Love So Unexpected (The Lawson Brothers #6)

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Love So Unexpected (The Lawson Brothers #6) Page 10

by Marquita Valentine

  Hopefully, he’d have an answer from Ginger in the next day or two.


  Exactly one day later, on a Thursday afternoon, Caleb knocked off work early, showered, and headed into town to meet with the loan officer at Jessamine Savings & Loan.

  Finding a spot fairly easily, he parked his truck and headed inside to Ginger’s office.

  “Thanks for meeting with me on such short notice,” he said, sitting down in one of the club chairs in front of her desk.

  “Anytime. The Lawsons are some of our best customers.” She clicked on the screen in front of her. “I read through the information you gave me. It seems fairly simple.”

  “What options do you have for me?”

  “You can get a credit line using the farm—”

  “This isn’t a business expense. Well, it is, but not for the farm. This can’t be tied to the farm, because I’ll be a silent partner in this venture,” he explained. He couldn’t wait to explain it all to Sofia. He would provide the capital to get started, and, to pay him back, he’d get a percentage of sales. That way she could be her own woman and not feel beholden to him.

  “The other option is to mortgage your house. That would give you enough money to buy the truck, supplies, and provide for other expenses related to the business. However, if you were to default on the loan, not only would the bank own your house, it would own the food truck. We’d sell both to recover our losses.”

  He didn’t hesitate. “Done.”

  Ginger smiled. “I’ll have my assistant draw up the paperwork, then you can take it over to Phil Mickleson’s office. Have him go everything with you and bring it back to us. Our notary will witness the signature.”

  “I’ll call Phil now.” He pulled up his lawyer’s number but didn’t hit TALK. “Thanks for taking care of this so quickly.”

  “You were already preapproved. This was a no brainer.” She rose to her feet and stuck out her hand. “Nice doing business with you.”

  Standing, he shook her hand, then walked out of her office. He couldn’t wait to surprise her. Yes, it was extravagant, and yes, he was mortgaging the one thing he owned free and clear—well, besides his truck—but what else could he do?

  “Go big or let her get away.” No way in hell he was going to let that happen.


  Check in hand, Caleb purchased the food truck and got Preston to follow him home. Once he’d backed it into the barn and closed the doors, he locked them for good measure.

  “Heard you and Apple had a conversation,” Preston said as he climbed out of Caleb’s truck.

  “Wondered how long it would take for you to find out.”

  “Like pulling fucking teeth,” Preston muttered. “However, she’s coming ‘round my way of thinking.”

  “The two of you are an item?”

  Grinning, Preston shook his head. “No.”

  “That makes you happy?”

  “The more I act disinterested in her, the more she comes to my bar.” Preston rubbed his hands together. “Never knew ignoring a woman would work so well.”

  “Thought you said talking to her was like pulling teeth.”

  Preston’s face fell. “That’s because she’s not interested in talking.”

  Understanding dawned. Understanding shocked him. Preston wasn’t interested in a physical-only type of relationship with Apple? “Is this a recent development?”

  “You could say that.” Preston crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the truck. “I might have bitten off more than I can chew.”

  “Maybe you should stop trying to bite her.” Caleb tugged on his ear. “Maybe you should stop playing games and tell her what you want.”

  “Adulting is beyond me right now.”

  Caleb gave his cousin a hard look. “You can fool the others, but you don’t fool me. I’ve seen you when a victim doesn’t survive. I’ve sat with you. Been there for you, like you were for me over the years. You’re not the guy my brothers think you are. People around town don’t think that about you either.”

  Preston tipped up his chin, his lips flattening a little. “I’ll think about it.” He uncrossed his arms. “I’m not trying to play games with her, really. It’s ... it’s just that you have to stay two steps ahead of her.”

  “Try walking beside her.”

  “Try giving me a ride home, then you can surprise your girl and get married again.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Caleb wouldn’t mind getting married again. He loved Sofia and wanted to be with her always. Marriage was a natural progression of things. Could he propose with a food truck instead of a diamond ring? Or should he get her something even more chef-related, like a—well, he didn’t know exactly. Maybe he should ask Bailey. Lucas’s wife would know since she ran a diner.

  “Stop making babies with Sofia in your head and get in the truck,” Preston ordered.

  Babies. That drew him up short. When he’d shared the full story of Iris’s death with Sofia, he hadn’t even thought of children with her. Mostly because he was trying to make sure she understood that what he felt for her wasn’t better or worse, just different. Right.

  “You can’t make babies in your head, Preston. Surely a trained medical professional such as yourself would know that.” Caleb opened the driver’s side door.

  “Did Mason tell you to say that?” Preston accused.

  Caleb leveled him with a look. “Who do you think taught Mason everything he knows?”

  Preston half-shrugged and nodded. “Touché.”

  “More tea?” Caleb asked her.

  Sofia shook her head. She was too nervous to eat or drink, a first for her.

  “You feeling okay?” He set down the glass pitcher and put his hand against her forehead. “Don’t feel feverish. Why don’t go you lay down, and I’ll take care of the dishes. We don’t have to go out tonight.”

  “I’m not sick.”

  “Nervous I’m going to try to make love to you in this house?”

  Sofia twisted her lips. “Your parents are gone for the rest of the week, so...”

  “You get to be my dessert.” He rubbed his hands together. “Don’t worry. The cows won’t talk about us carrying on.”

  Trust him to make her laugh when she felt like crying. “We need to talk.”

  “You stole my line.”

  She stared at him. Why was he so giddy? It wasn’t like him. Yes, he got excited about things, like when she showed him it was possible to have sex in the shower while standing, but this ... something was up.

  “You can go first.” Anything to delay the inevitable.

  He shook his head. “Ladies first, besides, you won’t be able to top my news.”

  “Ione finally got back to me. I’ve been offered the job of a lifetime to go work with Oliver Chevalier as the head chef at his place in Atlanta.”

  Caleb’s face flushed, but he didn’t say a word.

  “I know that’s nine hours away from here, but I think we could make things work. Still see each other on ... holidays, and when I ... you ... we have off.” This sounded much better in her head when she’d first worked it out this morning. She thought it was the perfect solution.

  “A long distance relationship?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I’m willing to give it a try.”

  His jaw worked. “What time off do you suppose we’ll have to see one another? You know my work schedule, and I for damn sure know your work ethic. You won’t take off, you’ll make your mark, and that won’t include having time for me.” He shoved his chair back and stood, walking to the sink.

  “Please don’t be that way. I want to talk this out. Get your input.”

  “Seems to me you’ve already made up your mind.”

  She hadn’t, but she wanted a way to have both. She wanted Caleb, and she wanted to be a head chef. Her heart twisted. Why did this have to hurt so badly? Why couldn’t the decision to leave be easy?

  “If I’d made up my mind, t
hen I wouldn’t be asking for your opinion.”

  He turned to face her. “Fine. You want my opinion?”

  “Yes. I do!” she cried, joining him at the sink. “I want to know what you think.”

  “I think if you leave, then we’re done.”

  “That’s it. You’re willing to throw everything away because you can’t deal with me working?”

  “Hold up. I’ve done nothing but encourage you, nothing but find a way for you to make money so you could get back on your feet. Not one damn time have I told you to give up. Not one damn time.” He slashed his hand through air. “For you to accuse me otherwise is wrong. I deserve better than that, and you know it.”

  She did know, but she was... “I don’t what to do. Tell me what to do.”

  His face gentled as he took her in his arms. She both loved and hated how good it felt to be held by him. “I’m not going to tell you what to do because you’ll resent me for the rest of your life. You know what I want, what I’m willing to do for you to stay here in Jessamine, but the decision to stay here is completely yours.”

  “I need to go.” She pulled away. “I need time to think ... to clear my head.”

  “Do what you have to, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be here when you get back.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Somehow, Sofia managed to end up in a teahouse surrounded by women in large hats. At first she’d wanted to go to Yates’s Diner but didn’t want to get the family discount she didn’t deserve. Plus, if Bailey or Lucas were there, they would most likely want to chat about Caleb, which would lead to her breaking down like a cardboard box in the rain.

  At least it was cool in here, and the desserts were yummy.

  Before she had ended up in Jessamine, her path in life had been so clear, her goal to be a head chef in a five-star restaurant like Oliver’s. Now, she found herself cooking lunch for men on surrounding farms. It wasn’t glamorous, and there certainly wouldn’t be write ups about her or offers to come on Food Network to guest judge on Chopped. Or even compete on Iron Chef.

  But her work here had felt good. Better than good. She knew that those who bought her food, truly wanted what she made. It was her menu, guided by her childhood favorites. It was almost as if Caleb had made it possible to be her own boss.

  Forget almost, she had been her own boss, and Caleb’s parents had also helped make it possible. It was their kitchen she used. Their produce. And Dinah would even help her prepare food, saying she loved to learn new recipes.

  Being in Jessamine was pure happiness.

  What was wrong with her?

  Maybe she was being too stubborn. Maybe she was just scared. The last man she’d gotten serious with had turned out to be such a loser. Such a moocher and—

  Caleb was none of those things.

  She loved him, and now that she pushed him away, she might not get the chance to let him know. Or she might get the chance, but he wouldn’t care anymore.

  A man like Caleb didn’t love lightly. He didn’t share his feelings lightly.

  Neither did she. They were alike in that respect as well.

  They had so much fun together, even while doing simple things like making ropes and painting toenails. He’d taken her dancing. He’d shared every bit of his soul with her while she shared hers with him.

  Without a doubt, she knew that if she left Jessamine, she’d be leaving a huge chunk of herself behind. Was she willing to risk that for a job? A job that Caleb had made possible to have here, albeit small, and yes, it was due to her cooking.

  But still, he’d helped spread the word, had gotten his parents on board. How much more encouragement did she need?

  What if I’m making the wrong decision?

  What if blah, blah ... that man loves you and you know it.

  And I love him.

  She knew what she had to do. Mind made up, she picked up her phone to text Ione.

  Sofia: Hey there, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to say no to Oliver

  Ione: Wow. I’m shocked.

  Sofia: You could always take the job for me.

  Ione: IDK. I like being my own boss.

  She laughed.

  Sofia: I found the right place for me in Jessamine. But I’ll come down to visit when I get some time.

  Ione: Sweet. Have to go. Need to make a line cook cry.

  Just as she started to put her phone away, it rang.

  “I thought you had to make someone cry?” she asked Ione.

  “Just want to make sure you’re cool with me taking the job?”

  “It’s the opportunity of a lifetime to work with Oliver. Who in their right mind would turn that down?”

  Ione snorted. “You did, for one.”

  “I know.” She grinned. “Thanks for calling me. It was a huge boost to my ego to know that Oliver wants me to come to Atlanta.”

  “Your decline is my gain,” Ione chirped. “Talk to you later, Sof.”

  “So you’re just up and leaving him.”

  Sofia groaned inwardly as she put away her phone. “Apple, so nice to see you.”

  Apple sat down in the chair opposite hers. “It’s not, and I know it.”

  “But you’re going to have a chat with me anyway.”

  “Smart and pretty. Who knew?” Apple made a face. “Anyway, I think you’re making a mistake by leaving Caleb.”

  “I’m not—”

  “I know what I heard. I’m an excellent eavesdropper.”

  Nonplussed, Sofia sat back and said, “Have your say.”

  “Thank you. Like I was saying, I can’t believe you would leave Caleb for a job. He’s done so much for you and to throw all that back in his face would be ... there are no words for women who do that.”


  Apple’s eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

  “You said there are no words for women who do that. I beg to differ.”

  “Oh. Well. There is that.” She tossed her hair over a shoulder. “Then I should amend my statement by saying only a cold-hearted bitch would leave a man who mortgages a house he owns free and clear to purchase a food truck.”

  Sofia could barely breathe. “He mortgaged his house for me?”

  Obviously pleased that she knew something Sofia didn’t, Apple smiled widely. “Everyone is talking about it.”

  “Seriously?” Sofia arched a brow.

  “Everyone who is anyone is talking about it.”

  She guessed that was better, but good grief the woman had a flair for drama. “I know you and I haven’t gotten off to the best start, and I know you want Cal—”

  “Wanted to be with him, but not anymore.”

  “Yet you’re here, telling me that he did something so incredibly selfless that I can’t ever possibly repay him for it, so I won’t leave.”

  “Something like that.” Apple drummed her fingers on the table. “After all he has been through, he deserves love, and since he has found it with you, then I can’t stand idly by and watch you screw it up.”

  “You still love him, don’t you?”

  Apple smiled wanly. “What I feel for him doesn’t matter.” She stood. “I’d say I hope to see you around, but we both know I don’t mean it.”

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  “If there wasn’t all this history, I think you and I would be very good friends.”

  The thought of being friends with Apple didn’t really bother her, especially after Caleb revealed his true non-relationship with her. She honestly felt sorry for Apple. “I don’t have that history holding me back, but when you stop living in the past, call me and we’ll do something. You know where I live.”

  She didn’t wait for Apple to respond; instead, she paid the bill and dashed out of there. There was a man she couldn’t keep waiting any longer.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sofia found Caleb where she’d left him, in the barn, talking to Mule. He stood beside the most glorious food truck she’d ever seen.

  “Nice truck.”<
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  He barely spared her a glance. “Mule and I are thinking of going into business but our ‘eat all the chicken’ idea is already taken.”

  She bit her lip to keep from laughing. “You didn’t have to mortgage your house to do this.”

  He lifted his head, pinning her with his dark blue eyes. “I know I didn’t. I did it so you could be head chef of your own business.”

  “I know. Apple told me.”

  He laughed, but there was no joy in it. “She plan on publishing that in the paper?”

  “Not exactly,” she said.

  Pushing away from the stall, he started to walk away. “I don’t have time for another round of arguments. If you’re leaving, then say so. If you’re staying because you feel guilty about the damn truck, then don’t bother. I have a buyer already.”

  “That would be a crying shame since I’m not very good at sharing counter space.”

  “Don’t say things you don’t mean, honey.”

  “I want to stay here with you, Caleb. Food truck or not. I made up my mind before she ever said a word about it. Even texted Ione to turn the offer down. You can check my phone if you want.”

  That made him stop. “Don’t need to, but I’m listening.”

  “I want to make a life with you in Jessamine. ”

  He turned to face her. “Why?”

  “Because I love you,” she said, throwing her hands in the air. “Why else?”

  “You can’t take it back.” He strode to her, taking her in his arms. “This isn’t post-orgasm Sofia talking.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s not, but it can be... if you take me home with you.”

  He eyed the truck and shook his head. “Too far away, but my old room isn’t.” Sweeping her off her feet, he ran to the house while she held on for dear life. To her surprise, he took her right to the room she’d chosen when she first moved here.

  “That’s convenient,” he said before placing her in the middle of the bed.

  She shrugged a little before sitting up to help him out of his clothes. “The room spoke to me.”

  “Was it saying ‘Caleb has always wanted to get laid in here’?” he asked as he lifted her up and pulled off her panties.

  She straddled his lap, tilting her head to one side and pretending to listen. “I don’t think so.”


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