Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2

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Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2 Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  “I’m taking Janna home and then we’re going out,” Garrett said to the men as he led Janna to the door. “We’ll put someone here and the other businesses until we get back.”

  “You don’t have to—” Emily started, but the look on Garrett’s face indicated he wasn’t asking her permission. She glanced at Janna and realized how pale she looked, and it worried her. She should be glowing, not looking so pale.

  “Lock up and stay inside until I get back," Hunter instructed before following the others out the door.

  “Excuse me?” Emily frowned at his demand.

  “You heard me, Em. This isn’t a game,” Hunter snapped. His voice calmed when he said, “We’ll talk when I get back.”

  “And I’ve told you I have nothing to say to you, Hunter Foster.” Emily just wished he would go; she needed a minute. Everything that had just happened was setting in, and her chin trembled, a sure indication she was about to cry. Dammit. Turning away from him so he couldn’t see her face, she held in her emotions.

  “I have plenty to say to you.” Hunter grabbed her arm, but she snatched it away.

  “Just go.” Emily’s voice cracked, giving her away.

  This time when Hunter grabbed her, his grip was tight but not bruising as he turned her toward him. She kept her face lowered to the ground knowing the tears were coming. She hated being weak. What she hated more though was anyone seeing her moment of weakness, especially this man. His touch gentled when his large hand cupped her chin, raising her face to meet his. A betraying tear slid down her cheek splashing against his thumb. Her eyes finally rose to meet his and she watched mixed emotions raging in the dark depths.

  “Forgive me, Em?” Hunter whispered, wiping another tear from her cheek.

  Emily’s mouth opened slightly in confusion. “For what?”

  “Everything.” Hunter pulled her to him and held her close.

  At first, Emily stood stiff as a piece of wood, but the need to feel overwhelmed her, making her arms move to wrap around his muscular body. He was warm and smelled of woods and man; it was heaven. She had fantasized about a moment like this ever since Hunter and his brothers came to town. Now with it becoming a reality instead of fantasy, she was more scared than she had ever been in her life because she had no clue what had changed.

  Chapter 8

  Hunter walked out of the feed mill. His emotions ranged from “what the fuck” to wanting to run back and hold her. “Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with me?”

  “You’re an asshole for starters,” Dell answered him.

  Hunter looked up to see Dell standing directly in front of him. “What is your problem?”

  “Garrett wants you at the coffee shop.” Dell ignored his question, but Hunter grabbed his arm before he could walk away.

  “Seriously, what’s your problem?” Hunter had faced down a lot of people, though Dell was a whole different breed. He was usually quiet, but Hunter had seen him in action and even though Hunter was confident in the ass-kicking department, he had serious doubts about his outcome where Dell was concerned. Yet there he was poking the beast.

  “Stop fucking with that girl’s mind.” Dell turned and was in Hunter’s face, a snarl forming on his lips. “I have seen you do nothing but screw with her, and I’m sick of it. She is not one of the whores you associate with.”

  What could he say to that? Dell was right, even though it pained Hunter to admit it. Emily was different. There were reasons no one knew, reasons he didn’t quite understand why he did what he did with Emily. “I know she’s not.” Hunter backed off, not even attempting to defend himself. “There are reasons why—”

  “I don’t give a shit about your reasons.” Dell’s attitude lightened slightly. “That woman has been through enough with you dating anything with tits when she’s obviously in love with you and….”

  “And what?” Hunter’s stomach dropped at the word love, a scary word for him. He pushed that aside because the “and” that Dell wasn’t finishing had him concerned.

  “Nothing.” Dell shook his head, rolling his shoulders. “Just back off if she doesn’t mean anything to you.”

  “Nothing my ass.” Hunter growled, irritation rolling off him in waves. “Finish your damn sentence. And what?”

  Dell looked past Hunter to the feed store. “I have friends in Texas that I had keeping an eye on Emily because I know how vulnerable she is to the world outside this town. One of them was at a party Emily’s ex took her to and got her wasted.”

  Hunter tried to calm his anger when he knew what was coming. Without a doubt, he knew what Dell was about to tell him.

  “I was told that if her roommate hadn't come home, she would have been raped while she was passed out on the bed.” Dell’s voice was harsh with rage. “Emily doesn’t know that I know. When I received the call about what happened, I went up there to kill the son of a bitch, but he was gone, and so was Emily. I found her roommate and talked to her. She said that everyone found out about it so she packed up and quit school then headed home.”

  With hot rage running fiercely through his veins, Hunter couldn’t even speak. His wolf fought to escape; Hunter had to fight himself not to let that happen. It would have been easier to deal with his emotions in wolf form. “Who is he?” Hunter finally got out through clenched teeth.

  “Dan Rushmore.” Dell looked away from the feed mill to Hunter. “And I already have people looking for him.”

  “I want that motherfucker,” Hunter replied, the sneer on his face menacing. He didn’t just want him; he wanted to tear the bastard apart.

  “Get in line,” Dell challenged without blinking, his stare intense.

  “You know you’re starting to really piss me the fuck off.” Hunter’s fists tightened, but then loosened when a thought entered his mind, and he actually felt nauseous. “You’re in love with her.”

  “She’s not my mate,” Dell responded, his facial expression giving nothing away.

  “But you’re in love with her.” Hunter shook his head. What a fucking mess.

  Dell didn’t agree or disagree. “I asked her roommate if she knew anything about that bastard. She didn’t know much. She did know a lot about Emily though.” Dell hesitated as if debating whether to go further or not. “Seems Emily is waiting for the right man, and obviously this Rushmore fuck is not him, so he took it upon himself to be the right man.”

  “Fuck!” Hunter raged. “He’s a walking dead man.”

  “You asked me if I loved her.” Dell ignored his outburst. “My answer to that is it doesn’t matter. She is not my mate, but I will tell you this. If I knew for a fact I would never meet my mate in my lifetime, Emily would be mine.”

  Dell turned and walked toward the coffee shop leaving Hunter to stew on that bit of information. Feeling the shift begin, he controlled it. “Over my dead body,” Hunter snarled, not caring if Dell heard him or not.


  Hunter had been gone for about an hour. The store was finally cleaned with everything put back in place. Emily was going to have to order more seed, but she was glad it wasn’t worse than that. Dell had said the coffee shop had minimal damage, but Roxy had been scared to death. Emily knew Roxy Patel’s violent past with her husband, and she felt for her. She had started to head over after everyone left just to make sure she was okay, but Sadie, Linda, and some other women were over there along with Marcus, Dell, Hunter, and Jonah. She had decided Roxy had enough comfort and turned back to the feed mill alone.

  Looking around once more to make sure all was in place, she locked the front door. Heading toward the back to turn off the lights, lock up the back and go to bed, she thought about Hunter. He’d said he would be back, but she wasn’t going to set her heart on that.

  Being held by him was something she would never forget. It was going to be a one-time lapse on her part, though. Her heart couldn’t afford Hunter Foster; the cost was too great. She absently lifted the collar of her shirt and sniffed, smelling his woodsy scent. His scent
clung to her.

  Hearing voices, she slowed and listened. She could hear Sam and his sister, Leda, talking from the back of the store. She stopped herself from opening the door when she heard Max’s pitiful whine.

  “See, she doesn’t w-w-want to go back. She wants to-to-to stay with me.” Sam’s voice carried to her. “And she named her Max. Sh-sh-she doesn’t like that name.”

  “You can’t keep her, Sam. She doesn’t belong to you,” Leda responded appropriately. “And I know she doesn’t like the name, but I don’t think Emily named her.”

  “Well, she could name h-h-her something el-el-el-else, dammit,” Sam shot back, making Emily grin.

  “Why is it when you say cuss words you don’t stutter?” Leda asked with a chuckle. “And stop cussing. Garrett will whip that butt if he catches you.”

  “No, he w-w-won’t,” Sam replied, his tone confident.

  “Well, come on. Let’s get Max back so we can go. Garrett put me in charge of watching Janna and here I am arguing with you about a dog.” Leda sighed.

  “Okay. Okay!” Sam growled at her. “Sorry girl, b-but you have to go home n-now. I know it’s no-no-not fair.”

  Emily smiled, knowing in her heart what she needed to do. The only reason she took Max, even though she loved the pup to pieces and Max was a good cuddler on lonely nights, was because her ex was an ass. She hadn’t trusted him to take care of anything, let alone a harmless little puppy.

  Opening the door, she smiled, even though what she was about to do was hurting her heart something fierce. “Hey, there. Did you guys have fun?”

  “Yeah.” Sam shrugged, petting Max and giving her kisses on the nose.

  “Good. Ah, Leda, can I talk to you for a minute?” Emily stepped back to make room for Leda to step into the back of the store.

  “Sure.” Leda walked up the steps. “Stay here, squirt. I’ll be right back.”

  Emily pulled Leda deeper into the store. “Listen, I know how much Sam loves Max and Max loves him. They totally belong together.”

  “Okay.” Leda frowned.

  “If I give Max to Sam, will you please help him with her?” Emily saw the beginnings of a smile on Leda’s face. “But you have to promise me because Janna has her hands full, and I know she cannot handle taking care of a puppy.”

  “Are you serious?” Leda’s eyes were opened wide in happy surprise. “You would really give my brother your puppy?”

  Emily nodded, knowing she was making the right choice even though her heart hurt, but what was new? Her heart knew nothing else. “But only on the condition you help.”

  “Absolutely!” Leda threw her arms around Emily, hugging her. “You have no idea what this means to us. We’ve never…. Thank you!” Leda sniffed as happy tears filled her eyes.

  “You’re welcome.” Emily hugged her back tightly. From what she had heard, which wasn’t much, these two kids didn’t have it easy before they’d met Janna. “Now let’s go break the good news to Max and Sam.”

  Sam looked up with a big pout on his face. “Come on, Max.” With head hung low, Sam led Max toward the steps.

  “You know, Sam, I have a problem.” Emily sighed and sat on the top step blocking their way.

  Sam’s head snapped up. “What?”

  Emily tried not to smile, but it was hard. The kid was so damn cute, plus with Max sitting, staring up at Sam with her big pink tongue hanging out just waiting to see what Sam was going to do, it made for an adorable picture. “Well, with me working all the time, I really can’t take care of Max the way she needs to be taken care of.” Emily frowned, putting her finger to her chin. “Do you know of anyone who could help me? They’d have to love dogs, though, and they’d need to take Max and give her a good home.”

  Sam stared at her for a second before his eyes popped open wide. “Me!” he shouted, pointing to himself. “I love d-d-do-do—”

  “Slow down, Sam, before you explode.” Leda laughed at his excitement.

  “You promise to take good care of her?” Emily asked with a serious look on her face. She snapped her fingers and Max came to her, which was a first. It was like Max understood what was going on. When Max put both paws on her chest giving her a wet lick to the face, Emily wondered if the puppy did understand. It was as if she were saying good-bye.

  “I pr-promise.” Sam nodded a serious nod and then jumped in the air with a fist pump and a loud whoop.

  Emily grinned before burying her face in Max’s fur. “You be good,” she whispered, laughing as Max gifted her with another lick before pushing off and running toward Sam.

  “What do you say, Sam?” Leda tilted her head at her brother.

  Sam told Max to sit before he walked up the steps to Emily, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck. “Thank you,” he said without a stutter. “She’s my b-best friend.”

  “You’re welcome, Sam.” Emily let go of him and watched Max and Sam take off.

  “Thank you.” Leda also gave her a quick hug before chasing off after them both.

  “You’re welcome,” Emily whispered as she watched them go. Looking away, she stared out into the dark woods, a tinge of regret curling around in her stomach. Max had been her confidante, the only source of love she had. Once again, loneliness enveloped her, as did a wave of sadness. Putting her head down on her knees, she let the tears fall. One more good cry and then she was done with this shit. She hated to cry, but this one was well deserved. She’d let go of the only friend she had. Racking sobs hit her hard and she let them flow this last time.

  Chapter 9

  Hunter woke with a start, sitting straight up before realizing he was at his brother’s. They had followed the trail of the bastard and his little gang until it disappeared completely. The sun was just coming up when they made it back in town, and he knew Emily would be asleep. He was too tired to go to his home so he crashed at Garrett and Janna’s, as did Marcus. The rest went their separate ways. He did, however, run to the feed mill to make sure the doors were locked and all was good before even thinking of resting.

  Putting his bare feet on the cold floor, he jumped when something sharp clamped down on his foot. “Son of a bitch.” Looking down, he glared into the eyes of Max, Emily’s puppy. “Damn, you have sharp-ass teeth. What are you doing here?”

  Leda walked in with a grin. “Emily gave her to Sam last night.”

  Hunter’s head snapped up. “What?”

  “Yeah, pretty cool of her, but….” Leda frowned and then grinned when Max bit Hunter on the foot again.

  “Why, you little brat.” Hunter laughed, prying puppy teeth from his skin. “But what?” His attention went back to Leda, who he was more comfortable with since it seemed like she had a new crush. Leda was a beautiful girl, but much too young for him. His feelings for her were that of a kid sister.

  “She seemed happy about it, but when I ran back to ask her what she was feeding him, she was crying.” Leda sat down across from Hunter. “And I don’t mean just a little sad cry. It was bad, so I just left because I felt she needed a minute to herself. If she wants Max back, we will give her back.”

  Hunter stared at Leda wondering what in the hell he was getting into. The only thing he understood about women was…. Dammit, as good as he was at seducing women, he didn’t know shit about them.

  “I think she’s lonely, but that doesn’t make sense because having a dog is like having a companion.” Leda shrugged. “You think I should talk to her?”

  Hunter stood, glad he had slept in his jeans. “No, I’ll head over and check on her.” He smiled down at Leda. “Where’s Sam?”

  “Sleeping still.” She laughed, picking up Max. “He was up all night playing with Max.”

  “Garrett and Janna are okay with this?” Hunter asked, grabbing his shirt. Once Garrett convinced Janna she was his mate, both Leda and Sam were moved from Molly’s to Garrett’s home where they lived as a family.

  “Sam has them wrapped around his little finger.” Leda rolled her eyes. “He could bring a
grizzly bear home and they’d be cool with it.”

  “He is a pretty awesome kid,” Hunter agreed and then ruffled her hair. “And I’m pretty sure you have them wrapped around your little finger also… hmm.”

  Leda snorted then kicked him. “I’m glad I don’t have a crush on you anymore. You’re kind of a jerk.”

  Hunter cocked his eyebrow before nodding in agreement. “Just wait till you bring those boys here.”

  “Oh, that won’t happen.” Leda stood, heading out of the room.

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ll go to them.” Hunter walked in the opposite direction toward the kitchen. He needed some coffee. He’d showered when he’d got in, and his clothes were clean. He just needed some coffee to wake his ass up.

  “You’ll never know which one,” Leda called out as she went upstairs with Max running after her.

  “Don’t know me very well,” Hunter muttered. Poor kid, she’d never be able to date with him, Garrett, and Marcus around. Smelling the coffee, he knew someone was already up and drinking the brew. Janna stood in the kitchen holding her nose as she took a bite of scrambled egg. “What in the hell are you doing?”

  Janna sighed, putting the fork down. “The smell of eggs makes me sick, but that’s what I’m craving.” She huffed. “Being pregnant sucks.”

  Hunter raised his eyebrows but didn’t say a word. He grabbed a cup out of the cabinet and poured. When he turned with the cup raised to his lips, Janna was pointing a fork in his face.

  “What? Don’t you believe me?” Janna made a jabbing motion with the fork, making him jerk almost spilling the precious brew.

  “Whoa, now.” Hunter stepped back. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Exactly, but I saw that look and I really want to smack you.” Janna turned away, stabbed some eggs, held her nose and took a bite.

  “Does that really work?” Hunter frowned, wondering what the hell he did to make her want to smack him. He decided it safer not to ask her what look.

  Janna gagged, which totally answered his question. “I think I’m dying,” Janna said dramatically before turning deadly serious. “And I want to kill your brother.”


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