A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 36

by D. J Marteeny

  The two women ran back to car. Once inside, Eva threw the vehicle into reverse and sped out of the driveway—backwards.

  “Whoa, girl—slow down or we won’t make it to the Inn alive and I pretty much prefer that state of being.” Shaniqua told her.

  “You don’t understand what this means, Shani. If those things were at the cabin then there was another attack. Rick, Roy—hell, the entire pack could be hurt—or dead. I should’ve been here. I shouldn’t have left them. I’m their leader now. I’m responsible…”

  “And you’d be dead or missing, too. You think that’s what your pack needs—to lose you and your mother within a matter of days? I don’t think so. Besides—you told me this Roy guy was in charge while you were away and that he’s a born leader. He should’ve been able to deal with anything that came their way. He’s been fighting battles like this a hell of a lot longer than you have, Eva, so stop feeling guilty for living your own life. Anyway—you’re not even sure that anything bad went down. You’re just jumping to conclusions—letting your imagination run away with you. You gotta pull it together, girl, if you’re going to be of any use to these people—wolves—oh whatever.”

  “No…” Eva said, shaking her head from side to side, “…something’s wrong—and it’s not my imagination, I can feel it. It’s like a sixth sense where the pack is concerned. Trust me,” she told Shaniqua as she swerved to the right and pulled into the parking lot of the Inn.

  “Nice place—quiet, serene—everything seems normal.” Shaniqua said as she climbed from the car, weapon drawn.

  “Yeah, well, if I’ve learned anything over the past few days it’s that looks can be deceiving.” Eva told her. Pulling out her own gun, she headed for the front door with Shaniqua close on her heels. Eva motioned with a finger to her lips and a soft, “Shhh” to be quite as they climbed the steps and walked cautiously through the front door—and stopped dead in their tracks.

  “Holy shit,” Shaniqua said as she took in her surroundings. The place looked like a war zone. Tables and chairs, splintered and broken, lay scattered around the room. The large mirror behind the bar had been shattered into a million glittering pieces, each one spread across the floor as the two women tried to sidestep through the mess. The injured were everywhere, being tended to by those with lesser injuries.

  Eva approached the man nearest to her as he was washing away the blood from a deep gash in the chest of another man lying, still unconscious, upon the floor. “Josh…” she said lowering her weapon, “…what happened here—and where’s Roy?”

  “I’m here,” said a voice behind her before Josh could answer. Eva turned to see Roy, bloodied and battered but otherwise okay, coming out of his office behind the bar.

  “Roy…” she said running towards him. She threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around him in a giant bear hug.

  “Eva—you don’t know your own strength—you’re crushing my ribs…” he said, winching in pain, “…and they’re already bruised enough.”

  “Oh sorry…” she said, releasing him. “…I’m just so glad to see you alive.”

  “Well I’m glad to be alive…but there are those that weren’t so lucky. Who’s this?” Roy asked as Shaniqua came up alongside of Eva.

  “I’m Shaniqua—Shaniqua Taylor. I work with Eva—back in New York. I know this isn’t the best time for this but I’m pleased to meet you,” she said as she held her hand out to Roy.

  “She’s here to help, Roy.” Eva explained.

  “Well you’re both a little late for that—but the injured could use some attending too.”

  “What happened here—and where’s Rick? He’s not at the cabin and I know something went down there. I could smell it on the wind.” Eva told him.

  Roy gave her a strange look before turning to a man who was moaning in pain on the floor next to the bar. “In a minute, Eva, just let me tend to…”But Eva grabbed him by the arm before he could move away from her.

  “I’m sorry, Roy, but I need to know—now. Where is he—where’s Rick?”

  Roy stared at her for a moment before motioning to a young woman across the room. “Lisa—Terry needs some help here.” He waited until the woman was kneeling beside the injured man before turning to face Evangeline. “He’s gone, Eva—they took him.”

  “What—they—what do you mean they took him?” Her voice was a mere whisper, her mind refusing to believe what it was hearing. “He’s a fighter, Roy. He wouldn’t just let them take him—not without a struggle. You must be mistaken unless—he’s de…” but she couldn’t say the word.

  “He’s okay; Eva—or at least he was when they took him.”

  “But—I don’t understand. I left you in charge because I trusted you to keep them safe—to keep him safe. How could you let this happen?

  “I did everything I could. Look Eva, I…slap!” Eva’s hand connected with Roy’s cheek with such force it snapped his head sharply to the left. The rage building inside of her wanted—needed— to rip something apart and he was the nearest thing to her.

  “Eva!” Shaniqua screamed, grabbing Eva’s hand before she could strike Roy again. She was shocked at her friend’s behavior. The old Eva would never willing hurt anyone without a good reason and, as far as she could tell, this poor man hadn’t done a damn thing wrong.

  “No, Shani…” Eva said as she pulled her hand easily out of the other woman’s grasp. “…I left him in charge and now Rick is gone—taken by those—those things!”

  Shaniqua stepped in front of Roy, her large bulk shielding him from Eva’s wrath—for a few seconds at least. “I know you’re upset, Eva—baby—but you gotta take it easy on this poor guy. It’s obvious he tried to help your friend. Just look at the wounds he’s sustained.” Shaniqua said as she turned, pointing to a mass of cuts and claw marks criss-crossing Roy’s bare chest. ”

  Eva’s emotions were in turmoil. She was angry, albeit unjustly, at Roy for not being there for Rick, but she was also upset, and guilt-ridden, over the pain and suffering of her pack—Roy included. Eva stared for a long moment—taking in all of Roy’s wounds. As she did, one thought kept trying to force its way through the chaos erupting in her mind. Why weren’t Roy’s, or any of the wolves, for that matter, wounds healed by now? They were Loupe Garou. Unless it was a mortal injury, they tended to heal within minutes of receiving an injury.

  Coming to her senses she turned to Shaniqua, “It’s okay, Shani, I’m fine…” she said to the other woman. “…and you’re right—I shouldn’t be taking this out on Roy. Roy…” Eva said, turning to her lieutenant, “…I’m sorry…” but Roy raised his hand to stop her before she could say anymore.

  “Don’t apologize, Eva, because you’re the one who’s right—about everything. You did leave me in charge and they were all my responsibility—including Rick. But we were outnumbered and the werewolves weren’t alone this time. The hellhound was with them.”

  “The hellhound? But—but I thought they were in the past—the nemesis of my ancestors?”

  “Well, they’re back—and Eva, one of them was responsible for killing your mother,” he said waiting anxiously for her reaction.

  “What—why didn’t you tell me that before?”

  “Because I thought, with your mother gone, we’d seen the last of that demon dog. I guess I was wrong.”

  Suddenly, everything made sense as her mind drifted back to the attack in the cemetery. “You have no idea.” Eva said, her voice barely a whisper then, something else became clear to her. “That’s why your wounds haven’t healed yet. They were inflicted by the hound.”

  “Yes, if the wound these demons inflict aren’t mortal it takes a long time for them to heal—even for us. These creatures are indestructible. We were holding our own against the werewolves but it turned into a massacre of our pack when the hound entered the battle. We couldn’t stop h
im. I had to make a decision—and the pack was my first priority. The vampire understood this and he made his decision.”

  “And what decision was that?” Eva asked. She could barely breathe as she waited for Roy’s reply.

  “The vampire would’ve died with us; you know that Eva, but that devil hound convinced him that it would spare the pack if the priest went with him—willingly.”

  “And Rick believed that monster?” Eva asked in surprise.

  “That I’m not sure of but it really didn’t matter because— there’s more to the story. The hound led Rick to believe that…” Roy watched Eva closely, ready to react once she’d heard what he had to say, “…you were captured —along with some of his other friends. That son of a bitch told the vampire that they would kill everyone, the pack, you and his friends if he didn’t come with them. Rick had no choice and we…” Roy said waving his hand to indicate what was left of the pack, “… couldn’t stop them.”

  “So—he sacrificed himself once again.” Eva said and there was no mistaking the anger in her voice.

  “You’re not listening to me.” Roy told her, “Yes, it looks like he gave himself up to save his friends, no—all of us, again but Rick doesn’t see it that way. He acted out of love—and the deciding factor was you, Eva.”


  “Yes, the minute that beast told Rick that they had you there was no stopping him and, believe me, I tried. I knew it was a trap but there was no convincing the vampire. Just the chance that you might be in danger was all the incentive he needed. Those fiends knew his weakness and they used it to their advantage.”

  “Damn it. Roy, tell me something. When Rick left with them did the hound stay in demon form or did he—change?”

  “You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” Shaniqua, whispered in her ear. Eva raised a finger indicating that they should wait for Roy’s answer.

  “Change—well, yes, as a matter of fact he did. He took on human form which, I’m sure, is how they’re able to get around unnoticed but their stench is always the same. The smell of death is with them no matter what form they take on. That’s how I was sure he was one of those bastards.”

  “And what did he look like?”

  “Something out of another time—vintage clothing, tall, short hair and beard with a mustache—oh and his eyes were yellow even in human form.”

  “Shaniqua…” Eva said as panic filled her.

  “It was them, baby girl. It was the same mother fuckers we were up against at the funeral.”

  “What?” Roy asked, “Tell me.”

  Eva filled Roy in on the attack at Al’s funeral and the woman in red. “They want Rick but why?”

  “I don’t know but they went through a lot of trouble to get him. You do realize that’s why they attacked you, don’t you?” Roy asked her.

  “What do you mean?” Eva asked.

  “You were going to be their bait, Eva, and when that failed they must’ve taken someone else—but who?”

  “Winwood,” Eva said as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

  “Winwood?” Roy and Shaniqua said in unison.

  “Yes, don’t you see? His friends are there—everyone else he cares about in this world. They must’ve gotten to them. Shaniqua…”Eva said as she grabbed her friend by the arm, “…we have to go there and find out who’s missing. And the ones that are left are going to help me find Rick. They owe him that much. Roy—I’m sorry but I’m going to have to leave you to deal with all of this,” she said indicating the chaos around them. “We have to move quickly since those bastards already have a good head start. I’ll call and fill you in when we get there.”

  “No need, Eva—I’m going with you. Just give me a few minutes to see who’s able to join us.”

  “No—you and the pack have to stay here. I don’t know what I’m going to find when I get to Winwood. I don’t even know if anyone there is still alive but, if they are, from everything Rick’s told me, they won’t be happy to see a wolf—even one that’s fighting for the same cause. Besides, if the hounds decide to send more werewolves here to finish what they started —well, you just need to stay here.”

  “I know you’re probably right, Eva, and as alpha I can’t argue with you but—I don’t like you going there alone.”

  “She ain’t alone. She has me.”Shaniqua said defiantly.

  “Then I’m sure she’s in good hands.” Roy said with a smile but his rust colored eyes couldn’t disguise the worry he felt inside.

  “Oh, Eva, I like this guy.”

  “That’s good, Shani, because you’ll probably see a lot more of him in the near future. Listen Roy, you don’t have to worry about us. If any of Rick’s friends are still in Winwood then I’ll have all the help I need. They’re vampires, right—and they’ve already dealt with the powers of Hell and lived to tell the tale. And, again, they owe him. He wouldn’t be what he is today if it weren’t for them. When they learn that Rick’s in danger they’ll be only too happy to help me. I’ll be fine. Please don’t worry and I’ll keep you posted. I just have one quick stop to make before we head out.” Eva said.

  “And where might that be?” Roy asks.

  “Shaniqua and I are going to pay a visit to our little friend, Selene. She’s the only other person alive who’s seen the mysterious lady in red. I need to be sure she’s not holding back any information that can help us. You ready, Shani?”

  “Ready when you are.”

  “Good, then—I guess we’ll be going and Roy…” Eva said as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him lightly on the cheek, “…I really am sorry I lost my temper. It’s just…”

  “Forget about, Eva, I understand. You’re worried about Rick. I just wish—well, never mind.” Roy said as he kissed Eva lightly on the cheek. She didn’t ask him what he was about to say. Something told her she really didn’t want to know. “Eva…” Roy called after her, “…you might want to stock up on weapons and silver ammo. It won’t kill the hounds but it’ll slow them down and it’ll take out anything else, werewolves and vampires alike, that may be a threat to you.”

  “Good idea.”

  Twenty minutes later, after filling a duffle bag with guns, daggers and silver bullets, Eva and Shaniqua were speeding down the road towards Moon Lake. It was now around ten o’clock at night and Eva only hoped Selene was at home and not out somewhere. There were lights on in the living room of the small house when they pulled into the driveway.

  The two women walked up the front steps and Eva knocked lightly on the door. Within minutes, the door was pulled open and Selene stood before them, a look of surprise on her pretty face. Wow, what a difference a couple of days make, Eva thought as she stared at the young girl. She looked even younger than her sixteen years without the dark black eyeliner and pancake makeup. Her bleached blond hair was freshly washed and brushed away from her face. She was dressed in a pair of grey sweats and looked as though she was just about to go to bed when the two women had arrived.

  “Eva—Officer Taylor—what—why are you here?” she asked as fear flashed in her eyes. “Has—has something else happened?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about, Selene. We just need to ask you a few more questions—about the woman from the park. I promise it won’t take long—and it really is important.” Eva told her.

  “But I’ve already told you everything I know. If I had any more information that could help you find ‘G’s killer don’t you think I would’a told ya by now? All I want is to be left alone. I’m tellin’ ya—there’s somethin’ not right with those people.” Selene told them, the desperation in her voice obvious to Eva.

  She’s afraid of something, Eva thought.

  “I know, Selene, but this is important. I think—we may have had a run in with this same woman.” Eva explained hoping that this information woul
d make the girl more willing to talk.


  “Yes, at least we think it’s the same—person.” Eva said, giving Shaniqua a strange look. “And she may have taken a friend of mine, Selene—a very close friend—and I don’t want him to end up like Guillermo so—can you just please try to remember anything you can about the woman. Even the smallest little tidbit might be important.

  “I don’t know—I don’t know.” Selene said, ringing her hands as she backed away from the door.

  The two followed her inside before she had a chance to send them away. She appeared to be alone but Eva needed to be sure before she continued with their conversation. “Is your mother here, Selene?”

  “What—oh, no. She’s out for the night. She—she has a boyfriend and, well, she only gets to spend one night a week with him since I came back. She doesn’t like to leave me alone much these days.”

  “Smart woman. Look Selene, after we talk I think it might be best if you and your mother stayed a little closer to Red Rock. There are people there; friends of mine, who can keep an eye on you both—make sure you’ll be safe.”

  “We’re safe now…”Selene stated but the fear in her eyes was hard to disguise, “…aren’t we?”

  “I don’t think any of us are until we get to the bottom of all this craziness and figure out who these people are and what they want from us so please, Selene, can we talk?” Eva practically begged the girl.

  Selene hesitated a moment longer then, with a deep sigh, she said, “Alright—but I really don’t know how much more I can tell you. Come on into the kitchen. I’ve just made a fresh pot of coffee.”

  “That sounds great.”Shaniqua said as they followed the younger woman through the living room and into a tiny kitchen.

  “I know—can’t live without my caffeine.” Selene said as she bustled about from cupboard to counter to table, pouring the steaming coffee into three cups and retrieving cream and sugar from the refrigerator. When everything was ready, she pulled out a chair and joined the other two. “Alright detective…” she said to Eva after taking a sip of the hot coffee, “…what do you want to know?”


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