A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 27

by D. J Marteeny

  “You’re serious.”


  “So if vampires are real—and werewolves as well—what else is out there that the human race doesn’t know about?”

  “You have no idea.”

  She was quiet for a long moment while she tried to absorb what she’d just heard. Finally she said, “A vampire, huh—so why didn’t you—kill yourself, I mean?”

  He’d never let her know how much it hurt him to hear her ask that question. “Because in my former life—my human existence—I was a priest and a very good one. Killing one’s self was not an option even after my—transition. I met your mother as soon as I came to this town. She and the pack were the guardians of this area, even though there hadn’t been any trouble for a very long time. She sensed what I was from the very beginning but she never judged—she never condemned. Instead she gave me a chance to prove to her that I was no threat—to them or anyone else. I—just wanted to be left alone in my own private hell until I could come to terms with what I’d become.”

  “How—did it happen, I mean. You have to bitten; right, to become a vampire?”

  He turned to her, his face a mask of pain and sorrow. She couldn’t help herself; her heart went out to him. “Oh Rick, I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about it if it’s too painful,” she said as she rose from the chair and took a step towards him.

  “No…” he said holding his hand out to stop her from coming any closer. “…please—just let me finish. It’s—important that you know the whole story and—I can’t think clearly when you’re near me, Eva—for a number of reasons. I was out—hunting—when you arrived. Fresh blood makes me stronger but even now I can hear the blood pounding in your veins—I can smell the rich scent of you and it’s hard for me–I’m sorry, I need another drink,” he told her as he ran to the kitchen.

  He was back in a few minutes with another goblet of…”Is that—is that what I think it is?” Eva asked as she stared, aghast, at the goblet he’d just raised to his lips.

  “If you think it’s blood then, yes. I’m sorry, Eva, but I’m a vampire—and vampires need blood to stay alive. I’m trying hard to salvage what little humanity I have left inside of me so I have a supply of blood here at the cabin. I refuse to drink from a human but, every now and then, I need something with a little more—kick—than the frozen stuff. That’s when I hunt—animals. There are a lot of deer and bear in the woods around here which is perfect for my needs. And to answer the question I see burning in your eyes—no, I don’t kill them either. I’ve learned to control my feeding enough to stop before I reach that point. I know I’m a monster, Eva, but I try very hard not to be.”

  He stared at her for a moment before downing the rest of the ruby liquid inside the goblet. He slammed the empty glass down on the dining room table when he was finished. “Do you want to hear the rest of my story—or have you heard enough? Go ahead, Eva—leave. I can see that you want to.”

  She could see the sadness—the anguish in his eyes as he watched her, waiting for her to respond. How can I run out on him now? she thought. I know what he is—and what he does—but there’s something—different— about him. He’s not a monster—I can feel it—and so did my mother. If she trusted him, if she gave him a chance then why shouldn’t I? “I’m not going anywhere, Rick. Please—finish your story because I want to understand.”

  He released his breath slowly, not even realizing he was holding it as he waited for her to respond. “Thank you—please—sit.” As she sat once again in her chair he proceeded to tell her about Julian, Adrianna and the others and the day Dragone came into his life and destroyed his very existence. He watched as the expression on her face changed from shock to sympathy then to sorrow. When he’d finished his tale he stood very still, waiting for her to absorb it all.

  She stared at him, her hazel/green eyes swimming with unshed tears. I can’t fall apart in front of him. I won’t allow myself. He needs me to be strong and accepting—just like my mother was. He deserves that much for being so honest with me.

  She moved again, quickly this time before he could stop her. She found herself standing directly in front of him. His head was bowed as if he were afraid of what he’d find if he looked into her eyes. Gently she placed the tip of her index finger under his chin and lifted his head. His eyes were filled with a sadness that nearly shattered the soul. So much misery—so much pain he’s had to endure—and all because he dared to love someone so much. I hope this Adrianna realizes what she’s lost, Eva thought to herself and taking his face in her hands she kissed him gently on the cheek.

  She saw the sorrow in his eyes change quickly to surprise and she gave him a quick smile. “I’m sorry—sorry for all that you’ve been through. I only wish—that I could somehow make it better for you,” she whispered.

  “You already have,” he said as he covered her hand with his. “You have no idea how much it means to me that you can accept what I am without question. First your mother and now you—it’s more than I could hope for.”

  “Oh I have plenty of questions…” she said with a smile as she turned to retrieve her coffee. “…but they can wait for another time.” She grimaced when she took a sip of the now cold liquid.

  “Here…” Rick said reaching for the mug, “…let me get you a fresh cup.”

  “No, that’s okay. It’ll only keep me up and, as you already know, I haven’t been sleeping to well lately what with the dreams and all. Well…” she said as they stared at each other, “…we’re quite the pair aren’t we, Rick Ferrante. I find out after all these years that I’m not quite human and you have your humanity taken away from you through some freak accident. That must be what Roy was referring to when he said we might be able to help each other come to terms with what we are.”

  “Probably, we both have some—adjusting, for lack of a better word—to do. It should be a little easier adjustment for you because, as I said earlier, you’re human most of the time. I on the other hand…”

  “But you said the angel, Michael…?”


  “…you said this Michael got your soul back. I can’t believe we’re actually having such a bizarre conversation but, if you have a soul, doesn’t that make you—near human—at least?”

  “No—it just means that I’m fully aware of everything that I do and the consequences that come with it. I feel guilt. I feel remorse and anguish. I’m a tormented soul, Eva, and sometimes it’s nearly unbearable.”

  She placed a comforting hand on his arm to show him she understood. “But you—haven’t hurt anyone, have you Rick? From everything I’ve been told, all that you’ve done since you arrived in Red Rock was help the pack fight these creatures that are stalking them. You should be proud of that—of fighting to protect the innocent.”

  “You don’t understand, Eva. I was a priest. I’ve always believed that all life was precious. And, yes, I know that these things are evil and they must be destroyed but killing—no matter what the reason—will never be easy for me. It’s a good thing—for everyone—that when I come into contact with these things the monster in me takes over and allows me to do what I have to do. That’s why I have to stay sharp—alert—and there’s only one thing that helps me do that.”

  “The blood?”

  “Yes—so Julian contacted a supplier in the area to help me get a fresh supply when I need it. It’s either that or animal blood even though the coven does have a group of human donors willing to offer their services to help satiate ours thirst. But, so far at least, I haven’t had to go that route. I just—can’t.”

  “I understand—I think. So it’s hard for you—being around humans, I mean. You indicated earlier…” but she couldn’t seem to finish her question.

  “The temptation is always there but, so far, it hasn’t been anything I couldn’t handle if the proper precautions are taken. But don’t
get me wrong, Eva, I am a danger to the human race. That’s why I limit my contact with them. My trainer…”

  “Simon, right?”

  “Yes, Simon gave me all the tools I’d need to fight against the hunger but there are times, when I’m angry—or when I’m physically attracted to someone…” he watched her closely as he continued on, “…that the bloodlust is so strong I can barely keep the beast inside of me in check. That’s why I’m better on my own until I’ve aged a little. At least that’s what Simon said. The longer we live the better we are at controlling the beast within. Since I left Simon I’ve spent most of my time among the pack here in Red Rock. When I’m with them I know that even if I lose control I really can’t hurt them—unless I want to.”

  “Are you happy here—away from your friends, from everything you’ve ever known?”

  “I’m—content. Roy and the others are good people. And your mother was the only one who could make me accept my lot in life. She showed me that there’s good and evil in all creatures whether they’re human, supernatural, etc. She seemed to think that what happened to me happened for a reason although, for the life of me, I can’t figure out what it is. I thought my purpose in life was to serve God and, through him, humanity. Your mother pointed out that I could still do that only in a different way. She was a very special woman, Eva, and it’s a shame you never knew her.”

  “Yes, well it’s too late now,” she said as she turned away from him. “I understand…” she said over her shoulder, “… why my father felt he had to take me away from here—from her. But did he, or my mother, for that matter, really believe that shielding me from my true heritage was the best thing for me? She at least, should have known what would happen to me when she died—the physical changes I’d be going through. What if I hadn’t come back here? Who would’ve helped me adjust to the transformation then? Who would’ve explained things to me?”

  “I don’t know, Eva, but I’m sure they both loved you very much—and did what they thought was best for you at the time.” Rick said trying to lessen the distress he could sense she was in.

  “Roy told me the leadership of the pack was passed down to the females of our line. Did my father know that? If he were still alive at the time of my mother’s death would he have accepted me as one of the Loupe Garou or would he have abandoned me like he did my mother? I guess that’s just another thing I’ll never know the answer to.”

  “Eva…” he said reaching for her.

  She turned back to him just as her cell phone began to ring loudly.

  The name ‘Shaniqua’ blazed brightly upon the face of the cell phone. Eva pushed the button to answer it as she moved to stand beside the dining room table, “Hello—Shaniqua?”

  “Yes, Eva—it’s me.”

  Eva could tell immediately by the sound of her friend’s voice that something was wrong—very wrong. “Shaniqua, what is it…” Eva said casting a worried glance towards Rick. “…tell me what’s wrong.”

  “It’s Al—oh Eva, he’s dead!” Shaniqua sobbed, and Rick could hear the woman crying from his position near the end of the table.

  Shock waves rippled through Evangeline’s body as her brain tried to wrap itself around the words she’d just heard. “What—what’re you talking about Shani? You two weren’t even working on a case. The last I heard you both had a meeting with Wells. What did that son of a bitch get you two into?”

  “It wasn’t the Inspector’s fault. He wanted to assign us to homicide and the ‘Heart Attack Murders’ but Al refused. He said he’d rather quit then be forced to work with Miller.”

  “Then what happened to him? Was he shot? Did he accidently stumble onto a crime in progress—what? Shani—I can’t believe—Shaniqua, you—oh god, you have to tell me what happened.” Eva said, her voice beginning to falter as she fought to stay in control.

  Rick moved forward, placing a comforting hand on Eva’s shoulder as she waited for Shaniqua’s reply.

  “We’re not sure what happened, honey. They’re still investigating—and all I know is that he was really upset after our meeting. He stormed out of Well’s office and it looks like he went to Bar Nine. He must’ve been there for awhile because—well—he got loaded and Frank Miller walked in and—well, you can guess what happened then.”

  “Yeah, I get the picture—go on.”

  “They started to argue and Jay threw them both out. He called me to come for Al so the precinct wouldn’t find out about the incident but—oh lord, I’m sorry Eva, I was too late. When I got there he was already dead.”

  “It’s alright, Shani, it wasn’t your fault. Do—do they have any suspects? Do they know who shot him? Was it Miller—was it, Shaniqua? I’ll shoot the bastard myself if he had anything to do with this. I swear…”

  Rick stepped closer to Eva, his arm enveloping her waist pulling her back against him. He whispered softly to her in a calm, soothing voice. “Eva, relax. Everything’s going to be alright. Give your friend a minute and she’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

  Evangeline allowed her body to rest against Rick, accepting the comfort he was offering as she lowered the phone, leaning her head back against his chest. “There now, that’s better. Take a deep breath then go back to your friend. I’m here for you, Eva, and I’ll do everything in my power to help you through this but you have to calm down. You’re only making things worse for your friend and she’s upset enough as it is.” He held her close for a minute longer then turned her towards him.

  “Eva—look at me. Take a deep breath.” She did as he asked. “That right—are we good now?” When she nodded in agreement he continued, “Alright then, go back to your friend and get your information. When you’re finished we’ll discuss a plan of action,” he told her. She backed away from him but her eyes never left his face as she placed the cell phone to her ear again.

  “I’m sorry, Shani. I didn’t mean to make things worse. I know this must be hard for you so—just tell me if it was Miller?” Eva asked in as calm a voice as she could manage.

  “It wasn’t Miller, Eva.” At Shaniqua’s words Eva gave a sigh of relief. “And he wasn’t shot.” This came as quite a surprise to Eva.

  “He wasn’t shot? Then—how did he die—Shani, answer me. What killed Al?”

  Shaniqua began to cry again as she tried to get the words out. “He was attacked—by something large—and vicious.”

  “Attacked—what do you mean?”

  “His body was torn apart, Eva…”Shaniqua sobbed, “…and his heart was literally ripped from his chest— as if some wild animal had attacked him. Just like the woman in the park. I don’t understand what’s happening here. Who—what—could do that, Eva. What’s going on in this city?”

  A chill ran down her spine as Evangeline listened to her friend. “I don’t know, Shaniqua, but I promise you I’m going to find out. When’s the funeral?”

  “Don’t know yet. They’re still examining the body—because of the way he died. Oh and Eva—Frank Miller is missing.”


  “I said he’s missing. The last time anyone saw him was when Jay saw them fighting out back of the bar. No-one’s seen him since and there’s no sign that he was—killed like Al so—they’re trying to figure out what happened to him.”

  “Alright—keep me posted and let me know ahead of time about Al’s funeral arrangements. I want to be there. Listen to me, Shani, the murders in the city are connected to what’s been happening here. I’m sure of that now but I need a little more time in Red Rock to look into things before I come home. Will you be alright or do you need me there now?”

  “No, I’m not alright. You don’t have to come home just for me. Sniff around, Eva, see what you can find out and hopefully it will give us some clue as to what happened to Al. Take care of yourself, girl.”

  “You too, Shani—and call m
e with any news. Bye.”

  As she flipped the phone shut, Rick removed the instrument from her grasp and set it down on the dining room table. He’d overheard enough of the conversation to realize that Eva was right. There was a connection between the murders happening in New York and the ones he’d witnessed in Red Rock and Moon Lake. What he couldn’t figure out was why. The hellhound had made it clear the demon wolves had come to this area because he was here. So why were they now in New York—unless? My only connection with New York is the friends I have living nearby—in Winwood. Is that it? Is the New York connection because these beasts are also watching Julian and the others? Well, I’ve already warned Simon. Julian will have everyone on high alert so there’s not much more I can do on that end, still…Still Rick couldn’t help but worry about his friends. He, more than anyone, knew how wrong things could go but he couldn’t go to Winwood just yet. Roy—and Eva—needed him here. He’d just have to trust in Julian’s skill as a leader to keep the others safe.

  Realizing that Evangeline had been watching him closely he said, “I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, Eva. Tell me about him.”

  Eva began to pace the floor in her agitation. Sorrow flooded her entire body as she told Rick about Al and Shaniqua, the team she’d worked with for so long. She just couldn’t believe Al was gone. He was so close to retirement, to putting the rigors and hardship of being a cop in New York City behind him. “Now he’ll never get to relax—go fishing on some lazy river like he’d always dreamed of doing. It’s just so unfair—lord, I need a drink.” she said as she looked around for something to sooth her frazzled nerves.

  Rick went into the kitchen, returning moments later with a shot of whiskey in one hand and his own goblet filled to the top with life giving blood. “Here drink this…” he said as he handed her the shot glass. “…then I think you should go back to the Inn and get some rest. There’s still a few hours of hunting left for me and…”

  “I’m not going back to the Inn, Rick. I’m coming with you. I can help you and I owe it to Al. Tell me something—the people who were attacked in this area, my moth…Jaclyn and the others — how many had their hearts taken?”


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