The Law of Becoming: 4 (The Novels of the Jaran)

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The Law of Becoming: 4 (The Novels of the Jaran) Page 28

by Kate Elliott

  “Damned lucky we can breathe the atmosphere,” said one of the women sardonically. Wind gusted and died and rose again more gently. A thin strip of cloud drifted beneath the platform. It was cool, but not cold. And it was weirdly quiet.

  “Now what?” asked a lonely voice in the anxious silence. Ilyana counted thirty-eight people huddled in the middle of the platform. The silver light emanating from the platform lit them from below, gilding their forms. Most of them now looked toward David ben Unbutu and Maggie O’Neill, except for Phillippe and a handful of others who had their eyes shut.

  M. Unbutu lifted his hands, palms up. “I don’t know. Charles was supposed to be here to meet us, and to, ah, formally present us to Duke Naroshi. We can’t enter the ducal house without the formal ‘crossing of borders,’ that’s the literal translation. It’s some kind of ceremony, although I don’t think retainers, like us, are truly introduced to a duke.”

  There was a bit of tense laughter at this comment, which Maggie O’Neill followed up. “I’m not sure we actually exist as individuals to them,” she said.

  A light flared on the ground. It rose and steadily approached them. One light resolved into four, four into the curve of a ship set off against stars and the pale glamour of clouds. Noiselessly, it slowed down, stopped, and drew up along one side of the platform. A hatch opened. Two figures stepped out, followed by a third. Ilyana sidestepped and yanked Anton along beside her. She had never seen Chapalii this close before.

  “Anton, look, the one on the right. That’s Charles Soerensen.”

  “Who?” Anton seemed more interested in Nipper, who was now snoring softly, than in the fantastic events taking place.

  “Shhh! You idiot. The only human who has a place in the Chapalii court. Duke Charles.”

  Ilyana had seen him before, of course, a sandy-haired man of medium height, except there was something oddly unsettling behind his unprepossessing appearance. Ilyana always had a feeling that, like the mythic creature called the basilisk, if he looked at you in the wrong way he would turn you to stone. He was the one person in the whole universe who she suspected her father was scared of.

  The two Chapalii looked alike to her, tall, awkward, and angular, but she supposed that the one who stood next to Duke Charles must be the Chapalii duke. His skin was so pallid that he seemed to reflect back the muted light given off by the platform.

  “Maggie,” said Duke Charles in a low voice. Maggie O’Neill stepped forward and handed Soerensen a rod. He ran a hand down it, as if his fingers were reading something carved into its surface.

  “Tai-en,” he said, speaking in Anglais. “This is the manifest of my retainers, whom I pass into your hands for safekeeping while they sojourn in your lands.” He held out the rod. Duke Naroshi accepted it from him and replied in Chapalii, which Ilyana could not understand.

  And that was that. Duke Charles walked over to Owen and Ginny, the leaders of the Company, and conferred with them briefly while the Chapalii duke waited, oblivious to his new companions. To her left, Ilyana saw her father inching by degrees closer to Duke Naroshi. She opened her mouth to say something, but Duke Charles broke away from Owen and Ginny and headed for the little ship, David ben Unbutu and Maggie O’Neill with him.

  Without thinking, Ilyana tugged Anton along behind her as she followed them. Had she misunderstood? Was M. Unbutu leaving now? It was too awful to contemplate!

  But Duke Charles paused in front of the hatch. “Good luck, David,” he said in a low voice. “You’ll transmit to Maggie once a day if you can manage it, otherwise through the regular communiques. What do you think?”

  M. Unbutu grinned. “I think I’m going to die happy.” He kissed Maggie.

  Duke Charles glanced back over the platform, caught sight of Ilyana, and gave her a brief nod before his gaze swept out, locked, and retreated back in again. “Hell.” Ilyana was shocked to hear his voice shaking. “I’m glad to get off of here. I hate heights.” He crossed over into the ship. Maggie followed him inside.

  The hatch closed. Retreating, M. Unbutu waved at Ilyana to move back with him. The ship sighed away from the platform, banked, and headed up into the sky, which was lightening.

  M. Unbutu smiled kindly at Ilyana and Anton. “Planetrise. I guess it should be some sight.”

  “What’s planetrise?” asked Anton, but Ilyana hushed him and said, “but why did we have to come here, M. Unbutu?” She motioned toward the platform, where they hung in the air.

  “We’re crossing the border, passing from one fiefdom to the other. This place is not quite in one domain or the other.”

  “Oh. This platform is like a crossing place. But where is Duke Charles going now? I didn’t expect to see him here.”

  “Look!” said Anton. Ilyana turned to see her father standing not five paces from Duke Naroshi, who seemed unaware of Vasil’s presence. But Anton was pointing toward the horizon. The smooth line of a luminescent ball nosed up over jagged hills. “Is that the sun?” he asked.

  “No, silly,” said Ilyana. “That’s a planet. Isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” said M. Unbutu. “We’re on one of its moons. One of the few things we know about this system is that this satellite has an erratic orbit around the planet, so I’d guess it’s practically impossible to calculate simple things like sunrise.”

  “Moons don’t have atmosphere,” said Anton stubbornly.

  “Yana!” Valentin sidled over, now carrying Evdi, who stared open-mouthed at the planet rising into the sky. “Look at that, will you!”

  Bronze and ivory-colored bands girdled the planet, swirling together in thick stripes, and by its light Ilyana could see the suggestion of curves and planes on the ground below, the palace taking form as if light itself brought it into being. But the glory of the great planet was its magnificent rings. The rings stretched out as far again on either side as the planet’s diameter, so that the planet and rings together appeared monstrous.

  “Oh, gee,” said Valentin, who was never awed by anything.

  Even their father simply stood and stared, forgetting how close he stood to the Chapalii nobleman. Karolla, sitting, nursed the baby, but she glanced up at intervals to look, she who never truly looked at the khaja world, who had learned to avoid seeing it. The company whispered and exclaimed to each other in a reverent hush. The planet took so long to rise that Evdi fell asleep in Valentin’s arms.

  A sharper light caught and splintered over the horizon, and the sun rose. It was bright, bluish-white, and small, disappointing compared to the huge planet. But the sun and the reflected light of the planet combined to bring dawn.

  Ilyana’s first thought was that the horizon was curved.

  Then she saw the palace.

  First, the sheer size of it, stretching out in a web over the land, curving away from the horizon. A huge river cut through the palace, infested with towers; a nest of towers even grew up from the middle of its confluence with one of its tributaries. Almost directly beneath them a canyon cut deep into the earth, spanned by three gossamer bridges whose arches splintered the new light into rainbows. Domes huddled in the depths.

  Phillippe started to hyperventilate. A spate of wondering talk flooded the group on the platform.

  “Goddess bless us,” said M. Unbutu under his breath.

  Ilyana had not had time to take in everything when an opaque dome coalesced over the platform and the floor sank. Her heart and stomach collided. She thought she was going to fall, but the descent was even and slow and anyway her feet seemed to be stuck to the platform.

  After a long time, they stopped. An arch of silver light appeared in the opaque dome. Duke Naroshi walked out through it. Light flared around him and vanished back into gray. He was gone. The dome moved again, slowed and stopped, and the opaque wall steamed away into nothing.

  They stood in the middle of ruins. The platform sank, melting into the ground until they stood on dirt. Pale crumbled brick walls surrounded them. A squat tower, half fallen in, marked a gateway. Th
rough it, Ilyana saw green. The sky above had a hazy density, and the planet loomed along the horizon. It seemed to have sunk a bit, so that its bottom rim lay hidden behind the jagged mountains. The sun’s light cast weak shadows out from the ruined walls, and a few stars shone faintly. The air still smelled funny, and here in the middle of the dead brick city it carried grit unleavened by filters or plants.

  One Chapalii remained with them. He—Ilyana reminded herself that it had to be a “he” because the females were sequestered—stepped forward and addressed himself to David ben Unbutu in Anglais made odd by his inability to sound a hissed “s.” “I am called Roki. It is my obligation to serve you and these assembled people. This caravansary has entered into decay but another has grown beyond the arch.” He inclined his head, an awkward gesture that looked copied, not natural, and walked away from the group toward the arch.

  “Entered into decay?” muttered Hyacinth. “How old is this palace, anyway?”

  “I’m no antiquary,” said M. Unbutu, “but this was either cleverly constructed to look this way, or else it’s been abandoned for centuries. This kind of erosion doesn’t take place overnight.”

  Anatoly was the first to move. He ran a hand carefully along a waist-high wall, testing it. “I have seen such places in Habakar, old cities and towns lost out in the desert, forgotten by everyone except Father Wind and Mother Sun.”

  Diana glanced at him but said nothing.

  One of the new actors said, “Father Wind and Mother Sun?” and Gwyn Jones told him to be quiet.

  Finally, Yomi picked up her trunk, activated the lifts on the company trunks and boxes, and started the whole mass moving after the Chapalii steward. “Well, what are we waiting for?” she demanded of the others. The trunks and boxes floated about an arm’s length off the ground, locked together in stacks and lines, and she maneuvered them out the still-intact arch and into the green.

  First one, then a second, then a third person gathered together their personal luggage and either hoisted it up onto their hips or back or activated its levitation grids, and followed Yomi. Their breaking away precipitated a flood, so everyone converged on the arch at one time. Ilyana waited patiently for the congestion to sort itself out. She let Anton run ahead with their mother while she hung back, loitering near M. Unbutu, who had evidently decided to bring up the rear. That way she managed to walk beside him as they came out through the arch and caught their first glimpse of the palace from the ground.

  From this angle, everything looked different. Down along an unpaved road stood another square brick caravansary, this one intact. To the left lay fields and a green park in which clumps of animals roamed, and behind the caravansary and to the right loomed a great rose-colored wall, a mass of jade towers with bulbous stems and flowering roofs, and a glass-paned dome that shimmered in sunlight. A tiny gate marked the rose wall, like a stain. Above, in the sky, the ringed planet loomed.

  “That’s odd,” said M. Unbutu, crossing back under the arch. Ilyana followed him. “Look. From inside, you can’t see the towers or the dome, and they’re tall enough that you should be able to.”

  Ilyana gaped. From inside the ruined caravansary, she saw only dunes and a line of craggy mountains etched against a hot blue sky. Even the planet did not show. She walked back out, half expecting to find a different scene outside, as if she were caught in one of Valentin’s guising worlds, but she saw the same landmarks as before. Yomi’s tiny figure, attended by the levitated freight boxes and trunks, crossed under the arch of the other caravansary and disappeared from Ilyana’s view.

  One actor broke away from the road and trotted out to one of the fields, kneeling down to examine a low growth of green plants. “Strawberries!”

  “That’s interesting.” Ignoring the excitement, M. Unbutu keyed a note into his slate. “Yana, you might want to note that there’s a field inside these ruins that affects what we see.”

  “Unless it’s the outside view that’s wrong.”

  “Or some kind of massive refraction… at this point it’s undoubtedly useless to make many conjectures. We take notes. Then, if we see different parts of the palace, we can compare notes on how often this sort of thing occurs. As well as other anomalies.”

  Ilyana simply nodded. She was thrilled to be included, but she wasn’t going to make a fool of herself by saying so out loud. They reached the caravansary in time to hear a bloodcurdling shriek from inside. M. Unbutu broke into a run, and Ilyana raced after him.

  “Look!” one of the young actors was shouting, sounding hysterical. “You expect me to use that?”

  M. Unbutu seemed good at navigating by sound. He found the frenzied actor quickly, in a small chamber by the back gate. She stood in front of a meter-long trough. A shallow stream of water ran down it, spilling into a drain. The Chapalii steward waited by the door. He and the actor looked toward M. Unbutu, who arrived at the same time as Yomi.

  “He says this is the bathroom!” said the actor. “And there’s only one! One bathroom for thirty-eight people!”

  “This is insufficient for your needs?” asked Roki. Ilyana saw an odd shade of color mottling his pale skin. M. Unbutu began to chuckle.

  “How can you laugh?” shrieked the actor. “There isn’t anywhere to bathe, and there’re no mirrors, nothing!”

  “Roki,” said M. Unbutu calmly, “if you will step outside with me, perhaps we can discuss some alterations.”

  “We followed the specifications given to us,” said Roki. His tone had such an odd pitch that Ilyana could detect no emotion in his voice, but colors swirled and faded on his face, and she knew that the Chapalii were sometimes called chameleons by humans because they shifted color according to their mood.

  But outside another controversy swirled, rather like a physical expression of the steward’s consternation.

  “There isn’t any food!”

  “Of course there’s food, you idiot. There are gardens and herds.”

  “Oh, yes. I want to watch Thea butcher one of those sheep.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Now, let’s all calm down—”

  “I thought the Chapalii were supposed to be so damned advanced.”

  “What? You thought the food would just come out of thin air? I don’t think even they’ve managed that level of molecular transformation.”

  “Shut up, Thea. But it’s true, Ginny. We came here expecting that these things would be taken care of. There isn’t any one of us here who knows how to exist in such primitive conditions.”

  Ilyana had never figured out exactly how much Anglais her mother understood.

  “First we must set up my tent,” said Karolla with calm authority. Yomi emerged from the caravansary, M. Unbutu looked around from his conversation with Roki, and slowly a hush fell over the assembly, which had worked itself to quite a pitch.

  “Then we will gather under the awning and I and the elders will decide which men will go to the herds, which women to the gardens, and how the women will divide up the stone chambers which must serve as your tents.”

  To Ilyana’s utter astonishment, they all obeyed her as unquestioningly as if she really was etsana.

  Anatoly dumped his saddle, bridle, and saddlebags on the floor of the chamber which now belonged to his wife. He laid his saber down on top, the crown of his possessions.

  “I don’t understand why you insisted on taking those with you,” said Diana.

  “There are horses out in the park,” Anatoly retorted. “Didn’t you see them?”

  She ignored him. “Help me with the cots.” She had chosen a room without a bed built in. As Anatoly unfolded the cots, he reflected sourly that she had probably chosen it in order to have an excuse to sleep alone: Each cot was meant for a single person.

  Portia came in, poked around the room, then grabbed her box of molding blocks.

  “Where are you going?” Diana asked sharply.

  “Out to the tent. Yana said I could.”

  “Go with her,” said Dian
a to Anatoly without looking at him.

  He frowned, but he grabbed a halter, took Portia’s hand, and went out. She chattered happily as they crossed the caravansary courtyard and under the arch to the outside. Anatoly said “yes” and “no” at intervals, but he wasn’t really listening to her. He was furious with Diana. Yet, stepping out into the open, he felt relieved of pressure. The open sky was refreshing. The sight of a tent set out in the open, where it belonged, acted as balm to his soul. Children played under the awning. Ilyana looked up, seeing them, and waved, then abruptly looked embarrassed and turned her attention back to the little ones. It bothered Anatoly. Girls her age were supposed to act like women, not like boys. Portia pulled out of his grasp and ran over to the tent to plop down beside Evdokia.

  Karolla emerged from the tent, discussing something with Yomi and Ginny and the eldest of the women actors, Seshat. The women nodded, came to some conclusion, and the khaja women left, greeting Anatoly as they passed.

  Karolla caught his eye and, obediently, he walked over to her. They had achieved an understanding early on, nothing codified but rather understood through a shared belief that someone must hold to the ways of the jaran and must teach these ways to the children. Even while Anatoly could not approve of Karolla’s leaving her mother’s tribe, still he valued her adherence to tradition.

  “Walk with me,” she said quietly. They walked out into the park. Anatoly studied the horses, a small herd of seven: four mares, two foals, and a stallion. The lead mare was a handsome creature, big-boned and sturdy and from what little Anatoly had seen of her so far, not one to take any nonsense from the others.

  “My servant will supervise and tutor the younger children now,” began Karolla, “but it is my hope that you will take some interest in Valentin.”

  “I will keep an eye out for him,” agreed Anatoly cautiously.

  She cleared her throat. “There is one other thing. It is past time for my daughter to celebrate her tsadokhis night. Because she is a daughter of the Arkhanov line, it would be appropriate for a prince of the Sakhalin tribe to be her first lover.”


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