A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 29

by D. J Marteeny

  Evangeline heard a loud howling split the air at the same time the demon wolf roared. Only when she heard the answering howls echoing all around her did she realize the first call had come from her own lips. It was the pack leader summoning her pack and they—were responding. As the werewolf dove at her it was body slammed from the side by the large red wolf as Roy and the rest of the pack burst forth from the darkness of the woods. The demon wolf skidded along the grass coming to a halt just inches away from where Rick stood waiting.

  The blade of the dagger he held in his hand gleamed in the moonlight seconds before Rick swung his arm downward stabbing the creature directly in the heart. With one great gasp the demon wolf breathed no more. Anger and hatred flowed through the vampire, the scent of fresh blood nearly driving him mad. “Ahhh!” he screamed as he rammed his fist, claws extended, into the chest of the beast, ripping out its heart like a knife cutting through butter.

  “That was for Jaclyn,” he said as he stood above the animal breathing hard.

  “Rick—it’s over—they’re gone for tonight …” he heard a quiet voice say from behind him. He turned to see Roy, in human form, standing beside him, “…and we have more important matters to deal with right now.”Roy said as he pointed to something lying on the ground in front of them.

  Eva’s wolf lay very still, its breathing slow and labored as its body began to shift once again. The golden fur fell away in chunks as skin and bone shifted and bent. The beautiful creature whimpered in pain as animal became human once again. In a matter of minutes Eva, naked and shivering, lay where the golden wolf had been.

  “I need to get her back to the Inn. She’s going to weak—and frightened—and, knowing Evangeline, I’m sure she’ll have a million questions when the shock of transforming wears off.” Roy said as he started walking towards Eva’s still unconscious body.

  As Rick watched Roy, naked as the day he was born; approach the equally naked form of the woman lying on the ground, something within him snapped. Don’t let him touch her—she’s yours now, a voice whispered inside his head as the beast, all rage and jealousy, rose up inside of him. With a hiss of anger Rick burst into a run, reaching Eva’s still form before Roy had gone half the distance. He turned on Roy, red eyes blazing, fangs bared.

  “I have her. She’ll stay with me tonight.” Rick said as the man before him assumed a fighting stance. A voice, deep within the recesses of his mind, whispered, what are you doing? This man is your friend, but the vampire within him—the jealousy, the lust for the woman who lay at his feet—was in control until…With a moan, Eva began to stir. Rick literally tore the black shirt from his back, kneeling to cover her as she struggled to raise her head.

  “What—what happened?” she asked, the palm of her hand pressed against her throbbing forehead as she managed to pull herself to sitting position only to find herself lifted with powerful arms and held tightly against a rock hard chest.

  “Where—am I?” she asked as she struggled against the pressure of the arms that held her.

  “Shh—relax—you’re safe now.” Rick said as he pressed Eva’s head against his chest where she fell into a deep sleep. The goodness buried deep within Rick fought against the beast fighting for control of his soul. Her scent—the feel of her body so close to him was driving him crazy. Give her to her pack his conscious urged him. No—she’s mine! The vampire within him argued.

  He knew she would probably be better off with Roy but he would not let the pack take her away from him—not tonight. For some reason he needed her near him. They were kindred spirits, both of them forced to accept a life that had been thrust upon them against their wills. They could help each other—and no-one, friend or foe, was going to get in their way. I have enough blood at the cabin for tonight. I’ll drink my fill and she’ll be safe with me. I can help her deal with this—accept what she’s become. I just need time with her, he told himself but he wasn’t sure who he was really trying to convince.

  “Listen to me, vampire…”Roy said barely controlling the anger in his voice. “…she’s one of us— she needs to be with her pack tonight. A nightwalker cannot help her to adjust to what she’s finally become.”

  “I may not know anything about the Loupe Garou or how to explain the changes her body’s going through—but I’m the only one that can help her accept the fact that she was once human and now she’s some kind of —monster.” Rick said then, realizing anger wasn’t going to get them anywhere; he bowed his head, willing his beast back into the depth of his soul.

  Lifting his head, he stared at Roy with deep brown eyes once again. “I understand what you’re saying, Roy, and you’re right, only the pack can explain to her exactly what she now is. But you were born to this life. You were taught from infancy what you were and what you would become.” Rick said. Looking down at the woman in his arms he continued, “Her father was horrified when he realized what Jaclyn was. He took his child and ran away and, for whatever reason, Jaclyn didn’t follow.”

  “She wanted Eva to have a chance at a normal life—for a little while at least.” Roy explained.

  “And in doing so, she left Evangeline in the dark about her true nature. Now it’s suddenly burst upon her and she’s going to need help, from someone who’s gone through a similar experience, adjusting to the nightmare she’s now finding herself in. You’ve been two natured your entire life, Samuelle. You can’t even begin to imagine the horror one feels when you realize everything you’ve ever known is gone—and you’ll never get it back again. I can help her. I just need to be given the chance—and some time.”

  “And your lust for her—blood as well as sexual—what about that? Can you promise me you won’t try to attack her, or worse, when it takes control? I’m not a fool, vampire. I can sense your feelings for her. And those feelings make you a danger to her. You admitted it yourself— this life is fairly new to you. Can you really control the hunger—the lust you feel when she’s close to you? A moment ago I could sense the battle waging within you—priest against vampire. Can you promise me the priest will always win out? Can you promise me you will—not—harm—her?”

  “I would destroy myself before I’d do anything to hurt her.”

  “You wouldn’t have to—because I’d kill you.” Roy told him. “Alright, priest, against my better judgment I’ll give you tonight with her,” he said as he looked up into the night sky. “You’d better make the most of it—dawn is quickly approaching. Send her to the Inn when she’s had enough of you. I’ll take it from there. And vampire—I will have guards posted outside the cabin. If they hear anything out of the ordinary they’ll have my permission to destroy you.” Roy motioned to a few of the pack members who took up positions around the cabin. Then, with one last look at Rick and the woman he held in his arms, Roy broke into a run, his naked body transforming mid-stride into the red wolf as he entered the woods.

  Rick watched for a moment until Eva began to stir again. “Everything will be alright, Eva—hush,” he whispered as he held her possessively against his chest. Turning quickly, he walked out of the corral heading back towards the cabin.

  “Rick—where am I—what happened?” Eva struggled to speak as she squirmed in his arms.

  “It’s a long story, Eva. Let’s get you cleaned up first then I’ll explain everything,” he said. He stepped onto the porch, shifting Eva’s body as he maneuvered to open the door. Once inside the cabin, he took her straight to his bedroom. Placing her gently onto the bed, he wrapped the thick, warm comforter around her body. She stared up at him with questioning eyes. Something inside of him stirred as he brushed a strand of hair, matted and soaked from the transformation she’d gone through, away from her face.

  “Rest a minute, Eva, while I make you some tea. Afterwards you can take a nice hot shower and we’ll talk.”

  She nodded, fighting to keep her eyes open. She felt like she’d been through a war.
What happened tonight? was Eva’s last thought before she fell into a deep sleep.

  Rick backed away from the bed, watching as Evangeline’s breathing became steady. A fierce protectiveness rose up within him as well as a desire which was slowly spiraling out of control. Take her the beast inside taunted. It would be so easy. She’s weak—drained. She will not fight you. You can have her body and then her blood. You know you want to. You can almost feel that silken skin in the palm of your hands—taste those lush lips—feel the throbbing of her jugular next to your own lips before you sink your fangs—“Stop!” he shouted as he ran from the room, slamming the door behind him. “I will not give in to the monster I’ve become. I can’t.”

  Walking back into the kitchen he flung open the door to the refrigerator. Taking out one bag of blood after another, he drained four of them dry before he felt himself gaining some semblance of control. After ingesting one more bag he felt almost normal. He filled the copper tea pot with water and set it on the stove but didn’t light the burner since Eva had fallen back to sleep. The pot is ready to heat when she wakes up—and I need to clean the filth from my body as well. Going back through the living room he headed for the bathroom.

  As he entered the tiny room he realized there would be no conversation with Evangeline tonight. As much as Roy wanted her back at the Inn by morning well— that just wasn’t going to happen. He decided to call the Inn and leave Roy a message. He’d asked that someone bring Eva a fresh change of clothes so he could let her rest. Then, tomorrow night when she’d dressed, fed and rested Rick would have a chance to talk to her. He pulled the cell phone from his back pocket and made the call. After a short argument with Roy, who had already reached the Inn, Rick pushed the off button, setting the phone down upon the rim of the sink. Stripping off what was left of his blood soaked clothing he reached in and turned on the shower. Now it was time to focus on his needs.

  He let the water run until thick white steam filled the small bathroom. The hotter the water the better, he thought even though he knew the fires of Hell themselves couldn’t dispel the chill seeping through his body. Wiping the mist from the mirror in front of him he stared at the image in the glass. His hair was disheveled, bits of twigs and god knows what else stuck to every strand. His face was pale—his eyes had a haunted look in them. What the hell are you thinking, Rick Ferrante? he asked the image in the mirror. Why did you insist that she stay here? Are you insane enough to think there could be something between the two of you what—because her concern for your safety caused her to embrace her inner animal? Do you really think she cares about you—that you stand a chance with her? Wake up man! You’re a monster. What could you possibly offer a woman like her? Hell, you’re not even alive anymore.

  “Whamm!” The sound of his fist hitting the porcelain sink echoed throughout the small, enclosed space. “Damn.” The word he uttered was a mere whisper as he entered the shower, the scalding water stinging the multitude of scratches covering his back but he didn’t really care. His body had already begun to heal the many injuries he’d received and when he stepped from the shower his skin was flawless. No cuts—no gashes—no wounds of any kind. At least none on the outside, he thought.

  After drying himself, he realized that he’d left clean clothing in his bedroom—the bedroom now occupied by Evangeline. “Great, now what do I do?” With a sigh of frustration he wrapped his damp towel around his waist and headed for the bedroom. Stopping before the closed door he knocked softly. When there was no response he gripped the doorknob and turned it slowly. The door opened slightly and he could see Evangeline’s chest rising and falling at a steady even pace. Good, she’s still asleep, he thought with relief.

  As quietly as possible he entered the room. Looking around he quickly found what he was looking for. He grabbed a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt that he’d tossed over an old chair earlier that day. With inhuman speed he stepped into the jeans. He was just about to throw the shirt over his head when he heard Evangeline stir. Pulling the shirt on, he turned to face the bed.

  He stepped back into the far recesses of the room thinking that she wouldn’t see him. He’d totally forgotten about her new gifts. The powers of the wolf not only gave her increased speed and strength but eyesight as well. She shifted beneath the covers as she struggled to pull herself upright. She’d barely opened her eyes when she stretched, lifting her arms high above her head, her mouth opening into a wide yawn.

  Rick could barely contain his gasp of surprise when the bed covers fell away exposing her perfectly shaped breasts but that small sound was enough to galvanize Evangeline into action. Gripping the covers, she flew from the bed grabbing a silver dagger that Rick kept on the nightstand. One hand held the dagger high above her head while the other struggled to keep the bedspread from slipping away from her body.

  “I know you’re there. Step into the light…”she ordered as she ripped the blanket Rick had thrown over the bedroom window down, allowing the first rays of the morning sunshine to bathe the room in its warm, bright light. “…where I can get a good look at you—now!”

  “If I do that you won’t have to worry about using that knife you’re wielding…” Rick told her as he stepped further back into the shadows and away from the light. “…the sunlight will destroy me for you—and I’m not about to let that happen,” he said. “Evangeline, it’s me, Rick. I’m not going to hurt you. All I want to do is help you. Put down the dagger— and give me a chance to explain things to you. Eva—listen to me…” he continued talking as he saw the confusion on her face, the unsteadiness of the hand holding the silver dagger. “…I would never do anything to hurt you. It’s Rick, Eva, and I brought you back to my cabin after you and Roy saved my life. Do you remember that—do you remember the attack tonight? The demon wolves were sent after us again. We destroyed most of them. But I was alone—and one attacked. If you hadn’t come for me, if Roy hadn’t arrived—well, I probably wouldn’t be here trying to convince you that I’m no threat. You were magnificent tonight Evangeline. You saved my life.”

  He kept talking in a low even tone, his voice soothing her fears away as he tried to shake her memory. With each word he took a step closer to her, a step further out of the safety of the darkness so she could get a good look at him. She seemed to be listening—remembering. He saw the hand holding the dagger start to fall as her hazel eyes studied his handsome face. He moved to take another step forward, the tip of his black boot glistening as the sun’s rays fell upon it when,

  “No Rick, don’t!” Evangeline screamed as she rushed forward. She slammed her body into his forcing him back into the corner of the room and the life saving darkness. “You—you can’t step into the light. You’ll burn. Stay here while I cover the window again.” As she turned to move forward she tripped on the bedspread that was still held tightly against her naked form. “And where—where are my clothes?” she said looking around in confusion. “Why am I naked? What happened during the night, Rick—and your explanation better be a good one,” she said forcefully as she tossed the dark blanket back over the window, securing it into place.

  Rick stepped closer as the room was plunged into darkness once again. “What exactly do you remember, Eva?” he asked, concerned that she might have blocked the events of the night out of her mind.

  “Not much—I remember reaching Roy and the pack. They were outnumbered so I helped them take down the werewolves that were attacking them. Those things were brutal—Roy was nearly killed but we killed them all in the end,” she said as she turned to find him standing directly behind her. “I remember looking for you—searching through the dead bodies but–I couldn’t find you. Roy said you’d gone to save Midnight.

  “Yes, the wolves were at the cabin. I couldn’t let the horse die, Eva. He was Jaclyn’s. I had to save him—for her.”

  “I was afraid for you.” Eva continued. “You were alone—and I didn’t know how many wolves were
there waiting for you. I couldn’t let you face them…” but her voice faltered with the realization of what could’ve happened to him all alone against the crazed wolves. “Are you alright?” she asked as she touched his arm, running her palm down its length and across his chest searching for any kind of injury, forgetting that, even if he’d been injured, vampires heal quickly.

  Suddenly her hands were captured in a vice-like grip. “Eva—stop” Rick said, his voice raw with emotion as passion—as well as the hunger—reared its ugly head. She raised her eyes to his but he turned his face away from her. He didn’t want her to see the hunger evident in his blood red eyes—his lust— for her body as well as her blood. “I’m fine. I wasn’t hurt,” he told her as he pushed her away from him, taking a few steps backwards. It took him a few minutes to regain control of his spiraling emotions. With a deep sigh, he continued on, “You and Roy got there in time. Do you remember arriving at the corral, Eva?” he asked, “Do you remember—becoming the wolf?”

  Her gasp of surprise was all the answer he needed. “No—what—what are you talking about? Are you telling me that I—changed? No—no, it can’t be true.”

  ”It’s alright, Eva—everything’s going to be okay.”

  “You were on Midnight—and the werewolf was going to attack you. I saw it lunge for you and then—nothing. Everything after that is a blank. What’s wrong with me, Rick? Why can’t I remember? Why can’t…” she said and he realized she was on the verge of hysteria.

  “Shhh,Evangeline…” he said as he started towards her only to stop himself after the first few steps. His emotions were waging their own battle inside of him. On one hand, all he wanted to do was comfort her—protect her. But he knew if he took her in his arms again the hunger of the vampire would take control and he couldn’t—he wouldn’t— risk that.


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