Finally Getting Love Right

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Finally Getting Love Right Page 12

by Jamie Nichols

  “You know it?”

  “Ok.” Sam pulled the zipper down and paused. “Before I show you though I have something to tell you.”

  “What?” Kylee said shifting her weight like she did when she was nervous.

  “We have been friends long enough to see what you do and don’t like. I took a huge risk when I chose this dress for you.” She paused for dramatic effect “I took a risk and got you a custom Vera Wang.” She finished pulling the dress out of the bag.

  “Oh my god. I am speechless.” Kylee whispered.

  Kylee’s dress was a long sleeved white and pink masterpiece. It was made with a soft shiny material that made up the whole of the dress. There wasn’t a train, but the fifteen foot veil made up for it. The entire dress was plain except the bottom of the dress that had baby pink flowers along the rim. There were five garment bags left.

  “Why are there seven bags left?” Pepper asked pointing the garment bags out.

  “Well there are our bridesmaids’ dresses and two post ceremony party dresses. Sam said smiling.

  “Can we see?” Charlee asked.

  “After I reveal the bridesmaids dresses you can see your reception dress.”

  Sam unzipped the first five bags one by one. Each of the dresses was uniquely different. The first dress, Peppers dress, was a black mid length dress with crystals on the seams and on the thick style straps. The second dress, Liz’s dress, was a black short dress with a one shoulder strap. Her dress had a medium sized white flower where the strap met the dress. The third dress, Sams dress, was a black floor length dress made of a shimmery fabric. It was plain except for the chain spaghetti straps. The fourth dress, Kylee’s dress for Charlee’s Wedding, was a black mid-length dress with ruffles on the bottom. It was strapless to fit her personality. The fifth dress, Charlee’s dress for Kylee’s wedding, was a black strapless dress. Her dress was floor length as well with a pearl studded neckline.

  “Those are beautiful! Now can we see our party dresses?” Kylee asked excitedly.

  “I suppose.” Sam said unzipping two bags.

  “Wow.” Everyone said staggeringly.

  Sam had gotten two long, flowing, beach style white dresses for the reception. Both dresses were spaghetti strapped. The only difference between the two was a colored belt on each dress. Kylee’s dress had a pink belt with a crystal guitar buckle. Charlee’s dress had a blue belt with a simple paisley design made from pearls as a buckle.

  “I hope you don’t mind the matching. I needed a way to make sure you two stuck out.” Sam said.

  “We don’t mind do we Charlee?” Kylee said.

  “No we do not.” Charlee said smiling as she was admiring her dress.

  “You know what would be awesome?” Kylee said with a devilish grin.

  “What?” Sam said with a smile that clearly let Kylee know that she probably already had it covered.

  “If you and Max could sing something that I wrote for Dillon.” Kylee said wincing.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, when I was planning my wedding I started to write this song. I don’t trust myself to sing it though.”

  “Have you asked Max yet?”

  “Yes. Originally he was going to sing it with me but I just can’t. I am too nervous. Please?”

  “Yea I suppose so. If you play with us.” Sam answered with a smile.

  “I can do that.” Kylee said handing the song to Sam just as another knock came at the door.

  “Hello.” Sam said to the makeup artists and hair dressers. “Kylee and Charlee just got in the shower. Pepper is ready now she showered last night. Liz and I will be last. You can set up right over here by the bar.”

  The girls filtered through in stages. Pepper went first, getting makeup done that made her look like she was going to a red carpet event. Her hair was in a sassy up do. She slipped into her bridesmaids dress with ease. Pepper smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Charlee went next to get her makeup done. She chose to have a bold eye and a soft lip. She had always been one for dramatic effects. She slipped into her bridesmaids dress. It looked like her makeup was too fancy for the dress but everything would come into perspective when the time came. Kylee decided to be the last to go. She was jittery and flustered with nerves. Liz sat to get her makeup done while Sam tried to calm her down.

  “Kylee, look at me.” Sam said trying to get her friends attention.

  “What?” Kylee said almost in tears.

  “What is wrong?” Sam asked in a supportive voice.

  “I am just worried. I haven had time to mentally prepare for this.”

  “Yes, you have. It may have been a surprise but you have been mentally preparing yourself for this since you said yes.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. You always think things through before you do anything. You always have. Don’t start second guessing yourself now.” Sam tried to smile but she didn’t know if Kylee would be able to do this.

  “You are right. Let’s get ready.”

  “You sure?” Sam said surprised by the quick turnaround.

  “Yes. Liz you look great!” Kylee said sitting down to get her own make up done.

  Liz had decided to go the natural route with a little lip liner and some blush. She had never been big on getting dressed up. Her hair was curled slightly it fell around her shoulders with a bit of a wave. Liz had already slipped into her dress and was putting the finishing touches on her speech. Kylee had gotten her make up done the same way she always wore it only this time she added some glitter eye shadow. Her hair was a classic, sheek, up do. Kylee waited to get her gown on until Sam was done getting ready. Sam had chosen to go with a classic romantic overall look. She had her hair braided into two single braids in the front, then pinned to the back of her head. The rest of her hair had been curled and it lay down to the middle of her back. Sam had chosen to have distinctive makeup done. She decided on smokey eyes and bold eye liner as well as a pink lip. She was happy as she slipped her dress on.

  “Let’s get you dressed.” Sam said to Kylee as she held the dress out to her. Kylee looked like an angel in her wedding gown. “I just have one thing to add to this.” She said walking into the other room. When she came back she held in her hand a box. She was about to bestow upon her best friend a piece of jewelry that she herself hadn’t looked at in five years. “this is your something borrowed and something old and something blue. You have your new dress so that makes up for that.” Sam handed Kylee the box.

  “Thank you!” Kylee said smiling until she opened the box. “Sam, I cant.”

  “You can and you will. I already told him that I was letting you wear it.” Sam lied through her teeth. She had not told George that she was lending the sapphire necklace to Kylee. She honestly didn’t think he would notice it. Sam took the necklace out of the box and placed it on Kylee’s neck before she could detest to it anymore.

  “Ok, Ladies. It is time.” Liz said with a smile. “Sam you are up.”

  “What does she mean?” Charlee asked

  “She means that I planned Kylee’s Wedding so I am up to make it happen. She planned Charlee’s wedding so she will make sure that runs smoothly and we will both be making sure the transitions go according to plan.”

  The girls walked down the hallway to the planning room. The planning room was actually a room that connected with the ballroom on the balcony. The music started and Pepper nervously started the processional.

  Pepper led the line of girls across the balcony to the staircase at the back of the room, where they waited for their cues. Shelly started giving directions to everyone.

  “Kylee’s’ wedding is under the pink tent. You are only to go there for now. You will walk to the front row and turn to your left. On your left are white taped x’s on the floor. Go to the last one and turn to face the groom. When the wedding is over all of you are to go back up these stairs and back to the room to changeover for the next wedding.”

The girls walked one by one down over to the opening of the pink tent. The music started and it was show time. Pepper again led the way, this time down the aisle toward Dillon. The tent was full of the people who cared most about the couple. It was very nostalgic. Sam was anxious during the whole wedding until the pastor said it was time for the vows.

  “Do you Dillon James Edwards take Kylee Marie Walker to be your wedded wife?” The pastor said into the microphone.

  “I Do.” Dillon said with a huge grin.

  “Do you Kylee Marie Walker take Dillon James Edwards to be your wedded husband?”

  “I Do.” Kylee answered starting to tear up.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The pastor had to clear his throat to get their attention when a full minute of kissing had passed. “Ladies and Gentlemen. May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Edwards.”

  The guests broke out into applause. Dillon and Kylee led the recessional out of the tent faster than anyone anticipated them to. After kissing one more time they both went their separate ways to get ready for the next wedding. The girls sprinted up the stairs as the men walked out toward the lobby. Kylee almost tripped on her dress but managed to catch herself and keep going just as fast, if not faster, than everyone else.

  The girls whirled around the room getting Charlee into her wedding gown and Kylee out of hers. They managed to be completely ready a full ten minutes before scheduled. They sat and took a rest. Before they knew it Shelly was in the room telling them it was time.

  “Are we ready for the final round of actual work?” Shelly said not taking a breath to let anyone answer. “Charlee’s wedding is in the White tent. Same routine as before, please try not to pay attention to the tear down of the other side. They are changing over for dinner. Good Luck Ladies. The elevator is ready for you.”

  “Elevator?” Charlee asked disappointed.

  “Don’t worry, I have planned a totally different kind of entrance.” Liz said as she winked at Sam.

  The girls walked down the hall to the elevator. The elevator had been specifically re-decorated just for this event. It was turned into a calming blue mirrored room, which was a drastic change from the red and gold it normally was. When they got down to the lobby everyone gasped.

  “Why are there horse drawn carriages?” Charlee asked.

  “I was taking into consideration your condition.” Liz said smiling.

  “Why wasn’t mine like this?” Kylee asked sounding a little miffed.

  “I didn’t plan your entrance, Dillon did.” Sam said smiling.

  “Your joking?”

  “No. I wasn’t supposed to tell you but after seeing this I had to. He heard you on the phone when you were describing what you wanted it to be like. He begged me to let him plan it.”

  “Oh. Thank you for telling me I will thank him when we get home tonight.”

  The girls got into the carriages one to a cart. When the music started the horses did too. It took them 4 minutes to finally get into the ballroom. When the song switched to the wedding march, the processional started.

  When they entered the tent, the tent was filled with the thousands of white flowers. The smell of daisy’s and roses filled the air. The set up was much different than Kylee’s was. Kylee had a traditional set up where as Charlee’s wedding was set up sideways with an isle going between the altar and the guests. One by one as the girls got to the altar, the horses stopped and the men they were paired with were there to help them down. It was a breath taking sight. When Charlee was finally at the altar, the pastor started the ceremony.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen we are gathered here today to witness the union of Max James Hughes and Charlee Michelle Samuels. If anyone has cause that these people should not be wed speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  No one answered. The pastor continued on with the ceremony. Sam again, found herself anxious. She was so focused on the fact that she was anxious, that she missed the rest of the wedding. Feeling embarrassed, she tried to over emphasize how happy she was for them. When it came off tacky, she quickly got ahold of herself and collected her composure.

  The rest of the night went amazingly well. Sam and Liz sat back and watched as the toasts were made. Every toast seem to include thank you’s to the two of them. Tj had even mentioned that he was glad that Sam was around to make dreams come true. While Sam felt bad that any of the spotlight was being taken off the brides, she loved the fact that everyone appreciated her. They were asked to dance more times than there was time for. All in all though, the night was a huge success and that is all anyone could ask for.



  When Sam she woke up exactly 2 weeks from when she had pulled off two weddings, she decided to call George since she had not heard from him since. Normally she would have called him a lot sooner, but Roger had given her a letter before she left saying that he was leaving on business and would be back today. The first time she called there was no answer. She assumed that there was just no one in yet. That was until she got an answer the seventh time she called.

  “Hello?” A voice she had never heard answered the phone.

  “Hello. Is Mr. Ames in?” Sam asked.

  “Who is calling?” The new secretary asked.


  “I am sorry Mr. Ames is not currently taking your calls. He will call you back when he gets a chance.” The snooty new secretary told her.

  “What are you talking about? Put him on the phone please.” Sam said frustrated.

  “I can’t do that Ms. Lee. You are on the list of people that he is not taking calls from at the moment. He is in meetings all day and will call you when he is done for the day. Now I am sorry but I am hanging up on you now.” The secretary hung up on a baffled Sam.

  Sam was stunned that she was on some list that he did not want to talk to. She decided to go to the falls to relax and think about her life and how it has been a rollercoaster lately. She avoided pepper who was bustling around in the kitchen and headed out. The drive didn’t take too long even with the traffic. When Sam arrived in the familiar parking lot, it was unusually packed. There was one parking spot left. Sam hurried to get it before the big ford f150 could get to it. When she got out of the car she didn’t hear anything. With all the cars here, she thought she would have heard something.

  Sam was surprised to see how many people were gathered in front of the waterfall. Sam walked to the railing at the top of the steps leading down to the waterfall to try to see what they were looking at. Sam saw a beautiful sight. Someone had the idea to christen their baby in front of the waterfall. Sam stood and watched the angelic scene for a while, when some of the guest noticed her standing there she decided to take a hike up the trail and come back later.

  The forest was full of vibrant flowers and trees. There was an obvious glow to it. Sam took it all in while she was walking, the smells, the sights, she even came across a family of rabbits. By the time Sam had hiked the 2 mile trail that made a loop back to the waterfall, everyone was gone. She quickly jogged down the stairs and slid behind the waterfall before anyone could come back. After a few hours of thinking about her life and thinking she was doing something wrong, Sam decided to go to the hotel and find out what was really going on.

  Roger was waiting for her when she pulled up to the awning. Before she had time to get out of her car, he was at her door leaning into the window.

  “Miss Samantha. I have some advice for you, no matter how unwanted it may be. I suggest you leave now and not come around anymore.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Please just trust me. I do not want you to get hurt. Even in this short time I have grown to care for you. Please just leave now and do not come back.” He said walking away.

  Shocked, Sam turned her car back on and left. When she got home she was in tears and extremely confused. Sam could not even bare to look at her house with the way she felt. What she needed was a girl’s night.
Sam had not seen Kylee and Charlee since they had returned from their honeymoons, nor had she seen anyone else but Pepper and Jeffrey. Sam decided she would call Liz after she took a nap. She suddenly felt drained, as if she had not slept for weeks or months even.

  When Sam awoke from her nap she freshened up and called Liz.

  “Hello stranger. Where have you been?” Liz answered.

  “I have been immersing myself in my work, debating on if I can really let go or not.” Sam said.

  “So what is going on?” Liz asked.

  “A lot actually. Can you call the girls and come have a girl’s night with me please?” Sam said in an exaggerated tone.

  “Sure. What time?”

  “We can start as soon as you get here. I will be in the kitchen baking.”

  “Ok. Have you seen them since they got back?” Liz asked implying Kylee and Charlee.

  “I haven’t seen or talked to anyone since the weddings.” Sam said slightly embarrassed.

  “Oh. Well you have quite the shock coming then.”

  “What do you mean a shock?”

  “You will see. I will see you soon.” Liz said slyly as she hung up.

  Sam slowly put the phone down. She still felt like she had not slept in months but she needed the girl talk just as much. She meandered into the kitchen and started doing what she called ‘busy work’. ‘Busy work’ was Sam’s way of saying she needed to keep her mind off things and that meant baking. When Sam started baking she baked like a mad woman. She was zooming all over her kitchen still when her friends arrived. She had just pulled her last tray of cookies from the oven when they walked into her kitchen.

  “Whoa. Slow it down a little.” Liz said ducking to miss the hot tray that Sam was whirling around to the counter.

  “Sorry.” Sam said as she smiled sheepishly.

  “Hey.” Kylee said walking over to hug her.

  “Hi.” Sam said hugging her friend so tightly that Kylee lost her breath for a second.

  “Hey Sam.” Charlee said waddling over to sit on the bar stool by the island.


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