Fairies of Light

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Fairies of Light Page 25

by J. E Hanson

  To persuade his decision, I give him one last passionate kiss, but I say goodbye to him. My fingers snap to show him that I refuse to change my mind, and that I mean business. I snap myself back to the hotel. The check remains on his dance floor in tiny pieces.

  Puck greets me at the door, “I’m so proud of you! Way to kick his ass!”

  I change my clothes with the snap of my fingers. All the suitcases are snapping back to the FOL mansion. I will no longer need my human clothes in Avalon. The guys subsequently snapped Jazzy home for me.

  Violet helps me pack, “Do you believe he will come home with us?”

  I watch the time on the television set count down. He’s on the phone talking quickly. MJ has the worst name of all fairies. Her name is Mary Jane, but her actual name is Marijuana, and you can smell his assistant a mile away. I realize that she’s only into other female fairies. MJ takes notes as quickly as he dishes them out.

  Ember follows me to the RV. We laugh when we remember every little insane thing we did together. We finish cleaning the RV, by taking out the trash, and emptying out all the cupboards. Everything is either zapped back to the mansion in Tennessee, or back to Avalon. The RV and vehicles are in the FOL or AOM garages. I take my pictures, and snap them back to my bedroom in Avalon.

  Ember stares at the clock, “We have ten minutes left, and do you think he’s coming?”

  “I hope so and only time will tell.”

  I answer my voicemail. Two of them are from when he begs me to stay with him on Earth yesterday. There is one from today, “I love you, Rosalie. Call me back when you receive this message.”

  I delete it and snap back to the penthouse suite. Momma makes a late dinner and it tastes so good.

  We watch the clock on the television again. Violet sounds promising, “He left his club twenty minutes ago. I hope and pray that he comes home.”

  The time ticks down to five minutes. My heart hits my feet again. We lock everything down, and snap items to Violet's house.

  Skylar hugs me, “I’m so glad and proud to have you as my wonderful niece. You danced beautifully tonight. I will see you when we return home.”

  I hug them, and rub her tummy. I found my backpack and the FOL stand in the middle of the living room with me.

  Snow’s hope for me returns, “I knew he wouldn’t show up, and he only cares about himself! Are you ready to leave, Rosalie?”

  “I guess I got my answer then, it’s time to go.”

  Ember grabs my hand, “I’m so sorry, Rosalie.”

  Snow and Ice hold on to me. We snap and disappear. We travel through the warp and through all the tunnels of light together. I land on a familiar dirt path. The crowd cheers, and whistles at me. I glance around at the crowd and curtsy. I drew a few bottles of water to replenish my body. My veins automatically changed back over to aureolin. Ember follows my lead, but her veins remain blue. I notice that she’s wearing ivory with gold.

  I hug her tightly, “I love you, Rosalie. You will always be my sister. I promise to visit you once they finish training me,” she whispers to me.

  I try to keep it together, and kiss her cheeks, “I love you too; Ember; and I will hold you to that promise. We are sisters for all eternity.”

  I even hug and kiss Gabriel’s cheek, “He will come after you, Rosalie. He has a lot of businesses that he needs to take care of first.”

  I stand back, “I truly hope he does, and I love him a lot.”

  After they leave with a snap, I run inside the palace. The twisting of my hips stops.

  Grandpa greets me at the front door with hugs and kisses, “We are so glad that you’re home!”

  “Look Grandpa and Grandma, I’m madly in love with Joey. He did break all the fairy codes, but he’s the only one I want to spend the rest of my existence with.”

  “I made the mistake of misjudging your father, and I will regret my decision with never allowing them to be together. I feel that I killed her. If I could have just accepted them together, then maybe my daughter might still be alive, and so I refuse to make that same mistake twice,” my grandmother spoke.

  “We will never truly know if they would still be here. I will not allow you two to keep blaming yourselves—or each other. This is just a very sad tragedy. I’m home and here now.”

  I take a nice long bubble bath to detoxify, and the bath relaxes my muscles. Jazzy lifts his head up, and then he places it back down. That tells me right there, that it’s not Joey. Jazzy loves Joey so much. A few doorbells sound, and I start to believe that he’s never coming home.

  My grandmother yells through the bathroom door, “You have visitors, Rosalie.”

  I unplug the bathtub, and quickly change. My fairy outfit reappears with a snap of my fingers. I no longer focus on twisting my hips anymore. I meet a much older Ashe, and a very pregnant Daisy.

  I squeal with delight at meeting my old friends, “I’m so happy that you two are here!”

  Ashe hugs me tightly, “We have a little boy on the way. We watched your dance off. I take it that Joey is turning you down.”

  I rub Daisy’s belly, “Oh! I’m so happy for you both, and when are you due?” I deliberately change the topic.

  “I’m actually two weeks overdue, and this baby has no intentions of ever coming out. I thought you could convince our son that he needs to come out,” Daisy softly answers.

  I smell her belly and laugh, “He smells like an Ashe Pines Jr.!”

  They are beaming with pride, “You would be correct.”

  I lean down to talk to baby Ashe, “You have two lovely parents, who are dying to meet you. You can’t hide inside your mommy forever. You have an excellent set of parents, who will take great care of you, and spoil you rotten. I would love to meet you too, Ashe. Just make sure you give mommy an easy birth tonight.”

  They giggle at me trying to convince baby Ashe to come out. I tell them from start to finish on what I have done for the past few years.

  Ashe grins at me, “You have always had feelings for him. Shit, you chose to keep visiting his mom like night and day.”

  Daisy grabs Ashe, “I’m having contractions! We need to leave and call Sage!”

  Ashe grins, “That’s my boy! Good luck Rosalie and I really hope that he returns home. You deserve all the best.”

  I kiss their cheeks, “Thank you, and go call Sage. Good luck to both of you!” They left as quickly as they came.

  I give Jazzy a doggy bath, and he’s so happy to be home too. I dry him off, and feed him well. After wrestling with Jazzy, I collapse on my twin canopy bed with my iPod. I don’t even want to imagine an existence without him. Jazzy returns to laying at the foot of my bed. As I drift off to sleep, I can hear Jazzy panting and barking. There are a couple of shakes on my arm. The shakes continue, and I take a swing. A thick hand catches my swing. Someone sits down on my bed. I’m trying to stay asleep, but Jazzy nudges me. I open my eyes and peer over to see who is rudely waking me up.

  The person I never thought would come is staring right back at me. I sit up straight, and I nearly choke him to death.

  He wraps his arms around me, “I love you very much, and you have me for forever.”

  I kiss his lips violently, and I never want him to leave me. I clutch him tightly and I hang on to him.

  He lets out a small chuckle in his chest.

  “I love you too, and what took you so long?”

  “I had to merge businesses, and consolidate everything. Chris received many deals, but I didn’t sell everything. I had to call lawyers to involve them, and a bunch of other boring stuff. I also had to put my houses, and mansions in lock down. That is not an easy task. My security alarms have to be set on everything I own. I hope you know that it’s not easy to move everything I own in one hour, and so I took six additional hours instead. You need to drink more vials, because you shouldn’t be this sleepy.”

  I take a few more vials from his hand, and I do what he demands.

  “You need to drink five of
these a day, when you’re on Earth, or you will turn mortal. It will zap you out of fairy juice.”

  I kiss his lips, and hug him tightly, “I’m so glad that you’re finally here!”

  Spike pulls my hair back, and he kisses my neck, “I hope you know how much I love you. Before you ask, I haven’t seen my mom yet. I also want to give you these.”

  He smiles and he snaps his fingers. My room fills up with ruby roses.

  “You really want it that bad.”

  He laughs, and he sits me down on my bed, “I will not be able to stop, if I make love to you right now.”

  He places me back on my pillow, and he starts to make out with me. History decides to repeat itself again.

  Oberon enters my bedroom, “Shit! Warn an uncle next time!”

  Instead of throwing Joey out, Oberon walks right back out.

  “I think your uncle likes me.”

  “You would know if he didn’t. He made sure that we met each other.”

  He leans on his arm, and he runs his finger up and down my stomach.

  “I want to kiss every inch of your body, but I think we better visit my mom first.”

  He picks me up off the bed, and he glances around, “You need a bigger bed.”

  I laugh and stare at my twin bed, “I agree.”

  He takes my hand in his. We stroll in front of my grandparents as a couple. My grandma stops us, and she walks over to him. She gives him respect, by kissing his cheeks, “I’m so glad that you’re home, Joey. We missed you so much.”

  He glances at me defeated, “I miss being home too. I’m madly in love with your granddaughter, and can we court each other?”

  My grandmother hugs him tightly, “You have our permission to court Rosalie.”

  He walks outside with me, and Jazzy follows behind us. Fairies to the left and right clap for both of us.

  “I think they loved our little show,” I made a simple comment.

  He pulls me in front of him, and he kisses my lips in front of the crowd, “I think so too, baby. Now shall we bow gracefully, and visit my parents?”

  We showboat for a minute, and then we visit his parents’ house. He gives me a few more kisses on the nape of my neck. I don’t even have to knock.

  Wally opens the front door grinning with chocolate sauce all over his lips, “I believe we have another son in the house, mom.”

  Violet practically mows Wally down. She flings herself into Joey’s arms, and she kisses his cheeks, “I just want to thank the Creator for you remaining alive! Never ever do that to me again Joseph Pike Cirrus!”

  Now I can see where he got his nickname, Spike.

  His face blushes, “I promise momma, but I have Rosalie here with me.”

  Violet never wants to let him go, and she studies him, “Why do you need to litter your beautiful face with all that shit?”

  Joey flashes me a dirty look. I watch her with amusement as his mom waves her hand. She removes all his facial piercings, and she seals his holes shut.

  “I don’t mind the others, but not on your gorgeous face! That’s overstepping my lines!”

  Wally has a clean face too.

  “I love my piercings, momma! Why did you do that?” he tries to argue with her, but he won’t win.

  “As long as I’m still around, you will never litter your gorgeous face, or your ears with all that mess! I’m snapping you back into our world now! I won’t touch your tattoos, but I will keep the piercings out of your face. I’m only allowing one piercing in one ear. PICK!”

  Joey frowns at me, “I will get you back for this, Rosalie!”

  He points to his left ear, and she removes all the other piercings. After all this time, I finally recognize him, and he actually seems like his old self again.

  Violet stands back and she surveys the piercings on his body, “I have no problems with the rest. You might want to remove your ex off your body though. That’s a tad bit tacky.”

  “I was going to remove them, but can you remove them momma?” He points to each one, and she erases it with a spell. He shows her a few more unwanted tattoos and she wipes him clean.

  Violet stares at me, “I will have to teach you this just in case your children decide to mark themselves up with garbage.”

  He rolls his eyes at her. He is a lot clearer, but he leaves the five stars over his heart.

  Puck hugs me, “You were awesome, Rosalie.”

  “Thank you Puck, and where is my aunt?”

  Puck grins and he points, “Skylar is in the dining room, and she’s finishing our wedding decorations.”

  I immediately join Skylar to help her with her wedding decorations. She instantly hugs me, “I missed you so much, Rosalie. I’m so thankful that you’re home finally! That means everyone will be able to attend our wedding.”

  “Does it hurt when he moves?”

  She places my hand over her stomach, “It actually tickles instead, and this feels like little bubbles.”

  I stare at her yellow diamond engagement ring, “That’s a gorgeous ring!”

  “Your dream ring still sits at Golden's, and nobody has bought it yet.”

  I take in the scent of freshly baked cookies, “Nobody is crazy enough to buy that thing.”

  Joey joins us, “What are you beautiful ladies talking about in here?”

  Skylar grins mischievously, “I don’t know if you remember Joey, but that huge yellow diamond is still sitting at Golden's.”

  I laugh about it, but his face changes, and he taps on his chin, “That’s the one in the middle right?”

  “Yes, that’s the one,” I sheepishly answer him.

  He hugs me from behind, and he kisses my ear, “I remember that ring, and I thought for sure it would sell by now.”

  “I think that there are a lot of fairies, who are unable to afford a million dollar engagement ring. That’s insane.”

  He points out, “That’s only the second largest engagement ring. Your parents have the big one. I remember Oberon Sr. buying her another ring after their one thousand years together.”

  Skylar beams with pride, “That’s right! I completely forgot about that.”

  He starts to tug on my skirt, “I’m taking Rosalie to my bedroom, if you don’t mind.”

  Skylar kisses my cheek, “You have my blessing, Joey.”

  Joey steals me away, and he takes me upstairs to his bedroom. He has some of his trophies sitting in all four corners of his bedroom.

  “This is sheer greatness Rosalie, and you’re staring at it.”

  I lay down on his twin bed, grinning, “That greatness was just showed up at his own dance contest.”

  He locks his bedroom door with a snap of his fingers. He picks me up, and he sits me on his lap. I kiss him without any piercings in. The only rings that he has are the ones in his tongue, stomach, and nipples. He starts rubbing my ass with his strong hands. There isn’t much to our outfits. I can feel something sitting between my thighs. The make out session increases with intensity. I’m trying to keep up with him. Whatever hits me between my thighs starts to press into me. He lays me on his bed to continue making out with me. He slips a finger inside my skirt with the small panties under it. I gasp when he rubs his hand between my thighs. He starts to rub his thumb over my cunt, and he moves slowly at first. He makes me gasp when he speeds up. He takes out one of my breasts from my top, and he starts to nibble on my nipple with his lips. I try to keep quiet, but the tingles are driving me crazy. He presses his lips in my nipple, sucking harder while he rotates that thumb just right. I hid my face underneath his pillow to muffle out the screams of pure bliss. He places my panties back, and he covers my breast, smiling. I have my first orgasm, and I’m still suffering the aftershocks from it.

  I sit up, and decide to nibble on his ears. He lets out a low groan. His nipples are hard, and his rings are hanging off each one. I sucked one and then the other. He lays down, and I found a bottle of lotion. He pulls a blanket over us. My lips cover his, as I wrap my hand arou
nd his shaft. I softly grab his shaft, and stroke it nice and slow. I speed up, and continue to stroke him. He finishes in ten minutes by yelling, “FUCK!”

  He lifts my face to his, “Okay, we need to go somewhere else. We need to visit my special private spot.”

  “You have to wait a little while longer, Joey.”

  He tucks his arm behind his head, “If I have to wait any longer, I will bend you over this bed right now, and show you just how good it is.”

  My tongue slides back in his mouth. He places me on his hips, and he moves me back and forth on him. I moan his name in a low whisper. He keeps it up, until the ripples appear in both of us at once. He pulls it back to moan a little bit. I do something that he never expects. He attempts to finish away from me. Instead, I take his man wand from him, and slam it down my throat. He lets it all loose, moaning loudly, “FUCK! Rosalie, baby! Shit!”

  He finishes deep inside my throat, with his crystal eyes rolling back in his head. I place everything back. We left his room of fun to have dinner with his family.

  I tease him to the point of him dropping his fork.

  Wally notices how indifferent his younger brother acts, “Are you okay, Joey?”

  Puck glances back and forth at us, “I think they’re okay, Wally.”

  Joey pays me back, by putting his thumb into action. I move his hand away, and he gently kisses my ear.

  We spend even more time with each other now that we never have to sleep. I lay beside him in his favorite hammock in the backyard. We’re watching the leaves on the trees twist in the breeze.

  Joey softly kisses my forehead, “I’m madly in love with you, Rosalie. Please, don’t break me. I can’t handle it, if you leave me. I’m begging you right here and now.”

  I lift my head off his chest, “I’m madly in love with you too. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. I always imagined my existence with you and only you. You don’t have to worry about me breaking your soul.”

  We continue to make out again, and I’m glowing, but he stops me, “We need to wait a little longer, baby. I want to make sure things are perfect, before you give me that.”


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