Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 7

by Clair de Lune

  “Come on, love. Pick up those bags and let’s go home.”

  She took his arm and guided him to the car. He looked beaten, and his shoulders drooped. She drove quickly back to the flat. After parking the car, she led him upstairs and into the flat. He put his bags on the floor and half collapsed on the sofa. She sat next to him and took both of his hands in hers.

  “Tell me, love. Tell me all about it.”

  He looked at her and she squeezed his hands, never breaking eye contact with him. She saw he was considering his words, and then he began to speak.

  “Edward has been cheating on me on and off ever since I first knew him. I ignored it at first because I wanted him so much. He was good for me, too, and it was just the odd one-night stand. A month ago he didn’t come home all night and the next night. When he came home he was apologetic and full of excuses. I didn’t believe him because it had happened so many times and it seemed like just one more. Then he stayed away for a week. I didn’t know where he was and he never called. At the end of the week he came home. He didn’t say anything. Just took up where he left off but he didn’t touch me or sleep with me. One day when he was at work someone called and hung up. It happened several times. Then when Edward came home he was on his mobile all the time and would go off to the room to talk. I went away one weekend and when I came back I found things in the flat. There were toiletries in the bathroom that weren’t Edward’s and underwear in the dirty washing. When I confronted him he told me that he’d had another affair but it was over. I wanted to believe him, but still he slept apart from me and the calls continued. Yesterday his mobile was out of charge and he had to use the land line. I picked up the extension and listened.”

  Olafur couldn’t go on. Rose got to her feet and pulled him into her arms as he sat on the sofa. His head against her shoulder, he clung to her then he began to shake.

  “Cry, love. Let yourself cry. Don’t worry.” She didn’t know what to say. She patted him on the back and he began to sob. He held onto her and she rocked him back and forth until he calmed down. She led him into the bathroom and let him wash his face.

  “When did you last eat?” Rose asked.

  “I don’t know. Last night I think.”

  “Come on then, I’ll make you bacon and eggs. Sit there. Would you like coffee or tea?”

  “I’d like some tea, please,” Olafur said.

  Rose made a pot of tea and a plate of bacon and eggs. Olafur sat and ate. She made toast and he ate three pieces with butter and marmalade. He drank three cups of tea, and when he had done he looked better. He even smiled at her. She thought she’d never seen such beautiful drowned eyes. Tears filled his eyes and slipped slowly down his cheeks, and Rose took a tissue and tenderly wiped them away.

  “Come along, love, don’t cry anymore now. You are here and you are safe with us.”

  She took him to a bedroom to put his stuff away and left him while she went to tidy up. The phone rang.


  “Edward here. Can I speak to Salvador Belmonte, please?”

  “I’m sorry, Salvador isn’t here,” Rose said.

  “Is that Rose? Is Olafur with you by any chance?”

  “No, Edward, he’s not with me. Why should he be?” Rose asked.

  “No reason, but he’s left and I’m trying to find him.”

  “He’s not here and neither is Master Salvador.”

  “Will you give Salvador a message for me?” Edward asked.

  “Yes, certainly I will. What is it?”

  “If Olafur gets in contact with him, ask him to let me know,” Edward said.

  “Yes, Edward, I will.”

  “Thank you, Rose. Are you and Salvador an item now then?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’ve been living with him for some weeks now,” Rose said.

  “Nice for you both. Remember to give him my message when he gets back.”

  “I will. Good-bye, Edward,” she said.

  “Good-bye, Rose.”

  Rose put down the phone and saw Olafur standing in the door. “That was Edward. I told him you weren’t with me. As you weren’t in the room it was no lie, but he can believe what he likes.”

  “I really don’t want to speak to him or see him again. I’m afraid I shall weaken and agree to go back to him, as you know it wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “No, love. Well, when Master Salvador comes back we can all discuss what to do in the future. Meanwhile let’s sit down and get to know one another better. Our chats on the phone have been so brief. Now we have the chance to tell each other in person what we haven’t said before.”

  She went over to the sofa, sat down, and patted the seat next to her. Olafur sat down.

  “You first, tell me something about yourself then I’ll tell you about myself okay?”

  “I was born in Akureyri, very close to the Arctic circle.”

  “That must have been a very beautiful place to be born in.”

  “Yes, Rose, it is.”

  “I suppose so. What is it like?”

  “It’s the fourth biggest town in Iceland and called the Capital of the North. There is skiing and fishing and whale watching. There are lots of attractions for tourists. I sound like a commercial don’t I? From May to July it’s daylight twenty-four hours a day. In the winter months we are lucky to get four hours. We have mild summers and cold winters from October to April. We have a large brewery and the second largest hospital in Iceland. It’s a beautiful place, Rose.”

  Rose preferred the animation he demonstrated as he talked with pride and enthusiasm about his home-town to the beaten and downcast look he’d had when he arrived.

  “Do you miss it?” she asked gently.

  “My family are still there. My brothers work in the fishing industry. My eldest brother is a doctor and my mother is a nurse,” he replied.

  “Do you get back often to visit?”

  “I try to go every couple of years. They don’t really understand my love of BDSM so it’s not easy. They don’t judge or exclude me, just look puzzled.”

  “What about your parents? How do you keep in contact?” Rose asked.

  “I e-mail every week and ring them once a month.”

  “It sounds as if you’re close?”

  “Yes, I’m the youngest. Now it’s your turn, Rosie,” Olafur said.

  “Oh, um yes. Well I’m thirty-five and the youngest of three. I have two brothers. I was born in Doncaster, not too far from here. I always liked Doncaster and the St Leger race in September is the final classic in the flat-racing season. We always try and go. Donny, as we call it, used to be a coal-mining centre, but when the pits closed it was a huge blow. The Flying Scotsman train was built in Doncaster, as was the Mallard and thousands of other steam locomotives.”

  “What about your family. Are you close to them?” Olafur asked.

  “I e-mail them and I call from time to time. My brothers have wives and families but we meet up sometimes at Christmas.”

  “What is it that you aren’t telling me Rosie?” Olafur asked.

  “You know, I never liked being called Rosie before, but I love it when you call me that,” Rose said.

  “Rosie, you haven’t answered my question. Don’t you trust me?”

  “Yes, I do trust you. I haven’t known you for long, but I do feel close to you. Do you remember that night when we met? You looked at me and we connected. You felt it, too, didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Yes I did. I knew you were hurting, now will you tell me why?”

  “I’ve had two boyfriends in my life. The first one was when I was very young, only eighteen, but I loved him and thought he loved me. He didn’t. He was seeing my best friend at the same time as me. She knew but I didn’t. When I found out I felt betrayed, and it was a long time before I could trust anyone again. Then I met Bill and it seemed like a dream come true. We got on well, and we went everywhere together. I thought he was the one.”

  “What happened?” he asked.
/>   “I was away on a course for work. I came home early and found him in bed with another woman.” Rose’s voice shook.

  “Poor little darling.”

  Olafur pulled her to him and cuddled her close as the tears fell.

  “For a month I lived like a zombie. I did all I had to do and tried not to think about him at all. One day he called and asked to come back to me. I said ‘no.’ That was the start of my recovery. I decided he wouldn’t ruin my life. I’d get up and try again. It’s been so hard. The worst thing was the loss of confidence. I couldn’t trust anyone not to hurt me. I couldn’t trust what they said. I didn’t think I was worthy of being loved, as both the men I’d loved had not been faithful. I thought it was something in me, something lacking,” she said.

  “No, Rosie, never that. You are such a lovely person. It was just a couple of bad choices.”

  “I know that now, Olaf. Master Salvador has restored my confidence. He loves me and wants me.”

  “Well that’s really good for you.” Olafur’s voice was wistful.

  Rose heard the longing note in his voice and decided to take a huge risk. If it came off it would be well worth it, if it didn’t at least she’d have tried.

  “I’m not enough for him, Olaf. He’s bisexual, and he needs a man in his life, too.”

  “How do you feel about that?” he asked.

  “If I get on with the man he chooses, it will be just fine. We’ll have a triad and all of us will be happy together.”

  “That sounds as if it would work well. Does he have someone in mind?”

  The wistful note was even more pronounced. Rose decided to throw caution to the wind.

  “He told me from the start he wanted you, too, Olaf,” she replied.

  Olafur looked at her in silence. Rose was afraid she’d messed up yet again. Why oh why can’t I think before I speak or maybe keep my big mouth shut. I’ve spoiled it all this time.

  “What about you, Rosie?”

  “I would be happy with you as the third person, Olaf.”

  “Do you really think it would work?” An eager note had crept into his voice now.

  She looked at him and saw hope in his eyes. “Yes, Olaf.”

  He cuddled her close and they sat in companionable silence for a while. There was a lot to think about, to process, and it would take time. The first hurdle had been surmounted. A start had been made.

  “All this confession has made me very tired. I need a nap,” Rose said.

  “I’m tired, too. I slept in the station waiting room last night, and then the train journey from Birmingham didn’t help,” Olafur agreed.

  “Let’s go and nap on the big bed. I don’t want to be alone just now. Can I just say that I know you’re gay and will always respect that. You have no need to fear I will come on to you.”

  “I know, Rosie.”

  They settled on the bed and Olafur pulled a blanket over them. He settled Rose in the crook of his shoulder, and she was happy to snuggle up to him. He smelled of cologne and his own special smell. Soon they were both asleep.

  * * * *

  Master Salvador, coming home a day early, was surprised to find the flat so quiet, but he supposed that Rose had gone shopping. He walked into the bedroom with his case and almost dropped it when he saw the two of them on the bed. Olafur had his arm around Rose, and she had her head on his shoulder. One hand was resting on his other shoulder. They slept peacefully. He didn’t disturb them. He made coffee and sat on the big sofa to drink it. This needs thinking about. It’s all I ever wanted and it looks as if it’s going to be handed to me on a plate. I need to do some planning.

  The bedroom door opened and a sleepy Rose came out. Salvador put his cup down. He knew what was coming next. Rose saw him and hurled herself into his arms. No longer sleepy, she pelted him with questions.

  “You’re home early, Master. Is everything all right? Why didn’t you come into the bedroom and wake me? How long have you been home? Do you want something to eat?”

  “Rose, mi vida. Slow down. I can’t answer so many questions at once,” Salvador said and smiled at her.

  “Sorry, Master. I’m just so happy to see you back at home.”

  “I’m very glad to be back. Now tell me all you’ve been doing.”

  Before Rose could answer, the bedroom door opened again.

  “Rosie, where are you?”

  Salvador looked at Rose in surprise. She didn’t really like to be called Rosie. Olafur saw him and stood still. Salvador took one arm from about Rose and held it out to Olafur, who walked quickly over and into his embrace. They all three held each other tightly. Salvador leaned down and kissed Rose long and tenderly on the lips then turned and did the same to Olafur.

  “That’s so hot!” Rose exclaimed. “You look so good together.”

  Salvador broke the kiss and led them to the sofa. He sat down beside Olafur and placed one arm about his shoulders. He settled Rose on his knee and was surprised to see Olafur settle Rose’s feet in his lap and stroke her feet and ankles. It seems they have made significant progress while I was away. That was fortunate. If I’d been here probably they wouldn’t have got so far.

  “Now, Olafur, tell me what has been going on and why you are here,” Salvador asked.

  “I left Edward because he has another interest. He’s fucking another sub and he no longer wants me.” Olafur went on to tell Salvador all that had happened and got progressively more upset as he recounted the details. Rose got off Salvador’s lap and sat on Olafur’s. She straddled his thighs, placing one knee on the sofa on either side of them. She took Olafur into her arms, his head resting on her ample breast and whispered words of comfort, all the while patting his back and raining small kisses on his head. Salvador looked on in amazement. He would never have believed that Olafur would respond to Rose let alone allow her to comfort him, but he looked as if it was just what he needed and wanted. In a while, he calmed down sufficiently to say, “Now, Rosie, I think you should tell Master Salvador all you told me earlier. It’s his right to know and you will feel better for telling him.”

  Salvador’s jaw dropped even more. My Rose has told Olafur what she couldn’t tell me? Wonder of wonders. I am so glad I wasn’t here if this is the result.

  Rose looked at him and began to speak. She held Salvador’s gaze as she told him all that she had revealed to Olafur. Salvador listened carefully and understood why she thought and felt as she did. He could see his way clearly now. He knew what she needed and how to dispel any lingering doubts and fears.

  “Well, Olafur. What do you want to do now? Will you go back to Edward?”

  “No, Master Salvador, I won’t. Rosie mentioned…” he trailed off.

  “Yes, Master, I told him about our triad,” Rose said.

  “How do you feel about that, Olafur?”

  “As it’s Rosie who will be the third, I have no problem. She and I connect, but not in any physical or sexual way. We love each other, and I’m sure we can make it work, given time,” Olafur replied.

  “Well in all fairness you have to let Edward know what you are doing. He doesn’t know you are here thanks to Rose. Do you want to phone him?”

  “I don’t think I can or want to speak to him on the phone. I prefer to write to him.”

  “Well there is pen and paper over on the desk, you go and write your letter while Rose and I start the dinner. I’m starving. What are we eating today, Rose?”

  Rose looked very uncomfortable.

  “I don’t really have anything, Master. I intended to go shopping this afternoon ready for your coming home tomorrow.”

  “Well then, for once we can have a takeaway. What do you both prefer, Chinese, Indian, Italian, or fish and chips?”

  They all opted for fish and chips, so Rose picked up the phone and ordered. Salvador placed the plates in the small oven to warm, and then Rose prepared the cutlery and glasses. She sliced bread and buttered it and put on the electric kettle to make tea, all the while glancing ov
er at Olafur, to Salvador’s amusement. It seemed his Rose was like a hen with one chick. The doorbell rang, Salvador paid the delivery boy and Rose accepted the parcel of fish and chips. Taking the plates out of the oven with care, she placed their portions on their plates and carried them to the table. She poured boiling water onto the tea leaves and carried the teapot with the milk jug to the table.

  “Olaf, love, come and eat now,” she said.

  He got up, leaving the sealed envelope on the desk, and came over. The three of them ate in companionable silence. Salvador knew that Olafur was hurting and didn’t want to upset him with idle chatter. Rose looked at Olafur from time to time, but as he was eating his food with relish she didn’t bother him. When they had finished they cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher.

  “I will go and post the letter now,” Olafur said.

  “Do you want either or both of us to come with you?” Rose asked.

  “No thank you, Rosie. I’ll post it then walk for a while. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest post box?”

  Having received instructions and been given a key to the flat, he left.

  “Don’t stay out too long, Olaf love,” Rose said as she kissed his cheek before he left.

  The door closed behind him and Salvador looked at Rose.

  “How do you feel about this, Rose? Are you really happy to have Olafur as part of our family?”

  “Oh, yes, Master, I am. I don’t want to fuck him, nor he me, but I feel so close to him. I’m so angry that Edward treated him like that, when Olaf did nothing to deserve it.”

  “That’s life I’m afraid, Rose. He was always like that and, as I told you, it was only a matter of time. I’m glad he came to us. I’m delighted I was away as you and he had that talk and sorted out a lot of things that would have been more difficult had there been three of us. I’m not pleased that you felt unable to tell me all that you told him. I can see that the situations are different, so I’m willing to overlook it this once. I won’t be so lenient if there is another occasion. You must tell me everything, Rose, or how am I to take care of you and make it all right?”


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