Chasing the Beta

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Chasing the Beta Page 7

by Jessica Edwards

  I know what happened to him.

  I feel my eyes tearing up. “That’s a shame.”

  “I wonder where he went. Where do you think he is?” He’s dead.

  “I don’t know.” I say dismissively.

  Talking about Terry will definitely make me start to cry because I know exactly what happened to him, I mean, I’m the one who found him.

  I can’t talk about Terry anymore.

  It’s time for me and Max to talk about his reasons for lying to me.

  “Look Max, you know why I’m here. We both know why. So, let’s stop avoiding the reason and get on with it.”

  He doesn’t answer straight away. “Max?”

  He nods. “Okay, I’ll tell you everything.”

  “And Max, tell me the truth if you want me to trust you, and be your friend again. This is your last chance to explain everything.”

  He removes the beanie, runs his hand through his hair and puts the beanie back over his head. He then slowly brings his eyes to meet mine again. “What do you want to know?”

  I don’t hesitate with my question. “Was it Ryder who beat you up that first day of school?”

  He clears his throat. “No.”

  I keep my irritation to myself and ask him the next question. “Then, who was it?”

  “I asked a random kid to beat me up.”

  This, I wasn't expecting.

  I frown in confusion. “That's fucked up. Why would

  you do that?”

  “I wanted to make Ryder look like the bad guy. I hate the fact that the popular guy can do whatever the hell he wants and gets away with things.”

  “Max, Ryder’s popular because he’s the bad guy in school.”

  He looks at me in confusion. “Then, why do you associate with guys like that?”

  “Ryder's different when he’s with me.” Max scoffs. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

  “Just because he hasn’t lied to me like you did, doesn’t give you the right to make out that he's a liar, because he’s not.”

  “That’s a low blow.”

  “Stop bringing Ryder into this. This is about you, not him.”

  He only nods to that.

  “Right, so you asked a random kid to beat you up at school because you wanted to get at Ryder, yeah?”


  “The next thing I want answered is how your cuts and bruises were gone by the next day?”

  Max doesn't answer me, and it looks like that he

  doesn't intend to either. “Max?”

  He goes to speak but closes his mouth again. “I have a condition.”

  A what?

  “Say that again?”

  He avoids eye contact. “I have this condition that allows me to heal faster than others.” He looks back at me to see a look that isn't convinced. “It's true. I know it probably sounds like a lie to you, but it's the absolute truth. I've had this condition since I was born.”

  I take in his words. “So, whenever you had a cut or a bruise, it would always vanish the next day?”

  He nods. “Yes, sometimes even on the same day, it would disappear.”

  I don't know how to take his answer, but from the way he's explained himself, to me it sounds weirdly like the truth, but it's still weird.

  “Any other questions?”

  Here comes the big question. “Yeah, just this last one.”

  Max half smiles. “This one's going to be about my

  mum, right?” I nod.

  Max looks out the window then back at me. “My mother doesn't work at the hospital. She's not even in this country right now.” He sighs. “I don't know why I lied and said to you that she worked there, but trust me I had a reason for being at that hospital.”

  “What was the reason?”

  Max clears his throat. “I came to Small Town for one thing. To find my father. My father apparently lives somewhere in Small Town, and I’m here to find him.”

  I knit my brows. “That doesn't explain why you were at the hospital.”

  Max reaches into his pocket and holds in his hand what appears to be a photo of a person, but I can't make out who it is.

  “My mother told me to look for a nurse who worked at the hospital. This woman apparently knows who my father is, and can somehow tell me where to find him, but I can't find this woman anywhere at the hospital.”

  Maybe I might know her considering I used to go to the hospital all the time.

  “Can I take a look at the photo? I might be able to

  help you find her.”

  “Sure.” He hands me the picture, I take it from him, and that's when my heart suddenly stops.

  Why did he have a picture of her?

  I look at the photo and start to crumble. Seeing her smiling in this photo makes me think that she was such a happy person, a person who loved to help others in need, but because of me, she can no longer smile, or be a part of this world.

  “Alice, are you okay?” Max looks at me in concern.

  I wipe a tear from my face and place the photo on the table.

  “Why do you have a picture of my mother?” Max looks taken aback. “That's your mother?”

  I only look at him, and it seems to give him the answer that he needs.

  “Where is she?”

  I look away in annoyance. “She's not here.” “Well, where can I find her?”

  “You won't be able to find her.”

  Max looks at me in confusion. “Why not?” “Because she's dead.” I snap.

  Max only looks at me in shock.

  “She was murdered. Just like the chef who used to work here.”


  “It's true. There's a murderer in Small Town, in case you didn't know.”

  Just as Max goes to speak, my phone suddenly rings. I take my phone out from my pocket and answer the call.


  “Alice, it's Sally.”

  Why is Sam's mum calling me?

  Could it be something about Sam? Was she alright? “Is everything okay?”

  Sally chuckles. “Everything's fine. I just wanted to let you know that Sam's woken up, and she's back to her normal self.”

  I sigh in relief. “That's really great news, Sally.” “She's actually been asking for you.”


  “Yes. She'll be really happy to see you.”

  “I'll be happy to see Sam too. I'll come and see her


  “Okay, see you then.” She ends the call.

  I steal a glance at Max to see him still looking completely lost. “How? I mean, why?”

  “I've been asking myself that since Monday.” Max frowns. “It just doesn't make sense.”

  I get up from my seat and smile warmly. “I know, but I can't change what's happened. I've come to realize that the people around me are getting hurt or worse, murdered. So, after today, you need to ask yourself if you really want to associate with someone like me.”

  With that I leave the table, go into Robbie's office which is thankfully empty, and leave him a note saying that I won't be coming back. I leave the diner shortly, and I leave without looking back.

  Chapter 9

  I drive back to the wolves' house later that day, thinking back to my conversation with Max. Seeing him and resolving what happened between us, makes me feel a little better, but I can't shake this uneasy feeling that something might happen to Max. I might have to keep Max at a distance from now on because the last thing I'd want is for him to get hurt.

  Even though he lied to me, I can see underneath all that, that he's a really kind person. He told the truth today, and for that we can maybe, perhaps move forward from all the lies and the arguments, but that's if Max chooses to of course.

  When I park the car and enter the house, I'm immediately met with Ryder, who looks at me curiously.

  He crosses his arms over his chest. “Gone out for the day. Don't come looking for me? What kind of message is that?”

  I frown at him in confusion but then I realize exactly what he's referring to.

  Oh right.

  The message I left on the whiteboard.

  “Oh, that?”

  Ryder nods. “Yeah.”

  “I was only gone for like an hour. It's not like I was gone for the whole day.”

  He tenses his jaw. “It felt like you were gone for hours.”

  I pout. “Did someone miss me?”

  Ryder scoffs. “Miss you? It was more like me pacing backwards and forwards waiting for you to come through that door.”

  I half smile at that.

  “But where did you go if you didn't want us to come looking for you?”

  I just shrug. “I only went to the diner.” “Really?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I went there to quit and saw a friend.”

  That gets his attention. “Why did you quit your job?”

  I move to sit at the table. “I think me working at the diner's causing problems for other people.”

  “How?” Ryder comes to sit opposite me.

  “Well, look at it this way. Mr. Daniels and myself got along pretty well at school because I always told him

  about the situation with my father, he ends up dead. Terry worked at the diner, where he was like a father figure to me, he also ends up dead. Finally, Sam's my best friend who came to the diner all the time to come and see me, and she ends up getting attacked. What do you see here?”

  Ryder nods to himself. “Everyone you're close to is getting hurt.”

  “Exactly, which was why I had to quit.”

  “But that doesn't make sense because Sam's alive.”

  I take in his words and a thought occurs to me. “What if the attacker thought he actually killed her, but really, he didn't hit her hard enough to kill her?”

  “She survived which means Sam might be able to help us here, but she's not awake, is she?”

  “Her mum called me while I was at the diner. She called to tell me that Sam's woken up. I'm going to see her tomorrow.”

  “Answers will be answered.” Ryder gets up from the table and goes to leave but suddenly stops and turns around to face me. “Who was the friend?”


  “Who did you go to see at the diner today?”

  I touch the ends of my hair nervously because I know

  how Ryder feels about Max. He absolutely hates him. “Just a friend from school.”

  Ryder thinks for a moment then clenches his fists. “It wasn't Max, was it?”

  I look away from him and that gives Ryder the answer he needs, he groans in irritation. “Why? Why him of all people?”

  “He wanted to explain his reasons for lying to me.” “Yeah. He's a lying shit alright.”

  “He probably won't want to speak to me ever again, anyway.”

  “Good because you're mine. If you see him again, tell him from me to back the fuck off.”

  Ryder storms off out to the back, slamming the door behind him, the only thing I see are Ryder's clothes being removed.


  The next morning, I drive to the hospital alone, anxiously preparing myself to see Sam. I'm filled with so much excitement to see her because ever since she's been in the hospital, I've felt like something's

  always been missing, and it's because of her.

  I wonder what she'll have to say the minute she sees me, she probably has a lot to say.

  The moment I park the car in an empty space, I run into the entrance of the hospital, give my name and wait in the reception. It seems like only yesterday I was here visiting Sam, but this time she'll be wide awake and talking non-stop. 'Alice Smith?'

  I rise from my seat, repeat who I'm here to see and follow a nurse to Sam's room, and the first thing I hear is Sam's voice, and I can't help but break out into a smile.

  “What the fuck is this around my head!?”

  Back to her normal self I see.

  I enter the room and chuckle at the scene in front of me. I see Sam pulling at the bandage around her head, while Sally tries to take Sam's hands off of the bandage. Her father is sitting next to the bed with a bored expression on his face, while the nurse standing next to me drops her clipboard, bringing everyone's attention towards me.

  The moment Sam's eyes make contact with mine, she smiles and let’s go of the bandage, much to Sally's relief.

  “Alice!” Sam shrieks.

  I run to her side and clutch her closely to my chest, she does the same.

  We both stay like that for a couple of minutes, just taking each other in.

  I hear her parents leave, leaving only Sam and myself in the room.

  “I missed you so much, Sam.” My voice trembles.

  “I might've been unconscious, but I missed you too.”

  I feel the tears starting to fall. “It's been so weird not having you around.”

  “Everything's going to be fine now because I'm awake.” She chuckles but I know she's crying too.

  I release my hold and place my hands on her shoulders. “Are you okay? What did the nurse have to say?”

  “She said I'm fine. No memory loss or anything like that. Thank god.”

  “That's a relief.”

  Sam clutches her head. “I know, but every time I think too hard, I get a fucking headache and it pisses me off.”

  God, I've missed her.

  I drop my arms and smile. “It's a miracle you're alive,


  She shakes her head. “What I don't understand is why I was attacked. What the hell did I do to deserve getting jumped like that?”

  I shrug even though I know the reason why.

  I don't want to say to her that she was attacked because of me, that would raise too many questions, and that's not why I came here today.

  “And why attack me from behind? Who does that!?” Sam says in irritation.

  I take a seat in the chair next to her. “Don't ask me. I wasn't there.”

  “Whoever it was, is a fucking pussy, and I bet you it was one of the cheerleaders.” Sam crosses her arms over her chest.

  “Why would someone from the cheerleading squad attack you?” I ask while trying to keep a straight face.

  She flicks her hair over her shoulder. “Because the jocks drool over me and not them.”

  I shake my head. “Sure.”

  There's comfortable silence for a while, but out of nowhere Sam growls in frustration, making me jolt in surprise. “That fucker picked the wrong person! If I wasn't attacked from behind, I would've beaten their

  asses to a pulp.”

  I place a hand over my heart. “A little warning next time before you give me a heart attack.”

  Sam pouts. “Sorry. It just makes me angry that someone would decide to attack me the moment my back was turned.”

  I lean forward in my seat. “Did you see who it was?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but I wish I did. All I remember was that I dropped my keys, knelt down to pick them up.” She winces and clutches her head again. “And that's when everything went black.”

  I smile at her reassuringly. “Don't worry. We'll catch whoever did this to you, Sam.”

  She puts her head in her hands. “I just wish that I knew who did it.”

  I wish you knew too.

  Sam rises her head and looks around the room. “Where's your mum by the way? I thought she would've been here with you, or at least seen her around the hospital, but I haven't seen Tina anywhere.”

  Hearing her name, feels like someone's shot me in the chest.

  I look at Sam to see her looking at me. My eyes

  immediately start tearing up, I turn my head to avoid looking at her. “Um...”

  “You okay?”

  I clear my throat, wipe my eyes and look back at Sam. “I'm just overwhelmed, that's all.”

  She's not going to believe that.

  Of course, she sees right through me. “Alice, what's happened?” Sam's voice fills with worry. I d
on't answer her because I'm already crying my eyes out.

  What do I say to her?

  “What’s happened since I've been here?” Her voice trembles.

  I take a moment to gather my thoughts and clear my throat. “I don't know what to say.”

  “Why? Alice, please tell me what's happened? You're scaring me.”

  I stare motionless at her. “Something happened.” Sam just stares at me.

  “To who?” A pause.

  “You know that the murderer's still out there, right?” Sam nods.

  I wipe a tear away. 'Well, when you got attacked, on the same night, my mother became the seventh victim. He got her.”

  Sam gasps, places her hand over her mouth and starts crying.

  I look down at the floor. “She was dead by the time I reached her. She was long gone.”

  I miss my mum so much.

  “Are you serious, Alice?”

  I nod. “She was murdered.”

  The two of us cry our eyes out for what feels like hours.

  I love you mum.

  “Alice?” Sam asks quietly.

  I slowly look up at Sam, to see her looking at me through tear stained eyes. “If your mum was the seventh victim, who was the sixth? Because I know Mr. Daniels was the fifth.”

  I shake my head, refusing to answer her question. “Who was it, Alice?” She begs.

  When I think to myself that I won't tell her, his name slips out. making it too late for me to take it back.

  :Terry.” I murmur.

  Sam's eyes widen and she shakes her head repeatedly. “No.”

  “I was the one who found him.”

  “You found both bodies?” She whimpers. I nod.

  “Oh my God.”

  I take her hand in mine. “I'm sorry that you found out like this. I didn't come here today to talk about what's happened.”


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