Finally Getting Love Right

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Finally Getting Love Right Page 17

by Jamie Nichols

  “What are you thinking about?” George asked when he saw the look on her face.

  “I was just deciding that I don’t care that my mom doesn’t want to talk to me.”

  “I am sorry, I can go talk to her if you would like.” He asked.

  “No, when do we leave for vacation?” Sam changed the subject excitedly.

  “We can leave whenever you would like.” He said.

  “How about now?” Sam said sporadically.

  “I think I can arrange that. Can you give me a second?” He asked politely.

  “Of course.” Sam said as George walked over and took a microphone.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you so much for coming out tonight. We are here obviously to celebrate Sam’s speedy recovery as well as the question you all know that I have asked her. I have told her not to answer me just yet, but I am sure you will all know the answer soon. Enjoy your night, We are taking off.” George said smiling.

  “Everyone knew what you were asking me?” Sam asked stunned.

  “Everyone but your mom. Are you ready?”

  “I am. Where are we going?” She asked curiously.

  “It is a surprise.” George said taking her around the waist as they walked up the stairs and away from the party.



  Sam and George arrived at the airport an hour after they had left the party. The driver pulled through the gate and drove over to the private hangers. Sam looked in awe as the limo came to a stop. The private jet in front of her was a lot bigger than she pictured it to be. It was white with blue lettering that read The Ameslee Estates.

  “George, what was the company called before you changed the name?” Sam asked sincerely wanting to know.

  “It was called Quinn Ventures.” George said wincing at how the old name sounded.

  “Interesting.” Sam replied with a slight laugh. She thought that the old name sounded like an Indiana jones movies title.

  “Shall we?” George asked motioning toward the limo door.

  They stepped out of the limo to be met by a sudden gust of wind that they were not expecting. Sam was careful as she walked up the steps toward the entrance of the plane. The interior looked just like something out of a movie. The four seats were covered in a blue plush looking material that she could not pin point. There were 3 flat screen tvs mounted to wall with a blu ray player sitting in a small glass case on the floor. Sam felt like she was in heaven.

  The plane took off within five minutes of the couple boarding. George still wouldn’t tell Sam where they were going, but she tried her hardest to get it out of him. She hoped that wherever they heading was sunny and warm. Sam had always loved the beach, no matter what memories it held for her. Sam fell asleep shortly after taking off, in true Sam fashion. When she awoke it was sunny out.

  “Look out your window.” George said pointing toward her window.

  “It is beautiful.” Sam exclaimed as she looked down through the clouds and saw bright blue water.

  “I know.” He answered her chuckling.

  “Where are we?” She asked hoping he would finally tell her.

  “Malibu.” He said.

  “We are getting ready to descend into LAX Mr. Ames.” The captain said over the speaker system.

  They had no problem getting through the airport. George seemed like he had known exactly which lines to get in and how to get around the massive crowds. As anyone could have imagined, there was another limo waiting to take them to wherever they were staying. Sam enjoyed the drive. It was a windy road but the scenery was gorgeous.

  They pulled up to what looked like a small bungalow. It was quaint; truth is Sam thought it was ugly. The driver unloaded their luggage and put it inside the doorway. George took Sams hand and led her into the house. She was definitely not expecting what she saw when she walked in. The little bungalow turned out to be a huge beach house. Sam figured that whoever had built the house had purposely made it look ugly in the front so that everyone would react this way. The entire back wall was made of glass. It was Sams dream beach house.

  “Do you like it?” George asked hoping she did.

  “At first I thought it was ugly, that was until I walked in. This house is phenomenal. Where did you find it?” Sam was curious.

  “Actually, I built it.” George said softly.

  “That definitely explains a lot.” Sam said.

  “You have seen the living room, but if you walk through the door over there on the right, you will see the best feature of the house.” He said calmly.

  “Ok?” Sam questioned figuring it must be the bedroom.

  Sam slowly walked to the door George had pointed to. She opened the door slowly, trying to give whatever was behind it a dramatic entrance. Sam was surprised to find a sitting room with 2 doors leading out of it. The walls were decorated extremely girly for a bachelor’s house. There was a grand piano in the middle of the room. It almost had a Victorian quality to it. She passed her fingers over the silk covered chairs as she headed toward the door on the right.

  When Sam opened the door, she was greeted by a king sized bed. Again, it had a Victorian feel to it. The carpet was a shade of mauve that Sam had never seen. The bedspread was black and white. There were pink lamps all around the room, each one different. Her favorite one was a tall lamp that had pink crystals hanging from the lamp shade. There was a on suite bathroom that was a blank slate compared to the rest of the room. She walked back into the sitting room and into the second doorway. The final room in this suite was a walk in closet. It was not quite as big as the one she had in her own home, but it would do. She walked out to re-join George in the living room.

  “How do you like it?” He asked handing her a plate of food.

  “It’s a little girly for a bachelor pad isn’t it?” She asked taking the food and sitting down on the couch.

  “That part of the house would be if this was meant to be a bachelor pad. I built that as an add-on. It actually was just finished last week.”

  “I see. How did you know I would even come here with you?” She asked.

  “I didn’t. If we didn’t work out, I would have sold the house and started over.”


  “Yes, really.”

  “Ok then.”

  “What do you want to do today?” George asked with a grin.

  “I want to do everything. Let’s start with surfing.”

  “I knew it.”

  They set out on a day of fun. Sam had never been great at surfing, but at least she could stand up. She lay out in the ocean soaking up the sun. She started to think about her life, but she didn’t get far before a wave crashed down next to her. She was a few feet away but she felt the aftershock. She paddled back in and lay on the beach for a while. When she had decided to stop soaking the rays up, George walked over.

  “What are you doing laying on the beach? I thought you wanted to surf?”

  “I did, for a while. It just wasn’t what I wanted it to be today.”

  “Maybe tomorrow then. I know the perfect place to go snorkeling, do you want to go?”

  “Sure. I think I am tan enough now.” Sam answered as she laughed at her halfhearted joke.

  “Ok. I will get the keys, meet you out front in five minutes.”

  They drove fifteen minutes to a hidden cove. George obviously knew where all the amazing hidden gems around were. George taught Sam what he knew of snorkeling. They spent the rest of the afternoon observing all the hidden wonders that the cove held. In a way, this cove reminded her of her cave back home. They finished their afternoon off by sitting on a log and watching the sunset. When they arrived back at the house, George was standoffish.

  “Dinner will be ready in half hour.” He said immediately walking toward the kitchen.

  “Ok.” Sam said having a feeling that he wasn’t even listening.

  Sam freshened up and sat down at the piano. She felt a sense of calm wash over her. It was the s
ame feeling she got when she stood on a stage. She started to play a song that she had been working on. The notes came out sounding better than she could have imagined. She continued to play until George appeared in the doorway.

  “Sounds good.” He said with a smile.

  “It is a work in progress.” Sam said shyly. She had never been one to play her songs for people before they were finished.

  “Dinner is ready.” He said walking back toward the kitchen.

  Sam followed him into the kitchen. She was greeted by a candlelit dining room. The table was grand. It was made of oak with an intricate design carved into it. The table was set for two. George had made chicken picante, one of Sam’s old favorites. Sam tried to eat it but she was tired from the long day she had.

  “I think I am going to go for a walk.” Sam said getting up from the table.

  “May I join you?” He asked.

  “Sure.” She answered walking out the door.

  “What is wrong?” He asked.

  “I just feel like this is all happening so fast.”

  “I know how you are feeling. I kind of feel the same way. I guess it just comes down to the fact that we have already made one mistake, do we really want to lose out on the opportunity to be together?”

  “Well no, I just think maybe we are moving too fast.”

  “Sam, it has been almost 6 months. To some people we would be tortoises.”

  “I know. I guess it’s just me second guessing myself as usual. I love you and I want to be with you, it is just a lot to think about right now.”

  “I get your point.” George said taking her hand.

  “Can we get it right this time?” She asked wanting to know what he thought.

  “I know we can.” He said sure of himself and his answer.

  “I am glad that you are so confident.” Sam started but was interrupted by her cell phone ringing.

  “Hello?” Sam said answering the phone.

  “Sam, Its Charlee.” Charlee said in a panicked voice.

  “What’s wrong?” Sam asked hurriedly sensing the urgency in her friend’s voice.

  “I am in labor and no one is home or answering their phones. I don’t know what to do.” Charlee said starting to obviously panic.

  “I will get ahold of someone to come get you. I will be there as soon as I can.”

  “No. Don’t leave your vacation early, you have not even been there 24 hours.”

  “I would not miss this for anything. I will call you back in five minutes.” Sam said hanging up and quickly dialing Liz’s number.

  “Hello?” Liz said obviously out of breath.

  “Why didn’t you answer when Charlee called!” Sam all but yelled at Liz.

  “I am kind of in the middle of something here.” Liz said.

  “Well you just became un-busy. She is in labor!”

  “Oh!” Liz said obviously stopping what she was doing.

  “You need to go get her and take her to the hospital. I will try to get ahold of Max.” Sam said.

  “Ok. I am going right now.” Liz said hanging up. Sam then called Max.

  “Hey Sam, Aren’t you supposed to be on vacation?” He answered the phone.

  “Yes, Aren’t you supposed to be taking your wife, who is in labor mind you, to the hospital? Where are you?” Sam asked.

  “What? She didn’t call me.”

  “Are you sure? Check your missed calls.” Sam said waiting for him to look.

  “Your right. My phone never rang. Thank you Sam, I owe you big time.” He answered her hanging up.

  “What is wrong?” George asked seeing the worry on her face.

  “Charlee is in labor. I am sorry, I have to go home now.” She said frantic.

  “I am going with you.”

  It took them only ten minutes to repack what had been unpacked and be on the road. The jet was ready to go when they got to the airport. Sam slept on the flight, being drained from the day she had. When they arrived back home, George directed the driver to go straight to the hospital. It had been 7 hours since she had heard anything. Sam was getting worried. When they arrived at the hospital, Sam almost jumped out of a still moving limo. She ran upstairs to the maternity ward.

  “Can I help you miss?” A nurse asked as Sam walked through the maternity doors.

  “I am looking for Charlee Hughes please.” Sam said out of breath.

  “Room 116. It is right after the waiting room on your right.”

  “Thank you.” Sam said walking fast toward the room.

  “Sam, what are you doing here?” Max said standing up as she was passing the waiting room.

  “I wouldn’t miss this.” She said smiling. “Why are you out here?”

  “Charlee is mad at me. Her contractions have been terrible.” He said losing his smile.

  “I am going to see her.”

  “I wouldn’t if I were you.” Kylee said.

  “Why is that?” Sam asked noticing that everyone else was already here.

  “She is very mean today.” Kylee answered.

  “Yea, she is almost worse than you were to all of us.” Liz added.

  “Somehow I doubt that. I can take it.” Sam said walking away from the waiting room toward room 116.

  Sam neared the door of room 116 and slowed trying to catch her breath. She did not want Charlee to see that she had literally been running since last night. She hadn’t even noticed that George wasn’t behind her until she heard him say hello to everyone in the waiting room. When Sam had finally caught her breath, she walked in.

  “Hey Charlee, how are you feeling?” Sam said cautiously.

  “Sam! You came.” Charlee said sounding a lot happier than everyone in the waiting room were giving her credit for.

  “I am here. What do you need?” Sam asked.

  “I don’t need anything right now.” Charlee answered bracing herself for another contraction.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am just glad that you are here.”

  “Why?” Sam asked confused.

  “You are the only one who knows what I am going through.”



  Sam cringed at the words her labored friend had just spoken. Charlee had been right though, Sam was the only one who could possibly know what she was going through. When Sam was 16 she had gotten pregnant. She was completely against ending a life and gave the child up for adoption. It was one topic not even George knew about. Sam had tried her hardest to forget the torture she had put herself through giving up that child. It had always haunted her soul.

  “How did you know about that?” Sam asked wanting to know how she had found out.

  “I am a good listener?” Charlee said trying to avoid answering the question.

  “I am serious. I have never told anyone about that.” Sam said being serious.

  “She would be 16 today.” Charlee answered slowly.

  “How did you know that? Please tell me.” Sam begged her friend.

  “I met her. She is actually a part of your life now.” Charlee said slowly.

  “What are you talking about? Are they giving you too many pain killers?” Sam was serious.

  “Did you honestly think that she wouldn’t get some of your talent?”

  “Are you saying she is one of my students?” Sam asked baffled.

  “Yes. She is in your advanced class.”

  “Who?” Sam asked a solemn look falling across her face.

  “Erica Burnett.” Charlee said slowly.

  Sam knew exactly who she was talking about. Erica was her star student. Sam now knew why. She was stunned that she had not noticed before this. The girl had initially reminded her of herself when they had first met.

  “Thank you for telling me that.” Sam said.

  “Are you going to talk to her?” Charlee wondered.

  “No. I don’t think that her parents would like that too much. I am going to leave it alone.” Sam said making a split se
cond decision that she was sure she would regret in ten years.

  “Ok. I won’t tell her that you know.”

  “Thank you.” Sam said smiling.

  “How did you do this?” Charlee asked after another obviously painful contraction.

  “I had iv drugs.” Sam said confident in her answer.

  “Why didn’t you do it naturally?”

  “I was 16 and I did not want to be in the pain that you are in right now.”

  “Were there any side effects?” Charlee asked as she entertained the idea.

  “Not for me.” Sam answered as she thought back to 16 years ago.

  “Oh. I can’t take this pain anymore.” Charlee said cringing.

  “Do you want me to get the nurse?” Sam asked.

  “They won’t give it to me. Max is extremely against it.”

  “I will talk to Max and then get you something for the pain.” Sam said walking out of the room toward the waiting room. Max was standing down the hall passed the waiting room, staring into space.

  “Hey Sam, How is she?” He asked concerned.

  “To tell you the truth, She is in a lot of pain.”

  “She is strong, she can handle it.” Max said with confidence.

  “She may not be as strong as you want her to be.” Sam said slowly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She has been in pain for over 12 hours. It is taking its toll. She has tried to do it your way, it just hasn’t worked.”

  “She has to do this naturally, she just has to.” Max said getting mad.

  “Why? Give me one good reason why.” Sam said sharply.

  “That is the way it has been done for centuries. My mom did it, Charlee can do it too.”

  “That is not good enough.”

  “It is good enough.”

  “Do you not realize that you are causing your wife pain? Pain that in this day and age is not necessary to endure?”

  “I guess I never thought of it that way.”

  “Can you please get your wife some pain medication?” Sam begged of him.


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