Glorious Misadventures: Nikolai Rezanov and the Dream of a Russian America

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Glorious Misadventures: Nikolai Rezanov and the Dream of a Russian America Page 40

by Owen Matthews

  Select Bibliography

  Archival Sources

  Archive of the Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg, Fond 31, letters from Langsdorff to Krusenstern

  Arkhiv Rossiskogo Voenno-Morskogo Flota (Russian Maritime Archives) St Petersburg, Fond Kruzenshterna (Fond 14, 1, T 292)

  Library of Congress, Washington DC, Golder Collection and Yudin Collection (Alaska History Research Project, Documents Relative to the History of Alaska, tr. by T. I. Lavrischeff, 15 vols, 1936–8)

  Materialy dlia istorii russkikh zaselenii po beregam Vostochnogo Okeana. Appendix to Morskoi Sbornik, 1–4, St Petersburg 1861

  National Archives, Washington DC, Records of the Russian American Company

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  St Petersburg Public Library, Doklad Kamergera N P Rezanova o Posolstvo v Yaponiyu v 1805 g.

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  Tartu Eesti Ajalooarhiiv (Estonian State Archives, Tartu), Krusenstern Archive F1414 (includes Löwenstern’s diary)

  Published Primary Sources

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  St Petersburg 1816

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