A Fox's Vacation (American Kitsune Book 5)

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A Fox's Vacation (American Kitsune Book 5) Page 11

by Brandon Varnell

  “I’ve always wondered how you got your name, but I don’t understand why someone would name you ‘Thing Princess.’”

  “Actually, depending on the kanji, ‘Koto’ can also refer to a Japanese musical instrument, of which I can play very well.”

  “I didn’t know you could play a musical instrument.” Kevin’s eyes were wide and shone with an unusual luster. “Do you think I could hear you play sometime?”

  Unable to resist, Kotohime ruffled his hair. Kevin pouted, but he was secretly pleased by the affectionate gesture. It had taken a lot of work, but the woman finally approved of and supported his position as Lilian’s mate.

  And just think, it only took me nearly being killed to earn that respect.

  A hard bunch to please, these kitsune were.

  “Maybe, sometime, I shall play for you. However, I have not played in many years. Not since…”

  Kevin didn’t need Kotohime to finish her sentence to know what she was talking about.

  He decided to change the subject.

  “So, what was your original name? If you don’t mind my asking.”

  Kotohime stared at Kevin for quite a while, long enough to make him squirm in discomfort. He couldn’t keep from feeling worried under that gaze. Had he asked something she didn’t like? Well, of course he had. He’d probably brought up a bunch of bad memories with his question.

  Dang it! How could I have been so careless and invasive?!



  “My name,” Kotohime released a deep breath. “My original name was Tsukihime.” She smiled, and Kevin thought that, even in its bitterness, her smile was beautiful. “I have not gone by that name for nearly two hundred years, though.”

  “Hmm…” Kevin paused. “I think Tsukihime fits you better.”

  “R-really?” Kotohime seemed surprised.

  “Yeah!” Nodding, Kevin explained himself. “Tsuki means moon, right? The moon creates the tide, and it’s really pretty to look at. Kinda like you.” Kevin nodded to himself. “That’s why I think Tsukihime is a much better name.”

  Kotohime was stunned, but only for a moment.

  “Ufufufu, it seems you are still full of surprises, Kevin-sama.” She ruffled his hair again, then smoothly stood up. “Now, then, I believe I shall go and see what my sister is doing. You should return to the others. I am sure they’re wondering where you are. We’ll also be having dinner together. You should let your friends know, in case they have not already been made aware of this.”


  After he and Kotohime parted ways, Kevin arrived at the room he shared with his friends to a most unusual sight. Eric lay on the floor in their room, curled up in a fetal position, shivering and sniffling like a little girl who’d just seen Saw. Tears ran down his cheeks.

  Kevin felt tempted to turn around and walk the other way. He was sure that he didn’t want to know about whatever happened to his friend.

  He sighed. Sometimes he hated being so nice.

  “So what happened to him?”

  Alex and Andrew looked at each other. Justin continued staring at Eric, poking him with a stick he’d gotten from somewhere.

  “We don’t know.” Alex scratched the side of his head. “We lost him after going to the hot spring. When we came back to our room, he was here.” He looked back at Eric. “He was already like this when we came in.”

  Kevin moved closer and knelt down next to Eric. The young man was mumbling something.

  “… no way… refuse… not…he’s not… oh, god! The boobies!”


  Kevin looked up at his equally confused friends. They both stared at him with the same look that he felt positive was reflected in his own features.

  “Don’t look at us. We’ve got no clue what he’s saying either.”

  “Right, then.” Kevin stood back up. “You guys might want to get ready for dinner. We’ll be eating soon.”

  In an effort to bring some semblance of normality to the situation, Alex and Andrew went about preparing for dinner.

  Justin continued to poke the insensate Eric with a stick.


  Dinner that night was eaten outside.

  There were no tables large enough to accommodate them, so they were forced to sit at separate tables. The groups intermixed. Kevin and Lilian sat together, naturally; there was no way they were gonna miss out on the opportunity to have a quasi-date. Kotohime, much to her consternation, sat beside them. She seemed to want to take up her normal position behind Lilian, however, neither Kevin nor her charge would let her.

  “You’re on vacation,” they told her, “so act like you’re on vacation.”

  Beneath the table, the cat Kevin had picked up drank milk from a bowl that he’d asked the waiters to set for her.

  Bright and cheerful as always, Lilian’s smile lit up the area. Several passing pedestrians had already been blinded. One couple even had to be removed on stretchers when they ran face-first into a pillar.

  “I’m so excited about going to the beach tomorrow. Lindsay and I bought new bathing suits for just this occasion.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you in it,” Kevin admitted.

  Lilian’s bright smile gained several extra levels of moé, as if pleased by the progress Kevin had made. Months ago, he would have passed out if she’d said that.

  Several tables away, Eric fell off his seat.

  “Oh, god! Her moé level is over nine thousand!”

  “Shut up, idiot!”

  “Eek! Why is it so cold all of a sudden?! And where did this ice spear come from?!”

  Over at the table diametrically opposed to Lilian’s and Kevin’s, Iris sat next to Justin. The sexy vixen’s carmine eyes glimmered in the light of several torches. Her smile reveled in the staring that she knew Justin tried not to reveal. Grinning, she stretched her arms behind her chair. Justin’s eyes practically bulged when her large breasts practically popped out of her clothes.

  “See something that pleases you?”

  Justin turned his head.

  “… No…”

  “Uhuhu, someone isn’t being honest with themselves, I see.”

  While Iris needled and teased Justin, Eric, after reclaiming his seat, hung onto every word his master told him.

  “This is why I told you to wait before actually trying to sneak into the women’s side of the hot spring, my young apprentice. Women, especially yōkai women, have very keen senses. They know when they’re being peeped on. Only someone who has years of experience in practical application can accomplish what you tried this night. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. Then from now on, you are not to do anything without my say-so. Got it?”

  “Yes, Master!”

  “Glad to see you understand.”

  “I’ve never been to the beach before,” Lindsay said as she and Christine sat with Alex and Andrew. “I can’t wait. It’s going to be so exciting. We’ll be able to soak up the sun, play in the ocean, and maybe we can even play a game of volleyball. I’ve always wanted to play volleyball at the beach.”

  “I’m not much of a sports fan,” Christine started to say.

  “Please.” Hands clasped in front of her face, Lindsay’s eyes became large and teary. “Please, Christine, please say you’ll play a game with me? At least one.”

  “All right. All right. Fine! Just stop making that disgusting face already.”

  Alex leaned in to whisper into his brother’s ear. “Man, this girl is really tsundere.”

  “She’s the tsunderist tsundere I’ve ever seen.”

  “I didn’t know girls like this existed in real life until she came along.”

  “Would you two shut up! I am not a tsundere!”

  Perhaps the oddest group there was Camellia and Kiara. They most certainly made for an unusual sight: The lithe and athletic woman with wild hair and a black business suit,
and the tall, statuesque beauty with the large bust and innocent smile. On their own, they turned heads. Together, the dichotomy they presented could kill a man.

  “Hawa…” Camellia peered at the unusual mix of food on their table: steamed fish and steak and chicken, along with several flour tortillas and a number of sides. “Camellia’s never seen this kind of food before.”

  “It’s called a fajita, My Lady,” Kirihime said as she prepared one containing chicken for her.

  Camellia took a bite, her eyes widening as she beamed at her maid. “It’s really good.”

  “Would you like me to make some for you when we return home?” Kirihime asked, her face possessing a kind and gentle expression. “If you’d like, I can… ask the chef if he would be so kind as to part with the recipe.”

  “Um!” Camellia nodded enthusiastically and went back to eating.

  Kiara watched the technically older female eat like a child who’d never been taught how to use a fork. Camellia had already made a mess of her face. “This woman…”

  “Kevin-sama, you should add some vegetables to your dinner. You are a growing young man, after all. Here.” Kotohime scooped up a few of her steamed vegetables and put them on his plate. “While meat is important, you need to maintain a balanced diet.”

  “You’re right. Sorry.” Scratching the back of his head, he gave the older woman a grin. “I didn’t realize this dish wouldn’t come with any.” Kotohime returned the smile.

  “You’re acting like a responsible onee-chan, Kotohime,” Lilian couldn’t help but tease her maid. “Something you want to tell us?”

  “Ah!” Kotohime only now seemed to realize what she’d done. Her eyes had gone quite round. “I-I was just making sure that Kevin-sama was eating a balanced and nutritious meal. It is my job as your maid to ensure his health.”

  “You’ve never done that for me.”

  Kotohime looked away. “You’ve never needed it.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Lilian’s tone and the look in her eyes told the other two that she did not believe the woman one bit.

  A man strolled up to their table, dressed in the garb of a waiter. His blond hair was long and shiny, showing that he obviously took great care of it, probably more so than a man had any right to care for their hair. Light blue eyes were hidden beneath several strands of shimmering gold, and his pearly white teeth gleamed as he smiled.

  Kevin nearly groaned. Great. This was just what they needed. A bishie.

  “Good evening ma’am, madam… sir.” For reasons beyond Kevin, he felt like this man only added him at the last second as an afterthought. “Would either of you care for a refill?” he asked the two ladies at the table, though his eyes focused on Lilian. Kevin felt his blood boil.

  “No thanks. I’m good here.” Lilian dismissed the man without even looking at him. Vindication rushed through his veins when Kevin saw the pretty boy’s right eye twitch. He apparently wasn’t used to women ignoring him.

  “I see.” Kevin had to give the man credit. He kept his annoyance in check well. “And what about you, madam?” he addressed Kotohime. “Is the wine to your satisfaction?” He gave her his best smile.

  “It’s all right, I suppose.” Kotohime took a sip of the wine that he spoke of, managing to hide her grimace. “Though I do wish that you were in possession of some sake instead.”

  Another twitch.

  “I apologize that we could not accommodate you.” He bowed. “I have, of course, already suggested that we begin working towards importing sake, however, these things do take time. It will probably be at least a year before we see anything done.”

  “A shame,” Kotohime said, “I know that Kiara was most looking forward to trying some.”

  At the mention of Kiara, the man gripped the water pitcher in his hand hard enough that Kevin thought the handle would shatter. Did this man have a grudge against Kiara? He didn’t think so, but then, who could say for sure. For all Kevin knew, this man could have asked Kiara out on a date, thinking his bishounen good looks would make her swoon over him—and had then been disappointed when she told him that wimpy maggots who sparkled didn’t do it for her. Kevin could totally see that happening.

  “Yes, well, I am terribly sorry to disappoint a woman of her… esteemed position, but I am not in charge of imports, I’m afraid. I merely wait tables.”


  “If you’ll excuse me.”

  “Hold it.”

  The man turned around. Kevin almost smiled when the man aimed an evil glare at him. He raised his glass.

  “I’d like a refill of water, please.”

  A twitch.

  “Of course, sir.”

  The man refilled his glass. Kevin leaned in.

  “If I ever see you stripping my girlfriend with your eyes again, I will rip your arms off and shove them so far up your ass that you’ll need to have surgery done if you ever want to use the restroom again,” he said, his tone and manner nonchalant.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the man said, his smile fixed. “I am merely doing my job as your host.”

  “Yes.” Kevin snorted. “I’m sure you are.”

  The man left. Kevin stared at his cup of water. He wasn’t thirsty. Still, he grabbed the cup and took a sip.

  Lilian rested her elbows on the table, chin atop her hands. “Have I ever told you that I really like it when you get possessive over me like that?”

  “Once or twice.”

  Kevin held the glass of water to his mouth, still acting completely nonchalant. He felt so cool.

  Too bad his moment of cool ended when something soft, long, and furry slipped into his pants and grabbed a certain part of his anatomy. Kevin did not spit take, but he did end up choking on the water. He also ended up falling backwards, banging the back of his head against the pavement, eyes crossing.

  When everything swam back into focus, it was to see a worried Lilian staring at him.

  “K-Kevin, are you okay?”

  “Ugh… yeah, I’m fine.” He blinked. Why were stars floating around his head? “Ngg… was… was that you?” When Lilian gave him a genuinely confused expression, he sighed. “Never mind.”

  He sat back up and resumed eating.

  Meanwhile, the cat by his chair continued lapping up milk.


  After dinner, the group split up. The adults went to their room a few doors down, the boys entered their room, and the girls went into the one across from the boys. Only Kevin and Lilian remained outside.

  “This feels weird.”

  Lilian tilted her head.

  “What does?”

  “Just… this.” Kevin gestured to the two doors, then themselves. “You and I sleeping in separate rooms. I’ve gotten so used to us sleeping together these past few months. It’s going to feel weird not having you with me.”

  Lilian felt her heart swell until it threatened to burst from her chest. Her body tingled with the afterglow of his words, starting from her heart and spreading out to encompass the rest of her. The desire to pull her mate to her and kiss him until he couldn’t stand almost overpowered her. She resisted by reminding herself that doing so would likely result in them never letting go of each other, but it still proved to be difficult.

  “I know how you feel.”

  She caught Kevin’s eyes and was unable to look away. Despite all the changes that her mate had gone through, both mentally and physically, she’d found that his eyes remained the same as when she first saw them during their first meeting.

  I don’t want to sleep in another room.

  “Well…” Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself together. A smile was directed at Kevin, uncertain and awkward. “I… I should probably go to bed…”


  Turning around, Lilian took a single step towards the girls’ room. She stopped when a hand latched onto her wrist.

  A shiver went through her body, a jolt, like the surging of electricity as it
passed through a wire. It traveled up her arm and through the rest of her body, going from her head all the way to her toes.

  Before she knew what was happening, Lilian found herself being spun about. She opened her mouth, though for what purpose even she didn’t know: a yelp, a scream, a word? It didn’t matter in the end, because her ability to release noise was soon hampered by another mouth.

  Lilian all but melted as she and her mate shared a kiss. She resisted the temptation to rub her body against his, and instead contented herself with holding him close. Arms wrapped around her waist, strong and muscular from months of combat training and rigorous exercise. She reveled in their strength and the surety with which they held her. Truly, few things in this world could match being held by her mate.

  Except taking a shower with her mate.

  And being brought to multiple orgasms by her mate.

  She imagined sex would trump being held, too, but she didn’t have any experience with that yet. Damn it. What she wouldn’t give to have Kevin tear her clothes off right now, push her up against the wall, and stick his long, thick…

  “Whoo! Look at you two go! Maybe you should think about taking this to the bed. I certainly wouldn’t mind watching, unless you’d like me to join in.”

  The kiss ended. Kevin jerked back as if scalded. Lilian turned to her sister, who’d interrupted them, and glared.


  Iris grinned and bolted back into their room. Lilian chased after her.

  It looked like this night wouldn’t be ending on the high note that she’d hoped for.

  Chapter 5

  Trouble When the Clock Strikes Twelve

  “Why are we doing this again?” Christine asked as she, Lindsay, Lilian, and Iris sat in a semicircle on the floor of their room.

  Night had yet to truly fall. The sky, still painted with an array of colors, shone through their window, a shimmering painting of delicate hues, saturations, and tones. It was a lot more vibrant than the sunsets in Arizona, but Kevin had informed Lilian that sunsets in California were caused by pollution and were not a natural phenomenon.


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