all sat around talking about the shelter and deciding we need to meet again since the last one was botched. We all agreed to meet at about five tomorrow evening for supper and the meeting at Kayla and Jason’s. Carson took my hand and walked me to the passenger side of his truck.

  “Who says I don’t want to take a cab again?” I ask trying to keep a straight face.

  He pushes me against the side of his truck before taking my mouth with his. It wasn’t a hard kiss like earlier, but it wasn’t soft either. There was hunger and passion there. It consumed me. It was so intense that I actually whimpered when he pulled away.

  He smiled down at me. “My girlfriend is not riding in a cab when I am standing right here.” He said not looking too sure of himself all of a sudden.

  I knew it was because he called me his girlfriend. He wasn’t sure how I was going to take it. In all honesty, I loved the sound of being his girlfriend, but the fact that it would be putting my trust in another person. It would be opening myself up to that world of pain again.

  “Well, my boyfriend needs to get me home because I am freaking tired and would kill to soak in a bath right now.”

  His smile beamed down at me, almost blinding me. “Your wish is my command.” He kissed me softly before opening my door.

  It didn’t take long to get back to my place, but I was about asleep when he shut off the truck. Carson jumped out and ran around and opened my door helping me out of the truck. We walked hand in hand up to the door. As much as I wanted this to continue, I knew I needed to have him go home tonight. We need to take this slow… Or at least that is what I keep telling myself.

  “I’m not going to stay. This is all new for you and I understand that. May I kiss you good night?”

  I nodded, unable to find my voice. No one has ever been so considerate of me and my feelings before. He was right. This was all new to me and approaching with caution was probably the best thing right now.

  He leaned down and I rose up on my toes and our lips connected with an electric current of emotions. It was like every nerve in my body came alive at just the feel of his lips on me. He leaned into me and pressed me into the door. After a few minutes the kiss broke and we both stand their breathless, wanting.

  “Good Night… baby.” I breathed.

  “Good Night my Angel.” He whispered before taking my lips in one more breath stealing kiss.

  I watched as he walked back to his truck, still leaning against the door. He smiled from behind the wheel and motioned for me to go in. Mr. Overprotective. When I shut the door and turned my living room light on, he drove off.

  I felt like I could dance. I began to spin around the room. For the first time, I felt human… alive. Dancing over to my fridge, I grabbed out a bottle of water and had just taken a drink when my phone rang.


  “I can’t believe I just drove away.”

  I laughed. “I can’t believe I let you drive away.”

  “I’m outside.”

  “I’m opening the door.”

  I hurried over to the door and opened it and Carson was standing there with a huge smile on his face. Motioning for him to come in, I stepped back to allow him in. He moved directly toward me, wrapping his arms around me and pushing the door shut. Carson started walking us backwards and before I knew I was falling onto my couch and he was landing on top of me.

  God, he feels so good on top of me!

  His hands start to trail down my sides and he pushes his hips into me causing me to gasp. Through his jeans I could feel him…his need. Did I ever want him too, but it was too soon.

  “We need to slow down a little, please” I whispered when I broke from the kiss.

  “I’m sorry. It seems I can’t control myself around you. I agree we should take it slower. Do you want me to leave?”

  “No, you can stay. We could watch television, play games…” I trailed off because honestly, I didn’t know what else to say.

  “We can watch a movie. I haven’t watched anything in a long time. What do you suggest?”

  We rummaged through my movies and agreed on a comedy. I put it in and moved to the couch and sat down while Carson was in the kitchen getting popcorn. When he returned, we
watched the movie and munched on popcorn until was gone. He shifted on the couch and held his arms open for me. Moving to his side, I immediately curled into him as he wrapped me in his arms. Carson let out a deep breath that caused me to look up at him.

  “This has been what I have been looking for. You are what I have been looking for.”

  I smiled at him, but said nothing. Instead, I leaned up and kissed him softly before laying my head back on his chest. If I were to be honest with myself, this is what I have been looking for too. There was no way I was admitting that right now. Slowly my eyes gave into the exhaustion I was feeling.

  When I woke, I was feeling strangely comfortable and safe. Then I felt the arms tighten around me. Smiling to myself, he was still there. He had stayed the night, even when I took sex off the table. Maybe he was different…

  “Good Morning Angel,” he breathed into my hair before pressing a kiss to my head.

  “It is a good morning isn’t it?”

  “Someone is happy this morning.”

  Rolling over, I pressed a small kiss to his lips. “I am,” I said softly as I cuddled into him more. He held me close and neither of us said anything for a little while.



  “Can I take you out tonight?”

  A smile crept across my face. He sounded so nervous asking me. Then an idea hit me.

  “You want to try our first meeting again. Go back to Russtix?”

  “Sure. Time to make a happy memory there right?”


  The rest of the morning was spent with me beating the pants off him in video games. He tried to say that he never plays. I teased that it was just an excuse because he was beaten by a girl. That turned into another hot make out session before he had to leave. It was one of the best days I have had in a very long time. We agreed to meet at seven just as we had planned the first night.

  Kayla came over to help me get ready again. She was so excited that her brother and I were giving it a go. She swore to me that he truly had no idea who the girl was and that I needed to ignore her. So I took her advice and soon enough I was walking down to Russtix again. Only this time with more of a spring in my step.

  When the bar came into view he was waiting outside with his hands held behind his back. The smile was instant and no way of holding it back. When he looked up and saw me, his smile was just as big as mine. Then his hands came from behind his back and the most beautiful bunch of flowers was held out to me.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  With a small kiss, he led me into the bar and we found a table off in the corner and a little private. Pulling out my chair, he motioned for me to sit.

  “Ever the gentleman,” I smiled.

  “For you, always,” he smiled back.

  The night went well. We danced and talked. We just had a great time. This is how the first night should have gone. This was what I had hoped for that night. I had danced my feet off and was completely exhausted by the time the bar closed sending everyone home. He helped me into his truck and drove the short distance to my house.

  Hurrying around the truck, he helped me out and walked me to the door for a second time. We didn’t even pretend to not want it. The kiss was initiated by both of us. He leaned me against the door again and lifted me up. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He groaned as I ground against him. Just as quick as it started, we stopped. I released my legs and slid down to a standing position and he rested his head in the curve of my neck.

  “I have to go home tonight. If I don’t, I won’t be able to control myself.”

  I nodded my head. I’m not sure that I would have been able to either. He consumed me. We needed some space for tonight. With one last kiss, I watched him walk back to his truck and again, he motioned for me to go in. Rolling down the window, he leaned over and smiled.

  “Angel, I’m not leaving until you’re safe inside the house.”

  I laughed, “Fine Mr. Protective.”

  Walking inside, I walked to the window, turning the light on as I opened the curtain. Again for the second night, I watched him pull away and drive off. I smiled and sighed.

  Just as I turned around, I was hit with something hard smacking me in the face. I stumbled before falling into my stand near my door. I looked up just as the object struck me again. The pain was intense and I couldn’t help crying out in pain. My dad had always told me to never let the attacker see they hurt you, but I couldn’t stop it.

  “This is your warning, bitch! Stay away from Carson…He’s mine!” Wendi hissed before swinging the bat at me again.

  The bat nailed me in the stomach and my breath left my lungs and I fell to the ground coughing. I vaguely registered the front door opening and closing. When I heard no more sounds, I forced myself to stand up. When I was fully on my feet is when I noticed my place was trashed. Everything was overturned. Papers were everywhere. Food was opened and thrown as well.

  How did I not register this when I came home? I need out of here.

  Grabbing my purse and keys, I left my house. I got started, walking while I searched for my phone. Finding it, I frantically began to dial.


  “Kayla, can you tell me Carson’s address please?”

  “Sure. Everything okay?” The concern in her voice almost broke me. Almost.

  “Yup, fine.” She gave me the address and I signaled a passing cab.

  Soon I was pulling up in front of his gated home. No doubt he needed that with all the crazy people that would want him for his status. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.


  “Um, I need to see you.” My voice cracked.

  “Okay, tell me where you are and I will be there as soon as I can.” I could hear the worry and concern in his voice.

  “I’m outside your gate.”

  The next thing I hear is a buzzing noise and push through the walk through section. I was about half way up the drive when I saw his door open and he stepped out onto his porch. I stopped walking and looked at him.

  What was I doing here? Dumping my problems on him already? Damn you’ve lost it Colleen!

  My feet started moving faster toward him and before I knew it, I was running into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly while I cried.



  That little bitch will pay for this. She will not get away with trying to take my man. I have been working on finding the right one for a long time now and she wasn’t going to take that from me. I thought I had her on the run when I turned up at the bar that night. It took a lot of work to get into his phone, but alas, my contacts never let me down. They are definitely worth the money I pay them. Knowing his movements was important for this plan to work.

  When he started talking to this little hussy, I thought it was just him needing some attention. As long as I have been following him, he hasn’t been with a girl. I thought for a minute that he might be gay, but that was obvious in that hot phone call that he wasn’t.

  However, I needed a plan. I needed a reason to go there that wouldn’t show how I knew he was there. After finally getting away from the boys for five minutes, I drove to the place I knew Carson to be at. I was sitting outside the gym when I saw a guy coming out cursing Carson. I knew he was my target. I approached him just as he was about to get into his car.

  “Excuse me.” I say sweetly.

  He turned around ready to bite my head off, stopped and looked me up and down. I know I’m hot. I’ve lived this way because of my looks.

  “Well hello doll.” He said with a whistle.

  “I’m Wendi and I can’t help, but notice how hot you are.” I say licking my lips.

  “Tommy and you aren’t too bad yourself sweet cheeks.”

  I pretended to drop my purse with a wild step off the curb. I bent over, giving him full view of my ass as I did so. Oh, and it seemed that I forgot to put my
underwear on today. He very audibly sucked in his breath and as I straightened and adjusted my very short skirt, I saw him adjust himself in his pants. I smiled and bit my lip.

  Men were easy. You can get whatever you want if you give them the one thing that they can’t help but want. It was time to get what I wanted.

  I sauntered over to him slowly. Running my hand down his chest before running my hand back and forth over his erection, I looked up at him and licked my lips.

  “Well, Tommy… It looks to me like we have a problem I can help with.”

  Lowering myself down to my knees, I pulled down the zipper on his jeans and set him free. I’ve had bigger, but as long as he knew what to do with it I don’t rightly care. Kissing the head, I ran my tongue around it before licking down his shaft and back up. Slowly I took him in my mouth looking up at him as I sucked gently on the head.

  “Oh yeah…” He moaned.

  Taking him the rest of the way in my mouth, I grabbed his ass pushing him in further. I worked up and down his shaft for a few before letting him fall from my mouth.

  “Do you like that?” I whispered huskily.

  “Oh yeah…” He growled, pulling a condom out and put it on.

  He pulled me up and lifted me to the hood of his car. Tommy stepped between my legs and without hesitation slammed into me. Grabbing his shoulders, I shifted my hips closer to his. He started pounding me right there on the hood of his car. Minus his size, he actually knew what he was doing. I was moaning loudly. I didn’t care who saw me. Many people don’t know this, but I love to have sex outdoors and love watching people watching me have sex. It turned me on more. Apparently Tommy here had no problems either because he was being just as loud as me.

  “Fuck, you feel amazing!” He grunted.

  “Oh yes! Harder! Faster! Make me come Tommy!” I moaned.

  “Yes, beg me for it! Tell me what you want,” He growled as his thrusts picked up and he slammed into me harder and harder.

  “Fuck me! Yeah! Just like that! Fuck YES!” I screamed as my orgasm took over me. Vaguely I was aware that he too was coming with me as he roared my name and slammed into me, pulsating inside me as he came.


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