A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 17

by D. J Marteeny

  Lucifer jumped down off the bed and casually strolled over to the comatose form of Chrissie. He looked down upon the prostrate form with disdain. Lowering himself to the floor, he leaned forward and licked the side of the girl’s exposed cheek with his forked tongue. Lifting his head to look directly at Selene he said, “You see, unlike this one, you fascinate me. So young—so innocent, so—oh, I don’t know, unspoiled. I did you a favor by harvesting Guillermo before he could do you any real harm. And since he didn’t have the time to totally corrupt you—it was all the better for me,” he said, an evil sneer distorting his face. “I like my women fresh—unspoiled. Your friend, ‘G’ as you called him—so cute. Anyway, ‘G’ was a pretty naughty boy. He was too rough and crude for someone like you. No, my dear, you need someone much more polished than that bad boy.”

  Selene grabbed her pillow, sobbing uncontrollably. “Please—leave me alone. I just—want—to go home.”

  “And I want you to—go home, that is.” Lucifer replied, his words dripping with sarcasm.

  Selene stopped crying, watching the creature before her with suspicion in her tear soaked eyes.

  “Why—why, should I believe you? You killed ‘G’!” she wailed.

  The eyes of the demon flashed red sparks as he rose and walked towards the bed. Sitting down beside the crying girl, Lucifer took her chin in his clawed fingers squeezing tightly. “That ship has sailed, my lovely Selene—so drop it. Yes I killed your worthless boyfriend. Death is just one of my many friends. There are others that are far more interesting and I would hate to have one of them pay a call on you—or your precious mommy —if you don’t do as I request,” he whispered in her ear.

  “N-noo.” She struggled to get the word out as shock rocked her entire body.

  “Then perhaps you’d better listen to what I have to say,” he snapped as he released her chin with a jerk. “Now, as for the reason I’m here—there is someone on her way to see you as we speak. She also has an interest in your boyfriend—or, more precisely, how he died.”Lucifer saw the spark of hope that appeared in Selene’s terror-filled eyes. “Who knew Guillermo would turn out to be so important? Anyway, this visitor is essential to my plans for a number of reasons. My pets have seen to it that she is now the last of her kind and, if I can get her in the right place at precisely the right time, I can finally put an end to the enemy that has plagued me for centuries. Or, and this would be even better, I would finally have the means to corrupt her soul by destroying that which she loves most. Oh what a prize she would be. And that—is where you come in, my Lovely Selene. It will be your job to get her back to Moon Lake where I need her to be.”

  Selene raised an eyebrow; surprised that this being was actually going to let her go home but she was still suspicious of his motives. “Who—who is this person—and why should I take her home with me?”

  Lucifer ran a sharp nail gently down the side of Selene’s cheek. “You will do this simply because I’ve asked you to,” he said in a tone that left no room for argument. “And because this person must fulfill her destiny. She has no idea of her true nature—her true worth—but all is about to be revealed to her if, and when, she goes to Moon Lake. Besides, she’s been attracting too much attention here in the city. She asks too many questions and my lovely consort doesn’t like it when people meddle in her business. And I can’t have either of them screwing up my little opera so I need our visitor to disappear for a while. You get her to Moon Lake and my minions will take care of the rest. If you follow my orders I will see to the safety of your mother. If you don’t, my friends will visit her instead so— what’ya say? Can you do this for me, Selene? That’s my girl.” Lucifer said with a grin as Selene slowly nodded in agreement. He stood up, smoothing out the wrinkles in his jacket before straightening his tie. Moving towards the bedroom door, he smoothed back his perfect hair. Just as he reached for the knob, a grin appeared on his evil face as he glanced back at Selene.

  “It would seem that your visitor has arrived. I’ve got to go, Selene—make me proud.”

  Selene watched with huge brown eyes as the figure before her suddenly changed. One minute she was staring at a man, of sorts and, the next, a stream of thin black smoke appeared. It wavered for a moment before it disappeared under the bedroom door. “Oh my god,” she whispered as she clasped her hands over her mouth in fear.

  “God can’t help you now,” a voice came to her out of nowhere.

  Selene, sliding down upon the bed, curled up in the fetal position rocking back and forth. What am I going to do—what? Was the only thought running through her fevered mind while, on the floor, Chrissie awoke, lifting herself up to a sitting position. She looked around in confusion, seeing Selene curled upon the bed. “Shit—what just happened?” she asked but received no response.

  * * * * *

  The tan car screeched to a halt as its driver double parked on Spofford Street. What should’ve been an eighteen minute trip to the D.J.J. had taken Shaniqua at least thirty five. She’d known the rush hour traffic on East River Drive would be brutal but she decided to go that way anyway. Some people never learned. She flipped on the emergency lights before flinging open her door. Evangeline did the same, slapping the police I.D. onto the dashboard of the car before heading into the building.

  Once inside, Eva flashed her badge and asked to see Gloria Contreras, the case manager in charge of Selene Peters. Five minutes later, the two women were escorted to Contreras’ office on the second floor. It was your typical city office with the pre-requisite green metal desk and gray walls. Two matching metal chairs were placed in front of the desk in preparation for this morning’s meeting. It was a stark office, the only warmth coming from a series of pictures of a young girl smiling for the camera and a very hardy philodendron snaking its way along the front of the desk.

  Eva and Shaniqua had just seated themselves when Gloria entered the room with Selene. The young girl’s face was flushed and blotchy from spending the morning in tears. Her caseworker dragged out another chair from a nearby closet, placing it next to Eva before moving behind the desk to take her own seat.

  “Please, sit down Selene.” Gloria ordered, indicating the extra chair. “That’s good, now I’d like you to meet Captain Meredeloupe and Detective Taylor. They’d like to ask you a few questions about what happened in the park. They’re here to help you, Selene…” Gloria said as tears welled up in the girl’s eyes again. “…and I’m here, too, so there’s nothing to be afraid of,” she said sliding a box of tissues across the desk towards her ward while Eva gave her a questioning glance.

  Shaniqua stood and approached the girl, her wide smile camouflaging her own concern as to why this poor girl had been crying. She stooped down beside Selene grasping the back of the metal chair to balance her large frame.

  “Hi Selene, my name’s Shaniqua,” she said. The girl sniffled, nodding her head in acknowledgement. “Look honey, we know this has been a really hard time for you but, we were hoping that, with your help, we might be able to catch the one that did this to your friend.”

  Eva picked up her chair and turned it backwards; placing it down in front of the girl. Straddling the seat, she sat down leaning her elbows on top of the metal back. “Selene—you can start by telling us how you met Guillermo?” Shaniqua placed a gentle hand upon the girl’s arm as Selene began to fidget nervously. Something really has her spooked; the detective couldn’t help but think.

  “I already told the other guy, you know, the other cop—I told him everything. I just wanna go home.”

  “Miller,” Eva mouthed the word to Shaniqua . The detective nodded in understanding before turning back to Selene. “We know you do, honey. We’ll get you there as soon as we can but you have to help us. Detective Miller is from homicide and he doesn’t share his information willingly. Guillermo was our case so, if you wouldn’t mind, could you repeat for Captain Meredeloupe what you told the
other detective? Just one more time, honey, and we’ll be finished.”

  With a deep sigh, Selene blurted out where she had met the unfortunate victim. “I met ‘G’ a couple of weeks ago. We hooked up at the bus station when I first got here and—and we’ve been together ever since—that is until…” but she couldn’t seem to get the words out.

  “Take your time, Selene, we have all day.” Eva said.

  “He said he was gonna make me a star. Hmmph—that was a lie.”

  “That’s one of their favorite lines, child—the scum that prey on the innocents that come to this city looking for fame and fortune. Believe me, you’re not the only one to be taken in by them.” Shaniqua told her.

  “Can you tell us anything else about him, Selene—who were his business contacts—his friends—any information that might help us to understand what happened to him?” asked Evangeline.

  “I only know what he wanted me to know—and that wasn’t much. I spent most of my time in the apartment. I know he got high a lot. He didn’t work but he always had a stash of cash—not that he ever shared any of it with me. Look—I know he was bad news—but there were times when he made me feel, well, special—and those were the times I loved bein’ around him.”

  “I understand, Selene—really, I do.” Eva said when the girl gave her a doubtful look. “These guys can be real smooth talkers when an innocent like you crosses their path but their greed always gets in the way. Eventually it destroys any semblance of humanity they may have left.”

  “Look, honey…”Shaniqua cut in, “…whatever he was he deserves some justice so—is there anything you can tell us about that day in the park?”

  “All I know is ‘G’ said he had some kind’a meeting with a guy—a real important guy. ‘G’ seemed—almost afraid. He said the guy was someone you didn’t want to mess with. I had to beg him to let me go with him. I’d been cooped up in that apartment for so long I nagged him into letting me come but when we got there—this old guy showed up for the meet. I looked at ‘G’ and said, this is your dangerous guy? I mean the guy was a fossil.”

  Eva looked at Shaniqua, surprised by the girl’s description of the man Ramirez had met in the park. This couldn’t be the man responsible for the thug’s death, could it? she wondered but she decided to let the girl finish her story.

  “Anyway, he shut me up real fast. If I didn’t know better I’d say he was scared—real scared—and that surprised me cause there ain’t much that’d frightened ‘G’. The next thing I know he sent me to buy cigarettes.” Selene continued, “I guess he wanted me outta the way. When I got back they were gone so I sat on a bench to wait.”

  “Did you have to wait long?” Eva asked.

  “Naw, only about half an hour or so. I was sittin’ there smokin’ a cigarette when I saw the old guy walkin’ towards me—only this time he wasn’t alone. He was with a woman. A real looker she was, all high and mighty. You know…” Selene explained when Eva gave her a questioning look. “…all designer clothes from head to toe. Well, the guy saw me sittin there so he grabbed the lady and walked over. Then he told me ‘G’s waitin’ for me at that Checker building but—but when I got there he—‘G’ was dead,” she wailed as tears flowed again.

  “Shhh, it’s alright, honey,” Shaniqua said in her motherly fashion.

  “Selene, I know this is hard for you but you have to think. Did Ramirez ever mention the name of this old man?” Eva asked, trying to keep the impatience out of her voice. How anyone could mourn a sleaze like Guillermo was beyond her comprehension but, in this girl’s world at least, he was important.

  “No—now can I just go home?”

  Shaniqua leaned across the desk to grab a tissue, dabbing at Selene’s tear stained cheeks. “It’s okay, baby, we’re almost through here and you’ll be going home soon. Where is it that you live?”

  The thought of home gave Selene hope. “I—live in a small town called Moon Lake—near Wilkes Barre. Do you know it?” she asked hopefully.

  “Sure, honey, I know exactly where that is.” the detective told her but Eva wasn’t quite finished with the girl yet.

  “Selene, we’ll get you on the road as soon as we can but—I just need to ask you one more thing.”

  “What?” Selene asked as Shaniqua shot a disapproving look at her boss. Normally she never questioned anything Eva did but this time her boss was pushing the girl a little too hard and, if they weren’t careful, they’d spook her and she’d be no help to anyone. But Eva was like a pit bull. She dove in for the attack and hung on until she got what she wanted.

  “Do you think you could give us a more detailed description of this guy?”

  “I already told you- he was a fossil.”

  “I need a little more than that, Selene—like hair and eye color, tall or short, any distinguishing marks?” Eva asked patiently.

  “Geez—I don’t know. He was short, I guess— and kinda’ dumpy—and he didn’t have much hair at all. Oh, oh god—I remember now—he wore a beret. What a fashion victim.”

  “And the woman he was with?” Eva asked trying not to laugh at the girl.

  “I don’t know—tall, blond, perfect hair, perfect skin—you know— the model type. What she was doin’ with that old geezer I’ll never know. Oh, hell—what does it matter anyway?”

  “Selene, these two may be the last ones to see Guillermo alive—they may even be the ones who killed him. We need to find them. If I get an artist down here do you think you could give him a better description?” Eva asked.

  “I—I don’t know, I already told you everything.”

  “Eva, maybe you better back off a little.” Shaniqua warned.

  “I can’t Taylor—and we can’t let her go home until we know everything she knows. If she’s forced to describe this guy in detail she might remember more than she realizes.” Eva insisted, “Selene—would you talk to a police artist?”

  “Yeah—I guess—as if I have any choice.”

  Gloria had been observing the interview all this time. Looking up from the tablet she was scribbling on she said, “Umm, we may have a small problem, Captain. Detective Miller has already released the girl. He didn’t feel she was of much use to his case so he’s sending her home tonight. Her mother can’t afford to come and get her so I’m putting her on a bus with one of our Juvenile officers. There’s not enough time to get an artist down here. Sorry.”

  A look of panic crossed Selene’s face as Lucifer’s words invaded her mind. Get her to Moon Lake and my minions will take care of the rest—but which ‘her’? He didn’t tell me I’d have two visitors. It had to be the one called Eva. She was the boss—yeah, it had to be her. She had to convince this woman to go home with her. She had to protect her mother. Think, Selene, think, she told herself then an idea struck her.

  “Wait, I can help you find Guillermo’s killer and still be on that bus.” It was obvious her words caught the others off guard.

  “Okay Selene…” Eva said as she rose from her chair. “…what’s your plan?”

  “Wait a minute—look Captain…” Gloria interrupted. “…I let you talk to the girl out of professional courtesy because you told me she could help you with something you were working on. The wishes of the court, as well as the girl’s mother, supersede yours so I can’t let you change any orders they’ve already given me. Besides, Detective Miller is in charge of this case and he doesn’t seem to be the type to allow any changes to his plans—no matter how slight.”

  “Why can’t she take me—home I mean?” Selene interrupted Gloria, desperate to get Eva to come away with her. “You said an officer needed to escort me. Let her do it and we can talk along the way.”

  The three women looked at the girl as if she were crazy. “Eva can’t take you Selene.” Shaniqua started to explain, “She’s a captain—and she has a case load to work on. I’m afr
aid she’s needed here and…”

  “I think that’s a great idea.” Eva interrupted.

  “What!” Shaniqua and Gloria cried out in unison.

  “This just might work. The only case I’m working on right now is Guillermo’s drug connections. With him dead, I have some free time. You …” she said looking at Shaniqua, “…and Al can handle anything else we have going on for a little while. I shouldn’t be gone too long. I can talk to Selene—help her remember things. Who knows what she’ll come up with if I really have the time to work with her?”

  “What about Miller—and, at the very least, I’d need a signed release from the judge.” Gloria told her.

  “Let me worry about the judge—and Miller.” Eva said. “Get the girl packed and ready, I’ll be back in an hour and we’ll be on our way. Okay, Selene?”

  “I’m going home—with you?”


  “That’s bitchin’!”

  “Alright then,” Looking at Gloria, Eva said, “I’ll call you as soon as I’ve talked to the judge. Let’s go, Taylor.”

  “Eva, are you sure about this? What about Miller? What about…” Shaniqua’s voice trailed off as they walked out the door and exited the building.

  Ten minutes later the two women were in the car driving back to the station. Evangeline was on the phone with the Juvenile Judge that had signed Selene’s release order—and it wasn’t going well as Shaniqua could tell by her boss’ raised voice.

  “But—I know, your honor. Yes, I was wrong and I apologize for being out of line but this girl and the victim are both connected to an ongoing investigation of mine. Yes sir. But she does have information vital to the case. Yes, I’m sure but she’ll only talk to me. Yes—thank you, sir. You won’t regret this. Goodbye.” Eva said into the cell phone as she snapped the cover shut. “Fucking Miller, he’s such an idiot!” she raged. “The judge wasn’t going to release her to my custody because that son-of a bitch filed a complaint against me. Said I was interfering with his investigation. Ramirez was my man to begin with. Damn it, that man’s such an idiot!”


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